DescriptionLower wisdom tooth.png Русский: Нижний моляр Date 31 August 2011 Source File:Lower wisdom tooth.jpg Author Gleam Ain92...
DescriptionTooth template.svg Русский: Иконка для статей-заготовок о стоматологии Date 31 August 2011 Source File:Lower wisdom tooth.png <= File:Lower wisdom tooth...
DescriptionWisdom Tooth (PSF).png English: The third molar that is the last tooth to erupt on each side of the upper and lower jaws in humans Date 12...
THURSDAY, JUNE 19,1924 LOOKS TO FIXED minimum for WAGES OF BOYS from png* 1.1 ray excess*,* ligure» Cor Ua eastern îU*.,1e"- Hdw w“ « possible to...
exhorting you to greater efforts and wishing you every success in your studies. Png Kin Thye Lim Hong Thou Chairman, School Advisory Committee. Wilson Sung...
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the Premier exactly as a public judgment But how different is enough to -png-i of the Corn Laws looks upon his substitute in the militia. But ^© language...
hospital near here. In fection which set In after the ex traction of a wisdom tooth about two weeks ago is responsible for her condition, according to at...
DescriptionLower mandibular third molar impaction pericoronitis diagram.jpg English: Diagram showing mesio-impacted mandibular third molar tooth, with associated...