Askaris after German foreign troops in Africa) at the Umschlagplatz during Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Polski: SS-Brigadeführer oraz Generalmajor Waffen-SS...
544 191 77 99 800 526 Jürgen Stroop English...
58 1895 1307 English: Ghetto wall Polski: Mur getta 950 16 407 337 1895 1307 Nowolipie 61 518 329 323 64 1895 1307 English: Ghetto gate at the intersection...
1868 19 984 656 3000 1961 Nowolipie 63 654 918 530 412 3000 1961 English: Ghetto gate at the intersection of Nowolipie and Smocza Streets. Polski: Brama...
English: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Captured Jews are searched for weapons and interrogated beside the ghetto wall before being sent to the Umschlagplatz Depicted...
przeładunkowy" Description English: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising- Jews captured during the Warsaw ghetto uprising are marched to the Umschlagplatz for deportation. Depicted...
captured by the SS during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising march to the Umschlagplatz for deportation to Treblinka. Depicted place Polski:...
suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising are led by the SS to the Umschlagplatz for deportation. Polski: Aresztowani Żydzi w drodze na Umschlagplatz (plac załadunku)...
vom Mai 1943. English: Stroop Report: a report written by Jürgen Stroop for Heinrich Himmler about liquidation of Warsaw Ghetto in May 1943. Polski:...
English: Jews enter Umschlagplatz prior to deportation during Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Depicted place Przypuszczalnie Umschlagplatz przy bramie obok budynku...