- da the 3rd and soft letter of the 4th or dental class
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound d
- da mf(ā)n. (√1. dā) ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 3) giving, granting, offering, effecting, producing (e.g. abhī7ṣṭa-, 'giving any desired object' Pañcat. ii, 50
- • gaja-vāji-vṛddhi-, 'promoting the welfare of elephants and horses' VarBṛS. xviii, 5) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. agni-
- • a-doma-dá
- • anna-, artha-, garbha-, janma- &c.)
- • m. n. a gift L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- da mfn. (√do) ifc., anala-, 2. jīva-
- • m. n. the act of cutting off L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- da mfn. (√4. da-) ifc. ṛśya-dá
- da = dát, cf. a-panna-, panna-
- • ṣo-ḍa
- da m. a mountain L.
- • n. a wife (derived fr. dám-patī) L.
- • (ā), f. heat, pain L.
- daṃś or daṃs, cl. 1. 10. P. ○śati, ○śayati or ○s○, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 91
- • cl. 1. P. and 10, Ā. (fr. Prākṛit daṃse) to show, 2 f
- daṃś cl. 1. (originally 6.) dáśati (Pāṇ. 6-4, 25
- • Ā. MBh. i, 1798 & Hariv. 4302
- • p. dáśat RV. &c
- • pf. dadaṃśa
- • pl. ○śur R. i, 45, 20
- • p. dadaśvás RV. iv, 38, 6
- • fut. daṅkṣyati Bhaṭṭ.
- • daṃṣṭā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār.
- • 1. pl. daśiṣyāmas MBh. i, 1605
- • aor. adāṅkṣīt Vop.
- • pl. ○ṣur Bhaṭṭ.
- • ind. p. daṃṣṭvā TāṇḍyaBr.
- • cl. 1. daṃśati Cāṇ.) to bite RV. AV. ŚBr. &c.: Caus. to cause to bite Kauś.
- • to cause to be bitten by (instr.) MBh. i, 2243 ; iii, 544 Suśr. iv, 14, 6 and 12: Intens. dandaśyate, ○śīti Pāṇ. 3-1, 24 ; vii, 4, 86
- • dandaṣṭi, ○daṃṣṭi Vop. xx, 19
- • p. dándaśāna (cf. ○śū́ka) repeatedly biting RV. x, 95, 9: Caus. of Intens. (ind. p. dandaśayitvā) causing to be bitten by (instr.) Daś. i, 142
- •
- daṃśa mfn. 'biting', mṛga-
• m. a bite, sting, the spot bitten (by a snake &c.) Suśr. Mālav. iv, 4 & 4/5, 3 Gīt. x, 11 Kathās. lx, 131
- • snake-bite W.
- • pungency W.
- • a flaw (in a jewel) L.
- • a tooth L.
- • a stinging insect, gnat, gad-fly ChUp. Mn. xii, 62 Yājñ. iii, 215 MBh. &c
- • N. of an Asura, xii, 93
- • armour, mail BhP. i, iii
- • a joint of the body L.
- • (ī), f. a small gad-fly L.
- • cf. kṣamā-, vṛṣa-
- ○nāśinī f. 'sting-curing', a kind of insect L.
- ○bhīru
- ○bhīḍruka m. 'afraid of gad-flies', a buffalo L.
- ○maśaka n. sg. gad-flies and gnats Mn. i, 40 and 45
- • (in comp.) Jain. and Pañcat. iii, 2, 9
- ○mūla m. 'pungent-√', Hyperanthera Moringa L.
- ○vadana m. 'sharp-beaked', a heron L.
- daṃśaka mfn. 'biting', dṛḍha-, mṛga-
- • m. 'a tooth', puru-
- • a gad-fly L.
- • a common fly Npr.
- • N. of a prince of Kampana Rājat. viii, 178
- • (ikā), f. a kind of stinging fly Npr.
- daṃḍśana n. the act of biting, bite MBh. xiv, 754 Sāh.
- • the being bitten by (instr.) MBh. viii, 4252
- • armour, mail, i, iii, viii Deviim. ii, 27
- daṃḍśita mfn. bitten Vet. ii, 0/1
- • armed, mailed MBh. R. iii BhP. vi
- • protected MBh. Hariv.
- • adorned, 5432
- • ready for (loc.) MBh. xii, 644
- • fitting closely (like armour), standing closely together, crowded, iv ; v, 7184 (saṃś○ B) Hariv.
- • n. a bite L.
- daṃḍśin mfn. 'biting', tṛpra-daṃśín
- • m. a dog Npr.
- • a wasp ib.
- dáṃśuka mfn. biting (with acc.) Kāṭh. TS. TBr.
- daṃśera for daś○ Uṇ. i, 58
- daṃḍśman n. a bite or the spot bitten Kauś. 29 and 32
- • cf. tṛṣṭá-
- daṃṣṭṛ́ m. a biter AV. x, 4, 26
- dáṃṣṭra m. a large tooth, tusk, fang RV. ii, 13, 4 ; x, 87, 3 AV. &c
- • (ā), f. (g. ajâdi & Pāṇ. 3-2, 182) id. Śiksh. MBh. &c
- • cf. áyo-, aṣṭa-, aṣṭā-, cátur-, tīkṣṇa-, bhagna-, raudra-, su-
- daṃṣṭrā f. of ○ra
- ○karāla mfn. having terrible tusks, i, 5929
- • -vat mfn. id. R. (B) iv, 22, 29
- ○daṇḍa m. a hog's tusk Dhanaṃj. 1
- ○nivāsin m. N. of a Yaksha Divyâv. xxix
- ○"ṣyudha (○ray○), mfn. using tusks as weapons (dogs) R. ii, 70, 23
- • m. a wild boar Npr.
- ○viṣa mfn. having venom in the teeth Suśr. v, 3, 3
- ○sena m. N. of a Buddh. scholar Buddh. L.
- daṃṣṭrāla mfn. 1. tusked Hariv. R.
- • m. N. of a Rakshas, v, 12, 13
- daṃṣṭrīka mfn. tusked, g. vrīhy-ādi
- • (ā), f. = dāḍhikā L.
- • N. of a plant Npr. ○ṭrin mfn. (g. vrīhy-ādi) tusked, m. an animal with tusks Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • m. Śiva, xiv, 205
- • a wild boar L.
- • a hyena Npr.
- • a snake Hariv. 12496
- daṃs cl. 1. 10. √1 daṃś
- daṃs cl. 10. (Subj. 2. sg. ○sáyas, nom pl. of ○sí Nir. iv, 25) to destroy (?) RV. x, 138, l
- • cl. 1. P. 10. Ā. (for 2. daṃś)to bite Dhātup.
- daṃsána n. a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill RV. i, 166, 13
- • (ā) f. id., i, iii-viii (often instr. ○sánā), x
- daṃḍsánā-vat mfn. endowed with wonderful skill or power, i, iii ŚāṅkhŚr. viii, 17
- daṃḍsayittṛ m. a destroyer Nir. vi, 26 Sch.
dáṃsas n. = ○sána RV.
- • cf. puru- and su-dáṃsas
- daṃsí m. or f. '= karman', s.v. 2. daṃs
- dáṃsiṣṭha mfn. (Superl. of ○su or dasrá) of very wonderful strength, i, 182, 2
- • viii ; x, 143, 3
- dáṃsu mfn. only in comp., = ?, Lat. densus (for the change of meaning cf. gurú & ? &c.)
- • ind. wonderfully, i, 134, 4 & 141, 4
- ○jūta (dáṃsu-), mfn. wonderfully quick, 122, 10
- ○patnī (dáṃsu-), f. having a powerful lord (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 34 Vārtt. 1 Pat.), iv, 19, 7 and (dáṃsu-pát○), vi, 3, 7
- daṃh cl. 10. ○hayati, to shine, burn Vop.
- daka n. = ud○, water Phetk. xvii
- • cf. dagârgala
- ○rākṣasa m. a water-Rākshasa Divyâv. viii, 262 ff
- ○lāvaṇika mfn. prepared with water and salt L.
- dakôdara n. a dropsical belly (cf. udak○) Suśr. i, 25, 8 ; iii, 7 ; iii, 8 ; v, 2, 36
- dakṣ cl. 1. P. (Impv. 2. pl. dákṣatā) to act to the satisfaction of (dat. Nir. i, 7) RV. vii
- • Ā. dákṣate (p. dákṣamāṇa
- • pf. dadakṣe) to be able or strong, 16, 6 AV. if. ŚBr.ī, iv
- • to grow, increase Dhātup. xvi, 7
- • to act quickly ib.
- • to go, xix, 8
- • to hurt ib.: Caus. dakṣáyati (aor. adadakṣa), to make able or strong ŚBr. ii, iv, viii, xi
- dákṣa mf(ā)n. able, fit, adroit, expert, clever, dexterous, industrious, intelligent RV. &c
- • strong, heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (Soma), ix f
- • passable (the Ganges) MBh. xiii, 1844
- • suitable BhP. iv, 6, 44 Bhartṛ. iii, 64
- • right (opposed to left) RāmatUp. i, 22 Phetk. i
- • m. ability, fitness, mental power, talent (cf. -kratú), strength of will, energy, disposition RV. AV. VS.
- • evil disposition RV. iv, 3, 13 ; x, 139, 6
- • a particular form of temple Hcat. ii, 1, 390
- • a general lover W.
- • a cock Car. i, vi
- • N. of a plant L.
- • fire L.
- • Siva's bull L.
- • N. of an Āditya (identified with Prajā-pati TS. iii ŚBr. ii
- • father of Kṛittikā Śāntik.) RV. if., x Nir. ii, xi
- • N. of one of the Prajā-patis (MBh. xii, 7534 Hariv. VP. i, 7, 5 and 22, 4 BhP.iii, 12, 22 MatsyaP. cvl, 15 KūrmaP. &c. Śak. vii, 27
- • born from Brahmā's right thumb MBh. i, xii Hariv. &c
- • or from A-ja', the unborn' BhP. iv, 1, 47
- • or son of Pra-cetas or of the of 10 Pra-cetasas, whence called Prācetasa MBh. i, xii f. Hariv. 101 VP. i, 15
- • father of 24 daughters by Pra-sūti VP. i, 7, 17 ff. BhP. &c
- • of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii, 61 36 R. iii, 20, 10
- • or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 BhP.
- • or 8 R.] those of Kaśyapa, becoming by this latter the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals, while 10 are married to Dharma Mn. ix, 128f. MBh. i, ix ; xii, 7537ff. Hariv. VP. &c
- • celebrating a great sacrifice to obtain a son, he omitted, with the disapproval of Dadhīca, to invite Siva, who ordered Vira-bhadra to spoil the sacrifice Hariv. 12212 identified with Vishṇu ff. VāyuP.i, 30, = BrahmaP. i LiṅgaP. MatsyaP. xiii VāmP. ī-v ŚivaP. i, 8 KāśīKh. lxxxvii ff
- • named among the Viśve-devās Hariv. 11542 VāyuP.
- • Bṛihasp. ḥcat &c.)
- • N. of a son of Garuda MBh. v, 3597
- • of a man with the patr. Pārvati ŚBr. ii, 4, 4, 6
- • cf a law-giver Yājñ. i, 5 Mn. ix, 88 Sch. &c
- • of a son of Uśi-nara BhP. ix, 23, 2
- • of one of the 5 Kānyakubja Brāhmans from whom the Bengal Brāhmansare said to have sprung Kshitîś. i, 13 and 41
- • (ā), f. the earth L.
- • cf. a-tūta-, diná-, samāná
- • su-dákṣa
- • mārga-dakṣaka
- • dākṣāyan4
- • ? ; Lat. dex-ter ; Goth. taiksvs
- ○kanyā f. a daughter of MBh. i
- • Durgā L.
- ○kratú m. du krádú-dákṣau TBr. i, 5 ĀśvGṛ.
- • dákṣ○ mfn. able-minded VS. iv, 11 ŚBr. iii-
- ○jā f. 'daughter', Durgā L.
- • pl. the Moon's wives HPariś. ii, 88
- • -pati m. 'lord of Durgā', Siva W.
- • = ○kṣâtmajā-p○ L.
- ○ṇidhana n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. xiv
- ○tā f. dexterity, ability Kām. v, 15 Sāh. iii, 51
- ○tāti (dákṣ○), f. id. AV. viii, 1, 6
- ○nidhana n. = nidh○
- ○pati (dákṣ○), m. lord of the faculties RV. i, 95, 6
- • 56,. 2
- ○pitṛ (dákṣ○), m. 'id.' or, having Dadhīca as father' (Mitra & Varuṇa, the gods &c.), vi-viii (du. ○tarā pl. ○taras) VS. TS. i, 2 (pl. ○tāras) SāṅkhŚr.
- ○putra -sāvarṇa
- ○makha-mathana ri., destruction of Dadhīca's sacrifice', N. of LiṅgaP. i, 99 f
- ○mathana m. 'destroyer of DṭDadhīca', Siva Hcar. iii
- ○yajña m. Daksha's sacrifice
- • -prabhañjana m. 'destroyer of Dadhīca's sacrifice', Siva
- • -vidhvaṃsa m. = ○kṣa-makha-manthana', N. of Kūrmap. i, 15
- • -vidhvaṃsana n. N. of PadmaP. i, 5 and ŚivaP. ii 11
- • -vināśinī f. Durgā W.
- ○vihitā f. Durgā W.
- ○vihitā f. (scil. gāthā a song composed by Dadhīca Yājñ. iii, 114
- ○vṛdh mfn. rejoicing in cleverness TS. iii, 5, 8
- ○śāpa m. 'curse of Dadhīca', N. of PadmaP. iii, 33
- ○sā́dhana mfn. effective of cleverness RV. ix
- ○sāvarṇa m. N. of the 9th Manu VP. iii, 2, 20 -putra sāv○ or simply -putra MārkP. xciv, 4 and 10
- ○sāvarṇi m. id. BhP. viii, 13, 18
- ○suta m. a son of Dadhīca, god (cf. -pitṛ) R. v, 43, 14
- • (ā), f. a daughter of Dadhīca
- • pl. the Moon's wives Ragh. iii, 33
- ○stha mf(ā)n. being (on the right i.e.) south Hcat. i, 3, 934
- ○smṛti f. N. of a law-book
- dakṣâṇḍa n. a hen's egg Bhpr.v, 30, 73 ; vii, 76, 219
- dakṣâtmajā-pati m. 'lord of DṭDadhīca's daughters', the Moon Vām.
- dakṣâdhvara m. = ○kṣa-yajña
- • -dhvansaka m. = ○kṣa-yajña-prabhañana L.
- • -dhvaṃsakṛt m. id. L.
- • -dhvaṃsana m. id. Prab.ī, 28
- dakṣâri m. 'Dadhīca's foe', Siva
- dakṣêśvaraliṅga n. N. of a Liṅga, KāśiKh. lxxxix
- dákṣas mfn. able, dexterous RV. i f. vi
- • vill, 13
- dakṣā́yya mfn. to be satisfied by skill, if., vii
- dakṣi m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. iii, 3
- dákṣiṇa (also ○ṇá ŚBr.), mf(ā)n. (declined as a pron. when denoting relative position KātyŚr. AśvGṛ. &c
- • cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 ; vii, 1, 16
- • but not necessarily in abl. and loc. sg. m. n. and nom. pl. m
- • except Hariv: 12390) able, clever, dexterous Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 Kāś. Śatr. (ifc.)
- • right (not left) RV. AV. VS. &c. (○ṇaṃ parī7, to walk round a person with the right side towards him' BhP. iv, 12, 25
- • ○maṃ√kṛ, to place any one on the right side as a mark of respect', i, viii)
- • south, southern (as being on the right side of a person looking eastward), situated to the south, turned or directed southward AV. VS. &c
- • coming from south (wind) Suśr. Ragh. iv, 8
- • (with āmnāya) the southern sacred text (of the Tāntrikas), Kularṇ. iii
- • straightforward, candid, sincere, pleasing, compliant MBh. iv, 167 R. Śak.iv, 18 Sāh. iii, 35 Pratāpar. BrahmaP.
- • m. the right (hand or arm) RV. i, viii, x TS. v
- • the horse on the, right side of the pole of a carriage, i, x VS. ix, 8
- • Śiva
- • m. or n. the south Nal. ix, 23 R. iv
- • n. the righthand or higher doctrine of the Śāktas Kulârṇ. ii
- • (am), ind. to the right R. ii, 92, 13
- • (ā), f. (scil. go), able to calve and give milk', a prolific cow, good milch-cow RV. AV.
- • a fee or present to the officiating priest (consisting originally of a cow, Kāty. Śr. xv Lāṭy. viii, 1, 2 ). RV. Rc
- • Donation to the priest (personified along with Brahmaṇas-pati, Indra, and Soma, i, 18, 5 ; x, 103, 8
- • authoress of x, 107 RAnukr.
- • wife of Sacrifice [Ragh. i, 31 BhP. ii, 7, 21, both being children of Ruci and Akūti, iv, l, 4 f. VP. i, 7, 18 f.)
- • reward RV. viii, 24, 2I
- • (offered to the Guru) MBh. v Ragh. v, 20 Kathās. iv, 93 f
- • (○ṇām ā- √diś, to thank' Divyâv. vii, 104
- • Caus. to earn thanks, i)
- • a gift, donation (cf. abhaya-, prâṇa-) Mn. iii R. ii
- • (scil. diś) the south, Deccan L.
- • a figure of Durgā having the right side prominent W.
- • completion of any rite (pra-tiṣṭhā) L.
- • (e), loc. ind. on the right side Hemac.
- • (āt), abl. ind. from or on the right side Pāṇ. 5-3, 4
- • from the south, southward ib.
- • (ena), instr. ind. on the right or south (35), on the right side of or southward from (acc. ; ii, 3, 31) ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (with √kṛ, to place or leave on the right BhP. v, 21, 8)
- • (ais), instr. ind. to the right Kauś. 77 ;
- ○kālikā f. a form of Durgā worshipped by the Tāntrikas W.
- ○kālī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○jānv-akna mfn. having the right knee bent Gobh. i, 3, 1
- ○tás ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 28) from the right or south, on the right side or southward from (gen.) RV. &c. (with √as or bhū, to stand at the right side of. assist', viii, 100, 2 ; x, 83, 7 AV. xviii
- • with √kṛ = ○ṇena with √kṛ BhP. v, 23, 1
- • with purástāt or ○ras, south-east ŚBr. xiii MBh. ī)
- • ○ta-upacīra mfn. having the entrance on the south ĀpŚr. xi, 9, 4
- • ta-upaviitin mfn. wearing the sacred thread on the right, iii, 17, 11
- • tás-kaparda mfn. wearing the braid on the right side of the head RV. vii, 33, 1
- • (○NA-k○ Gṛihyās. ii, 40)
- • ○tak-sád mfn. ○Na-s○ MaitrS. i, 4, 6
- • to-nyāya mfn. where the southern direction is the rule SāṅkhŚr. ii
- • iv
- ○trā́ ind. on the right side RV. vi, 18, 9
- ○tva n. uprightness, honesty Hemac.
- ○dagh -sád
- ○dvārika mfn. (an asterism) propitious to a military expedition to the south VarYogay.v, 1 Sch.
- ○dhurīṇa mfn. harnessed on the right side of the pole Pāṇ. 4-4, 78 Kāś.
- ○pañcāla mfn. belonging or relating to the southern Pañcālas (realm) BhP. iv, 25, 50
- ○paścāt ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 32 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) south-west from (gen.) Vait.
- ○paścârdha m. (Pān v, 3, 32 Vārtt. 3 Pat.) the south-western side ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 9, 6
- ○paścima mf(ā)n. southwestern ĀśvGṛ. MBh. iii, 16823 ; xvii, 44
- ○pāñcālaka mfn. = -pañcāla Pāṇ. 7-3, 13 Kāś.
- ○pūrva mf(al) (ī, 2, 26 Kāś.) south-eastern KātyŚr.
- • (eṇa), instr. ind. south-east from (acc.), viii, 6, 20
- • (ā), f. (scil. diś) the south-east Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. iv, 1 f. Gobh. iv, 2, 3 BhP.
- • ○vâyata mf(ā)n. extending south-eastward KātyŚr. xxv
- • ○rvârdha m. the south-eastern side, iii, ix Kauś.
- ○pūrvaka mfn. = ○rva Hcat.i, 1 1, 71 1
- ○prākpravaṇa mfn. sloping south-eastwards SāṅkhŚr. iv, 14, 6
- ○prācī f. = -pūrvā R. vi, 96, 11
- ○bhāga m. the southern hemisphere (○Na bh○, i, 60, 20) W.
- ○mānasa n. N. of a Tirtha near Benares
- ○mārga m. the southern course (of a planet), Var- Yogay. iv, 49
- ○rāḍhā f. southern Rāḍhā (in Bengal) Prab. ii, 2/3 and 8/9
- ○lipi f. the southern way of writing Lalit.x, 31
- ○sád mfn. sitting on the right or southern side VS. xxxviii
- • (○NA-s○) ix, 35
- • (○ṇa-dhak nom.fr -dogh Lāṭy.v, 7, 3.)
- ○savyá mfn. du. right and left AV. xii, 1, 28
- ○stha m. 'standing on the right of his master', a charioteer L.
- dakṣiṇâgní m. the southern fire of the altar (= anvāhārya-pácana)
- AV. AśvŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy. ChUp. ĀśvGṛ. VP. v, 34 BhP. iv
- dakṣiṇâgra mfn. having the points turned to the south ŚBr. xii
- KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Gobh. MBh. R.
