There is no difference. However, on online internet games, such as WOW (World of Warcraft), gamers' made up a an informal 'language' called 1337, meaning leet (elite). They describe people who are new to games as 'noobs' or 'newbs' etc, these words are shortened versions for the word 'newbie' or alternatives to words such as rookie, novice or even beginner. a newbie is someone who is new to the game at hand and is not familiar with the fundamentals and posessing little competence to the activity, so therefore will end up making bad decisions and losing. These words aren't only used in online games, they can be used to describe any rookie in any such activity. Usually these words are used in a derogatory sense, but are sometimes just used to justify the rookie's position, with no derisive intent.
There may be no difference between the words 'noob' and 'newb' but there is usually a preferability, which is that some people may prefer the latter of the two, some may not - there is no difference or justification. — This comment was unsigned.
ヌーブ and 新参 is Japanese term of noob. Thanks.--Elfmd 19:21, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
I have seen, and live by, a definition of 'noob' that I do not see in this article. This definition is: One who is not new, but perpetually acts new, refusing to learn any 'lessons', hard-earned or otherwise, with regards to a concept, idea, or game.
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I've spent a great deal of time looking for scholarly sources on this word. The fact is, scholars of words simply don't seem to have the correct definition down here. In the world of academe, it seems accepted that "noob" is synonymous with newb. However, spend a few weeks online in a chat community of any sort, or in an MMORPG, and you'll discover there are two very different definitions for "noob" that seem to be more widely accepted among non-scholars (you'll find evidence for this by looking at talk:noob, too.
As I stated above, I've searched several times for extended hours for journal articles about this, but scholars all point to the "synonym of newbie", a definition that's tragically mistaken and widely popularized in academe.
Just because anti social geeks us the "word" in a certain context, doesn't mean that the term would have to have this meaning in all contexts. Noob was used as a term long before any online games existed, and it was always a smartass (and retarded) young persons version of newbie, but it also showed that the person who used that word was a newbie himself who tried to sound smart, IE like a person who uses ebonics and the like, to sound hip.