with constructions (archive) euro_en.wmf Windows Metafile (WMF) without constructions (archive) constr_en.tif TIFF with constructions (archive) euro_en...
DescriptionEuro-Construction.svg English: A complete construction of the Euro symbol using vector graphics. Construction notes This construction also display...
English Euro symbol German Symbol der Währung Euro: auf blauem Grund ein gelbes €-Symbol....
English Diagram illustrating how to draw a euro symbol author name string: Anthony Atkielski URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/user:Agateller Wikimedia...
English Diagram illustrating how to draw a euro symbol determination method: SHA-1...
File:Euro Construction.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this JPG file when not inferior. File:EuroConstLarge.jpg → File:Euro...
File:Euro Construction.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this JPG file when not inferior. File:EuroConstLargepl.jpg →...
l’Histoire de Wikipédia avec comme support une impressionnante infographie SVG incluant une frise temporelle sur laquelle les différents évènements ayant...
SRL SEDACAR SRL SCUMI IMPEX SRL SAWARBINA IMPEX SRL SACHS NET SRL S.V.G. MOB SRL Jud. Brașov, Mun. Brașov, Fundătura Hărmanului, Nr. 1, cam. 1...