- dakṣiṇâc m(acc. ○ṇâñcam)fn. southward Kauś. 87
- dakṣinâcala m. 'southern mountain', the Malaya range L.
- dakṣinâcāra mfn. upright in conduct MBh. iv, 167
- • = ○rin
- • -tantra n. N. of a Tāntric work
- dakṣiṇâcarin mfn. worshipping Śakti according to the right-hand ritual
- • ○ri-tantra n. = ○ra-t○
- dakṣiṇâdhipati m. the lord of the Deccan Vet. v, 1/2
- dakṣiṇântikā f. N. of a metre
- dakṣiṇâpara mf(ā)n. southwestern KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. Āp.
- • râbhimukha mfn. turned to the south-west Vishṇ. lxi, 12
- dakṣiṇâpavarga mfn. terminating in the south Kauś. 87 ĀpGṛ.xxi, 9
- dakṣinâbdhi m. the southern ocean VP. v, 23, 2 (v. l. for ○ṇāpatha)
- dakṣiṇâbhimukha mf(ā)n. having the face turned southwards Mn. iv, 50 Hcat. i, 11, 7
- • flowing southwards Suśr. i, 45
- • -sthita mfn. standing with the face southwards MārkP.
- dakṣiṇâyana n. 'southward way', way to Yama's quarter MBh. xii, 996
- • 'sun's progress south of the equator', the winter half-year Gaut. Mn.i, 67 MBh. VarBṛS. Pañcat. BhP. v, 21, 3
- • mfn. situated in the sun's winter course (as an asterism), 23, 5 f
- dakṣiṇâranya n. 'southern forest', N. of a forest Hit. i, 2, 0/1
- dakṣiṇârus mfn. wounded on the right side L.
- dakṣinârdhá m. the right or southern side TS. TBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. R.
- • -paścârdha m. = ○Na-p○ MānŚr. vi, 2, 5
- • -pūruvârdha m. = ○Na-p○, i, 1, 2 and 7, 6 ĀpGṛ. ii, 6
- • ○nârdhâparârdha m. = ṇa-pascardha ŚāṅkhŚr. xviii, 24, 18
- dakṣiṇârdhya mfn. being on the right or southern side TS. ii, vi ŚBr.
- • -pūrvârdhya mfn. being on the south-western side Lāṭy. i, 10, 3
- dakṣiṇâvacara mfn. (an embryo) moving in the right part (of the womb) Lalit. vi, 7
- daksehiṇâvarta mfn. turning (from the left) to the right (a conch-shell Sāh.
- • kuṇḍala BhP. v, 23, 5
- • a fruit Bhpr. v, 1, 139
- • a woman's navel Subh.)
- • moving in the southern course (the sun) MBh. vi, 5671
- • m. a conch-shell opening to the right Divyâv. viii, 490
- dakṣiṇâvartaka mf(ikā)n. turned to the right or southwards MBh. xiii AgP. xl, 28 Hcat. i, 3, 964
- • (ī), f. Tragia involucrata L.
- dakṣiṇâśā f. southern quarter', -pati m. 'lord of Dakshina', Yama Hemac.
- • -rati f. delight of Dakshina', Canopy ib.
- dakṣiṇêtara mfn. 'other than right', left Kum. iv, 19
- dakṣiṇêti f. (= ○ṇâyana) the sun's progress south of the equator Jyot. (YV) 9
- dakṣiṇêrma mfn. broken on the right side (a cart) Pāṇ. 5-4, 126 Kāś.
- dakṣiṇêrman mfn. (1 26) = ○ṇâlrus Bālar. vii, 11
- dakṣinôttara mf(ā))n. having the right lying on the other (the two hands) Gobh. i, 7, 4
- • right and left ĀśvGṛ. iii, 2
- • southern and northern KātyŚr. MārkP.
- • (in comp.) Hcat. i, 3, 903:3/4
- • ○râyata mf(ā)n. extending from south to north, north ; 875/876 ; 903 a/b ; 9, 141 3/5
- • râyāma mfn. id., 5, 929
- dakṣiṇôttarin mfn. overhanging on the right side ŚāṅkhŚr. i, xvii
- dakṣiṇôttāna mfn. having the right hand turned upwards KātyŚr. viii, 2, 9
- • (the hands) of which the right is turned upwards ŚāṅkhŚr. v, 8, 5 Gol. h. iv, 3
- dakṣiṇôdag-dvāra mf(a)n. having doors north and south Āp.ī, 25, 5
- dakṣiṇôpakrama mfn. beginning on the right, MānŚr. i, 4, i
- dakṣiṇā f. of ○ṇa, q.v
- • ○ṇā́ (old. instr.) ind. on the right or south (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 36), on the right side of or southward from (abl.: ii, 3, 29) RV. ii, 27, 11 ; x, 17, 9 AV. (also dákṣ○) VS. TBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- • ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. ChUp. Kauś.
- ○kaparda ○ṇatás-k○
- ○kāla m: the time of receiving the sacrificial fee KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○gavi f. pl. the cows given as a sacrificial fee ĀpŚr. xii, 19, 6 Sch.
- ○jyotis (dákṣ○), mfn. brilliant by the sacrificial gift AV. ix, 5, 22 ff
- ○"ṣtinayana (○ṇât○), m. the Mantra with which the Dakshiṇā cows are driven southwards ĀpŚr. xiii, 6, 9
- ○tvá n. the state of the sacrificial gift MaitrS. iv, 8, 3
- ○"ṣdeśana (○ṇâd○), n. thanksgiving Divyâv. xviii, 200
- • (ā), f. id., xiii, 247
- ○dvāra n. a door on the south MānGṛ. ii, 11
- • mfn. having a door on the south Kauś. Gobh.
- ○nyāya mfn. = ○Nato-ny○ ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 1, 14
- ○paṭha m. path of the Dakshiṇā cow, (between the Śālā and the Sadas)
- ŚāṅkhŚr. AśvŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- • (○ṇa-saṃcara Vait.) the southern region, Deccan MBh. Hariv. 5289
- VarBṛS. Suśr. BhP. Kathās. Vet.: Hit.
- • ○ṇâbdhi
- ○"ṣpathika mfn. belonging to the Deccan Hariv. 6144
- ○pratyac c, mf(tícī)n. 'south-western', (tīcī), f. south-west Gaut.
- • (with diś) MānGṛ. ii, 1 Sch.
- • (tyak), ind. south-westwards, 1
- • ○tyak-pravaṇa mfn. sloping south-westwards ĀpGṛ. xvii, 1
- • ○tyagapavarga mfn. terminating in the south-west Kauś. 1
- ○pravaṇa (○ṇaá), mf(ā)n. sloping southwards
- ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. MānGṛ.ī, 11 Mn.iii Yājñ.
- ○praṣṭí m. the horse harnessed on the right side of the yoke-horses ŚBr. v, l, 4 ; ix, 4, 2 KātyŚr.
- ○praharaṇa (○ṇā́-), mfn. hurled to the right MaitrS. iii, 2, 10
- ○prāg-agra mfn. having the points turned to the south-east ĀpŚr. xiv, 32, 3 ĀpGṛ. i, 15
- ○bandha m. 'bondage of ritual reward', one of the 3 states of bondage (in Sāṃikhya phil.) Tattvas.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. standing with the face to the right or south
- ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. R.
- ○mūrti m. a Tāntric form of Śiva
- • N. of a copyist of the 17th cent
- • -prayoga m. N. of a ch. of Tantras. iv
- • -mantra m. N. of Sārad. xix
- • -saṃhitā f. N. of wk. Tantras. Ānand. 31 Sch.
- • -stava m. or -stotra n. 10 verses ascribed to Śaṃkara (explained by Viśva-rūpa or Surêśvara in a commentary with gloss by Rāma-tīrtha)
• ○ty-upaniṣad, f: N. of an Up.
- ○yugyá m. the right yokehorse ŚBr.v, ix'
- ○"ṣrha (○ṇâ○), mfn. deserving the sacrificial fee L.
- ○lipi v. l. for ○Na-l○
- ○vat (dákṣ○), mfn. giving sacrificial presents RV. (Indra, iii, vi, ix) AV. xviii
- • abounding in sacrificial re-wards (sacrifice) ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh.
- ○váh mf(nom. -vā́t)n. being borne to the right of the fire (the ladle) RV. iii, 6, 1
- ○vṛ́t mfn. turning or going round to the right, i, 144, 1 (the ladle) ŚBr. vi-viii TBr. 1 ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś.
- ○vritta mfn. twisted from the left to the right Āp.
- ○śras mfn. having the head southwards KātyŚr. xxii, 6, 4 and 15 Gobh. iii, 10, 27
- ○śroṇi f. the right buttock KātyŚr. xvii, 8, 24
- ○saṃcara m. -patha
- ○sád ○Na-s○
- dakṣiṇāt ○ṇa
- ○sâd mfn. sitting to the south MaitrS. ii, 6. ○ṇād-vātá m. the south wind, 7
- dakṣiṇāhi ind. far to the right or in the south (of, abl. Pāṇ. 2-3, 29), v, 3, 37
- dakṣiḍṇit ind, with the right hand RV. v, 36, 4
- • cf. pra-
- dakṣiḍṇī- √kṛ, = ○ṇena with √kṛ BhP. iii, 24, 41 to give anything (acc.) as a sacrificial fee Bālar. ii, 23
- dakṣiḍṇī́ya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 69) = ○ṇyá AV. viii, 10, 4 ŚBr. iii
- f. Hariv. VarBṛS. Mālav. ii, 10/11
- • venerable Lalit. xxvi, 26 Kāraṇḍ. xxiii, 205 and 208 f
- • cf. a-
- dakṣiḍṇyá mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 69) worthy of the sacrificial fee, fit for a sacrificial gift TBr. i, 3, 3 ; ii, 1
- • cf. a-
dákṣat dakṣi, √dah
- dákṣu
- dáḍkṣús mfn. burning, blazing RV. i f
- dagárgala n. 'water-key (daga = daka)', examining the soil in searching for wells or rules for doing so, VaBṛS. liv
- • (udag○) cvii
- • N. of liv
- dagu m. N., dāgavyāgani
- dagdhá mfn. (√dah) burnt, scorched, consumed by fire AV. iv, xviii KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • tormented, pained, consumed by grief or hunger, distressed Ṛitus. i, 10 Amar. 24 Rājat.
- • dry, insipid Śiksh.
- • inauspicious, PSarv'
- • miserable, execrable Daś. vii, 290 Kād.
- • n. cauterisation (cf. agni-) Suśr. i, 11 f
- • (ā), f. (soil. diś) the quarter where the sun remains overhead L.
- • (scil. tithi) N. of certain inauspicious days
- • = -ruhā L.
- ○kāka m. 'inauspicious crow', a raven L.
- ○jaṭhara n. the hungry stomach Bhartṛ. iii, 22
- ○putra (○dhá-), mf(ā)n. whose son is burnt Suparṇ. ix, 2
- ○matsya m. a grilled fish Bhpr. v, 10, 127
- ○mandira-sāra mfn. one who has burned the, best of mansions
- ○maraṇa m. N. of an author ŚārṅgP. cvi, 5
- ○yoni mfn. having its source or origin destroyed
- ○ratha m. N. of a Gandharva W.
- ○ruha m. 'gowing in ashes', Clerodendrum phlomoides L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a plant L.
- ○varṇaka N. of a grass Npr.
- ○vraṇa m. a burn, singe
- dagdhâkṣara an inauspicious letter (in a word) W.
- dagdhêṣṭakā f. a burnt brick L.
- dagdhôdara n. = ○dha-jaṭhara Hit. i, 4, 13
- dagdhavya mfn. to be burnt Mn. Yājñ. MBh.
- dágdhṛ m. one who burns (with acc.) RV. v, 9, 4
- • ○dhṛ, a burner of (gen.) ŚBr. ii, 2 Mālav.
- dagh cl. 5. (Pot. ○ghnuyāt
- • Prec. 3. sg. ○ghyās
- • aor. Subj, 1, pl. ○ghma) with paścā́, or ○cā́t, to fall short of (cf. á-pascā-daghvan) RV. i, 123, 5 ; vii, 56, 2
- • with adhas, to reach below the regular height Kāṭh. viii, 12
- • to strike Dhātup. xxvii, 26
- • to protect (cf. √daṅgh) ib.: cl. 4. dághyati, to go Naigh. ii, 4
- • to flow Nir. i, 9
- • cf. ati-, ā-
- • pradághas
- • ?
- daghná mf(ā́, ī)n. ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 ; v, 2, 37), 'reaching up to', cf. aṃsa-, aśva-, ā-, upa-kakṣa-, upastha-, ūru-, kaṇṭha-, kulpha-, gulpha-, jānn-, nābhi-, mukha-, stana-
- daṅkṣṇú mfn. (√2. daṃś, 139 Vārtt. 4 Pat.) mordaceous VS. xv MaitrS. ii, 8, 10
- daṅgh cl. 1, ○ghati, to keep off (derived fr. dagkhna) Dhātup.
- • to protect (cf.√dagh) ib.
- dac-chada m.= danta-cch○ BhP.
- daḍī v. l. for dāḍī Kāś.
- daṇḍá ( = ? -v, hence cognate with daáru and √dṝ) m. (n. , g. ardharcâdi) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread ŚBr. &c
- • 'penis ', xi, 5, 1, 1
- • 'trunk', śuṇḍā-
- • 'arm' or 'leg', dor-, bāhu-
- • 'tusk', daṃṣṭrā-)
- • = ○ḍakâsana BṛNārP. xxxi, 115 (n.)
- • a stalk, stem (of a tree
- • cf. ikṣu-, ud-, khara-) MBh. ii, 2390
- • the staff of a banner, 2079 ; iv, xiv
- • the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) AitBr. ŚBr. &c
- • the steam of a plough L.
- • 'a mast', mahādaṇḍa-dhara
- • the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii
- • the stick with which a lute is played L.
- • a churning-stick (cf. ○ḍâhata) L.
- • a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBṛS.xxiv, 9 MārkP.il
- • N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kalās) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.
- • N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky ('N. of a planet' (L. ; cf. -bhāsa) VarBṛS.
- • N. of a constellation, xx, 2 VarBṛ. Laghuj.
- • a form of military array (cf. -vyuha) L.
- • a line (cf. -pāta)
- • a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. nyasta-), application of power, violence Mn. vii f. MBh.
- • power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. vāg-, mano-, kāya-
- • tri-daṇḍin) Subh.
- • embodied power, army (kośa-, du 'treasure and army' Mn. ix, 294 MBh. Kir. ii, 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii, 62
- • the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal
- • chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. guptá & gūḍha-)
- • pride L.
- • m. a horse L.
- • Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriyā VP. i, 7, 27 MārkP. l)
- • Yama L.
- • Śiva MBh. xii, 10361
- • N. of an attendant of the Sun, iii, 198
- • (g. śivâdi and śaunakâdi) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 TS. vi, 2, 9, 4
- • of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of -dhara, identified with the Asura Krodha-hantṛi) MBh. if., viii
- • of a Rakshas R. vii, 5, 39
- • ○oḍaka
- • (ā), f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr
- ○kandaka m. N. of a bulb L.
- ○kapâlin mfn. carrying a staff and a skull Hcat. ii, 1, 704
- ○kamaṇḍalu m. a jar with a handle Divyâv.i, 262 and 301 ; xviii, 343 (n.)
- • xxxii, 63
- ○kartṛ m. a punisher
- ○karman n. punishment Yājñ. ii, 275
- ○kala n. N. of a metre
- ○kalita-vat ind. like one driven by a stick ĀpŚr. xi, 12, 6 Sch.
- ○kāka for dagdha-k○ W.
- ○kāṣṭha n. a wooden staff MBh. i R. vii Hariv. Mṛicch.i, 41/42 Śak. ii, 0/1 vi Mālav. iv, 15/16
- ○kuśa or m. pl. N. of a people R. iv, 40, 25
- ○kula m. pl. N. of a people R. iv, 40, 25
- ○ketu m. N. of a man MBh. vii BṛNārP. xxxvii
- ○gaurī f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. iii, 1784
- ○grahaṇa n. 'taking the staff', becoming an ascetic W.
- ○grāha m. 'staff-bearer', g. revaty-ādi
- ○ghaṭanā f. 'waving a stick' and 'prostrating one's self (before an idol)' Siṃhâs. Introd. 13
- ○ghna mfn. striking with a stick, committing an assault Mn. viii, 380
- ○cakra n. = -sthāna Mālav. i, 7/8 Daś. viii, 205
- • N. of a mythical weapon R. i, 29, 5
- ○cchadana n. a room for utensils Buddh. L.
- ○jita mfn. subdued by punishment
- ○ḍhakkā f. N. of a drum or gong on which the hours are struck L.
- ○tāḍana n. punishing with a stick, Ap
- ○tāmri f. = t○ L.
- ○tva n. the state of a stick Bhāshāp.
- ○dāsa m. a slave or one enslaved for (non-payment of a) fine Mn.viii, 415
- ○dhara mfn. 'rodbearer', punisher (of. gen.), ix, 245 MBh. xii R. vi BhP.
- • m. a king, ix Ragh. ix, 3 Rājat. iv
- • Yama, 655
- • a judge, vii, 1458
- • = -mukha Daś. viii, 209
- • a door-keeper Dharmaśarm. ii, 76
- • a mendicant W.
- • a potter W.
- • orâdhipati m. a king who has full administrative powers Rājat. iv, 655
- ○dhāra mfn. = ○raka MBh. iii, 1596 (Yama) Kām. Rājat. iv
- • a king L.
- • Yama L.
- • N. of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of Daṇḍa and identified with the Asura Krodha-vardhana) MBh. i f. s viii
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, i, 2738
- • pl. N. of a people R. (G) ii, 88, 7
○dhāraka mfn. 'rod-bearer', administering justice MBh. xii, 2510
- ○dhāraṇa n. carrying a staff PārGṛ. ii, 5, 11
- • applying the rod, punishment MBh. i, iii R. iv
- ○dhārin mfn. = ○raka BhP.vi, 3, 5
- ○dhṛk mfn. ifc. governing, iv, 21, 12
- ○nāyaka m. 'rod-applier', a judge Hit. ii, 9, 0/1 and 4/5
- • = -mukha Jain. VaiBṛS. lxxiii, 4 Rājat. vii
- • N. of an attendant of the Sun L. Sch.
- • -puruṣa m. a policeman Caurap. Sch.
- ○nidhāna n. 'laying aside the rod', pardoning, indulgence MBh. xii, 6559 and 9964
- ○nipātana application of the rod, punishing (with gen.) Kām. xiii, 17
- ○niyoga m. infliction of punishment Gaut. xii, 51
- ○nīti f. application of the rod, administration of justice, judicature (as a science) Mn. vii, 43 Yājñ. i, 310 MBh. &c
- • N. of wk. Ragh. i, 26 Sch.
- • Durgā, DevIP
- • -mat mfn. familiar with judicature MBh. xii, 2699
- ○neṭri m. 'rod-applier', adhi-
- • -tva n. judicature Mn. xii, 100 (cf. BhP. iv, 22, 45)
- ○pa m. N. of a man, g. naḍâdi
- ○pakṣaka m. N. of a position of the hands, Hastar
- ○parāyaṇa mfn. wanting a stick (for walking) Kāraṇḍ. xvi, 16
- ○pāṃsula m. a door-keeper L. =
- ○pāṇi (○ḍá-), mfn. (g. āhitâgny-ādi) staff-handed ŚBr. xi Kathās. liv
- • m. a policeman Hāsy.
- • Yama ṢaḍvBr. v, 4 BhP. i, v
- • N. of the leader of 2 of Śiva's troops, KāśiKh. xxxii
- • of the father of Buddha's wife Go-pā Lalit. xii Suvarṇapr. xviii
- • of a Kāśi king PadmaP.
- • of a physician Bhpr. vii, 8, 137
- • of a prince (grandfather of Kshemaka) BhP. ix, 22, 42 VāyuP. ii, 37, 270 ff. MatsyaP. l, 87 BrahmâṇḍaP.
- • (khaṇḍ○ VP. iv, 21, 4.)
- ○pāta m. = -nipātana, v, 22, 17
- • a kind of fever Bhpr. vii, 8, 8i
- • dropping a line (in a manuscript)
- • -nipāta m. N. of a position of the feet in dancing VP. v, 7, 46 (vḷ. caṇḍ○)
- ○pātana n. = -nip○ Kām. viii, 76
- ○pātin mfn. punishing (with loc.) R. i, 7, 13
- ○pāruṣya n. actual violence, harsh punishment Gaut. Mn.viii, 278 and 301 Pañcat.
- • -vat mfn. inflicting harsh punishment Kām. xiv, 3
- ○pāla
- ○pāḍlaka m. superintendent of punishment or judicature pṛthivii-
- • a door-keeper W.
- • N. of a fish L.
- ○pāśaka m. 'holding a noose to catch offenders, a policeman Pañcat. ii, 4, 3/4 Mudr. i, 20/21
- ○piṅgalaka m. pl. N. of a people to the north of Madhya-deśa VarBṛS. xiv, 27
- ○poṇa (i.e. pavana), a strainer with a handle Buddh. L.
- ○prajita (○ḍá-), mfn. driven with a stick ŚBr. xii, 4, 1, 10
- ○praṇayana n. 'infliction of punishment', N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○praṇāma m. a prostration of the body at full length (like a stick) Daś. ii, 29
- ○pradāna n. donation of a staff (at investiture with the thread) ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 11, 4
- ○bāhu m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2575
- ○bhaṅga m. omission of punishment BhP. vi, 3, 2
- ○bhaya n. dread of punishment Nal. iv, 10
- ○bhāj mfn. undergoing punishment (through, gen.) BhP.x, 64, 42 Yājñ. ii, 5/6, 35
- ○bhāsa m. N. of an appearance in the sky Buddh. L.
