Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Contemplation, Study for "Contemplative Spirit of the East," Lunette in East Grand Staircase, Minnesota State...
Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Law, Nude Study for "Contemplative Spirit of the East," Lunette in East Grand Staircase, Minnesota State Capitol...
English Scale Drawing for the Contemplative Spirit of the East, Minnesota State Capitol...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Study for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (3rd or final version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Study for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (2nd or alternate version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Study for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (1st version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol, St...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Study of Figure of Law for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (1st version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol...
Design Museum. Drawing, Study of Figure of Justice for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (1st version), Mural in the Minnesota State...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Study for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (3rd or final version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol...
Smithsonian Design Museum. Drawing, Preliminary Sketch for Lunette, "Justice Enthroned Between Law and Order" (1st version), Mural in the Minnesota State Capitol...