DescriptionCOMFORT Ad.gif 日本語: 慰安婦募集の新聞広告。 English: Newspaper advertisements for recruitement of comfort women for the Japanese Imperial Army. Date 1944...
moderately straight R & G No. 397 of 1898. The 397 was, and ism the corset of comfort with the essence of style. It is straight enough for the prevailing vogue...
your care, nor fatherly comfort Appeafe the ftormie combats of my thoughts, Such is the fweet remembrance of his life. Gif. : Then geue me leaue...
(off-handedly) die concessions as Cohen. to Gene (indignantly) ladore Ra- gif in, mit a ver small I —you your names my vould rather I marry a Hebrew...
Four letters of comforts for the deaths of the Earle of Hadingtoun and of the Lord Boyd. 1640 ( ) Author Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653 S. J J. S Title...
hald no udir flour in fie denty As the frefche ROSE, of cullor reid and For gif thou dois, hurt is thyne honefty quliyt? ; Confiddering that no flour...
vndo zow F. ^19. Thy. : M And io • J M A E S I. And gif ze will gif me richt nocht, The meikill deuill gang with zow, Quod Of Ba 225...
Courage and Ingyne, Houfe abyde. gif thay will unto thy Luft inclyne. XVIII. Gif 4° and Vertue Vyce. XVIII. GiF thou defyres into the Seis to...
Subftance aft feims fweit, Land-men that with leud Bird Lyme are lyttit. Gif thou perfave fum Senzior Solift them Hurt not it has fmittit, faftly...