- ○bhīti f. = -bhaya Kām. ii, 43 (cf. Hit.)
- ○bhṛt mfn. carrying a staff W.
- • a potter L.
- • Yama, Var Vogay. vi, 21
- ○matsya m. N. of a fish Bhpr.v, 10, 118
- ○mānava m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 130 ; 2, 104, Vāstt. 23 Pat.) 'staff-pupil', a young Brāhman after -pradāna R. ii, 32, 18
- ○mātaṅga Tabernamontana coronaria Npr.
- ○mātha Pāṇ. 4-4, 37 Kāś.
- ○mukha m. 'leader of a column or army', a captain, general Buddh. L.
- ○mukhya m. id. Kām. xvii, 49
- ○yātrā f. a procession, bridal procession L.
- • a military expedition Hcar. iv, vif
- ○yāma m. a day L.
- • Yanma, a L.
- • = dakṣiṇâśā-rati L.
- ○yoga m. = -niy○ Kām. ii, 43 (cf. Hit.)
- ○leśa n. a small fine Mn. viii, 51
- ○vat mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Kāś.) carrying a staff Hcat. i, 11, 566
- • furnished with a handle KātyŚr. xxvi
- • having a large army Ragh. xvii Kām. xiii, 37
- • ind. like a stick Vishṇ. xxviii, 5
- • (with pra-ṇamya, prostrating the body) in a straight line, AdhyR. Introd. 5
- ○vadhá m. 'death by punishment', capital punishment ŚBr. v, 4, 4, 7
- ○vācika mfn. actual or verbal (assault) Mn. viii, 6
- ○vādin mfn. pronouncing judicial reprimand W.
- • m. a door-keeper L.
- ○vārita mfn. forbidden by threat of punishment Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- ○valadhi m. 'stick-tailed', an elephant L.
- ○vāsika m. a door-keeper Buddh. L.
- ○vāsin m. id. L.
- • 'a village-head', a-daṇḍavāsika mfn. having no head (a village) Hcat. i, 9, 60 (cf. AgP.)
- ○vāhin m. a policeman Daś. xi, 249
- ○vikalpa m. 'alternative of punishment', discretionary punishment or fine Mn. ix, 228
- ○viṣaya m. the region of Daṇḍaka R. vii, 81, 18
- ○viṣkambha m. a stake to which is fastened the cord of a churning-stick
- ○vīrva m. N. of a prince Śatr. vi, 289
- ○vṛkṣaka m. Tithymalus antiquorum L.
- ○vyūha m. arraying an army in columns Mn.vii, 187
- ○vrata-dhara mfn. = -dhāraka BhP.iv, 13, 22
- ○śatru
- ○śarman mṆ. of two princes Hariv. i, 38, 3
- ○śrī for caṇḍ○ (N. of a prince) VāyuP. ii, 37, 350
- ○saṃkhyā f. N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○sena m. N. of a son of Vishvak-sena Hariv. 1070
- • of another prince (= -dhāra) MBh. i, 544
- ○sthāna n. a division of an army Divyâv. xxxvi
- ○hasta mfn. staff-handed MBh. vi, 4959 (Yama)
- • m. a doorkeeper W.
- • n. = -mātaṅga L.
- • (ā L.
- • i Bhpr. v, 2, 29), f. id
- daṇḍâkhya mfn. called after a staff ( ○ḍaka)
- • called Daṇḍa L. Sch.
- • n. a two-sided hall facing north and east VarBṛS. liii, 39 and 41
- • N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8157
- daṇḍâghāta m. a blow with a stick Kathās. liv, 203
- daṇḍâjina n. sg. staff and dress of skin as mere outward signs of devotion, hypocrisy, deceit Pāṇ. 5-2, 76
- daṇḍādaṇḍi ind. (4, 127 and ii, 2, 27 Kāś.) stick against stick (in fighting) Mn. iv, 121 Kull.
- daṇḍâdhipa
- daṇḍâdhiḍpati a chief judge Kathās.
- daṇḍnika n. = ḍa-sthāna Mālav. v, 2
- daṇḍâpatānaka m. tetanus Suśr. ii, 1, 51 Bhpr.vii, 36, 172
- daṇḍâpūpa 'stick and cake', -nyāya m. a method of reasoning in which a self-evident truth is illustrated by saying that a mouse which has eaten a stick is sure to eat a cake Dāyakramas.
- • ○pūpāyita mfn. self-evident Sch.
- daṇḍâpūpikā f. = ○pūpa-ny. āya Sāh.x, 84
- daṇḍâmitrā for dattâm○
- daṇḍârta n. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8141
- daṇḍâlasikā f. = ○ḍakâlasaka Npr.
- daṇḍâlu n. Dioscorea alata W.
- daṇḍâvayava m. = ○ânīka Daś. viii, 11
- daṇḍâśrama m. 'staff-condition', ascetism W.
- • min m. an ascetic W.
- daṇḍâsana n. = ○ḍakâs○ HYog. iv, 123 and 130 Yogas. ii, 46 Sch.
- • N. of an arrow L.
- daṇḍâstra n. N. of a mythical weapon R. i, 56, 9
- daṇḍâhata n. 'struck by a churning-stick', butter-milk Bhpr. v, 13, 43
- daṇḍêśa m. = ○ḍa-mukha Gal.
- daṇḍôtpala m. n. and (ā), f. N. of a plant L.
- daṇḍôdyama m. lifting the stick against, threatening (ifc.) Yājñ. iii, 293
- • pl. application of power R. v, 24, 34 Pañcat. i, 16, 9
- daṇḍôpaghātam ind. so as to strike with a stick Pāṇ. 3-4, 48 Kāś.
- daṇḍaka (g. ṛśyâdi), m. (n., g. ardharcâdi) ifc. 'a staff', tri-
- • a handle (of a parasol) L.
- • the beam (of a plough) L.
- • the staff of a banner MBh. vii, ix
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 87 Kāś.) N. of a plant Suśr. v, 7, 1
- • a row, line ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch.
- • a class of metres the stanzas of which may extend from 4 X 27 to 4X 999 syllables Chandaþs. vii, 33-36 HanRāmUp. 15
- • a kind of spasm Car. vi, 28 Bhpr. vii, 36, 171 and 227
- • (○ḍâkhya) 171/172
- • N. of wk. relating to VS.
- • m. N. of a son of Ikshvāku (whose country was laid waste by the curse of Bhārgava, whose daughter he had violated
- • his kingdom in consequence became the ○kâraṇya) MBh. xii (allusion only) Hariv. 637 BhP. ix, 6, 4 Kām. (vḷ. dāṇḍakya)
- • ○ṇḍa R. vii.79, 15 VP. iv 2, 4 VāvuP.ī, 26, 9 PadmaP. i
- • N. of a silly man Bharaṭ. xxv
- • of an Asura Virac. xvi
- • pl. the inhabitants of ○kâraṇya MBh. ii, xiii R. Ragh. VarBṛS.
- • n. = ○kâraṇya MBh. xiii R. BhP. ix, 11, 19 Prasannar.vii, 77 (pl.)
- • (ā), f. id. R. Ragh. xiii (colophon) VarBṛS. Mcar. iv, 40/41
- • (ikā), f. a stick, staff Mn.v, 99 Kull. (ifc.)
• a line Naish. i, 21 Sch.
- • a rope L.
- • a string of pearls L.
- daṇḍakâraṇya n. the Daṇḍaka forest in the Deccan MBh. iii, 8183 Hariv. 638 R. Ragh. Hit.
- • -prasthāna, ri. N. of Abhirāmam. iv
- daṇḍakâlasaka m. a kind of dysentery Car. vi, 10 Rājat. vii
- daṇḍakā-vana n. = ○kâraṇya R. ii, 30 VarBṛS. xiv, 16
- daṇḍakâsana n. lying prostrate on the ground Sarvad. xv, 301
- dáṇḍana m. a cane (?) AV. xii, 2, 54 ī. beating, chastising, punishing Yājñ. (also a-) MBh. xii, 431 Kām. Kulârṇ.i, 78
- • cf. a-dharma-
- ○vidhi m. the practice of inflicting punishment Bālar. v, 63
- daṇḍanīya mfn. to be punished Yājñ. Bālar.v
- daṇḍaya Nom. ○yati, to chastise, punish (with acc. of fine Mn. ix, 234 Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 12 and 7 Vārtt. 1
- • on ii, vi, viii, i,. 4, 51 Siddh. and Vop. v, 6) Mn. viii f. Yājñ. if. MBh. xii &c
- daṇḍāya Nom. (p. ○yamāna) to stand erect W.
- daṇḍāra m. 'having a flag-staff', a carriage L.
- • 'having oars', a boat L.
- • a potter's wheel (cf. ○ḍabhṛt) L.
- • 'having a staff', a bow L.
- • an elephant in rut L.
- daṇḍāḍraka ifc. the pole of a well (or ○ḍâraka, 'stick and spokes of a water-wheel' ?) Kād. v, 840
- daṇḍi m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. vii, 2
- daṇḍika mfn. (g. purohitâdi) carrying a stick, Psṇ.v, 2, 115 Kāś. ; iii, 1, 7 Kār. Sch.
- • = dāṇḍ○ MBh. vi, 439
- • m. a policeman Gaut.
- • N. of a fish L.
- daṇḍita mfn. punished Pañcat. i, 1, 74 Hit.
- daṇḍín mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Kāś.) carrying a stick ŚBr. xiii
- KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- • m. a Brāhman in the 4th stage of his life (= ṭri-) Kālid.
- • N. of an order of ascetics founded by Śaṃkarâcārya W.
- • a door-keeper, policeman Nal. iv, 25 Kād. i, 225
- • an oarsman W.
- • Yama Kām. ii, 36
- • Mañju-śrī L.
- • (g. naḍâdi) N. of a son of Dhṛitit-rāshṭra MBh. i, 2738
- • of a door-keeper of the Sun R. vii, 23, 2, 9 and 11
- • of the author of Daś. Kāvyâd. and some 3rd work
- • Artemisia Abrotanum L.
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 2
- daṇḍḍi-datta m. du. Daṇḍin and Datta Pāṇ. 8-2, 2 Vārtt. 2 Pat. (not in ed.)
- daṇḍḍi-mat mfn. having club-bearers (an army), iii, 1, 7 Kār. Sch.
- daṇḍḍi-muṇḍa m. staffed-handed and bald (Siva) MBh. xii, 10358
- daṇḍiman m. abstr. of ○ḍá g. pṛthv-ādi
- daṇḍya mfn. = ○ḍanīya Āp. Gaut. Pāṇ. 5-1, 66 Mn. &c. (with acc. of fine, viii Yājñ. i, 66
- • ī)
- dát m. (taking the form dánta in the strong cases Pāṇ. 6-1, 63) a tooth RV. (nom. dán, x, 115, 2) AV. VS. ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. BhP.
- • often ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 141-145), a- &c
- • a-dat-ka
- • dac-chada
- ○vát mfn. furnished with teeth RV. i, 189, 5 AV. iv, 3, 4,
- • (tī), f. with rájju, 'rope with teeth'
- • a snake, 2 ; vii, 108, 1 ; xix, 47, 8
- dad-āyudha mfn. using the teeth as a weapon BhP. x, 17, 6
- datta mfn. (√de) protected L.
- • honoured L.
- dattá mfn. (√1. dā) given, granted, presented RV. i f. viii, x AV. &c
- • placed, extended W.
- • (with puttra) = ○ttrima MBh. xiii, 2616
- • m. a short form of names so terminating (yajña-, deva-, jaya &c.) which chiefly are given to Vaiśya men, vi, 2, 148 ; v, 3, 78 ff. Kāś. Mn. ii, 32 Kull. Sāh. vi, 141
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 205 Kāś.) N. of an ascetic TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 1 5, 3 (snake-priest) MBh. xii, 10875 BhP. iv, 19, 6
- • = ○ttâtreya, 1, 15 ; vi, 15, 14
- • N. of a son of Rājâdhideya Sūra Hariv. 2033
- • of a sage in the 2nd Manv-antara, 417
- • of the 7th Vāsudeva Jain. L.
- • of the 8th Tirtha-kara of the past Utsarpiṇi ib.
- • n. a gift, donation ChUp. v BhP. i, 5, 22
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman Pat. Kāś. ( dātteya)
- • (names so terminating given to veśyās Sāh. vi, 14I)
- • cf. á-
- ○karṇa mfn. ifc. giving ear to, listening to Kād. iii, 759
- ○kṣaṇa mfn. to whom occasion or a festival has been given BhP. iii, 3, 21
- ○gītā f. N. of wk
- ○daṇḍin m. du. Dattá and DṭDattá Pāṇ. 8-2, 2 Vārtt. 2 Pat. (not in ed.)
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. directing the eye towards, looking on (loc.) Śak. i, 7 (vḷ.) Kathāsḷxxvii,. 22
- ○nṛtyôpahāra mfn. presented with the compliment of a dance Megh. 32
- ○pūrvôkta-śapa-bhī mfn. causing fear by a previously uttered curse Kathās. lxxxiii, 23
○prâṇa mfn. sacrificing Īfe.,
- ○bhujaṃga-stotra n. N. of a hymn ascribed to Śaṃkarâcāry
- ○mahiman m. another work ascribed to him
- ○mārga mfn. having the road ceded Megh. 45 (vḷ.)
- ○vat mfn. one who has given
- ○vara mfn. presented with the choice of a boon Hariv. R. i, 1, 22
- • granted as a boon, vi, 19, 61
- ○śatru
- ○śarman for daṇḍa-
- ○śulkā f. (a bride) for whom a dowry has been paid Mn. ix, 97
- ○hasta mfn. ifc. having a hand given for support, supported by Sarvad. iv, 39
- • shaking hands W.
- dattâkṣa mf(i)n. = ○tta-dṛṣṭi Sāh. iii, 114
- dattâkṣara mf(ā)n. having one syllable added, x, 14/15
- dattâtaṅka mfn. causing fear to (gen.) Ratnâv. ii, 2
- dattâtman mfn. (with putra, a son deserted by his parents) who gives himself (For adoption as a child) Yājñ. ii, 131
- • m. N. of one of the Viśve-devās MBh. xiii, 4359
- dattâtri dambholi
- dattátreya m. N. of a sage (son of Atri by Anasūyā who favoured Arjuna Kārtavirya). MBh. iii, xii f. Hariv. BhP. ix, 23, 23 (Brahmā, Vishṇu, and Śiva propitiated by his penance became in portions of themselves severally his sons Soma, Datta, and Dur-vāsas
- • hence worshipped as representing the Triad) VP. i, 10, 10 ; iv, 11, 3 MārkP. xvi ff. BṛNārP. xxi
- • N. of an author VP. iii, 9, 31 Sch. Anand. 2 and 96 Sch.
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. iii, 1
- • ○yâṣṭôttara-śata-nāma-stotra n. N. of a ch. of BrahmāṇḍaP
- • ○yâpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- dattâtreyīya n. story of ○treya', N. of MārkP. xix
- dattâdatta mfn. given and received
- dattâdara mfn. showing respect
- • treated with respect
- dattânapakarman n. non-delivery of gifts W.
- • cf. Mn. viii, 4
- dattâpahṛta mfn. given and taken again W.
- • cf. Yājñ. ii, 176
- dattâpradānika mfn. relating to the non-delivery of a gift, 174/175
- dattâmitra m. N. of a Sauvira prince MBh. i, 5537
• (ā), f. N. of a place (cf. dattâmitrīya) R. iv, 43, 20 (vḷ. daṇḍâm○)
- dattâvadhāna mfn. attentive Pañcat.ī, 2, 0/1 Kathās.xxiv, 98,
- dattâsana mfn. having a seat given
- dattairaṇḍapallaka N. of a district in the Deccan
- dattôttara mfn. answered Sarvad.xv, 211 (-tva n. abstr.)
- dattôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- dattaka mfn. (with putra) = ○ttrima, Pravar Yājñ. ii, 130 Mn. ix, 141 Kull.
- • m. a form of names terminating in -datta Pāṇ. 5-3, 83, Kār. Pat.
- • N. of an author Vātsyāy. Introd. and ii, 10, 44
- • of Māgha's father Śiś. (colophon)
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○mīmāṃsā f. another work
- dattā f. of ○tt4
- ○kārīṣagandhyā f. du. DṭDattā and Kārīshagandhyā Pāṇ. 2-4, 26 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
- ○gārgyāyaṇī f. du. Dattā and Gārgyāyaṇī ib.
- datti f. (vii, 4, 46) a gift Ragh.
- dattika
- dattiya
- dattila m. forms of names terminating in -datta Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Kār. Sch.
- datteya m. Indra L.
- dattogni
- dattoni dambholi
- dáttra n. (Indra's) gift RV. iii, 36, 9 ; iv, 17, 6 ; viii, 49, 2
- ○vat (dátt○), mfn. rich in gifts, vi, 50, 8
- dattrima mfn. received by gift (son, slave) Mn.
- dattvā́ ind. p. √da q.v
- • cf. ā́-
- ○"ṣdāna (dattvâdāna) n. resumption of a gift Buddh. L.
- dad cl. 1. ○dati, √dā mfn. ifc. āyurdád
- dada mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 139) 'giving', abhayaṃ-
- • dhanaṃ-dadā
- dadana n. giving L.
- dadāti m. a gift Gaut. v, 19
- dadí mfn. giving, bestowing (with acc.) RV. i f. iv, 24, 4 (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Kāś.), viii ; x, 133, 3
- daditṛ́ m. a giver (preserver?) VS. vii, 14
- dadadás ind. (onomat.) imitative sound of a thunder's roaring ŚBr. xiv, 8, 2, 4.
- dadari N. of a river Rasik. xii, 4
- dad-āyudha dát
- dadṛt mfn. (√dṝ) bursting or causing to burst Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 78 Vārtt. 3 Pat.
- dadru a tortoise Uṇ. vṛ
- • f. (also dara○ Uṇ.k.) = ○drū Suśr. i, 11 and 45 ; v, 8
- ○kuṣṭha n. id., ii, 5 ; iv, 31
- ○ghna m. (also dara○) = ○drū- L.
- • Psoralea corylifolia L.
- ○nāsinī f. removing leprosy', N. of an insect L. (v. l. dara○)
- ○roga m. = dadrū Hcat. i, 8, 455 and 11, 245
- ○rogin mfn. leprous (also dard○ L.), 8, 444 ; 11, 232 and 244
- dadruka m. = ○drū L.
- daḍdruṇa mfn. (g. pāmâdi) leprous (also dard○ L.), 8, 456
- dadrū f. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 100 Vārtt. l and Pat.) a cutaneous eruption, kind of leprosy (also dard○ Uṇ. i, 92 and dardū Sch.) Suśr. iv, 9 VarBṛS. xxxii, 14
- ○ghna mfn. removing leprosy', Cassia Tora or alata L.
- ○rogin mfn. = dru- L. Sch. (vḷ. dard○)
- dadrūṇa mfn. = ○druṇa L. Sch. (also dara○)
- dadṛśāná-pavu (√dṛś) having visible fellies RV. x, 3, 6
- dadh (redupl. of √dhā), el. 1. ○dhate, to hold Dhātup. ii, 7
- • to give ib.: Intens. 2. sg. Impv. dādaddhi Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 Kāś.
- dadha mfn. (iii, i, 139) 'giving', iḍā-, ilā-
- dadhana n. 'putting', antar-
- dádha mfn. (2, 171 Vārtt. 3) 'giving' RV. x, 46, 1
- • preserving (with acc.) Vop.
- • n. a house L.
- dadhán 2. dádhi
- ○vát mfn. containing coagulated milk RV. vi, 48, 18
- dádhi n. (replaced in the weakest forms by ○dhán : instr. &c. ○dhnā́ ○dhné, ○dhnás
- • loc. ○dhani AśvGṛ. i, 24, 5 and ŚvetUp. i, 5, or ○dhni, ifc. Suśr. vi, 40, 150) coagulated milk, thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy
- • differing from curds in not having the whey separated from it) RV. &c
- • turpentine L.
- • the resin of Ṣorea robusta L.
- ○karṇa m. 'milk-ear', N. of a cat Pañcat. iii, 2, 5/8 and 6/7 (cf. Hit. ī)
- • v. l. for adh○
- ○kulyā f. a stream of dádhi R. i, 53, 3
- ○kūrcikā f. mixture of boiled and dádhi milk Madanav.
- ○kra m. N. of a man Pravar. vi, 3 (cf. Kāty.)
- ○krā́ m. (cf. Naigh. i, 14 Nir. ii, 27 f. and x, 3l) N. of a divine horse (personification of the morning Sun
- • addressed in RV. iv, 38-40 ; vii, 44), iii, 20 ; x, 101, 1
- • ○krā́-vatī f. (scil. ṛ́c) the verse iv, 39, 6 (cf. AV. xx, 137, 3) MaitrS. i, 5, 13
- ○krā́van m. = -krā́ RV. iv, 39 f. ; vii, 41 and 44 TS. ii
- ○graha m. a cup with dádhi Jaim. iv, 4, 8
- • -pātra n. the vessel used for taking up dádhi ĀpŚr. xii, 2, 1
- ○ghana m. 'thickened dádhi', curds Pāṇ. 3-3, 77 Kāś.
