English 864x1024 picture of Tux (available at File:Tux.svg) converted to PPM binary format using ffmpeg, AES-256-ECB encrypted with the SHA-256 of "Wikipedia"...
of Tux encrypted using the Electronic CodeBook method Russian Изображение пингвина Tux, зашифрованное в режиме простой замены Spanish Imagen de Tux cifrada...
DescriptionTux ecb.jpg Español: Imagen de Tux cifrada por método ECB English: Image of Tux encrypted using the ECB method. Date 20 May 2006 Source Own...
DescriptionThe ECB Penguin.png English: The "Tux" Linux mascot, encrypted with a block cipher in ECB mode. Date 10 November 2013 Source https://words...