Time: unlimited Adrien Douady _ La dynamique du lapin (1996) English Douady Rabbit Julia set with modified binary decomposition URL: https://commons.wikimedia...
Thread: 8 Throttle: 0 Time: unlimited English Douady Rabbit Julia set with modified binary decomposition, only LCM URL: https://commons.wikimedia...
122561166876654 +0.744861766619744*I; // center of period 3 component = Douady rabbit Julia set lambda = 0.0013 - 0.002*I; /* 2D array ranges */ iWidth = iHeight;...
program in c programing language ==================== Rabbits, Basilicas, and Other Julia Sets Wrapped in Sierpinski CarpetsPaul BlanchardRobert L. DevaneyRobert...
c = −0,123 + 0.745i; Quaternion julia set. The "Douady Rabbit" julia set is visible in the cross section Douady rabbit in an exponential family See also :...
target set ( orbit trap) = interior of cirlce with radius AR { turn = c_turn(z); if (turn < t0 || turn > t0+0.5) // modified binary decomposition of target...
122561166876654 +0.744861766619744*I; // center of period 3 component = Douady rabbit Julia set lambda = -0.001; // 0.0013 - 0.002*I; /* 2D array ranges */ iWidth...