- ○gharmá m. a warm oblation of dádhi ŚBr. xiv
- KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy.
- • -homa m. id. Vait.
- ○cāra m. a churning-stick L.
- ○ja mfn. produced from or on dádhi L.
- • n. fresh butter L.
- ○drapsá m. a globule of thickened dádhi ŚBr. ix ĀśvGṛ. i, i 7, 7
- ○dhānī f. a vessel for holding dádhi Āp.
- ○dhenu f. a cow represented by dádhi (offered to priests) VarP. cvi BhavP. ii, 168
- ○nadī f. N. of a river, KapSaṃph.xx
- ○payas n. du. dádhi and milk Pāṇ. 2-4, 14
- ○parṇa m. N. of a man BrahmaP. ii, 12 and 18, 26
- ○piṇḍa m. = -ghana Gal.
- ○puccha m. 'milk-tail', N. of a jackal Pañcat. iii, 14, 0/1
- ○puṣpikā f. milk-flower', Clitoria Ternatea L.
- ○puṣpī f. the plant kola-simbī L.
- ○pūpaka m. N. of a cake made of dádhi Madanav.
- ○pūraṇa m. N. of a Nāga L. Sch.
- ○pūrva-mukha -m○
- ○pṛṣātaka N. of a mixture made with dádhi PārGṛ. ii, 16, 3
- ○phala m. Feronia elephantum (its fruit having the acid taste of dádhi) L.
- ○bhakṣa m. food prepared from dádhi Lāṭy. ii, xii
- • mfn. eating d Pañcar. iv, 8, 41
- ○bhāṇḍa n. = -dhānī Hit. iii, 5, 1/2
- ○maṇḍa m. whey Rasar.
- • ○ḍôda mfn. having whey as liquid (an ocean) BhP. v
- • ○ḍôdaka mfn. id. MBh. vi, 443 VP. ii, 4, 57f
- ○mantha m. a beverage obtained by churning dádhi Kauś. 40 ĀśvGṛ. ii, 5, 2 (pl.)
- ○manthana n. the churning of dádhi
- ○mukha m. 'milk-faced', a kind of snake Suśr. v, 4
- • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, v Hariv. 9504
- • of a Yaksha W.
- • of a monkey (brother-in-law of Su-grīva) MBh. iii, 16275 R. v, 1 and 59
- • (-pūrvam○) 63, 20 ; vi, 6 and (metrically ○dhī.) 7, 32
- • (also ○dhi-vaktra, v f.)
- ○vaktra -mukha
- ○vat (dádh○), mfn. prepared with dádhi AV. xviii, 4, 17
- ○vāmana m. 'milk-dwarf.' m. N. of a mystic person Tantras. ii, iv
- ○vāri mfn. having dádhi as liquid (an ocean) Hemac.
- ○vāhana m. N. of a prince (son of Aṅga and father of Divi-ratha) MBh. xii, 1796 Hariv. 1693 f. VāyuP. ii, 37, 100 MatsyaP. iii, 9l f.
- • (adh○ AgP.)
- • of a king of Campā, jain
- ○vidarbha for daśi- 1
- ○śara m. -maṇḍa W. =
- ○śoṇa m. a monkey L.
- ○saktu m. pl. barleymeal with dádhi, Kauś ĀśvGṛ. iii, 5, 5 and 10 MBh. xiii, 5049
- ○samudra m. the dádhi ocean (cf. -vāri), Sāṃkhyas.vi, 52, Anir
- ○sambhava mfn. produced bya○ Mn. v, 10
- • n. fresh butter Gal.
- ○sāra n. id. L.
- ○skanda n. N. of a Tirtha RevāKh.
- ○sneha m.= -maṇḍa L.
- ○sveda m. butter-milk L.
- dadhika ifc. for ○dhi g. ura-ādi
- dadhittha m. = ○dhi-phala Gobh. i, 5, 15 (the wood of which is not allowed to be used in sacrifices)
- • = -rasa Suśr. vi, 21, 4
- ○rasa m. the resin of DṭDadhittha, 49, 24
- dadhitthâkhya m. n. id. L.
- dadhiṣāyya n. (for didh○) clarified butter Uṇ.
- dadhisya + Nom. ○yati, = ○dhīya Pāṇ. 7-1, 51 Siddh.
- daḍdhyasya Nom. ○jati id. ib.
- dadhīca m. = ○dhy-ác (devoted himself to death that Indra might slay Vṛitra with the thunderbolt fabricated by Tvashṭṛi out of his bones) MBh. i, iii, ix (father of Sārasvata by Sarasvati, 2929 ff.), xii
- • (blamed Daksha, q.v.) VāyuP. i, 30, 103 ff. KūrmaP. i, 15, 6 ff. (vḷ. ○ā)
- • author with the pātr. Pāthnya Anukr. on Kāṭh. xvi, 4
- ○kṣupa-saṃvāda m. dialogue between Dadhīca and KshṭKshupa-saṃvāda LiṅgaP. i, 35
- dadhīci m. = ○ca MBh. xii, 10283 ff (blaming Daksha) VarBṛS. lxxx, 3
- dadhīḍcy-asthi n. 'Daksha's bones', the thunderbolt L.
- • the diamond L.
- dadhī-mukha dadhi-m○
- dadhīya Nom. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 68 Vārtt. 3 Pat.
- • Pot. ○yāt) to like dádhi, ApŚr. (cf. KātyŚr. Sch.)
- dadhy in comp. for ○dhi
- ○agra n. = ○dhi-maṇḍa W.
- ○ác m. (nom. -áṅ acc. -áñcam
- • dat. ○dhīcé gen. ○dhīcás
- • cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 170) 'sprinkling dádhi' (cf. ○dhi-krā́ and ghṛtâī) N. of a mythical Ṛishi or sacrificer (RV. i, 80, 16 and called āṅgiras 139, 9 TāṇḍyaBr. xii, 8
- • son of Atharvan RV. vi, 16, 14 BhP.iv, 1, 42
- • having the head of a horse and teaching the Aśvins to find in Tvashṭṛi's house the mádhu or Soma RV. i, 116 f. and 119 ; ix, 108, 4
- • favoured by Indra who slays 99 Vṛitras or foes with a thunderbolt made of his bones, i. 84, 13 BhP. vi, 11, 20 ; viii, 20, 7
- • propounder of the Brāhmaṇa called mádhu ŚBr. iv, xiv BhP. vi, 9, 50ff.)
- ○anna n. rice prepared with dádhi Yājñ. i, 288
- ○ākara m. = ○dhi-samudra L.
- ○āśir (dádh○), mfn. mixed with dádhi (Soma) RV. i, v, vii ; ix, 22, 3 ; 63, 15 ; 101, 12
- ○āhva
- ○āḍhvaya m. the resin of Pinus longifolia L.
- ○uttara n. = -agra Hariv. 4216 Suśr. i, 43. 4 f
- • (a), f. bulbmilk Gal.
- • -ga n. = ○dhy-uttara L.
- ○uda mfn. = ○dhi-vāri L.
- ○ódana m. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 34 Kāś.) boiled rice mixed with dádhi ŚBr. xiv Yājñ. i, 303
- dadhiṣú ○ṣū-pati, didh○
- dadhṛṣ mfn. (√dhṛṣ) bold Bhatt. vi, 117 (nom. ○dhṛk)
- • (○dhṛ́k), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 59) strongly, boldly RV. v, 66, 3 ; viii, 82, 2 ; x, 16, 7
- dadhṛḍṣá mfn. bold, iii, 42, 6
- dadhṛḍṣi dā́dh○
- dadhṛḍṣvāṇi mfn. bold, viii, 61, 3
- dadhna m. N. of Yama L.
- dadhy-ác -anna, &c. above
- dadhyānī f. N. of a plant L.
- dán dánas, dát, 2. and 1. dam
- danāyus ○yū́, dánu
- danīdhvaṃsa mfn. (fr. Intens. of √dhvaṃs) Pāṇ. 2-4, 74 Kāś.
- dánu f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (by Kaśyapa , mother of the Dānavas) MBh. i, 2520 ff. Hariv. R. iii, 20 VP. &c. VarBṛS.
- • m. N. of a son of ŚrI (also called Dānava
- • originally very handsome, but changed into a monster by Indra for having offended him) R. iii f
- ○kabandha m. the monster DṭDānava Mcar. iv, 1/2 -ja m. born from Dānava', a Dānava BhP. vi, 9, 39
- • -dviṣ m. Dānava-enemy', a god L. Sch.
- • ○jâri m. id. W.
- • ○jêdra m. a Dānava prince Vcar.
- ○sambhava m. = - ja MārkP.
- ○sūnu m.id. L.
- danāyus f. N. of daughter of Daksha (named with Danu) MBh.
- danāḍyū́ m. s.v. dánu
- dánta m. (fr. &) = dát RV. vi, 75, 11 AV. &c. (n. R. vi, 82, 28
- • ifc., al or ī Pāṇ. 4-1, 55)
- • the number 32, Gaṇit.
- • an elephant's tusk, ivory MBh. R. &c.
- • the point (of an arrow? atharī́) RV. iv, 6, 8
- • the peak or ridge of a mountain, Haravij. iv, 32 Dharmaśarm. vii, 32
- • an arbour Śiś. iv, 40
- • a pin used in playing a lute, Haravij. i, 9
- • (i), f. = ○tikā Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • (in music) N. of a composition
- • cf. ibha-dantā
- • kuḍmala- and krūra-a-dantī &c
- ○karṣaṇa m. 'teeth-injuring', the lime L.
- ○kāra m. an ivory worker R. ī.-
- ○kāṣṭha n. a small piece of the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth MBh. xiii &c
- • cleaning the teeth with the danta-kāṣṭha, 4996 VarP.
- • m. N. of various trees the wood of which is used for cleaning the teeth (Flacourtia sapida L.
- • Asclepias gigantea, Ficus indica, Acacia Catech, Pongamia glabra, Terminalia alata) Npr.
- • ○ṣṭhâbhakṣaṇa n. 'omitting to use the d○', N. of VarP. cxxxi
- ○kāṣṭhaka m. N. Tabernaemontana coronaria L.
- ○kumāra m. of a man
- ○kūra N. of a place MBh. v, 23, 24 and 48, 76
- ○krūra m. N. of a prince, vii, 70, 5
- ○grāhi-tā f. the state of injuring the teeth Suśr. i, 45
- ○gharṣa m. chattering of the teeth MārkP.xliii, 22
- ○ghāṭa
- ○ghāḍṭaka m= -kāra Kathās. lxxv (cf. Vet. i, 8/9)
- ○ghata m. a bite Sāh. iii, 8 a/b
- ○cāla m. looseness of the teeth Suśr.iv, 39
- ○cchada m. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-3, 118 and vi, 4, 96) 'tooth cover', a lip Bhartṛ. Ṛitus. &c
- • (ā), f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips) Npr.
- • ○dôpamā f. id. L.
- ○cchadana n. = ○da Gal.
- ○cchedana n. biting through Bhpr. v, 11, 168
- ○janman n. growth of the teeth Yājñ. iii, 23
- ○jāta mf(ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 52 Vārtt. 1)n. (vi, 2, 171
- • g. āhitâgny-ādi) = jāta-danta Mn. v, 58
- • (a- neg.) ĀśvGṛ. iv, 4, 24
- ○jāha n. the √of a tooth, g. karṇâdi
- ○darśana n. (a dog's) showing the teeth MBh. v, 2652
- ○dyut f. brightness of the teeth Bālar. v, 66
- ○dhāva m. cleaning the teeth BhP. xi, 27, 35
- ○dhāvana
- n. id. Kauś. Gaut. Mn. iv Yājñ. i MBh. &c
- • -pavana R. ii Suśr. iv, 22 Pāṇ. 6-2, 150 Kāś.
- • GarP
- • N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- • m. Acacia Catechu L.
- • Mimusops Elengi L.
- • a kind of karañja L.
- • -prakaraṇa n. N. of Parāś. i, 39/40, 5
- • -vidhi. m. N. of Smṛitik. iv, 2, 1
- • of a ch. of Smṛityarth
- • of Bhpr.iv, 24ff
- ○dhāvanaka m. N. of a tree Kauś. 36
○niṣkāśita mfn. showing the teeth (a jackal) Hit. iii, 7, 0/1 (vḷ.)
- ○pattra n. a kind of ear-ring Kum. vii, 23 Kād. Hcar. i, 387 Bālar. v, 76
- • Nom. ○ttrati, to represent that ear-ring Prasannar. vii, 61
○pattraka n. a kind of jasmine (its petals being compared to the teeth) L.
- • (ikā), f. an ivory ear-ring Śiś. i, 60
- • a comb MBh. i, 3, 157 Sch.
- ○pavana n. 'toothcleaner', a small piece of wood (= -kāṣṭha) Car.i, 5 Suśr. iv, 24
- ○pāta m. the falling out of the teeth VarBṛS. lxvi, 5
- ○pāli f. an ivory hilt (of a sword) Vāsav. 487
- ○pālī f. the gums VarBṛSḷxviii,. 97
- ○pāvana n. = -dhāva Pañcad. ii, 45
- ○puppuṭa m.gum boil Suśr.i, 25
- ○puppuṭaka m.id., ii, 16 ; iv, 22
- ○pura n. 'city of Buddha's tooth', the capital of Kaliṅga Jain. &c
- ○puṣpa n. Strychnos potatorum L.
- ○prakṣālana n. = -dhāva Āp. Gobh.
- • -pavana KātyŚr. viii, 9 Āp. PārGṛ.
- ○praveṣṭa a case round an elephant's tusk Śiś. xviii, 47
- ○phala m. Feronia elephantum L.
- • n. = -puṣpa L.
- • (ā), f. long pepper L.
- • N. of a gourd Gal.
- ○bīja m. pomegranate L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- • N. of a gourd L.
- ○bījaka m. = ○ja L.
- ○bhaṅga m. fracture of the teeth Suśr. ii, 16 Pañcat. i Kām. xiv Pañcad.
- ○bhāga m. the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear) L.
- • part of a tooth W.
- ○madhya n. the space between an elephant's tusks Gal.
- ○maya mfn. made of ivory Mn. v, 121
- ○mala n. impurity of the teeth L.
- ○māṃsa n. the gums Suśr. i, 35 ; ii, 16
- ○mūla n. = -jāha VS. xxv, 1 VPrāt. APrāt. Suśr.
- • = -śopha L.
- ○mulikā f. = dantikā L.
- ○"ṣmūlīya mfn. belonging to ○lá, dental (letter) RPrāt.i, v
- ○racanā f. = -dhāva Kathāsḷxxv.
- ○rajas n. = -mala Kauś. 31
- ○roga m. tooth-ache Suśr. iv, 22,
- ○"ṣrogin mfn. suffering from ○ga, 24
- ○lekhaka m. one who lives by painting the teeth Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 17 and vi, 2, 73
- ○vaktra for -vakra
○vakra m. N. of a Karūsha prince (also called vakradanta and vakra
- • described as a Dānava or Asura)
- MBh. if. Hariv. VP. iv, 14, 11 ; v, 26, 7 BhP.iii, vii, ix VāyuP. ii, 34, 145 BrahmaP. Kām.
- ○vat mfn. having teeth Pāṇ. 5-2, 106 Kāś.
- ○varṇa mfn. 'tooth-coloured', brilliant MBh. viii, 63, 11
- ○valka n. the enamel of the teeth Suśr. ii, 16
- ○vastra mṇ. = -cchada L.
- ○vāṇijya n. ivory trade (forbidden to Jain laymen) HYog. iii, 98 and 105.
- ○vāsas (m. W.) = -cchada Kum.v, 34
- ○vighāta m. = -gh○ Ṛitus. iv, 12
- ○vidradhī f. an abscess of the teeth Car. vi, 18
- ○vīṇā f. 'toothguitar', ○ṇāṃ vādayat mfn. 'playing the ○ṇā', chattering with the teeth Pañcat. i, 18, 0/1
- ○veṣṭa = ○tana MBh. vii, 3639
- • the gums Yājñ. iii, 96 (du. 'the gums of the upper and lower jaw') MBh. vii f. (of an elephant) Suśr. i, 5 ; ii, 16, tumour of the gums, i, 23 and 25 ; ii, 16, 15
- ○veṣṭaka m. id., 11
- • du. the gums of the upper and lower, jaw Car. iv, 7
- ○veṣṭana n. = -praveṣṭa Siś. xviii, 47 Sch.
- ○vaidarbha m. looseness of the teeth through external injury Suśr. i, 11 ; ii, 16 ; iv, 22
- ○vyasana n. fracture or decay of the teeth or of a tusk
- ○vyāpāra m. ivory work Kād.
- ○śaṅku n. a pair of pincers for drawing teeth Suśr. i, 8
- ○śaṭha mfn. 'bad for the teeth', 'acid L.
- • m. acidity L.
- • N. of several trees with acid fruits and (n.) N. of the fruits ( = -karṣaṇa, Citrus Auraritium, = -phala, Averrhoa Carambola L.), 42 and 46
- • (ā), f. Oxalis pusilla L.
- ○śarkarā f. tartar of the teeth, 23 ; ii, 16
- ○śāṇa m. tooth-powder L.
- ○śirā f. a back tooth L.
• the gums W.
- ○suddhi f. = -dhāva
- ○śula m. n. = -roga MBh. xii GarP.
- ○śodhana- n. = -dhāva Bhpr.iv, 40/41 (i), f. a tooth-pick W.
- • -cūrṇa n. tooth-powder, 25
- ○śopha m. swelling of the gums L.
- ○śliṣṭa mfn. entangled in the teeth W.
- ○saṃgharṣa m. gnashing the teeth MārkP. xxxiv, 72
- ○sadman n. 'tooth-abode', the mouth Gal.
- ○skavana n. picking the teeth Āp.
- ○harṣa m. morbid sensitiveness of the teeth Suśr. i, 42 ; ii, 16 ; iv, 22
- • = -gh○ VāyuP.i, 19, 19
- ○harṣaka
- ○harḍṣaṇa m. = -karṣaṇa L.
- ○hastin mfn. having tusks and a trunk R. i, 6, 24
- ○hīna mfn. toothless
- dantâgra n. the top of a tooth VPrāt. i, 81
- dantâgrīya mfn. fr. ○gra g. gahâdi
- dantâghāta m. = ○ta-gh○ W.
- • = ○ta-karṣaṇa L.
- dantâñji mfn. showing the teeth MantraBr. ii, 4, 6
- dantâda mfn. corroding the teeth Suśr.vi, 54
- dantā-danti mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 127) tooth against tooth MBh. viii, 2377
- dantântara n. 'space between the teeth', -gata mfn. = ○nta-śliṣṭa Suśr. i
- • ○tar-adhiṣṭhita mfn. id. Mn. v, 141
- dantâyudha m. 'tusk-weaponed', a hog L.
- dantârbuda m. n. = ○ta-śopha L.
- dantâlaya m. = ○tasadman L.
- dantâli f: a row of teeth
- dantâlikā f. a horse's bridle Śiś. v, 56
- dantâli f. id. L.
- dantâvali f. = ○tâdli Bhartṛ. iii, 74
- dantâśliṣṭa mfn. = ○ta-i○ Mn. v, 141 Kull.
- danôcchiṣṭa n. the remains of food lodged between the teeth Gṛihyās. ii, 89
- dantôdbheda m. appearance of the teeth, dentition W.
- dantôlūkhala n. 'tooth-hole', alveole Car.iv, 7, 1
- dantôlūkhalika mfn. 'using the teeth as a mortar', eating unground grain (an ascetic) Mn. vi, 17 Yājñ. iii, 49 MBh. ix, 2182 ; xiii, 647
- dantôlūkhalin mfn. id., ix, 2166 R. (G) i, 52, 26 ; iii, 10, 3
- dantóṣṭhaka for ○tâuSTh○,
- dantauṣṭhaka mfn. paying attention to one's teeth and lips Pāṇ. 5-2, 66 Kāś.
- dantaka ifc. 'a tooth', a-, kṛmi-, śyāva-
- • m. a projection in a rock L.
- • 'a pin projecting from a wall', nāga-
- • mfn. paying attention to one's teeth Pāṇ. v, 2, 66 Sch.
- • (ika), f. Croton polyandrum (yielding a pungent oil) L.
- dantāvala m. (113 ; vi, 3, 118) 'tusked', an elephant Mn. vii, 106 Kull.
- • N. of a man GopBr. i, 2, 5
- danti for ○tín, q.v
- ○jā f. = ○tikā L.
- ○danta m. an elephant's tusk', -maya mfn. made of ivory MBh. viii, 1021
- ○durga m. N. of a man
- ○daitya m. N. of a Daitya Bālar. x, 30
- ○mada m. the juice flowing from a rutting elephant's temples L.
- ○vaktra m. 'elephant-faced', Gaṇśa, iv, 16
- ○stha mfn. seated on an elephant Kum. xvi, 2
- dantín mfn. tusked (Gaṇêśa) MaitrS. ii, 9, 1 (○ti TĀr. x, 1, 5)
- • m. an elephant MBh. R. &c
- • a mountain L.
- • (inī), f. = ○tikā L. ○tila m. N. of a man Pañcat. i, 3, 0/1
- danḍtura mf(ā Vop.)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 106) having projecting teeth Kathās.xii, xx, cxxiii KātyŚr. xx Sch.
- • jagged, uneven Naish. vii, 13 (-tā f. abstr.)
- • ifc. = ○rita Kād. Hcar. i, 121 ; ii, 224 Kathās. xviii Vcar.
- • ugly Kād.v, 1047 (-tā f. abstr.)
