Eleutherosmartin 1536×1330× (751281 bytes) {{Information |Description=Nanga Parbat East Buttress |Source=self-made |Date= |Location= |Author=Daniel Martin...
Bazhin Glacier 1750 1566 78 47 3000 3000 Nanga Parbat main summit 1332 1637 402 59 3000 3000 Manzeno Ridge 1801 1355 129 102 3000 3000 Silver Plateau...
Summit English German Der obere Teil der Rakhiot-Flanke (Nordwand) des Nanga Parbat. Links der Silberzacken und das Silberplateau (das große Schneefeld)...
extracted image: Tibetan chorten art, Round Kangchenjunga; a narrative of mountain travel and exploration (IA roundkangchenjun00fresrich) (page 1 crop).jpg....
DescriptionChongra Ridge.jpg English: Nanga Parbat from south east. Main Summit on the left, Rakhiot Peak in the centre Deutsch: Der Nanga Parbat (links) von...