Pastoral letter of the Right Rev. John Joseph Lynch, Bishop of Toronto to the clergy and laity of the Diocese promulgating the jubilee [microform] : together...
s_and_bishops_of_the_United_States_assembled_in_conference_at_the_Catholic_University_of_America,_September,_1919_(IA_letterpastoralof00gibbrich).pdf... IA contributor: Oberlin College Library...
1038748666 Source Internet Archive identifier: addressincommemo00willa
English The Athanasian Creed: a plea for its disuse in the public worship of the national church by Lake, John W. (1875)...
1038779824 Source Internet Archive identifier: addressincommemo00will
that contain more metadata about the original images and the derived formats (OCR results, PDF etc.). See also the <a href="
English On this and the other world by Newman, Francis William [1805-1897.] (1875)...
PD-1923Public domain in the United States//;_(IA_frenchrevolution01sloa).pdf...