1,659 × 1,052 pixels, file size: 458 KB. 530 × 339 pixels, file size: 40 KB. Urania Calliope English...
1659 1052 File:Calliope.jpg Detail (Calliope) 859 622 54 87 1659 1052 Odyssey 83 174 581 399 1659 1052 File:Urania.jpg Detail (Urania) 33 566 479 436...
English Calliope, Muse of epic poetry Dutch Kalliope, de muze van het heroïsch epos, de filosofie en de retorica determination method or standard: SHA-1...
The Muses Urania and Calliope Artist Title The Muses Urania and Calliope title QS:P1476,en:"The Muses Urania and Calliope " label QS:Len,"The Muses...
The Muses Urania and Calliope, c. 1634, óleo sobre tela de Simon Vouet França, 1590 - 1649 English: Low resolution detail of the muse Urania from The...