History of Sir William Wallace the renowned Scottish champion (2) ( ) Title History of Sir William Wallace the renowned Scottish champion (2) Description...
The life of Sir William Wallace, the governor general of Scotland ( ) Author Donaldson, Peter. [from old catalog] Title The life of Sir William Wallace...
Sir William Wallace : his life and deeds ( ) Author Henry, the Minstrel, fl. 1470-1492 Walker, Thomas, of Glasgow? Title Sir William Wallace : his...
be used for sound recordings.PD-1923Public domain in the United States//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bonnie_Scotland_(IA_bonniescotland00lipp).pdf...
The Poetical Works, in 10 Vols., (Vol. IV) Sir Tristrem ( ) Author Scott, Walter Title The Poetical Works, in 10 Vols., (Vol. IV) Sir Tristrem Publisher...
The Jacobite episode in Scottish history and its relative literature; an essay ( ) Author Willmott-Dixon, Willmott, 1843- Robertson, J. Logie (James...
Scottish chapbook literature ( ) Author Harvey, William, 1874-1936 Title Scottish chapbook literature Publisher Paisley : A. Gardner Description Subjects:...
The Scottish chiefs, a romance ( ) Author Porter, Jane, 1776-1850 Title The Scottish chiefs, a romance Publisher London : Printed for Longman, Hurst...
recordings.PD-1923Public domain in the United States//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scotland%27s_influence_on_civilization_(IA_scotlandsinfluen00hals).pdf...
Memoirs of the most renowned James Graham ( ) Author Wishart, George, bp. of Edinburgh, 1599-1671 Title Memoirs of the most renowned James Graham Publisher...