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In Geologic timescale 2012 (eds F Gradstein, J Ogg, G Ogg), pp. 427–449. Boston, MA: Elsevier. Germs GJB. 1983 Implications of a sedimentary facies and...
Roth germ, III. !>2. fcon. - Schk. i. #. Sftinn (i. Spr. Jhd. Hl. 81. t. fcist.212./. 3. Lo6eI. In Styriao 2. ie. /'. 18. Cnaicr. epit. OGG. C7us...
N EW S, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1918 Dr. J essie A. R u ssell has been ap- MR OGG W ILL HANDLE SPEA K BOXING WITH GUNS in the trenches and was w ounded at...
place . The ruling cla sses of Poland labouring under t hi s mortal f"ar and ogg" d on by th o Alli : s are Iikel}' atany moment to throw themselves desperately...
rs. S iste r A nne F a n s e t, F in a n c ia l Sec Mr. an d M rs. T. D. Ogg, c o rn e r of A r (Special Service to Glendale Evening N ew s) $6,660,000...
and thus to increase prices. And that's why a preponderance of low-grade oggs has just the opposite effect. "Fortunately, the quality of eggs in the United...
NIVELLE’S MEN TIGHTEN THEIR GRASP g in eer re p o rtin g th e to ta l of fr o n t T. D. Ogg, c h a irm a n of th e e n te r'o th e r tro u b le s g et a g re...
-Col. Crahamstown. Dr. E. J. Prof. A. Prof. STANLEY KIDD, ALEXANDER OGG, M.Sc, M.A. M.A., B.Sc, Ph.D. WM. ROBERTSON, M.R.C.Y.S,, F.R.S.E. A...
th e night in City, eighteen m iles distant from the V. H ogue, Thos. D. Ogg and Mrs. (Special Service to Glendale E vening N ew s) lake, w hence they...