
Bonjour, vous êtes venu ici pour chercher la signification du mot Aide:Actualités/en. Dans DICTIOUS, vous trouverez non seulement toutes les significations du dictionnaire pour le mot Aide:Actualités/en, mais vous apprendrez également son étymologie, ses caractéristiques et comment dire Aide:Actualités/en au singulier et au pluriel. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le mot Aide:Actualités/en est ici. La définition du mot Aide:Actualités/en vous aidera à être plus précis et correct lorsque vous parlerez ou écrirez vos textes. Connaître la définition deAide:Actualités/en, ainsi que celles d'autres mots, enrichit votre vocabulaire et vous fournit des ressources linguistiques plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité.

Actualités − Comment participer

This page tells you what is regularly added in Actualités, with a list of suggestions for contributions and actions so that this publication can welcome your words! This is an entirely voluntary publication, originating from the community and you can help it develop as best as possible!

Number currently being written

Upon publication, the Wiktionnaire:Actualités/Brouillon page restarts from scratch to accommodate the content of the next issue! You can then:

  • Report an ongoing discussion within Wiktionnaire in Brèves d'ici.
  • Resume an article, present a publication, inform brievly an event in Brèves d’ailleurs.
  • Make known the publication of a video, a podcast or an radio programme in À lire ou écouter.
  • Propose the vulgarisation of an aspect of the Wiktionnaire, explain a language fact or a knowledge who could interest the readership of Actualités in a signed article.
  • Measure a new interesting statistic on the evolution of the Wiktionnaire in Statistiques
  • Present the dictionary of the month in Dictionnaire du mois.
  • Select 3 or 4 images to to dress up the next number, ideally following the color of the header and with a theme linking the illustrations.
  • Correct misspellings, the bizarre turns of phrase and the haphazard typography.

Note: For several years, Unsui has taken care of updating statistics from the dump of 20-21 of the month, and Noé has taken care of certain statistics updated on the last day of the month (audios, lexicons, responses to contribution incentives). The latter generally also takes care of the illustrations and at least one article, but he will be very happy to be able to devote less time to it certain months, or to develop other content! You can help with regular tasks by relying on la chronologie de réalisation des Actualités.

Numbers already released

The numbers are published the first day of the month, but they're rarely without errors, misspellings and inaccuracies. On past numbers you can:

  • Add a message in the mailbox of the readership at the bottom of the number
  • Correct misspellings, the bizarre turns of phrase and the haphazard typography.
  • Turn red links blue.
  • Translate in other languages
  • Possibly correct obsolete external links, or layouts altered by the evolution of the MediaWiki interface.

The "Actualités"

As with everything in 'Wiktionnaire', you can participate in all editorial decisions regarding 'Actualités'!

  • Make the Actualités known by letting people know that a new issue has just been published, beyond Wiktionnaire!
  • Invite people whose expertise you know to come and present an interesting topic.
  • In various conversations, link to old articles when you find it relevant.
  • Explore the history of Wiktionnaire and talk about it around you!