DescriptionSkin deep superficial.png English: This image is based on Sean P Doherty's original image but with superficial and deep indicated. Date 23...
DescriptionSkin-deep and superficial indicated.png English: Modified from Sean P Doherty's original image with deep and superficial indicated in the image...
surface of the skin, or if more deeply seated, towards a mucous canal, serous cavity, or the mteiior of a joint. Continuing to take a superficial abscess as...
a. b. c. d. e. Umbilicus. Skin. Linea alba. Symphysis pubis. Peritoneum. f. Superficial layer of areolar tissue. g. Deep layer of ditto. h. Areolar...
be viewed as the principal function of the skin. Water is, in fact, the chief article thrown off by the skin and, in speaking of the animal heat, it has...
these disfigurements are slight blotches or stains, quite superficial, and af¬ fecting only the skin, and may he mere discolored spots, or, as in what are...
(Toatsacoalcos on the Atlantic Oct 3.Pile bridge, Topeka. Kan.Sept Advertised Png. News, Sept. 29 to Oct. 20. of tbe Isthmus. O. G. Canton, Ch. Engr., CoatxacoalOct...
The Emperor of Korea.jpg The Marble Pagoda in Seoul.jpg The passing of Korea-Dancing-girl.png Water-carriers at a neighbourhood well, Korea c,1900.jpg...
brother Abel, but a hardworking dirt farmer. And it By GARET GARRETT Bae png Empires, civili- men have come and vanished since then; science has appeared...
ultimately left the bullet tract (b )( 1) · clean but~A!ely laid opei:(~png its entire length. A final debridement was accomplished 1 (b)(3) NatSecAct...