DescriptionSv-smal.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "smal" in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 12 July 2007 Source The Shtooka...
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half, lengthwise, Arrange asparagus ti>ps ip s^^rving pt\n, q^dd layer of oggs, and- then Sauce, Heat in oven' to bring 'to serving tempo nature , Serve...
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Deplorable Condition of German Coal-Miners GENERAL MINING : News: ogg |OFC dies out in it ; but there is no seam to give a sharp separation.” ...
magistrate autho ized illness, it to disgracedilly wife withrly ইচৰ এ" ogg O° a mt or other public officer 040,16৮ by the mers of the Emp re to...
Black Cap — Canes very strong ; very hardy, and a profuse bearer. GrOgg — Of excellent quality, very productive, very large berLate. ries. —...
Bini a sv edienciecncwetsetisncecasees War Trade Manual for Shippers...................000Boston Paper Firm Sends Out Unusual Calendar........ OGG) SRN...
r was struck i n the face 1,ith n c1cck bolt , lit s flip;!'1 t deck r; ogg l es preven t N~ serious he;id and ey0 i n i ury. T'·lis w::• s t:1c seconc'...
did believe -and th e tw o H ouses o f P a rlia m e n t, W . A dam . C. H ogg. s u re , and preaen lin g a t every ste p the ex act we w ere ooly g iv...