DescriptionInformation Network Security Agency.jpg English: INSA logo Date undisclosed Source [1] Author INSA (Information Network Security Agency) Permission...
Malware mimics for network security assessment ( ) Author Salevski, Paul M. Taff, William R. Title Malware mimics for network security assessment Publisher...
understanding of network security professionals. This thesis' objective is to enhance these applications by developing NTAV3D, or, Network Topology and Attack...
are unable to provide performance information to the network's performance monitor because they are not Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) enabled...
networking by touch in collaborative planning and tactical environments ( ) Author Strickland, James A. Title Military application of networking by...
can be reduced. The information tags can be sent throughout the network, reducing the amount of traffic to share the information. But, once the content...
Description Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) is a theory of war in the information age that hypothesizes that forces, which exploit networked conditions better...
hackers to make logical password guesses, decreasing the security of PGA. Previous work on PGA security used a proprietary brute-force algorithm to guess passwords...
same data is shipped immediately back to the control ship via a wireless network and displayed on a laptop computer to allow the mission commander to monitor...
Reconnaissance (ISR); operating littoral ASW; providing communication networks; and supporting tactical oceanography. Subjects: Underwater Glider; Optimal...