archive copy at the Wayback Machine. It was taken by Tim (firegork) G., his discription description: My hunting dog. Its a Labrador Retriever. English...
2015-07-20, DD 16-18 HDR.JPG: Diego Delso (cc-by-sa) File:Black-headed weaver (Ploceus cucullatus bohndorffi) male nest building.jpg: Charlesjsharp (cc-by-sa-4...
2015-07-20, DD 16-18 HDR.JPG: Diego Delso (cc-by-sa) File:Black-headed weaver (Ploceus cucullatus bohndorffi) male nest building.jpg: Charlesjsharp (cc-by-sa-4...
jpg: NASA (PD-USGov-NASA) File:Municipal Market of São Paulo city.jpg: The Photographer (cc-by-sa-4.0) File:Sutyagin_house_3.JPG: Sk (PD) File:Black-headed...