1280×800× (259182 bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Bildschirmfoto Mozilla Firefox 3.0.11 mit diversen Add-ons, OS: Ubuntu 9.04 |Quelle = eigenes Bild...
original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikibooks. 2006-06-24 12:59 Samsoncity 1275×1650× (1017604 bytes) English porya.png...
Firefox: File:Cell migration.png: This work* is free software; it is licensed under Mozilla's MPL / GPL / LGPL tri-license. You may select the license...
English Mozilla Firefox main window translated in Interlingua Spanish Ventana principal de Mozilla Firefox en Interlingua Interlingua Fenestra del navigator...
Mozilla Firefox extensions dialog, self-made screenshot This work* is free software; it is licensed under Mozilla's MPL / GPL / LGPL tri-license. You...
English Mozilla Firefox main window and "About" box translated in Interlingua Spanish Ventana principal y cuadro "Acerca" de Mozilla Firefox, traducido...
English "About Mozilla Firefox" dialog box translated in Interlingua Spanish Cuadro de diálogo "Acerca de Mozilla Firefox" en Interlingua Interlingua Fenestra...
in newest version of Firefox 3 2007-12-31 17:03 Stephenchou0722 1136×444×8 (46142 bytes) This is a screenshot of the Firefox 3 Beta 2 location bar in...
în Mozilla Firefox 2 in română, versiune beta. Oricine poate modifica acest fişier. 2007-03-21 15:57 Moldovanu Radu 1280×998× (265689 bytes) Firefox cu...
bytes) -> Firefox Cookie Manager (Firefox adds Search functionality, organizes cookies by domain, and is now more common than good ole' Mozilla) 2005-11-28...