DescriptionBigHistMac.gif English: Large version of Image:HistMac.gif as requested in w:WP:FPC. Self made, sat pic from w:NASA w:World Wind. Date 10 November...
118 118 11° 118 H^ 119 119 (Einleitung, Die Etagen üBer ben ^erfaE bei* gif<$eteten ftnb laut in aEen Sänbern, in benen bie SSeüölferung ixä) öerme^rt...
warna ]>u ]>xr J^cct )7ystro blindra j^eaw )7onnc hi |>e leornere gif ])u lilealitrige, hleahtres wene, ]?as gehyrsumodon^ h^esc ForJ^an...
ed vis te. I. 14. sollertiam, meniteav m quin potius. (gl. .i. agi s) gif. 1. 15. in propatulo, on vunge [1. e?vunge, yviinge]. in manifesto. 1...
the magistrates ordained four persons, " to be viseit (inspected), and gif they be fund appears that named so, to A the town to the Hospital at...
the magistrates ordained four persons, " to be viseit (inspected), and gif they be fund the town to the Hospital at the Brigend." 2 more seem The...
gtofercr Untcrfa^ieb al« ctwa jteHfcben unb ber ^cutigen bcr ©praa^c gif(6art« unb- unb berauSgegebenen „Barzaz Breiz 41 (bcutfd; toon teller unb...
Debate Club; Student Council; President E. C. A. ; “What’s the use of ar gif yin?” 16 THE EMERSONIAN MAREE GERTRUDE HILLYER Renova, Pennsylvania ...
Dornavii Amphi- bei SJtabiHon, ©rimm, kutfd^e Vetera 3R^t^Dlügie gif^arts ©efd^id^tflittcrung SBinter au^, im ©ommer an." 'l'-l M\\}\m....
Sagbfiunl) Qehxad)t ^ad) ^ommevtt fam ©arn, unb fd;icfteö fem S^^re gif:: folt fte eiit t^erpflanjt polijeilid)ett fd)Ie:ppen btefer \t)urbe...