Yan Zhitui: Q5359121 Author (北齊)顏之推撰 Title 颜氏家訓(三) Object type family precept Description 原書有些字跡不清、有些頁殘 Language Chinese Source Internet Archive...
Yan Zhitui: Q5359121 Author 颜之推 Title 顏氏家訓 Publisher 新光书局·成都 Object type family precept Language Chinese Publication date 1946-09(民国三十五年) Source...
Yan Zhitui: Q5359121 Author (北齐) 颜之推(撰);赵曦明;卢文弨 Title 顏氏家訓 Publisher 商务印书馆·长沙 Object type family precept Description 附传,补遗,补正 Language Chinese Publication...
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This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
This file is in DjVu, a computer file format designed primarily to store scanned documents. You may view this DjVu file here online. If the document is...
武夫Rlj惯替弓瓜文士划礴我握氰多兑士大夫助涉庚春羞胳工你射则不能穿梅肇划按祀姓氛 输﹃钟躺此馋毗以郡魏酶熬毅黔ha酬之、、醉溉忽忽、一。?此消。?此。气或因家 颜成家铆卷三 四 九 ︹捕︺︹漠 害王莽 ︹铺口上降掌切傅强 悬切弧姗如字韶稿藉 占卜.己、*匕‘吐,卜‘百盈勺旧﹄山﹄-.k自 ﹄名硕丫J七h\’经一叭别11...
將則為梟也(圖四》惟改擲采行棋為依步法行棋耳各棋之步怯當亦由古代博棋及 周武象戲轉變而來非寶應時代之創作也 圖四。寶應象戲與博棋之對照 或謂依顏氏家訓所言則大博小博在北齊時已無曉者寶應象戲何以能沿用博戲 之扶蓋大博小博與寶應象戲其中阴尚有一過渡之事物則漢代之格五是也漢書吾邱...
(清)吳昌南撰 《慎思記》一卷訟過記一卷 (清)呂存德撰 子部·儒家類·禮教之屬 《承華事略》一卷 (元)王惲撰 《聖祖仁皇帝庭訓格言》一卷 清世宗述 《顏氏家訓斠記》一卷 (清)郝懿行撰 《家範》十卷 (宋)司馬光撰 《石林家訓》一卷 (宋)葉夢得撰 《石林治生家訓要略》一卷 (宋)葉夢得撰 《家訓》一卷...