DescriptionVestibulum vaginae.jpg Deutsch: Gespreizte Vulva mit freigelegtem Scheidenvorhof und gut erkennbaren anatomischen Details Date 12 February 2011... operator: Flickr URL: operator: Flickr URL:
com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/20326697293/ operator: Flickr URL: sourcing circumstances: circa...
was 20×13 mm in size and localized at the urethral orifice into the vestibulum vaginae. Deutsch: Harnröhrenstein bei einem weiblichen Meerschweinchen, OP-Situs...
= Tube u. Morgagnisce Hydatide, Uterus und Vagina. 6 = Hymen. 7 = Vestibulum vaginae. 8 = Labia pudendi minora. 9 = Clitoris. 10 = Labia pudendi majora...
weibliche Becken. Zeugungsglied, vaginae ad instar, aufnimmt. Er geht aus dem hinterenEnde des Vestibulum hervor, Ostium vaginae, wendet sich zuerst fast hori-zontal...
labia minora, which must be separated to bring them into view. The vestibulum vaginae, or vestibule, is the name applied to the cleft that lies between...
becomes the female urethra, its terminal portion expanding into the vestibulum vaginae. The openings of the Mullerian ducts fall within this latter vestibular...
Sinus urogenitalis einmündet. Die Parsmembranacea entspricht dem Vestibulum vaginae, die pars caver-nosa entspricht der pars cavernosa clitoridis, die...