DescriptionWiktionary-logo-tr-4.svg Türkçe Vikisözlük yeni tasarlanmış olan logo./Other Logo of the Wiktionary in Turkish Date 02.01.2008 Source Srhat...
fedorovitch.jpg: Ludwig Christinec (PD-old-100) File:Bicycle diagram2-fr.svg: Al2 (French translation by Berrucommons) (cc-by-sa-3.0) File:Bacchetta high...
(English) native label: Trắc (Vietnamese) exact match: literal translation: Trac (English)...
File:Wiktionary-logo-tr-3.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file when not inferior. File:Wiktionary-logo-tr-4.png...
File:Wikipedia_svg_logo-fr_v1.9.svg, File:ENC 1-NA5 600px.jpeg, File:CC-logo.svg, File:Cc-by_new_white.svg, File:Cc-nc_white.svg, File:Cc-nd_white.svg, File:Cc-sa_white...
4 outreach.wikipedia 4 id.wikipedia 4 fi.wikipedia 4 bg.wikipedia 4 la.wikipedia 4 el.wikipedia 4 scn.wikipedia 4 hu.wikipedia 4 tr.wikipedia...