habitated tents during explosion time. Source of data: forest fire area map in https://www.nasa.gov/history/115-years-ago-the-tunguska-asteroid-impact-event/...
data: forest fire area map in https://www.nasa.gov/history/115-years-ago-the-tunguska-asteroid-impact-event/ 115 Years Ago: The Tunguska Asteroid Impact...
ChatGPT 3 and 4 is used help to create this map. Source of data: forest fire area map in https://www.nasa.gov/history/115-years-ago-the-tunguska-asteroid-impact-event/...
colorbar(img_dem, ax=ax, label='Elevation (m)') plt.title("Map of Tunguska explosion area", fontsize=22) plt.legend() plt.show() Aseta koordinaatit ja...
icarus.2019.01.028 7 February 2019 Data for this map is in File:Tunguska_explosion_effect_circles_2.png R code to download dem, sloow ... tinguska event...
Source of data: map in https://www.nasa.gov/history/115-years-ago-the-tunguska-asteroid-impact-event/ 115 Years Ago: The Tunguska Asteroid Impact Event...
Tunguska_Explosion GMT source code l5br9tu3ba7rw9 l5br9tu3ba7rw9 site: 101.907022,60.893505 gmt begin tunguska_event_center_1, png gmt grdimage...