桃溪客語(一) ( ) Author (清)吳騫撰 Title 桃溪客語(一) Description 原書有些字跡不清、有些頁殘 Language Chinese Source Internet Archive identifier: 02096005.cn...
桃溪客語(一) ( ) Author (清)吳騫撰 Title 桃溪客語(一) Description 中國;古代;雜家類 Language 中文 Source 大学数字图书馆国际合作计划 编号:02096005 institution QS:P195,Q16952...
桃溪客語(二) ( ) Author (清)吳騫撰 Title 桃溪客語(二) Description 原書有些字跡不清、有些頁殘 Language Chinese Source Internet Archive identifier: 02096006.cn...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
積夕據民國二十一一年調查統計/\約為五八)五五九畝夕茲將主要產茶地點;按其區域列舉於下(參看附圖五必: 《甲)第三區石岑,霞塘f\瑤溪夕萬安等處。 (乙)第二區呈田;凹上P\方口f\藏溪,高視r\桃梅,草市,臨溪等處。 (丙)第三區千金坦,龍灣,大阜)小早)五城)梅田,下溪口,小賀,桃林)桃村,月潭,長于等處。...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...