años 500 y 1800$^{\text{\tiny{*}}}$}, title style={font=\large\bfseries, align=center} ] \addplot +[fill=RYB1, draw=RYB1!50!black] table [y=Books] {\datatable};...
ylabel=Number\\ of Copies, ylabel style={rotate=-90, align=left, anchor=east, xshift=-5ex, name=ylabel}, title={European Output of Printed Books ca. 1450--1800$^{\text{\tiny{*}}}$}...
ylabel=Number\\ of Copies, ylabel style={rotate=-90, align=left, anchor=east, xshift=-4ex, name=ylabel}, title={European Output of Manuscripts 500--1500$^{\text{\tiny{*}}}$}...
Buchproduktion 500--1800$^{\text{\tiny{*}}}$}, title style={font=\large\bfseries, align=center} ] \addplot +[fill=RYB1, draw=RYB1!50!black] table [y=Books] {\datatable};...
1450--1800$^{\text{\tiny{*}}}$}, title style={font=\large\bfseries, align=center,yshift=1ex} ] \addplot +[fill=RYB1, draw=RYB1!50!black] table [y=Books] {\datatable};...
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \pgfplotstableread{ Century Manuscripts Books 6 13552 nan 7 10639 nan 8 43702 nan 9 201742 nan 10 135637 nan 11 212030...
situation of this work is theoretically uncertain, because in the country of origin copyright lasts 70 years after the death of the author, and the date of the...