- • -cchada m. 'prickly-leaved', the lime tree L.
- danḍturaka mfn. having prominent teeth VarBṛS. lxix, 20
- • m. pl. N. of a people (east of Madhya-deśa), xiv, 6
- danḍturaya Nom. ○yati, to fill with (instr.) Hcar. ii, 488
- danḍturita mfn. ifc. filled with, full of Kād. iii, 1250 ; v, 843
- danḍtaūla mfn. having teeth, g. sidhmâdi
- danḍteya m. Indra (v. l. datt○) L.
- dantya mf(ā Pāṇ. 6-1, 213 Sch.)n. dental (a letter) Prāt. Kāś. Vop.
- • being on the teeth Pāṇ. 4-3, 55 Kāś. Hemac.
- • suitable to the teeth Suśr. i, 46 Pāṇ. 5-1, 6 Kāś.
- • cf. a-
- dantyóṣṭhya or mfn. denti-labial Śiksh.25 Pāṇ. 7 Kāś.
- danḍtyâuṣ○ mfn. denti-labial Śiksh.25 Pāṇ. 7 Kāś.
- dandaśa m. (√daṃś) a tooth W.
- dandaśū́ka mfn. (iii, 2, 166) mordacious VS. TS. ŚBr. MBh.
- • malignant, v, 1245 Car.iii, 8
- • m. a snake Yājñ. iii, 197 MBh. xiv BhP.iv-vii
- • N. of a hell infested by serpents, v, 26
- • of a Rākshasa L.
- dandramaṇa mfn. fr. Intens. of √dram Pāṇ. 3-2, 150
- dandhvana m. (√dhvan, √dhen, Intens.) 'whistler', a kind of cane MBh. xii, 86, 14
- danv cl. 1. P., to go Dhātup. xv, 88
- dabh or dambh, cl. 1. (Subj. dábhat and ○bhāti RV.
- • pl. ○bhanti, vii, ○bhan, if., x and AV.
- • Pot. ○bheyam TS. i, 6, 2, 4) and 5. dabhnóti ('to go' Naigh. ii, 14
- • Impv. ○nuhi AV. x, 3, 3
- • cf. ā-, -Pass. dabhyate RV. i, 41, 1
- • pf. dadābha, v, 32, 7
- • ○dámbha AV. v, 29
- • pl. debhur RV. i, 147, 3= iv, 4, 13 ; x, 89, 5
- • also dadambhur and 2ṣg. debhitha or dadambhitha Pāṇ. 1-2, 6 Siddh.
- • aor. pl. dadabhanta RV. i, 148, 2
- • adambhiṣur Bhaṭṭ. xv, 3) to hurt, injure, destroy RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. ṢaḍvBr. Bhaṭṭ.
- • to deceive, abandon RV. i, 84. 20 VS. iv f. viii: Caus. (Subj. and p. damebháyat
- • 2. sg. ○yas, ○ya) to destroy RV. AV.
- • dambhayati or dābh○, to impel Dhātup. xxxii, 132
- • dambkayate, to accumulate, xxx, 4: Desid. dípsati (Subj. and p. dípsat) to intend to injure or destroy RV. AV. VS. xi, 80
- • dhips○, dhīps○, didambhiṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 and 4, 56 (i, 2, 10 Pat.)
- dabdha (á-.)
- dábdhi f. injury TS. Kāṭh.
- dábha mfn. deceiving RV. v, 19, 4
- • (āya), dat, inf. to deceive, 44, 2 ; vii, 91, 2 ; ix, 78, 8 AV.iv
- • cf. a-
- dabhī́ti m. an injurer, enemy RV. iv, 41, 4
- • N. of a man (favoured by Indra, ii, iv, vi f. x
- • by the Aśvins, i, 112, 23)
- daḍbhna dura-dabhnā́
- dábhya mfn. deceivable, x, 108, 4
- • deceitful, 61, 2
- dabhrá mf(ā)n. little, small, deficient, i, iv, vii f. x ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 13, 5 KenUp.
- • cf. dahra
- • m. the ocean Uṇ. Sch.
- • n. distress RV. vii, 104, 10
- • (ám), ind. scarcely, i, 113, 5
- • cf. á-
- ○cetas (○rá-), mfn. little-minded, viii, x
- ○buddhi mfn. BhP. vi, 7
- dam cl.4. dāmyati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 74
- • ind. p. dāntvā and damitvā, 2, 56
- • aor. Pass. adami, 3, 34 Kāś.
- • P ○mit Bhaṭṭ.xv, 37) to be tamed or tranquillised ŚBr. xiv, 8, 2, 2 (Impv. dā́myata)
- • to tame, subdue, conquer MBh. vii, 2379 and BhP. iii, 3, 4 (ind. p. damitvā) Bhaṭṭ.: cl. 9. irreg. (? Subj. 2. sg. dánas) id. RV. i, 174, 2: Caus. damayati (p. ○máyat
- • Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 89) to subdue, overpower RV. vii, 6 ; x, 74, 5 AV.v, 20, 1 MBh. Rājat.
- • Desid., √dān
- •
- dám a house RV. x, 46, 7 (gen. pl. damām)
- • pátir dán (gen. sg.) = dám-patis, 99, 6 ; 105, 2 ; i, 149, 1 ; 153, 4
- • páti dán = dám-patī, 120, 6
- • śíśur dán 'a child of the house', x, 61, 20
- •
- ○pati (dám-), m. (= Gk. ?-?) the lord of the house (Agni, Indra, the Aśvins), i ; ii, 39, 2 (cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 11 1 Kāś.) ; v, viii
- • (ī), du. (g. rājadantâdi, the comp. taken as a Dvandva and dam in the sense of 'wife'), 'the two masters', husband and wife, v, viii, x AV. Gobh. &c. (said of birds VarBṛS.vc Hit.)
- dáma m. (or n.) house, home (?, Lat. domus) RV. AV. vii (also puru-dáma, q.v.) VS. viii, 24
- • mfn. ifc. 'taming, subduing', ariṃ-, gaṃ- baliṃ-
- • m. self-command, self-restraint, selfcontrol ŚBr. xiv, 8, 2, 4 (○má, but cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Kāś.) TUp. KenUp. Mn. &c
- • taming L.
- • punishment, fine, viii f. Yājñ. ii, 4 BhP.
- • N. of a brother of Damayantī Nal. i, 9
- • of a Maha-rshi MBh. xiii, 1762
- • of a son of Daksha, i Sch.
- • of a grandson of Marutta VP. iv, 1, 20 MārkP. cxxxiv VāyuP.
- • cf. dur-, su-
- ○kartṛ m. a ruler W.
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a Cedi prince (father of Śiśu-pāla) MBh. i-iii Hariv. VP. iv, 14, 13 BhP. vii, ix
- • -ja m. 'son of Daksha', Śiśu-pāla Śiś. ii, 60
- • -suta m. id., xvi, 1
- ○maya mfn. consisting of selfcontrol, ŚānkhBr. ix, 1,
- ○śarīrin mfn. keeping one's body in self-control BhP. iii, 31, 19
- ○svasṛ f.' Dama's sister', Damayanti Naish. viii f
- damaka mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Kāś.) ifc. taming, a tamer Mn. iii, 162 MBh. xiii, 1651
- daḍmatra mahā
- daḍmatha m. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 114 Sch.) 'selfcontrol', tri-
- • punishment L.
- mathu m. selfcontrol L. punishment W.
- damana mf(ī)n. ifc. taming, subduing, overpowering MBh. viii Bhartṛ.
- • self-controlled, passiv, 26, 2
- • (g. nandy-ādi) Artemisia indica Mantram. xxiii
- • N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 18
- • of Yāmāyana (author of RV. x, 16) RAnukr.
- • of a son of Vasu-deva by Rohiṇi Hariv. 1951
- • of a Brahmarshi Nal.i, 6 VāyuP. i, 23, 115
- • of a son of Bharadvāja KāśīKh. lxxiv
- • of an old king MBh. i, 224
- • of a Vidarbha king Nal. i, 9
- • n. taming, subduing, punishing
- MBh. R. Śak. BhP. BrahmavP.
- • self-restraint W.
- • (ī), f. Solanum Jacquini L.
- • N. of a Śakti Hcat. i, 8, 405
- ○bhañjikā f. breaking damana flowers', a kind of sport Vātsyāy. i, 4
- damanaka m. Artemisia indica VarBṛS. lxxvii, 13 BhavP. ii
- • N. of a man Bharaṭ.iii
- • of a jackal Pañcat. i, 25/26. Kathās. lx, 19 ff
- • (n.?) N. of a metre of 4 times 6 short syllables
- • of another of 4 lines of 10 short syllables and one long each
- damanīya mfn. tamable, to be restrained W.
- damanya Nom. (Subj. ○yat) to subdue RV. x, 99
- damayantī f. 'subduing (men )', N. of Nala's wife (daughter of Bhima king of Vidarbha) Nal.
- • a kind of jasmine L.
- • -katkā f. N. of Nalac.
- • -kāvya n. N. of a poem, Prauḍh
- • -pariṇaya m. N. of a drama,
- damaḍyantikā f. N. of the mother of a Sch. on Veṇis
- damaḍyitṛ m. a tamer MBh. xiii, 7041 (Vishṇu)
- • Śiva
- damāya Nom. (pl. ○yantu) to control one's self TUp.i, 4, 2
- • (p. ○yát) to subdue RV. vi, 18, 3 ; 47, 16
- damita mfn. tamed, subdued Pāṇ. 7-2, 27
- damitṛ́ m. = ○mayitṛ RV. ii, 23, 11 ; iii, 34, 10 ; v, 34, 6
- damin mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 141) tamed, self-controlled MBh. iii, 5016
- • 'taming', kāma-daminī
- • n. N. of a Tirtha, 5014
- • m. pl. the Brāhmans of Śaka-dviipa VP. ii, 4, .39
- damunas (cf. Uṇ. iv) m. (for ○mUn○) fire, Agni L.
- dámūnas mfn. belonging or devoted or dear to the house or family (Agni &c.) RV. (pl. the Ṛibhus v, 42, 12) AV.xix
- • m. a friend of the house (Agni, Savitṛi, Indra, Dirgha-nītha) RV. AV.vii ŚāṅkhŚr.
- damya mfn. tamable Mn. viii, 146 BhP. xi
- • m. a young bullock that has to be tamed MBh. xii f. Hariv. R. Ragh. Vikr.
- ○sārathi m. 'guide of those who have to be restrained', N. of a Buddha L.
- dámya mfn. being in a house, homely RV.
- damadamāya (onomat.) P. Ā. ○yati, ○yate Pāṇ. 3-1, 13 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (not in ed.)
- damāvandu N. of a mountain in Persia called Demavend Romakas.
- dám-pati 2. dám
- dambh √dabh
- dambha m. deceit, fraud, feigning, hypocrisy Mn. iv, 163 MBh. &c
- • Deceit (son of A-dharma and Mṛishā BhP.iv, 8, 2) Prab.ī
- • Indra's thunder bolt L.
- • Śiva
- • N. of a prince (darbha AgP.
- • rambha VP.) PadmaP.
- ○caryā f. deceit, hypocrisy L.
- ○muni m. a hypocritical Muni Kathās. lxxii, 263
- ○yajña m. a hypocritical sacrifice BhP. v, 26, 25
- dambhôdbhava m. N. of a prince (who fought with hermits but was worsted) MBh. Kām. i
- dambhaka mfn. ifc. deceiving Mn. iv, 195
- dambhana mfn. ifc. 'damaging', amítra and sapatna-dámbh○
- • n. deceiving, 198 MBh. xii, 2111
- dambhin mfn. acting deceitfully, (m.) a deceiver, hypocrite Yājñ. i, 130 BhP. xii, 6, 30
- • cf. a-
- dambholi m. Indra's thunderbolt Bālar. iv, 51 ; ix, 56/51 Kathās. xciv, 11 Prasannar. iv, 10 ; v, 53 Sāh.
- • Agastya (Ṛishi of the Ist Manv-antara) VP. i, 10, 9
- • (dattogni) iii, 1, 11
- • (○ttoni) BrahmaP. and (v. l. dānt○) Hariv. 417
- • (○ttâtri)cf. VāyuP
- • (○ttâtreya) PadmaP.
- ○pāṇi m. d○-handed', Indra Naish. xvii, 42 Bālar. x, 39
- ○pāta m. the falling of Indra's thunderbolt, vii, 50
- • ○tāya Nom. ○yate, to fall down like Indra's thunderbolt Rājat. viii, 1615
- day cl. 1. Ā. dáyate (p. dáyamāna RV. &c
- • aor. adayiṣṭa. Bhaṭṭ.
- • pf. ○yāṃ cakre Pāṇ. 3-1, 37) to divide, impart, allot (with gen., ii, 3, 52
- • acc. RV.)
- • to partake, possess RV. Nir.
- • to divide asunder, destroy, consume RV. vi, 6, 5 ; x, 80, 2
- • to take part in: sympathize with, have pity on (acc., vii, 23, 5 AV. ŚBr.xiv Bhaṭṭ.
- • gen. Daś. Bhaṭṭ. Kathās. cxxi, 104)
- • to repent RV. vii, 100, i
- • to go Dhātup.: Caus. (Pot. dayayet) to have pity on (gen BhP.ī, 7, 42: Intens. dandayyate, dād○ Vop. xx, 8 f
- • cf. ava-, nir-ava-, vi-
- dayā́ f. sympathy, compassion, pity for (loc. MBh. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c. ; gen. R. Hariv. 8486 ; in comp. MBh. xiv Hit. i, 6, 41 ) ŚBr. xiv &c. (○yāṃ √kṛ, 'to fake pity on' )
- • Pity (daughter of Daksha and mother of A-bhaya BhP. iv, 1, 49 f.) Hariv. 14035 ; cf. a-dayá ; nir-, and sadaya
- ○kara mfn. showing pity (Śiva)
- ○kūrca m. 'store of pity', a Buddha L.
- ○kṛt mfn. pitiful
- ○nidhi m. 'treasure of mercy', a very compassionate person
- ○"ṣnvita (○yân○), mfn. full of pity
- ○yukta mfn. id
- ○rāma m. N. of several men Śaṃkaracetov. i, 130 &c
- ○vat mfn. pitiful, taking pity on (gen. MBh. xiii ; loc., ii R. ī)
- • (ti), f. N. of a Sruti (in music)
- ○vīra m. a hero in compassion, very merciful man Siṃhâs.
- ○śamakara m. N. of a man
- ○śīla mfn. compassionate
- dayôrmi mfn. having compassion for (its) waves Hit.
- dayālu mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 158) = ○yā-vat MBh. &c. (with loc. Ragh. ii, 57)
- • -tā f. pity Kād. Kathās. civ
- • -tva n. id. Kām. (with loc.)
- dayāḍluka mfn. = ○lu
- dayita mfn. cherished, beloved, dear MBh. R.
- • protected Bhaṭṭ. x, 9
- • m. a husband, lover Śak. iii, 19/20 (vḷ.)
- • (ā), f. a wife, beloved woman Ragh. ii, 30 Megh. 4 Siś. ix 70 Kathās. Dhūrtas. ii, 13
- dayitā f. of ○ta
- ○"ṣdhīna (○tâh○), mfn. subject to a wife. =
- ○maya mfn. wholly devoted to a beloved woman Kathās. ci, 276
- dayitāyamāna mfn. lovely Haravij. ii, 8
- dayitnu mfn. ? Lāṭy. vii, 10, 13
- dara (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 58), mfn. (√dṝ) ifc., cleaving, breaking, puraṃ-dará, bhagaṃ-
- • m. (g. ardharcâdi, uñchâdu) = ○rī R. ii, 96, 4 ; a conch-shell BhP. i, vf., x Kramadīp.
- • m. the navel Gal.
- • 'stream', asṛg-
- • fear MBh. v, 4622
- • n. poison (v. l. dhara) L.
- • (ī), f. a hole in the ground, cave MBh. R. Hariv. Kum. &c
- • (am), ind. a little Bhartṛ. iii, 24
- ○kaṇṭikā f. 'little-thorn', Asparagus racemosa L.
- ○kara m. 'hole-maker', a staff Gal.
- ○timira n. the darkness of fear Gīt. x, 2
- ○manthara mfn. a little slow, xi, 3
- ○mukulita mfn. a little budded, ii, 17 Sāh. iii, 140/141
- ○vidalita mfn. slightly opened Gīt. i, 35
- ○vrīḍā f. slight shame Sāh. iii, 60
- ○ślatha mfn. a little loose Gīt. xii, 13. =
- ○hāra m. N. of a plant (v. l.) L.
- darêndra m. Vishṇu's conch W.
- daraṇa n. cleaving, rending, breaking ŚāṅkhŚr,. xiii Kauś. ṢaḍvBr. v, 3 VarBṛS.
- • falling away (of flesh) Suśr. v, 1, 50
- daraḍṇi mf. surf Uṇ. ii, 103 Sch.
- daraḍṇīya mfn. a- 'unbreakable' Nir. ix, 9
- darat-pura n. the city of the Darads Rājat. vii, 916 ; viii, 1155
- • (i-), f. id., vii, 913
- daratha m. a cave Uṇ. iii Sch.
- • taking flight ib.
- darad m. (g. sindhv-ādi) ○da
- • f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 120 Pat.) = ○rat-pura L. Sch.
- • the heart Uṇ. Sch.
- • a bank ib.
- • a mountain L.
- • a precipice L.
- • fear L.
- daraḍda m. pl. N. of a people (living above Peshāwar ; also called ○d Rājat.) Mn. x, 44 MBh. Hariv. 6441 R. iv VarBṛS. VāyuP. i, 45, 118
- • sg. a Darada prince (also ○d Rājat. vii, 914) MBh. i, 2694 Hariv.
- • fear L.
- • n. red lead Bhpr.v, 26, 93 ; vii, 1, 227
- • -lipi f. writing peculiar to the Daradas Lalit. x, 32
- darasāna m.= dyotva Uṇ. ii, 86 Sch.
- darāyya mfn. fut. Pass. p. √dṝ Vop. xxvi, 164
- dari mfn. 'splitting, opening', go-
- • m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2157
- • f. metrically for ○rī, vii, 8409
- daḍrita mfn. timid L.
- daḍrin mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 157
- darī f. of ○ra
- ○bhṛt m. 'having caves', a mountain Kir., viii, 2
- ○mat mfn. abounding with caves R. (B) iv, 40, 35. =
- ○mukha n. a mouth like a cave MBh. vii, 6437
- • the opening of a cave ib.
- • a cave representing a mouth Kum. i, 8 Ragh. xiii, 47
- • m. 'cave-mouthed, 'N. of a monkey R. iv
- • of a Pratyeka-buddha, Jāt. 378
- ○vat mfn. = -mat R.
- dárīman destruction RV. i, 129, 8
- dártṛ mfn. breaking RV. vi, 66, 8
- • ○tṛ́ m. a breaker, i, 1 30, 10 ; viii, 98, 6
- dartnú m. id. vi, 20, 3
- dardara mfn. broken, burst L.
- • m. 'having caves', a mountain L.
- • a ravine (?) R. (B) iv, 43, 27
- • a kind of drum L.
- • (ī), f. N. of a river L.
- dardaḍrâmra m. a sort of sauce L.
- • N. of a tree L.
- dardaḍrika m. a frog Uṇ. vṛ
- • a cloud ib.
- • N. of a musical instrument (also ○rvar○) ib.
- • n. any musical instrument ib.
- dardura m. a frog (cf. kūpa-) Mn. xii, 64 MBh. R. &c
- • a flute (cf. jala-) Mṛicch. iii, 18/19 BhP. i, 10, 15
- • the sound of a drum L.
- • a cloud L.
- • a kind of rice Car. i, 27
- • N. of a southern mountain (often named with Malaya) MBh. ii f. Hariv. R. Ragh. VarBṛS.
- • of a man BhP. ii, 7, 34
- • of a singing master Kathās. lxxi, 73
- • = ○raka Mṛicch. ii, 11/12
- • n. a kind of talc Bhpr.
- • an assemblage of villages L.
- • (ā, ī), f. Durgā L.
- ○cchadā f. the plant brāhmī Npr.
- ○parṇī f. id. ib.
- ○puṭa m. the mouth of a pipe W.
- dardurâmra m. = ○dar○ L.
- darduraka m. N. of a gamester Mṛicch. ii, 6/7 ff
- dardū dadru
- darḍdru m. N. of a bird Car. i, 27
- • dadr○
- darḍdruṇa
- darḍdrū
- darḍdruṇa dadr○
- dáridra mf(ā)n. (√drā, Intens. Pāṇ. 6-4, 114 Vārtt. 2) roving, strolling TS. iii, 1, 1, 2 (○rídra) VS. xvi, 47 ŚBr.i, 6, 1, 18 TāṇḍyaBr.
- • poor, needy, deprived of (instr. Kathās. lxxiii
- • in comp., lxiv Bhartṛ. iv, 11), (m.) a beggar Mn. ix, 230 R. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kathās. xc, 26)
- • cf. mahā-. =
- ○tā f. indigence, penury, state of being deprived of (in comp.) Pañcat. ii Mṛicch. Bhartṛ. Naish. &c
- ○tva n. id. Rājat.
- ○nindā f. N. of ŚārṅgP. xxv
- daridrat mfn. (pr.p.) poor Daś. vii, i 55
- dariḍdrāṇa n. = ○dra-tā Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 2 Kār.
- dariḍdrāyaka mfn. poor ib.
- dariḍdrita mfn. id., 52 Siddh.
