10 Results found for "en/flags/flags/sv".

yellow flag

see yellow,‎ flag. colours of flags beige flag black flag blue flag chequered flag green flag pink flag red flag white flag yellow flag   Iris pseudacorus...


the n-polytope P is chiral if it has two orbits of flags under its group Γ(P), with adjacent flags in different orbits. (mathematics, linear algebra)...

rainbow flag

rainbow flag (plural rainbow flags) A rainbow-striped flag, typically consisting of six horizontal bars (from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green...


flagbearer, flag bearer From flag +‎ bearer. flag-bearer (plural flag-bearers) One who carries a flag, especially at a ceremony. Synonyms: flag carrier,...


one or more flags may be raised and flown. flagstaff run something up the flagpole send it up the flagpole and see who salutes pole for flags flagpole (third-person...


holding a tricolour, shouted. red, white and blue (American or British flags) A flag with three stripes of different colours tricolour (not comparable) Having...


Wikipedia standard-bearer (plural standard-bearers) A person who carries a flag or banner (a standard). The standard-bearer in battle is in the center of...


(British spelling) A flag with such colours, consisting of two stripes that are either vertical or horizontal. The national flags of Algeria, Bahrain,...

golf course

courses) (golf) The land where one plays golf, with tees, fairways, greens and flags in holes. the land where one plays golf driving range putting green...


The national flag of Denmark, featuring a white Nordic cross atop a red background; is said to be the oldest continuously used national flag in the world...