English Main building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047002|2=b}} German Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string: Leonhard...
English Main building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047002|2=b}} German Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string: Leonhard...
English Main building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047002|2=b}} German Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string: Leonhard...
English Main building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047002|2=b}} German Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string: Leonhard...
English Main building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047002|2=b}} German Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string: Leonhard...
building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047012|2=b}} German Haupthalle im Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string:...
building of the Stockholm central station. {{BBR|1=21420000047012|2=b}} German Haupthalle im Hauptgebäude des Hauptbahnhofs Stockholm. author name string:...