- dariḍdritṛ mfn. (fut. p., vii, 2, 10 Vārtt. 7 Pat.) id. W.
- dariḍdrin mfn. id., Sinhâs. xxi, 1/2
- dariḍdrī ind
- • -kṛtya ind. causing any one to rove ŚBr. xi, 3, 3, 4
- • -bhūta mfn. impoverished Kathās. cxiv, 94
- darodara dur○
- dártri ○tnú, dardara, &c. col. 1
- darpa m. (√2. dṛp) pride, arrogance, haughtiness, insolence, conceit Mn. viii MBh. &c. (pl. Sāntiś. iv, 22)
- • Pride (son of A-dharma and Śrī MBh. xii, 3388 MārkP. l, 25
- • of Dharma VP. i, 7, 26 BhP. iv, 1, 51
- • musk Hcat. i, 7, 1311
- • cf. ati-, sa-,
- ○cchid mfn. ifc. destroying the pride of Hemac.
- ○da m. Śiva
- ○dhmāta mfn. puffed up with pride W.
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a king Kathârṇ. vi
- ○pattraka N. of a grass Npr.
- ○purṇa mfn. full of pride R. i, 55, 19
- ○sāra m. N. of a man Daś.
- ○ha mfn. pride-destroying W.
- ○han m. Śiva
- ○hara mfn. = -ha Subh.
- darpârambha m. beginning of pride L.
- darpôpaśānti f. allaying pride, Hit, ii, 12, 17
- darpaka mfn. ifc. making proud W.
- • m. pride, Vāsav. 511
- • the god of love L.
- darpaṇa m. (g. nandy-ādi) 'causing vanity', a mirror Hariv. 8317 R. ii Śak. &c
- • ifc. 'Mirror' (in names of works), e.g. ātaṅka-, dāna-, sāhitya-
- • = dāna- Smṛitit. iv
- • N. of a measure (in music)
- • of a mountain (seat of Kubera), KāIP
- • of Siva MBh. xiii, 1194
- • n. the eye L.
- • repetition VarBṛS. iii, 11 Sch.
- • kindling W.
- • Nom. P. ○ṇati, to represent a mirror
- ○kāra m. the author of Sāh. Kāvyac.
- ○maya mfn. consisting of mirrors Hcar. iv
- darpaṇikā f. a mirror Naish. v, 106
- darpita mfn. made proud Mn. viii MBh. Hariv. R.
- • proud (horses, frogs) MBh. iii Suśr. Bhartṛ.
- ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat. iv, 183 ; viii, 1942
- darpin mfn. ifc. proud of. Hariv. 15606
- darbhá m. (√2. dṛbh) a tuft or bunch of grass (esp. of Kuśa grass
- • used for sacrificial purposes) RV. i, 191, 3 AV. &c
- • N. of a grass (different from Kuśa and Kāśa Suśr. i, 38
- • Saccharum cylindricum W.) Lalit. xvii, 89 Suśr.
• (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 102
- • g. kurv-ādi vḷ.) N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 1 (cf. ĀśvGṛ. Kāty. &c.)
- • 'of a prince', dambha
- ○kuṇḍikā f. a jar with d○ Hariv. 14836
- ○kusuma N. of an insect Bhpr. vii, 19, 9 ŚārṅgS. vii, 15
- ○guru-muṣṭí g○
- ○cīra n. a dress of d○ MBh. iii, 1538
- ○taruṇaká n. a young shoot of d○ ŚBr. iii AitBr. vii, 33, 1 ĀśvGṛ. iv, 6
- ○pattra m. Saccharum spontaneum L.
- ○pavitrá n. d○ used for cleaning ŚBr. iii
- • -pāṇi mfn. having ○tra in the hand Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 7 Pat.
- ○piñjūlá n. a bunch of grass MaitrS. iv, 8, 7 (cf. Kapishṭh. vii, 8) Kāṭh. xxiii, 1 AitBr. i, 3, 8 ŚāṅkhBr. xviii, 8 MānŚr. SāṅkhGṛ. vi (-vat mfn. ) PārGṛ. i, 15, 4
- • (i), f. id. Kauś. Gobh. ii, 7, 5 Gṛihyās. i, 94
- ○puñjīlá n. id., TS vi TBr. i f
- ○puṣpa n. = -kusunma Car. i, 19 Suśr. vi, 54
- • N. of a snake, v, 4
- ○pūtika for ○tīka Vām. (cf. Gaṇar. 132 Sch.) and Gaṇaratnâv
- ○pūtika n. sg. d○ and p○ g. gavâśvâdi
- ○pūla m. a bunch of (Kuśa) grass KātyŚr. v, 5, 8, Sch,
- ○baṭu m. a puppet made of d○ Gobh. i, 6, 21
- ○máya mf(ī)n. (g. śarâdi) made of d○ ŚBr. xiii Pañcat. Kāś. BhP.
- ○muṣṭí m. f. = -guru-m○ ŚBr. ix TBr.iii KātyŚr. AśvGṛ. Gobh. iv, 2, 20
- ○mūlī f. N. of a plant Pāṇ. 4-1, 64, Kāś.
- ○rajju f. a rop made of d○ MānGṛ. i, 11
- ○lavaṇa n. an instrument for cutting grass Kauś. 8
- ○śara n. sg. d○ and ś○ grass, g. gavâśvâdi
- ○saṃstara m. a bed made of d○ R. ii, v Kathās. xxii, liv
- ○sūci f. the point of d○ grass, ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 22, 8.
- ○stambá m. = -pūla TS. v TBr. ii, 7, 17 AitBr. v, 23, 9 ŚBr. vii, 2, 3, 1 ĀśvŚr. iii, 14, 16 MānSr.
- darbhânūpa g. kṣubhnâdi
- darbhâhvaya m. Saccharum Munja L.
- darbhêṣīkā f. a stalk of d○ grass MānGṛ. i, 11
- darbhaka m. N. of a prince VP.iv, 24, 3 BhP. xii, 1, 5
- darḍbhana n. a mat of grass Baudh. (cf. ĀpŚr. xi, 8, 5 Sch.)
- darḍbhara m. (g. aśmâdi) Perdix chinensis Bhpr. v, 10, 60
- darḍbhi or m. N. of a man MBh. iii, 7024 and 7027
- darḍbhin m. N. of a man MBh. iii, 7024 and 7027
- darbhaṭa n. = dāvaṭa L.
- darmá m. (√dṝ) a demolisher RV. iii, 45, 2
- darḍmán m.id., i, 61, 5 ; 132, 6
- • x ŚāṅkhŚr. viii
- darya mfn. fr. ○ra g. gav-ādi
- daryaka m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 866
- darva m. = ○vi, a ladle (cf. pūrṇa-darvá) ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 15, 19
- • the hood of a snake Uṇ. Sch.
- • a Rakshas ib.
- • a mischievous man, rapacious animal Uṇ. vṛ
- • ○vi
- • pl. N. of a people (cf. dārva) MBh. ii, 1869 ; vi, 362 ; xiii, 2158
- • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Uśīnara Hariv. 1675ff. VāyuP. ii, 37, 19
- darvarīka m. wind Uṇ. vṛ
- • Indra ib.
- • ○rdar○
- dárvi f. 'wooden (cf. drú)', a ladle RV. v, x AV. (voc. ○ve, iii, 10, 7
- • cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 109 Vārtt. 2 Pat.)
- • the hood of a snake (cf. vi-darvya) AV. x, 4, 13
- • m. N. of a son of Uśīnara VP. iv, 18, 1 (vḷ. ○va)
- ○bhṛt m. ○vii-kara Śiś. xx, 42
- ○homá m. an oblation made with a ladle TS. iii ŚBr. v KātyŚr. Kauś.
- ○"ṣhomin mfn. offering ○má Nir. i, 14
- darvika m. a ladle L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- • darv○
- dárvidā f. a sort of woodpecker MaitrS. iii VS.
- dárvī f. = ○vi, a ladle VS. ii, 49 (voc. ○vi
- • Pliṇ. vii, 3, 109, Yārtt. 2) Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. PārGṛ. Gobh. MBh. &c
- • the hood of a snake L.
- • N. of a country, vi, 362
- ○kara m. a hooded snake (class of snakes with 26 species) Suśr. i, 46 ; v, 4 Daś. vii, 165 Ashṭâṅg. vi, 36
- ○pralepa m. N. of an unguent Car. i, 3
- ○saṃkramaṇa n. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8023
- ○homa m. = ○vi-, ii, 537 ŚBr. xiv, 6, 8, 9 Sāy.
- • cf. dārviihaumika
- dárḍvyudāyuvana n. remnants clinging to the spoon ĀpŚr.
- dárvya m. = ○vi-homa ŚBr.
- darvaṭa m. = garvāṭa L.
- darśá mfn. (√dris) ifc. 'looking at, viewing', avasāna-, ādinava-, and vadhū-darśá, tattva-
- • 'showing', ātma-
- • m. 'appearance', cádir-darśá, dur-, prity-
- • (g. pacâdi) the moon when just become visible, day of new moon, halfmonthly sacrifice performed on that day AV.
- • (parox.) TS. TBr. & ŚBr. ix Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (n. MBh. iii, 14206)
- • (Day of) New Moon (son of Dhātṛi BhP. vi, 18, 3
- • of Kṛishṇa, x, 61, 14
- • N. of a Sādhya VāyuP. ii, 5, 6)
- • du. = pūrṇamāsá TS. Sch.
- ○pa m. pl. 'drinking the new moon oblation', a class of gods MBh. xiii, 1372
- ○pūrṇamāsá m. du. (the days of) new and full moon, ceremonies on these days (preceding all other ceremonies) TS. i f. TBr. ii ŚBr. i f. AitBr. &c
- • -devatā
- • f. the deity presiding on those days ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 3
- • -prayoga m. -prāyaścitti f. N. of wks
- • -yājín mfn. = ○sín TS. ii ŚBr. x
- • ○sâyana n. = ○sêhṭi ŚāṅkhŚr. iii, 114 Vait.
- • ○sêṣṭi f. a new and full moon sacrifice
- ○"ṣpūrṇamāsín mfn. offering ○sâṣṭi MaitrS. i, 5, 13
- ○paurṇamāsa in comp
- • -prāyaścitta-vidhi, -vidhi m. -hautra n. N. of wks
- • ○sêhṭi f. = darśa-pūrṇ○
- ○yāga m. a new moon sacrifice
- ○yāminī f. the new moon night L.
- ○vipad m. 'having the misfortune to be hardly visible when new', the moon L.
- ○śrāddha n. a Śrāddha performed on new moon VP. iii Sch.
- darśaka mfn. seeing (with gen.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 Kāś.
- • looking at (acc.) MBh. xiii, 5097
- • ifc. looking for, i, 5559
- • 'examining', akṣa-
- • showing, pointing out (with gen. Kum. vi, 52 Hit. Introd. 10
- • ifc. Mṛicch. iv, 20 BhP. i, 13, 38 Rājat. i
- • with lohitasya, making blood appear by striking any one) Mn. viii, 284
- • m. a door-keeper L.
- • a skilful man W.
- • N. of a prince VāyuP. ii, 37, 312
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 361
- darśatá mf(ā́)n. visible, striking the eye, conspicuous, beautiful RV. AV. iv, vii, xviii ŚBr. xiv, 8
- • m. the sun Uṇ. Sch.
- • the moon ib.
- • cf. viśvá-
- ○śrī́ mfn. of conspicuous beauty RV. x, 91, 2
- dárśana mf(ī)n. showing. Pāṇ. 5-2, 6
- • ifc. seeing, looking at ( tulya-, deva-, sama-.) Ragh. xi, 93
- • 'knowing, dharma-
- • exhibiting, teaching MBh. i, 583 BhP. v, 4, 11
- • n. seeing, observing, looking, noticing, observation, perception RV. i, 116, 23 ŚBr. xiv ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 5 MBh. &c.
- • ocular perception Suśr. iv, 27
- • the eye-sight, vi, 17
- • inspection, examination Yājñ. 1, 328 Hariv. 5460
- • visiting Yājñ. i, 84 Kathās. iii, 8
- • audience, meeting (with gen. Cāṇ.
- • instr. with or without saha Vet.
- • in comp. Ragh. xii, 60 Śak. v, 5/6 ; vii, 25/26 Rājat. vi, 43
- • experiencing BhP. i, 8, 25
- • foreseeing Ragh. viii, 71
- • contemplating Mn. viii, 9 and 23
- • apprehension, judgment Śak. iii, 6/7 discernment, understanding, intellect Mn. vi, 74 Yājñ. i, 8 Bhag. &c
- • opinion Mālav. v, 13/14 Kām. ii, 6
- • intention (cf. pāpa-) R. i, 58, 18
- • view, doctrine, philosophical system (6 in number, viz. Pūrva- Mīmāṃsā by Jaim. Uttara-Mīmāṃsā. by Bādar.
- • Nyāya by Gotama Vaiśeshika. by Kaṇâda Sāṃkhya by Kap.
- • Yoga by Pat.) MBh. xii, 11045 f. BhP. &c
- • the eye Suśr. v, 8 Śak. iv, 6 Prab. iii, 10
- • the becoming visible or known, presence ĀśvGṛ. iii, 7 Mn. ii, 101
- • iv Yājñ. i, 131 ; ii, 170 MBh. &c
- • appearance (before the judge) Mn. viii, 158 Yājñ. ii, 53 Kām.
- • the being mentioned (in any authoritative text) Kāty. Śr. i, xxvi Lāṭy. vi, ix Bādar. i, s, 25 MBh. xiv, 2700
- • a vision, dream Hariv. 1285 Hit. iii, 0/1
- • ifc. appearance, aspect, semblance Mn. ii, 47 MBh. (cf. Nal. ii, 3 ; xii, 18 and 44) R. Ragh. iii, 57
- • colour L.
- • showing (cf. danta-) Bhartṛ. ii, 26 Dhūrtas. i, 35/11 a mirror L.
- • a sacrifice L.
- • = dharma L.
- • (ī), f. Durgā Hariv. 10238
- • N. of an insect Npr.
- • cf. a-, su-
- ○griha n. an audience-chamber Mn. vii, 145 Kull.
○gocara m. the range of sight Ratnâv. iii, 3/4
- ○patha m. id. Pañcat. i, 5, and ; 3/4 Prab. ii, 4/5 iv, 26/27 cf. a-
- ○pāla m. N. of a man Rājat. vii
- ○pratibhū m. bail for appearance Yājñ. ii, 54
- ○prātibhāvya n. surety for appearance Mn. viii, 160
- ○bhūmi f. 'range of perception', N. of a period in a monk's life Buddh. L.
- ○lālasa mfn. ifc. desirous of beholding MBh.
- ○viveka m. N. of wk
- ○viṣaya mfn. being in any one's range of sight Pāṇ. 3-2, 111 Vārtt. 2
- darśanâgni m. the fire in the body that causes ocular sensation GarbhUp.
- darśanântara-gata mfn. come within the range of sight Mṛicch. iii, 12
- darśanârtha mfn. intending to see any one Āp.
- • (am), ind. to visit Kād.
- darśśanâvaraṇa n. obscuration of one's (philosophical) views, Jain (cf. Sarvad. iii, 195 ff.)
- • ○ṇīya mfn. originating from ○ṇa ib. Bādar. ii, 2, 33, Govind
- darśanêpsu mfn. = ○na-lālasa
- darśanôjjvalā f. of brilliant aspect', great white jasmine
- darś7anī́ya mfn. visible R. i, v
- • worthy of being seen, good-looking, beautiful TS. ii, 7, 9 ŚBr. xiii
- ṢávBr. ChUp. SāṅkhGṛ. MBh. &c. (superl. -tama, ii R. iii BhP. iv)
- • to be shown Kathās. lxxi, 20
- • to be made to appear (before the judge) Mn. viii, 158 Kull.
- • m. Asclepias gigantea Npr.
- • cf. a-
- ○mānin mfn. thinking any one (gen.) to be good-looking Pāṇ. 6-3, 36 Kāś.
- • thought to be g○ by (gen.), iii, 2, 82 f. Kāś.
- • = ○yaṃ-manya ib.
- ○"ṣṃ-manya mfn. thinking one's self to be g○ ib.
- darśanīyā f. of ○ya
- ○kānta m. having a good looking wife or mistress Gaṇar. 139 Sch.
- ○sama mfn. indifferent towards a good-looking woman ib.
- darśaṃ-darśaṃ ind. at every sight Kathās.
- darśayitavya mfn. to be shown Bādar. iii, 2, 21 Śaṃk.
- darśayiḍtu-kāma mfn. wishing to show
- darśayitṛ mfn. showing, a shower, guide MBh. vi, 129 Ragh. iii, 46
- • a door-keeper L. Sch.
- darśāpita mfn. made to see, shown Siṃhâs. i, 5/6
- darśita mfn. shown, displayed, exposed to view R. i Megh. &c
- • explained Hariv. 7289 &c
- ○dvār m. a door-keeper Gal.
- ○vat mfn. having shown
- darśin mfn. ifc. seeing, looking at, observing, examining, finding MBh. viii, 1757 R. &c
- • knowing, understanding, (G) ii, 64, 3 Śak. i, 16/17 Ragh. xiv, 71 Kum. ii, 13 Hit. i
- • receiving Mṛicch. ii, 7
- • experiencing R. iii, 65, 11
- • composer (of a hymn, sūta-)
- • looking, appearing, iv, 40, 48
- • showing, exhibiting, teaching MBh. Śak. iv, 21/22 Kathās. lvi, 203
- • inflicting (cf. pāpa-) R. ii, 75, 2 Hariv.
- darśivas (only ifc. nom. m. ○vān at the end of Ślokas), one who has seen (irreg. pf. p.) MBh. viii, 1756-1771 (arjuna-)
- • knowing, tattva-, i, 5637, tattvârtha-, iv, 902, dharma-, i, 6157
- • sarva- Sūryas.xii
- • dīrgha- MBh. v, 4380
- • cf. pratyakska-
- dárśya mfn. worthy of being seen RV. v, 52, 11
- dal (= √dṝ), cl. l. ○lati Bhaṭṭ. xiv
- • aor. pl. adāliṣur, xv) to, crack, fly open, split, open (as a bud) Suśr. ii, 16 Siś. ix, 15 Bhām. i, 4 Amar. Gīt. Dhūrtas.: Caus. dālayati, to cause to burst Suśr. Bhaṭṭ.: dal○ id., Anargh. Gīt. i, 8 Sch.
- • to expel Mālatīm. viii, 1 Kathās. lviii, 8
- • cī, 58
- • cf. ava-, ud-, vi-
- dala n. (m. L.) a piece torn or split off. fragment (cf. aṇḍa, carma-, dvi-, veṇu-) Suśr. v, 3, 22 ; vi, 5, 4 Śiś. iv, 44 (ifc. f. ā) Naish-. vii, 31
- • 'part', a degree VarBṛ. xvii, 4
- • a half (cf. adhara-, ahar-, dyu-) VarBṛS. Suśr. i, 7 Sūryas.
- • a hemistich
- • 'unfolding itself.' a small shoot, blade, petal, leaf (often ifc. in names of plants)' MBh. R. &c
- • cinnamon leaf. L.
- • unclean gold Bhpr. v, 26, 2
- • a clump, heap L.
- • a detachment W.
- • = utsedha, ○dhavad-vastu, avadravya (apad○ W.) L.
- • dividing, splitting W.
- • m. N. of a prince MBh. iii, 13178 VP. iv, 4, 47,
- ○kapāṭa m. a folded petal or leaf
- ○komala the lotus Npr.
- ○kosa m. a kind of jasmine Kād. iii, 389
- ○ja mfn. produced from petals (honey) L. Sch.
- ○taru m. Corypha Taliera L.
- ○nirmoka m. 'leaf-shedding', Betula Bhojpattra L.
- ○pati m. N. of a prince Inscr.
- • = ○lâdhī7śvara
- ○puṣpā
- ○puṣḍpī f. Pandanus odoratissimus L. =
- ○mālinī f. leaf-cabbage Npr.
- ○modaka m. petal-honey Gal.
- ○yoga m. N. of a constellation Laghuj. x, i Sch.
- ○vīṭaka n. N. of an ear-ornament Kuṭṭanīm. 65
- ○śas ind. (√yā to go) to pieces Kathās. xix, 109
- • lxviii, 167
- ○śālinī f. N. of a pot-herb Npr.
- ○sāyasī f. white basil ib.
- ○sāriṇī f. Colocasia antiquorum L.
- ○sūci m. 'leaf-needle', a thorn L.
- ○snasā f. the fibre of a leaf. L.
- dalâkhya m. = ○la-yoga Laghuj. x, 2 VarBṛ. xii, 2 f
- dalâgra-lohita a sort of spinage L.
- dalâḍhaka m. Pistia Stratiotes, Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens, wild sesamum, Mesua ferrea, Acacia Sirissa L.
- • red chalk L.
- • foam or sea-foam L.
- • a ditch L.
- • the head of a village L.
- • an elephant's ear L.
- • a hurricane L.
- dalâḍhya m. mud L.
- dalâdi-tva n. the state of a leaf. &c., Kāvyad. ii, 70
- dalâdhiśvara m. N. of the author of Nṛisiṃha-prasāda
- dalâmala m. (for ○mla?) the plants damanaka, maruvaka, and madana (? damana) L.
- dalâmla n. sorrel L.
- dale-gandhi m. 'fragrance in the leaf', Alstonia scholaris L.
- dalôdbhava mfn. = ○la-ja Suśr.
- dalad-dhṛdaya mfn. broken-hearted W.
