憶漫庵賸稿 ( ) Author (清)余集撰 Title 憶漫庵賸稿 Description 原書有些字跡不清、有些頁殘 Language Chinese Source Internet Archive identifier: 02103540.cn...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
庵瘠嫌白石玉環飛燕間 豐約兩調適益信鈍伯之蘭高於流輩 【張大臼口佚其名家支川l巴講生善畫馬有子昂遺任《見支溪小志) 鬥錢希伸必字甫嘉號補庵寫竹師雪坡蕭蕭數筆有淡遠之致其弟亦善蘭竹 n袁溥】字一諒號益園工人物花鳥兼傳神西亭入室弟子素風僧息影齋集題一源遺照云落落晨 星朋友少三年不見此髯翁漫從幻影尋一言笑君在圖中我夢中...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
念飄零何處煙水相聞欲夢故人憔悴依稀只隔楚山雲無非怨花傷柳一樣怕黃昏調寄滿医芳留別 無瑕訶史我聞居士鈴如是朱文小印 玉基 畫史 借閑漫士曰柳如基本姓楊名愛礎澤歸家院妓柳其寓姓也見瓠賸影憐蓋是其字柳所畫月隄煙柳 為紅豆山莊八景之一舊藏孫古雯均所郭頻伽牌有詩 玉毫 蓋史...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...