W3C-unspecified plot was created with Gnuplot. set terminal svg dashed size 800,500 set output 'time-saving-bias.svg' set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen...
{name: "Time–saving bias" ,article: "Time-saving_bias"}, {name: "Pro–innovation bias" ,article: "Pro-innovation_bias"}, {name: "Projection bias" ,article:...
Kazanma Yanlılığı" ,article: "Time-saving_bias"}, {name: "İnovasyon Destekçisi Yanlılığı" ,article: "Pro-innovation_bias"}, {name: "Yansıtma Yanlılığı"...
the Mahommedans. Su/mlur. A native officer, holding the rank of captain. Svg*. Dogs. A. term o f contempt. Sungah. Breast work. Fortification.-;. Surda...
refinement, oins N1, further line with tha inclusive bins time time tha of labeled bias through N1-7, N2-1 through N2-3 and N3-1 respectively. which...
may have come from the JPEG format, from saving a single colorful image as GIF instead of PNG or from saving an animated GIF using the incorrect settings...