2510 2180 3436 5050 English: Iduna pallida elaeica (Subspecies of Eastern Olivaceous Warbler) Français : Iduna pallida elaeica (Sous-espèce de Hypolaïs pâle)...
DescriptionIduna pallida elaeica 1849.jpg English: Hippolais elaica = Iduna pallida elaeica (Subspecies of Eastern Olivaceous Warbler) Français : Hippolais...
palustris the beak is longer and more pronounced. depressed, like that of S. elaeica from which, perhaps, it may be made the type of a distinct genus." Bonaparte...
This file has been extracted from another file : Iduna pallida elaeica & Hippolais olivetorum 1849.jpg...
record InfoField Preserved specimen Scientific name InfoField Hippolais pallida elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843) Catalog number InfoField RMNH.AVES.29144 Collection...
record InfoField Preserved specimen Scientific name InfoField Hippolais pallida elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843) Catalog number InfoField RMNH.AVES.29139 Collection...
record InfoField Preserved specimen Scientific name InfoField Hippolais pallida elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843) Catalog number InfoField RMNH.AVES.136906 Collection...
record InfoField Preserved specimen Scientific name InfoField Hippolais pallida elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843) Catalog number InfoField RMNH.AVES.29138 Collection...
record InfoField Preserved specimen Scientific name InfoField Hippolais pallida elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843) Catalog number InfoField RMNH.AVES.136904 Collection...