English Still from the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
the 1922 film ''Under Two Flags'', starring Priscilla Dean. Portuguese Cartaz do filme ''Under Two Flags'' de 1922, com Priscila Dean. French Affiche...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922) Turkish "Under Two Flags" (1922) filminin afişi...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...
English Advertisement for the film "Under Two Flags" (1922)...