- dalana mf(i)n. splitting, tearing asunder, dispelling BhP. vii, 10, 59 Bhartṛ. iii, 47 Vidvanm.
- • n. breaking (of the heart) Gīt. v, 2
- • destruction Naish. iv, 116 Kathās. lxxv, 62
- • causing to burst, splitting
- Bhartṛ. Kathās. Rājat. Gīt.
- • (i), f. a clod of earth L.
- • cf. nir-
- • mānsa-. ○li f. id. Uṇ. Sch.
- lika n. timber L.
- ḍlita mfn. (g. kṛtâdi, Gaṇap.) burst, split, broken, torn asunder MBh. viii, 4633 VarBṛS. Bhartṛ. &c
- • unfolded, blown Sāh. x, 66 a/b
- • halved Sūryas. iv, 12
- • divided into degrees, xiii, 5 f
- • driven asunder, scattered, dispersed, destroyed Kām. Bhaktâm. 1 and 18
- Caurap. Prab. vf. BrahmôttKh. iv, 59
- • ground Śiś. vi, 35
- • displayed Prab. ii, 35
- • cf. saṃ-
- ḍlin mfn. fr. ○la g. sukhâdi
- lī-kṛta mfn. halved Sūryas. xii, 84
- dalmi m. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 47) Indra (cf. darmá) L.
- • Indra's thunderbolt, g. yavâdi
- • -mat mfn. having a thunderbolt ib.
- dalya mfn. fr. ○la g. balâdi
- dalatṛ g. arīhaṇâdi
- dalapa m. (ifc., g. cūrṇâdi) a weapon Uṇ. iii, 142 Sch.
- • gold ib.
- dalbha m. a wheel, 151 Sch.
- • fraud Uṇ. k
- • N. of a Ṛishi, g. kaṇvâdi
- dalḍbhya dāl○
- dava m. (√2. du) a wood on fire BhP. viii, 6, 13
- • fire L. Sch.
- • burning, heat Car. i, 20
- • fever W.
- • a forest L.
- • cf. dāva
- ○dagdhaka N. of a grass L.
- ○dahana m. the fire in a burning forest BhP. v, 8, 22 Prasannar. vii, 23 ; (○naka, vi, 32) Nītir. Kuval.
- ○dāna n. setting fire on a forest HYog. iii, 99 and 112
- davâgni m. = ○va-dahana MBh. vii Ragh. Megh. BhP. i, 10, 2 (ifc.) &c
- • cf. dāv○
- davânala m. id., iii, 30, 23 Kathās. lvi, 413 (ifc. f. ā)
- • cf. dāv○
- davathu m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 89) heat, pain Dhūrtan. i, 14
- • inflammation (of the bile, eyes &c.) Car. i, 20
davaya Nom. ○yati, to make distant Bhaṭṭ. ii, 55
- daviṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. dūrá Pāṇ. 6-4, 156) remotest Rājat.
- • (ám), ind. very far away RV. vi, 51, 13
- dávīyas mfn. (compar. Pāṇ.) very long (way) Bhartṛ. i, 68
- • very distant Rājat. iv, 369 Kathās. xvi, xxv
- • dūrád d○, 'farther than far', very distant, lx, 172
- • cxxiii, 14
- • ind. farther away AV. x, 8, 8
- • farther ŚBr. iii, 6, 2, 3
- • dūrā́d dáv farthest away RV. vi, 47, 29 Kathās. lxv, 21
- • dáviiyasi páras, in a more remote time ŚBr. x, 4, 2, 26
- davara
- davaḍraka m. a string Jain.
- daśa ifc. for ○śā (ajpa-, udag- &c.)
- daśa ifc. (tri-, dvi-, nir-) and in comp. for ○śan (as), f. pl. 'Decads', N. of 10 Jain texts (upâsaka-. &c.) consisting of 10 chs. each
- ○kakṣya (dásu), mfn. having 10 girths RV. x, 94, 7
- ○kaṇṭha m. (parox. Pāṇ. 6-2, 114), 'ten-necked', Rāvaṇa Bālar. ii, 12/13 -jit m. 'enemy of Rāvaṇa, Rāma L.
- • -nigraha m. N. of Anargh. vi
- • ○ṭhâri m. = ○ṭha-jit Ragh. viii, 29
- • ○ṭhāya, Nom, ○yate, to act like Rāvaṇa Bālar. iii, 37/38
- ○kandha-ra m. = -kaṇṭha MBh. iii BhP. Bālar. HYog.
- ○kanyā-tīrtha n. the Tīrtha of the 10 Virgins RevāKh. cccvi
- ○karma-paddhati f. N. of wk. on the 10 ceremonies prescribed to the 3 twiceborn classes
- ○kāma-ja-vyasana n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure ( Mn. vii, 47). =
- ○kumāra-carita or n. 'adventures of the 10 princes', N. of wk. by Daṇḍin
- ○kumāra-cariḍtra n. 'adventures of the 10 princes', N. of wk. by Daṇḍin
- ○kṣitigarbha m. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- ○kṣīra mfn. mixed with 10 parts of milk Suśr. vi, 21 and 24
- • n. a compound of 10 parts of milk with : 1 part of milk with 1 part of some other substance, iv, 22, 14
- • (kṣ"ṣ daśa-guṇa, 16)
- ○gaṇī f. the 10 classes of roots Pāṇ. 1-3, 1 Sch.
- ○gārgya mfn. bought for (the prize of) 10 women of Garga's family, ii, 4, 62 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○gīti
- ○gīḍtikā f. N. of wk. by Āryabh.
- ○gu mfn. possessing 10 cows MBh. xiii, 78, 11
- ○guṇa mfn. tenfold, 10 times larger or more, i, 45 f. Mn. viii
- • -kṣīra
- • (am), ind. tenfold Yājñ. i, 141
- ○guṇita mfn. multiplied by 10 Bālar. ix, 53,
- ○guṇi mfn. having 10 sacks Pāṇ. 1-1, 52 Kāś.
- ○grāma g. 1. kumudâdi and kāśy-ādi
- • (ī), f. 10 villages Yājñ. ii, 272 MBh. xii, 87, 3
- • -pati m. a chief of 10 villages Mn. vii, 115
- ○"ṣgrāmika mfn. g. 1. kumudâdi
- ○grāmin m. = ○ma-pati W.
- ○grīva m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 114 Kāś.) = -kaṇṭha MBh. iii, 15895 R. i, 16, 18
- • iii BhP.
• N. of a demon MBh. ii, 367 Hariv.
- • of a son of Damaghosha, 6601
- • of an enemy of Vṛisha, GarP
- ○gra (dáś○), m. 'Decimus', N. of an Aṅgiras RV. iv, 51, 4 ; viii, 12, 2 ; x, 62, 6 ; (pl.) his family (named with that of Nava-gva ; worshipping Indra), i, 62, 4 ; ii, 34, 12 ; iii, 39, 5 ; v, 29, 12
- ○gvín mfn. tenfold, viii, 1, 9
- ○catuṣka n. N. of a sport Siṃhâs. xxvii, 3/4
- ○candra mfn. having 10 moon like spots BhP. iv, 15, 17
- ○cchadin mfn. tenleaved, x, 2, 27,
- ○jyoti
- ○jyoḍtis m. N. of a son of Su-bhrāj MBh. i, 44 f
- ○ṭīkā-sarvasva n. N. of wk., Pratāpar. Sch. =
- ○tas ind. from 10 Mn. viii f
- ○taulika m. N. of a weight Suśr. iv, 13
- ○tva n. the state of 10 Jaim. iii, 7, 27
- ○daśâvayava mfn. containing 10 parts each Car. i, 4
○daśin mfn. consisting of repeated decades ŚāṅkhBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhSr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. =
- ○dāsa m. pl. N. of a people MBh. iii, 134, 17
- ○diś f. sg. the 10 regions (including that overhead and underneath) Vet. i, 25/26 Pañcad.
- • ○dig-yavalokana m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 8
- ○dṛṣṭântakathā f. N. of wk
- ○dyu (dáś○), m. N. of a man favoured by Indra RV. i, 33, 14 ; vi, 26, 4
- ○dhanus m. N. of an ancestor of Śākya-muni W.
- ○dharma-gata mfn. addicted to the practices of the 10 (kinds of mental non-restraint) Hariv. 744 and 1153
- ○dhā́ ind. in 10 parts, -tenfold TBr. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- ○dhīva mf(ā)n. bought for (the prize of) 10 (dhīvarī) clever women Pāṇ. 4-i, 36 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○nāmaka -mānika
- ○nāli mfn. 10x24 minutes long Sāh. vi, 304
- ○ṃdaśín mfn. = -daś○ ŚBr. iv, xi
- ○pa m. = -grāmin MBh. xii, 3266
- ○pakṣa (dáś○), mf(ā)n. having 10 side posts AV. ix, 3, 21
- ○paṭu mfn. = -dhīva (fr. paṭvi) Pāṇ. 4-1, 36 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○pada mf(ā)n. 10 feet long and broad ĀpŚr. vii, 3, 10
- ○padma (B) or (G), mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body R. v
- ○padḍma-vat (G), mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body R. v
- ○padya mf(ā)n. = ○da KātyŚr. v, 3, 33
- ○parvī f. 10. Parvans (or chs.)', N. of wk. HPariś. i, 5
- ○pala n. sg. 10 Palas Mn. viii, 397
- • mf(ā)n. weighing 10 Palas Yājñ. ii, 179
- ○paśu mfn. intended for 10 oxen ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi
- ○pādī f. 10 'chs.', N. of a grammatical work Prauḍh.
- ○pāramitā-dhara m. 'possessing the 10 perfections', a Buddha L.
- ○piṇḍa-śrāddha n. a funeral ceremony in which one and on each successive day one more Piṇḍa is offered until the number amounts to 10 W.
- ○pura n. a kind of Cyperus rotundus (also -pūra Sch.) L.
- • 'Decapolis', the modern Man-dasor (in Malwa) Megh. 47 VarBṛS. xiv, 13 HPariś. xiif
- • (ī), f. id. Kād.
- ○puraṃdara N. of a town or district Siṃhâs. xxix
- ○puruṣam ind. through a series of 10 ancestors ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • ○ṣáṃ-rājya n. a kingdom inherited through a series of 10 ancestors ŚBr. xii, 9, 3
- • ○ṣónūkam ind. backwards through 10 generations Pāṇ. 4-1, 93 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- ○pūra see. -pura
- ○púruṣa mfn. being the 10th in the succession of generations MBh. xiii, 4297
- ○pūrvaratha -ratha
- ○pūrvin m. 'knowing 10 (of the 14) Pūrvas', N. of 7 Jain patriarchs
- ○pulī f. 10 bunches Pāṇ. 2-1, 51 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
- ○péya m. N. of a Soma libation (part of a Rāja-sūya) ŚBr. v
- TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr.
- ○pramati- (dás○), mfn. (Agni) taken care of by the 10 (fingers) RV. i, 141, 2
- ○phala-vrata n. N. of an observance Vratapr. viii
- ○baddha mfn. pl. bound in numbers of 10 Hariv. 3507
- ○bandha m. a 10th part Mn. viii, 107
- ○bandhaka ifc. = ○dha Yājñ. ii, 76
- ○bala m. 'possessing 10 powers, N. of a Buddha L.
- • -kāśyapa m. N. of one of the first 5 pupils of Śākya-muni
- • -balin mfn. possessing the 10 powers Divyâv. viii, 81 ; ix, 17
- ○bāhu m. 'ten-armed', Śiva L.
- ○bṛhat m. (nom. ○hat)fn. having 10 large parts of the body R. (B) v, 35, 20
- ○brāhmaṇa N. of Jātakam. 495
- ○bhujā f. 'ten-armed', Durgā KālP.
- ○bhuji (dáś○), mfn. = -guṇa RV. i, 52, 11
- ○bhūmi N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- • -ga m. 'traversing the 10 stages', a Buddha L.
- • mī7śa m. id. L.
- • ○mī7tvara m. = ○mi
- ○bhūmika = ○mi Buddh. L.
- ○mahā-vidyā f. 'possessing the 10 great sciences', Durgā W.
- ○mānika m. pl. N. of a people VāyuP. i, 45, 117
- • (-nāmaka MatsyaP. cxiii, 42)
- ○māya (dáś○), mfn. having, 10 tricks RV. vi, 20, 8. -mārikā, f. killer of 10, N. of a woman Kathās. lxvi, 86
- ○māla n. 10 garlands L.
- • (ī), f. id. L.
- ○mālika = -mānika MBh. vi, 374
- ○māsya (dáś○), mfn. 10 months old (the child just before birth
- • cf. á-) RV. v, 78, 7 f. AV. i, iii. ĀśvGṛ. BhP.
- • let loose for 10 months (a horse) ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 22
- ○mukha in. = -kaṇṭha Megh. Gīt. Prab. Sāh.
- • n. pl. 10 mouths BhP. ix
- • (ī), f. id. Bālar. i, 33 ; v, 17
- • -ripu m. 'enemy of Rāvaṇa', Rāma Ragh. xiv, 87
- • -vadha m. 'slaughter of Rāvaṇa', N. of a poem (different from Setub.?) Kāvyâd. i, 34 Sch.
- • ○khântaka m. = ○śaripu L.
- ○mūtraka n. the urine of 10 (elephant, buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sleep, horse, donkey, man, and woman) L.
- • cf. Suśr. i, 45, 11, 1 and 12
- ○mūla n. a tonic medicine prepared from 10 roots (trikaṇṭaka, both kinds of bṛhatī pṛthak-parṇī, vidāri-ganadhā, bilva, agni-mantha, tuṇṭuka, pāṭala and kāśmarī), 38 ; iv, 37
- • (ī), f. id., 15 Car. vi, 22
- ○yantra (dás○), mfn. = ○śâbhīśu RV. x, 94, 8
- • having 10 water-raising machines, yi, 44, 24
- ○yoktra (dáś○), mfn. having 10 girths, x, 94, 7
- ○yogu-bhaṅga m. a method of fixing the position of a Nakshatra Jyot.
- ○yojana (dáś○), mfn. 10 times fastened RV. x, 94, 7
- • n. a distance of 10 Yojanas R. i, 1, 63
- • (ī), f. id. Kathās. xciv, 14
- ○ratha (dáś○), mfn. having 10 chariots RV. i, 126, 4
- • m. N. of Rāma's father (descendant of Ikshvāku, sovereign of Ayodhyā) R. i ; ii, 63 f. (death of Durgā) Jātakam. 461 Hariv. 821 f. Ragh. viii, 29 (-pūrva-ratha) BhP. ix, 10, 1 VP. iv, 4, 40 and l 8, 3
- • N. of an ancestor of Rāma's father, 4, 38
- • of a son of Nava-ratha, 12, 16 BhP. ix, 24, 4 Hariv. 1993
- • of Roma- or Loma-pāda, 1696 VP. iv, 18, 3
- • of a son of Su-yaśas, 24, 8 (dāś○ vḷ.) and Inscr. (in Prākṛit dasalatha)
- • n. the body Npr.
- • -tattva n. N. of wk
- • -yajñâramha m. N. of PadmaP. iv, 14
- • -lalitā-vrata n. N. of an observance, Vratapr. iv
- • -vijaya m. N. of PadmaP. Iv, 12
- ○raśmi-śata m. = -śata-r○ Ragh. viii, 29
- ○rātrá mfn. lasting 10 days ŚBr. xiii KātySr. xxi
- • m. a 10 days' ceremony TāṇḍyaBr. KātyŚr. xxiii ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • N. of a 10 days' ceremony (forming the chief part of the Dvādaśâha) ŚBr. xii KātyŚr.
- • 10 days, xxv
- ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś. Gobh. Mn. R. (n., iii, 2, 12) MārkP.
- • -parvan n. N. of a Sāman
- ○rupa in comp. the 10 forms of Vishṇu (hence ○pa-bhṛt m. 'N. of Vishṇu' L.) Daśar. i, 2
- • the 10 kinds of dramas Bhar. xix, 46
- • n. N. of wk. on rhetorical and dramatic composition (also called ○pâloka and pâvaloka m.)
- ○rū́paka n. id. Mall. on Kum. and Śiś. Ānand. 51 Sch.
- • the 10 kinds of dramas Vām. i
- ○rcá n. a hymn of 10 Ric verses AV. xix, 23, 7 Kāṭh. xxi, 10 TS. v, 4, 6, 4 KātyŚr. xx, 6, 18.
- ○rṣabha (dáś○), mf(ā)n. consisting of 10 (ṛṣ○) bulls TS. ii, 1, 4, 1
- ○lakṣana n. 10 marks or attributes W.
- • mfn. relating to 10 objects BhP. ii, 9, 43
- • (ī), f. 10 chs.', N. of Kaṇâda's Sūtras Sarvad. x, 8
- ○lakṣaṇaka mfn. tenfold Mn. vi, 91 and 94. =
- ○vaktra m. N. of a magical formula pronounced over weapons R. (G) i, 31, 6
- ○vadana m. = -kaṇṭha Bhaṭṭ. ix, 137
- ○varga m. a collection of 10 KātyŚr. xxii
- • mfn. forming a collection of 10 Divyâv. i, 325
- ○varṣa mfn. 10 years old Āp. Mn. ii, 135
- ○varṣin mfn. id. MBh. xiii, 8, 21
- ○varṣiya mfn. id. Pañcar. i, 3, 9
- ○vājin m. 'having 10 horses', the moon L.
- ○vara mfn. 10 times repeated Pañcar. i, 8, 31
- ○vārṣika mf(ī)n. = -varṣa R. iv, 48, 12
- • lasting 10 years Pañcat. iii, 2, 5
- • happening after 10 years Yājñ. ii, 24
- ○vidha mfn. of 10 kinds, tenfold Jain. Sāṃkhyak. BhP. iii
- • -snāna-mantra m. pl. N. of particular hymns ĀśvMantraS.
- ○vīra (dáś○), mfn. granting 10 men VS. TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○vṛkṣa m. N. of a tree AV. ii, 9, 1
- ○vṛṣá mfn. possessing 10 bulls, v, 16, 10
- ○vaikālika n. N. of a Jain text HPariś. v, 85
- ○vraja (dáś○), m. 'having 10 cow-sheds', N. of a man RV. viii, 8 and 49 f
- ○śatá mfn. numbering 10 hundred AV. v, 18, 10
- • n. 110 ŚāṅkhŚr. xi Lāṭy. ix
- • 1000 MBh. iii, xiii Padyas.
- • (ī), f. 1000 Naish. v, 19 Rājat. vi, 38
- • -karadhārin mfn. thousand-rayed (the moon) Hit. i, 2, 16
- • -tama mfn. the 110th (ch. of R. ṅ ii and vi)
- • -nayana m. 'thousand-eyed', Indra Lalit. xv, 162 and 202
- • -raśmi m. 'thousand-rayed', the sun L. Sch.
- • ○tâkska mfn. thousand-eyed (Indra) MBh. vii, xiii Daś. xi, 121
- • ○tâṅghri m. 'thousandfooted', Asparagus racemosus Npr.
- • ○târa n. Vishṇu's thousand-fellied disc BhP. iii, 28, 27
- ○śala (dáś○), a distance of 10 Śalas AV. viii, 7, 28
- ○śākha (dáś○), mfn. having 1000 fingers RV. x, 137, 7
- ○śipra (dáś○), m. N. of a man, viii, 52, 2,
- ○śiras m. 'ten-headed', Rāvaṇa L. Sch.
- • 'tenpeaked', N. of a mountain R. iv, 43, 51
- ○śīrṣa (dáś○), mfn. ten-headed AV. iv, 6, 1 MBh. i, 2162
- • m. Rāvaṇa R. iv, 10, 22
- • N. of a magical formula pronounced over weapons, i, 30, 5
- ○ślokī f. ten Slokas (on Vedânta phil. by Śamkara), KāśIKh. lxxxvii, 33 Sch.
- ○sani mfn. winning 10 MantraBr. i, 7, 6
- ○saptā f. N. of a Vishṭuti of the Saptadaśa-stoma TāṇḍyaBr. ii, 7
- ○sahâika mfn. 10 + 1 RPrāt. xvi, 36
- ○sāhasra mfn. = ○srika MBh. if., iv R. vi
- • n. 10000 Hariv.
- ○sāhasrika mfn. numbering 10000, 6312
- ○stobha n. N. of a Sāma
- ○harā f. 'taking away the 10 sins', the Gaṅgā
- • a festival in honour of the Gaṅgā (on the 10th day of Jyaishṭha, Vratapr. x
- • now held in honour of Durgā in month Aśvin) PSarv.
- • -kathā f. -stotra n. N. of 2 works,
- ○hala mf(ā)n. consisting of 10 ploughs Hcat. i, 5, 889
- ○hotṛ (dóś○), m. N. of MaiṛS. i, 9, 1 = Kāṭh. ix, 8 = TĀr. iii, 1 f. (symbolizing the 10 parts of a sacrifice) TBr. ii TāṇḍyaBr. xxv Lāṭy. x ŚāṅkhŚr. MānŚr. i
- daśânśa m. a 10th part Śāktân. xii Hcat. i, 10 f
- daśâkṣa m. N. of a formula pronounced over weapons R. i, 30, 5
- dáśâkṣara mf(ā)n. containing 10 syllables VS. ix, 33 TS. v, 4, 6, 4 ŚBr.
- daśâgni mfn. worshipping 10 Agnāyis Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 Vārtt. 2 and iv, 1, 36 Vārtt. 2
- daśâṅgulá n. a length of 10 fingers RV. x, 90, i
- • mfn. 10 fingers long Mn. viii, 271
- • n. a water-melon Npr.
