File:Thailand road sign บ-32-90.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file when not inferior. File:Thai road sign R-32...
on average, nearly 90% of their foreign funding or assistance from the United States.13 In December 2003, President Bush signed P.L. 108-188 into law...
Hollanders. 88 Chap. XVII. The paffage by Sea from Ormus to Maflipatan. 90 Chap. XVIII. The Road from Maflipatan to Gondicot, a City and Garrifon in the Province...
Tsong-Li (13) Sien-Seng (14) Sien-Hong (15) : * The five priests O-tek-te, Png-tai-ang, Chhoa tek-tiong, Ma-Chiauhin and Li-sek-khai, who escaped from the...