DescriptionNational Assembly (South Africa) seats 2009.svg English: Seats by party in the National Assembly of South Africa after the 2009 general election...
DescriptionSeat breakdown of the National Assembly of South Africa after 2009 elections.svg English: Seats per party in the National Assembly of South Africa. Date...
DescriptionSouth African National Assembly 2009.svg Español: ANC: 264 seats DA: 67 seats COPE: 30 seats IFP: 18 seats ID: 4 seats UDM: 4 seats FF+:...
nationale 2009.svg AZAPO: 1 seat PAC: 1 seat APC: 1 seat ANC: 264 seats UDM: 4 seats COPE: 30 seats MF: 1 seat ID: 4 seats DA: 67 seats UCDP:...