DescriptionLocation ConfederaciónPerú-Bolivia.png English: Location map of Peru-Bolivian Confederacy. Español: Ubicación de la Confederación Perú-Boliviana...
Ubicación de la Confederación Perú-Boliviana. Location map of Peru-Bolivian Confederacy. I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under...
Confederation Date 12 October 2006 Source Based on Image:Location ConfederaciónPerú-Bolivia.png Author Messhernnit Permission (Reusing this file) I, the copyright...
Confederation Date 12 October 2006 Source Based on Image:Location ConfederaciónPerú-Bolivia.png Author Domino theory Permission (Reusing this file) I, the copyright...
DescriptionLocationSouthPeru.png Location map of the South Peru within the Peru-Bolivian Confederation Date 12 October 2006 Source Based on Image:Location...
DescriptionLocationNorthPeru.png Location map of the North Peru within the Peru-Bolivian Confederation Date 12 October 2006 Source Based on Image:Location...