DescriptionPentagram-circle-interlaced.svg Ornamental interlaced pentagram and circle (topologically equivalent to File:Pentagonal-knot.svg). Date 2009...
English Pentagram with interlaced lines, diagonal line from top to bottom crosses over the horizontal on the right side. has pattern: interlaced handedness:...
English Pentagram with interlaced lines, diagonal line from top to bottom crosses over the horizontal on the left side. has pattern: interlaced handedness:...
DescriptionPentagram-of-circles.svg Ornamental interlaced pentagram design consisting exclusively of intersecting circular arcs. For similar, see...
Author Malcolm Lidbury (aka Pinkpasty) Other versions partially derived from public domain Wikimedia Commons image File:Pentagram-circle-interlaced.svg...
DescriptionPentagonal-knot.svg Ornamental pentagonal knot, topologically equivalent to File:Pentagram-circle-interlaced.svg . For a unicursal pentagonal...
DescriptionFour-circles-Solomons-knot.svg Ornamental interlaced "Solomon's knot" design made solely from circular arcs belonging to four circles whose centers...
DescriptionFlag of Morocco (large stroke).svg English: Flag of Morocco with interlaced pentagram. Moroccan royal decree (23 November 2005), BO-5378-ar...