DescriptionSimpleGiftsOldGuardFife.ogg English: "Simple Gifts" from the U.S. Army Fife and Drum Corps' album "Celebrating 50 Years" Source Transferred...
Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps - 15 - Simple GiftsSimple InterludeStorm in the Valley from the Simple Gifts Show.ogg English: Simple Gifts/Simple Interlude/Storm...
Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps - 16 - Drum Feature Generations from the Simple Gifts Show.ogg English: Drum Feature: Generations from the Simple Gifts...
James Oswald, Esq., Shieldhall. Rev. H. Oakley, London House. XXXV Edward Ogg, Esq. Ambrose Obicini, Esq., Coleman Street. J. H. Ohsly, Esq., Great St...
Snowden. ayly, Richard B erryman, Henry Walters. . enson, Capt. S. W.. oggs. David C onham. Samuel owie, Capt. Robert T. owman, Joseph H oyd...
addition, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by terms of gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights...
allard, Capt. . N 267 B erryman, Henry Walters. enson, Capt. S. W.. oggs. David C onham. Samuel 111 owie, Capt. Robert T. oyd, Robert ozeman,...