10 Results found for "Appendix:Gestures/".


has an article on: List of gestures Wikipedia Wikimedia Commons has related media at: Category:Hand gestures The gestures below are meaningful expressions...

Appendix:Gestures/tip over king

position. [tip over king] (chess) Indicates resignation from the game; this gesture is used to allow the opponent to win. Appendix:Gestures/handshake offer...

Appendix:Gestures/praying hands

pointing upwards. [praying hands] A gesture that is associated with prayer. (Japan) thank you, please 🙏 Appendix:Gestures/namaste Prayer on Wikipedia.Wikipedia...

Appendix:Gestures/raised-hands worship

palms facing forward. [raised hands] A gesture that is associated with celebration or worship. 🙌 Appendix:Gestures/hands up Raising hands on Wikipedia.Wikipedia...


Mimics a finger or phallus entering an orifice such as an anus, mouth or vagina. Appendix:Gestures/vulva sign Appendix:Gestures/v-sign around tongue...


greeting contexts—but the history of gestures is too ephemeral for their being plotted in all their contexts. This gesture requires at least two people: The...


"namaskar" for formality. In Bangladesh and parts of South Asia, "pranam" is also used. 🙏 Appendix:Gestures/praying hands ^ National Museum of India...

Appendix:Gestures/tap table

Tap the poker table, usually once or twice. [tap table] (poker) Indicates checking. Appendix:Gestures/give cards to dealer...


finger. Have the palm face the viewer. This is the same as the Appendix:Gestures/V-sign. [two] The number two. 1941, The Nifty Nineties [Mickey buys two...


This gesture is based on the action of touching one's uvula to force vomit. Open your mouth, and put your tongue out. Point the index finger at your uvula...