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(1981) (Marque commerciale) Sigle de Inter Mutuelles Assistance et

Nom propre


IMA \\ (Acronyme) féminin

  1. Groupement d'intérêt économique spécialisé dans l’assistance et dont le siège est à Niort.


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(Nom propre 1) Sigle de International Mineralogical Association.
(Nom propre 2) Sigle de International Mycological Association.
(Nom propre 3) Sigle de Interactive Multimedia Association.

Nom propre 1

IMA \Prononciation ?\ invariable

  1. Une association qui nomme et encadre selon des règles des minéraux, il fournit également des recommandations et des règles sur la nomenclature des minéraux.
    • In 2022, we honour the bicentennial of the death of the most famous French mineralogist René Just Haüy. The French Society for Mineralogy and Crystallography wishes to associate the International Mineralogical Association in this celebration by hosting the 23rd IMA General Meeting in France. The French Association of Micromineralogy (AFM), which is the major discoverer of new minerals in France, joins us in this effort to offer a memorable happening. — (
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)


  • AIM (« Association internationale de minéralogie »)

Nom propre 2

IMA \Prononciation ?\ invariable

  1. Une organisation professionnelle qui étudie la mycologie, l'étude des champignons
    • The International Mycological Association, founded in 1971, represents the interests of over 30,000 mycologists worldwide. It is a none for profit organization, the purpose of which is the encouragement of mycology in all its branches. This implies that the IMA should strive to promote mycology in its widest sense. For its four year term until the IMC congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2022, the Executive Committee and the Officers of the IMA will strive to: Provide useful information and links on the website, to strengthen mycological integration and collaboration;Promote open access of mycological journals and books, and support the flagship journals of our science to be more competitive with those of other sciences;Establish online repositories under the auspices and management of the IMA, to which members can contribute and own;Establish a promotional platform for all aspects of mycology in the IMA, which would enhance the visibility of our science. — (
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

Nom propre 3

IMA \Prononciation ?\ invariable

  1. Une organisation qui avait développé un ensemble d'algorithme audio.
    • The Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA), an industry association located in Annapolis, Maryland, developed a set of audio algorithms, including a 24 and 32 kb/s audio codec known as ADPCM DVI or just DVI, in the early 1990s. The codec has been implemented in a number of well-known research tools, such as vat, rat and nevot, and is known as IMA ADPCM in the Microsoft Windows sound recorder tool. The IMA ceased operations around 1998 and attempts to locate the source document for the specification have not been successful. In the interest of preserving this information, a paper copy of the specification (Revision 3.0, dated October 21, 1992) was scanned in. — (
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

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