DescriptionArabian peninsula, 1909 (cropped).jpg English: Turkey in Asia, 1909 Publication Info: New York: P.F. Collier and Son, 1909; from The New Encyclopedic...
English Russian Турция в Азии, 1909 г. Информация о публикации: Нью-Йорк: П.Ф. Кольер и Сон, 1909; из Нового энциклопедического атласа и географического...
University of Alabama Map Library Author Patten, William and J.E. Homas Other versions Derivative works of this file: Arabian peninsula, 1909 (cropped).jpg...
Count Zeppelin entry in- Odhams' A.B.C. of the great war (IA odhamsabcofgreat00colb) (page 238 crop).jpg...
Maneckjee Lowjee (1720-1792).(page 219 crop).jpg...