English DIMM1 Seeing Monitor. determination method: SHA-1 described at URL: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/Seeing-Monitor-CC URL: https://noirlab...
English DIMM1 Seeing Monitor. determination method: SHA-1 described at URL: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/Seeing-Monitor-CC URL: https://noirlab...
Smarts 0.9-meter Telescope. The structure in the foreground is the DIMM1 Seeing Monitor. determination method or standard: SHA-1 described at URL: https://noirlab...
Tololo in Chile during sunset. In the foreground clockwise are: DIMM1 Seeing Monitor, SMARTS 1.0-meter Telescope, aTmCam, and Chilean Automatic Supernova...
Tololo in Chile during sunset. In the foreground clockwise are: DIMM1 Seeing Monitor, SMARTS 1.0-meter Telescope, aTmCam, and Chilean Automatic Supernova...
Smarts 0.9-meter Telescope. The structure in the foreground is the DIMM1 Seeing Monitor. determination method or standard: SHA-1 described at URL: https://noirlab...
edu/public/images/iotw2414a URL: https://noirlab.edu/public/media/archives/images/large/iotw2414a.jpg determination method: JImagehash perceptual hash...
edu/public/images/iotw2334a URL: https://noirlab.edu/public/media/archives/images/large/iotw2334a.jpg determination method or standard: JImagehash perceptual hash...
can capture the subtleties of light in our night sky.Between the DIMM1 Seeing Monitor and decommissioned CHilean Automatic Supernova sEarch (CHASE) is...
Telescope, the SMARTS 1.0-meter Telescope and the decommissioned DIMM1 Seeing Monitor. Español: La realidad parece cambiar de perspectiva en esta impactante...