- daśâdhipati m. a commander of 10 men MBh. xii, 3712
- daśânana m. = ○śa-kaṇṭha R. iii ; vi, 5, 21 Ragh. x, 76
- daśânika m. Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L.
- daśânīkinī f. 'ten-arrayed', a complete army L.
- daśânugāna n. N. of several Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- daśântaruṣyá n. a distance of 10 stations RV. x, 51, 3
- daśâbdâkhya mfn. existing for 10 years Mn. ii, 134
- • cf. Āp. i, 14, 13
- dâśâbhīśu mfn. having 10 bridles RV. x, 94, 7
- dâśâritra mfn. having 10 arī́tra parts (a chariot), ii, 18, 1
- daśârna mfn. having 10 syllables VS. iii, 41 Sch.
- • m. pl. (g. vimuktâdi) 'Ten Lakes', N. of a people (south-east of Madhya-deśa VarBṛS.) MBh. Hariv. R. Megh.
- • sg. a Daśārṇa king MBh. v, 7519
- • n. the Daśārṇa country Pāṇ. 6-1, 89 Vārtt. 8 Pat. (daśa + ṛṇa)
- • (ā), f. the Dasān river (rising in Bhopal and emptying into the Betwa)
- • cf. dāś○
- daśârṇeyu m. N. of a son of Raudriśva Hariv. 1660
- daśârdha mfn. pl. 'half of ten', five Mn. i, 2 MBh. i
- • -tā f. (= pañca-tva) dissolution of the body into the 5 elements, iii, 209, 26
- • -bāṇa m. 'five-arrowed', Kāma Naish. viii, 73
- • -vayas mfn. 5 years old BhP. v, 15, 30
- daśârha (g. vimutâdi and prajñâdi) m. pl. (g. parśv-ādi) N. of a warrior tribe MBh. iii BhP. i, 11, 12
- • sg. of its ancestor (being of Yadu's family), ix, 24, 3 VP. iv, 12, 16 VāyuP. ii, 33, 40 LiṅgaP. i, 68, 42 f. MatsyaP. xliv 140 AgP. BrahmaP. Hariv. 1991
- • Kṛishṇa MBh. xiii, 7003 (dās○, B)
- • = ○śabhūmi-ga L.
- • (i), f. a Daśârha princess, g. parśvādi
- • cf. su-
- daśârhaka m. pl. (g. yāvâdi Gaṇar. 187) the Daśârhas BhP. ix, 24, 62
- daśâlaṃkāra-mañjari f. N. of wk
- daśâvatāra m. (= ○śa-rūpa) Vishṇu L.
- • n. N. of an observance (performed on the 10th day of the light half of Bhādrapada Vratapr. x) BhavP. ii, 60
- • -carita n. N. of wk
- daśâvara mfn. pl. at least 10 Gaut. xxviii, 48 f
- • mf(ā)n. sg. consisting of at least 10 Mn. xii, 110f
- • m. N. of an evil spirit MBh. ii, 367
- daśâvarta mfn. having 10 crowns R. v, 32, 12
- daśâśva m. = ○śa-vājin L.
- • N. of a son of Ikshvāku MBh. xiii, 89 f
- daśâśvamedha n. the Tīrtha of the 10 horse-sacrifices, iii, 5084 RevāKh. ccviii and cclvii KāśīKh. lī ŚambhMāh. v
- • cf. dāś○
- daśâśvamedhika n. id. MBh. iii, 6034 Hariv. 9522
- dáśâsya mfn. ten-mouthed AV. iv, 6, 1
- • m. Rāvaṇa R. iii, 55, 12 Sāh. vi, 27/28 -jit m. 'conqueror of Rāvaṇa', Rāma L.
- • ○syântaka m. id. RāmatUp. i, 32
- daśâha m. 10 days ŚBr. xiii ĀśvGṛ. Mn. R.
- • a ceremony lasting 10 days KātyŚr. xxiii Lāṭy. x, 10
- daśêndra mfn. worshipping the 10 Indrāṇis Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 Vārtt. 2 and iv, 1, 36 Vārtt. 2 ; i, 2, 49 Kāś.
- daśêndriya n. pl. the 10 organs (ind○, q.v.) W.
- daśeśa m. = ○śa-pa Mn. vii, 116
- daśâikādaśika mf(ī)n. 'taking 11 for 10', lending money at 10 per cent. Pāṇ. 4-4, 31
- dáśoṇi m. N. of a man protected by Indra RV. vi, 20, 4 and 8 ; x, 96, 12
- dâśóṇya m. id., viii, 52, 2
- daśôpaniṣad-bhāṣya n. N. of a Comm. by Ānanda-tirtha
- daśaka mfn. consisting of 10, having 10 parts RPrāt. Mn. Chandaþs. Kāś. Kām.
- • (with śata) 10 per cent. Yājñ. ii
- • m. one in a decad of chs. (of the Sāma-tantra)
- • n. a decad Sāntiś. iv, 7 Kathās. cī, 108 KātyŚr. xvii, 6, 3 Sch.
- ○māsika mfn. hired for 10 months Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- daśát (1, 60) mfn. consisting of 10 Kāś.
- • f. a decad MaitrS. i TS. vii TBr. i ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr.
- dáśataya mf(i)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 42) consisting of 10, tenfold RV. i
- • (ī), f. N. of a Comm.
- • pl. (scil. ṛcas) the 10 Maṇḍalas of RV. Lāṭy. x Nir.
- • cf. dās○
- daśati f. a decad of verses in SV. (nom. ○ti, vḷ, ○tyā)
- • 100 (only nom. acc. ○tīr daśa '1000') MBh.
- daśan pl. (g. svasr-ādi Gaṇar. 42) ten (nom. acc. dáśa RV. &c
- • instr. daśábhis loc. ○sásu RV. &c
- • both forms & ○śabhyas in Class. also oxyt. Pāṇ. 6-1, 177ff.)
- • cf. á-?, ?
- daśamá mf(ī)n. the 10th RV. i (with yugá = ○mī́ 158, 6)
- • x AV. v
- • xiii VS. &c
- • n. with áhan, the last day of the day of the Daśa-rātra ceremony TBr. ii ŚBr.xii TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • (without ahan) Lāṭy.
• (proparox. Pāṇ. 5-3, 49) a 10th part Mn. viii f
- • (ám), ind. for the 10th time RV. viii, 24, 23 TBr. ii
- • (ī), f. the 10th stage of human life (age from 91 to 100 years) AV. iii, 4 TāṇḍyaBr. Gaut. Mn.ī
- • (scil. tithi) the 10th day of the half moon, iii, 276 MBh. &c
- • the 10th day after birth Pat. Introd. 73 ;
- ○bhāva m. the culminating point, or that point in which the meridian crosses a given circle Sūryas. Sch.
- daśamin mfn. 91-100 years old ŚāṅkhBr. xiii, 3 Sch.
- daśín mfn. having 10 parts ŚBr. xiii AitBr. Lāṭy. Maś. RPrāt.
- • m. = ○śa-grāmin Mn. vii, 119
- daśana (√daṃś) m. (n. L. Sch.) a tooth Mn. &c. (ifc. f. ā iii, 10 MBh. xii Megh. &c.)
- • a bite Vātsyāy. i, 1, 2 m. a peak L.
- • n. (= daṃś○) armour L.
- ○cchada m.= danta- MBh. Hariv. R. BhP. pada, n. 'teeth-mark', a bite Gīt. viii, 6
- ○bīja the pomegranate Npr.
- ○vasana n. = -cchada Prasannar. ii, 9
- • ○náṅgarāga m. pl. N. of a Kalā (q.v.) Vātsyāy. i, 3, 17
- ○vāsas n. = -vasana L.
- ○vyaya m. loss of the teeth W.
- daśanâṃśu m. pl. brightness of the teeth Kum. vi, 25
- daśanâṅka m. = ○na-pada W.
- daśanâḍhyā f. Oxalis corniculata L.
- daśanôochiṣṭa m. a kiss L.
- • a sigh L.
- • a lip L.
- daśasya Nom. (fr. śas = Lat. decus
- • √.dāś and yáśas) ○yáti (Impv. ○yā́, ○ya
- • p. ○yát), to render service, serve, worship, favour, oblige (with acc.) RV.
- • to accord, do favour to (dat.) RV.
- daśasyā́ ind. to please any one (dat.), vii, 99, 3
- daśā f. (√daṃś?) the fringe of a garment, loose ends of any piece of cloth, skirt or hem KātyŚr. iv, 1, 17 (ūrṇā) Lāṭy. viii, 6, 22 Kauś. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 12, 5 Mn. &c
- • a wick Gobh. iv, 2, 32 (kṣauma-) Kum. iv, 30 Bhartṛ. iii, i
- • state or condition of life, period of life (youth, manhood, &c.), condition, circumstances R. Pañcat. Megh. &c
- • the fate of men as depending on the position of the planets, aspect or position of the planets (at birth &c.) VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Laghuj.
- • the mind L.
- • cf. vastra-
- • i. daśa
- ○"ṣkarṣa
- ○"ṣkarḍṣin (○śâk○), m. 'wick-drawing', a lamp L.
- ○"ṣnta (○sân○), m. the end of a wick Ragh. xii, 1
- • the end of life ib. Hariv. 4394
- ○pati m. the planet governing a man's life VarBṛ. Sch.
- ○"ṣpanna (○zap○), mfn. being in a particular state or condition
- ○paripāka m. a change in a man's fate Mcar. vii, 0/1
- ○pavitrá n. a fringed filtering cloth ŚBr. iv, 2, 2, 11 Lāṭy. i, 9
- ○pāka m. the fulfilment of fate VarBṛS. vc, 61
- ○phala n. result of condition of life, future fate of a man, lxx, 26
- • N. of wk
- ○maya m. Śiva L.
- ○"ṣruhā (○śâr○) 'f. sticking to fringes', N. of a plant L.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○vat mfn. having fringes ĀpŚr. xii, 14, 11
- ○viśeṣa m. any particular state Sāh. iii, 189 Hit. i, 7,
- daśêndhana m. 'wick-kindling', a lamp L.
- daśī-vidarbha m. pl. N. of people (vḷ. dadhi-) MBh. vi, 372
- daśera mfn. (√daṃś) mordaceous, injuring Uṇ. Sch.
- • attacking or killing any one when asleep L.
- • n. a beast of prey W.
- daśeḍraka m. an ass (cf. dasra) MBh. viii, 1852
- • pl. N. of a people (= maru
- • cf dāś○ sg. their country L.), iii, 134, 17 (○zair○ derived fr. 2. daśa) ; vii, 397 VarBṛS. v, 67
- • cf. agniveśa-
- • -gaḍeraka m. pl. the descendants of Daśera and GṭGaḍeraka g. tika-kitavâdi (gaṇar. 34)
- dáśoṇi 2. daśa
- dáśonasi N. of
- • a snake AV. X, 4
- daṣṭa mfn. (√daṃś) bitten, stung Mn. xi MBh. &c. (said of a wrong pronunciation PāṇŚ. 35)
- • n. a bite Suśr. i, 13, 6
- das cl. 1. 4. ( p. dásamāna
- • impf. pl. adasyan) to suffer want, become exhausted RV. iv, 134, 5 (cf. Nir. i. 9) TS. i, 6, 11, 3
- • = upa- √kṣip Dhātup.: Caus. Ā. (1. sg. ○saye
- • Subj. pl ○sayantta) to exhaust, iv, 2, 5, 4 RV. v. 45, 3
- • cf yanta) cf. apa-, upa-, anū7pa- pra-, vi-
- • saṃ-dadasvás, draviṇo-dás
- • ?
- dása m. a demon, vi, 21, 11
- dasta mfn. = dosita Pāṇ. 7-2, 27 Vop. xxvi
- dasmá mfn. (√daṃs) accomplishing wonderful deeds, wonderful, extraordinary RV.
- • m. a sacrificer L.
- • fire L.
- • a thief. rogue (cf. ○syu) L.
- ○tama (○smá-), mfn. most wonderful, ii, 20, 6
- ○varcas (○smá-), mfn. of wonderful appearance RV.
- dasmát-kṛ √to make wonderful, i, 74, 4
- dásmya mfn. wonderful, viii, 24, 20
- dasrá mfn. accomplishing wonderful deeds, giving marvellous aid (chiefly said of the Aśvins) RV.
- • m. N. of one of the A3svins Bṛih. MBh. Hariv. 601
- • du. the Aśvins L.
- • sg. the number 2 Sūryas. i
- • = -devatā, viii, 9
- • a robber, thief. Uṇ. Sch.
- • an ass (cf. daśeraka) L.
- • n. the cold season Uṇ. vṛ
- ○devatā f. 'having the Aśvins as deity', the Nakshatra Aśvini L.
- ○sū f. 'mother of the, Aśvins', Saṃjñā L.
- dásyu m. (√das) enemy of the gods (e.g. śámbara, śúṣṇa, cúmuri, dhúni
- • all conquered by Indra, Agni, &c.), impious man (called a-śraddhá, a-yajñá, á-yajyu, á-pṛnat, a-vratá, any4-vrata, a-karmán), barbarian (called a-nā́s, or an-ā́s 'ugly-faced', ádhara, inferior', á-mānuṣa, inhuman'), robber (called dhanín) RV. AV. &c
- • any outcast or Hindū who has become so by neglect of the essential rites Mn.
- • not accepted as a witness, viii, 66
- • cf. trasó- (dásyave vṛ́ka m. 'wolf to the Dasyu', N. of a man RV. viii, 51 ; 55 f
- • dásyavc sáhas n. violence to the Dasyu (N. of Turviiti), i, 36, 18)
- ○jīvin mfn. living a robber's life MBh. xii, 2433
- ○jūta (dás○), mfn. instigated by Dasyus RV. vi, 24, 8
- ○tárhaṇa mfn. crushing the Dasyus, ix, 47, 2
- ○sād-√bhu- to become a prey to robbers MBh. xii
- ○hátya n. a fight with the Dasyus RV. i, x
- • cf. śuṣṇa-h○
- ○hán m. (nom. ○hā́ instr. ○ghnā́)fn. destroying the Dasyus (Indra i, vi, viii
- • Indra's gift, x, 47, 4
- • manyú, 83, 3
- • mánas, iv, 16, 10)
- • ○hán-tama mfn. (superl.) most destructive to the Dasyus, vi, 16, 15 and viii, 39, 8 (Agni) ; x, 170, 2 (Light) Hariv. (Buddha)
- • cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 17 Kāś.
- dasrá dasmá
- dah cl. 1. Pdahati (ep. āso Ā
- • p. dáhati impf. ádahat
- • aor' adhāk RV. ii, 15, 4 ; 1 ṣg. ○kṣam MBh. vii
- • 3. pl ○kskur Kathās.
- • Subj. dhāk RV. i, 158, 4
- • 2. sg. dhakṣi, iv, 4, 4
- • p. dhákṣat also nom. m., vi, 3, 4 x, 91, 7 dáhṣat, i, 130, 8
- • fut. dhakṣyati MBh. &c
- • dahiṣy○, i, 2120 BhP. iv Prasaṅg. xix, 7
- • inf. dagdhum) to burn, consume by fire, scorch roast RV. &c
- • to cauterise Suśr.
- • to consume, destroy completely Mn. vii, 9 MBh. &c
- • to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve MBh. &c.: Pass. dahyate (○ti MānGṛ. ii, 15 MBh. if., xiif.)
- • to be burnt, burn, be in flames AV. Nir. &c
- • to be consumed by fire or destroyed Mn. vi, 71
- • to be inflamed (a wound) Suśr. i, 28
- • to be consumed by internal heat or grief, suffer pain, be distressed or vexed MBh. &c
- • Caus. dāhayati to burn or be burned Mn. Yājñ. i, 89 MBh. &c
- • to cause to be cooked Hariv. 15523 (aor. pl. adīdahan): Desid. didhakṣati (cf. ○kṣā, ○kṣu) to be about to burn or consume or destroy MBh. i-iv R. (p. ○kṣamāṇa): Desid. Caus. (p. ○kṣayat) to cause any one to make efforts to burn Bhaṭṭ. iii, 33: Intens. dandahīti, ○hyate (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 24 ; 7-4, 86) to burn or destroy completely Hariv. 8726 BhP. vi, 8, 21 (Impv. ○dagdhi) Śiś. Prasannar. vi, 32 and 48
- • Ā. to be burnt completely Hariv. 7040 BhP. Pañcat. i, 8, 23/24
- dah mfn. 'burning', uśá-
- dahati m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2536
- dahadahā f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda, 2638
- dahana mf(ī)n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying (chiefly ifc.) Hariv. BhP. Bhartṛ.
- • (said of the dhāraṇā of fire) Goraksh. 164
- • m. fire (of three kinds), Agni
- Kauś. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Horāś.)
- • the numeral three VarBṛS. Sūryas.
- • one of the 5 forms of fire in the Svāhā-kāra Hariv. 10465
- • a pigeon L.
- • Plumbago zeylanica L.
- • Anacardium officinarum L.
- • N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2536
- • N. of a Rudra, i MatsyaP.
- • n. burning, consuming by fire Kauś. 80 R. vii Ragh. &c
- • cauterising Suśr.
- • sour gruel Npr.
- • (ā), f. N. of part of the moon's course VarBṛS. ix, 1-3 Sch.
- • (ī), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.
- ○karman n. the act of burning Dhūrtas. i, 22
- ○ketana m. 'mark of burning', smoke L.
- ○garbha mf(ā)n. filled with the fire (of wrath) Daś. vi, 21
- ○tā f. the state of fire ŚārṅgP. xxix, 11
- ○priyā f. the wife of Agni L.
- ○rkṣa (ṛk○), n. the constellation Kṛittikā VarBṛS. x, 19
- dahanâguru n. a kind of Agallochum L.
- dahanârāti m. fire-enemy', water L.
- dahanôpakaraṇa n. the means for cauterising Suśr. i, 12, 2
- dahanôpala m. the sun-gem L.
- dahanôlkā f. a firebrand L.
- dahanīya mfn. to be burnt, combustible W.
- ○tā f. combustibility W.
- ○tva n. id. W.
- dahara mfn. (fr. dobhrá) small, fine, thin ChUp. viii, 1, l KātyŚr. xiv KenUp. (vḷ. dabhra) BhP. x
- • young in age Lalit. vii, 72 SaddhP.
- • m. a younger brother L.
- • a child W.
- • a young animal W.
- • a mouse Gaut. Yājñ. iii, 279/271
- ○pṛṣṭha n. N. of TS. v, 1, 11 and 2, 11f., Ātr- Anukr. i. 24
- ○sūtra n. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- daharaka mfn. short (day), SāṅkhBr. xix, 3 Naigh. iii, 2
- dahra mfn. small, fine, thin, Nā-rUp. Āp. i, 9, 23 (○re para-rātre, in the shorter half of the night')
- • (ám, n), ind. little TS. vii, 5, 3, 1
- • n. the cavity of the heart BhP. iii ; vi, 9
- dahrāgni m. Agastya in a former birth, iv, I, 36
- dahra m. a wood on fire Uṇ. vṛ
- • fire ib.
- dā cl. 3. dádāti (pl. ○dati RV. &c
- • Ā. datte Pañcat. i, 4, 19/20 12, 7 Subh.
- • 1. sg. dadmi MBh. xii Hariv. R. if
- • Impv. dádātu pl. ○dahu
- • 2. sg. daddhí RV. i f. iv, vi, viii, x
- • dehí RV. iii f. viii, x AV. v, xviii f. &c.
- • 2. pl. dádāta RV. vii, 57, 6, ○tana x, 36, 10, dattá 51, 8 VS. AV. &c
- • 2. du. ○ttám RV. i, 34, 6 AV. &c
- • Pot. dadyā́ AV. &c
- • impf. ádadāt
- • pl. ádadur RV. vi, x AV. v, 18, 1
- • 2. du. ádattam RV. &c
- • 2. pl. ○ttana i, 139, 7, ádadāta x, 64, 12
- • Subj. dádat ii, v, vii f. x, ○das vii f. ○dan AV. vi, 24, 1 p. m. nom. sg. dádat pl. ○tas RV. &c
- • p. Ā. dádāna, v, 33, 9
- • ○ná, i. 148, 2 ; v, 2, 3
- • sg. dadati, ii, 35, 10 MBh. iii, 13422
- • pl. ○danti, xii f
- • Impv. ○da, ix MārkP.
- • ○data Siṃhâs.
- • Pot. ○det Parāś. vi, 19
- • impf. ádadat AV. xii, 4, 23 MBh. R.
- • Ā. sg. dádate RV. i, 24, 7 AV. x, 8, 36
- • pl. ○dante, 35 VS. viii, 31
- • Impv. sg. ○datām RV. iii, 53, 17
- • ○dasva MBh. Hariv. &c
- • impf. pl. ádadanta RV. vii, 33, i i AV. xiv
- • p. dádamāna RV. i, 41, 9 ; iv, 26, 6
- • aor. ádāt , dat, ádur, dúr &c
- • Subj. 2. du. dāsathas RV. viii, 40, 1
- • Pot. 1. pl. deṣma VS. ii, 32
- • pf. dadaú, ○dúr, ○dáthur, ○datur, ○dó RV. &c
- • Pass ○dé, iv, 34 & 37 AV. X, 2, 16
- • dadade, ○dāte, ○dire Pāṇ. 6-4, 126 Kāś.
- • p. gen. dadúṣas RV. i, viii, ○ṣām vi
- • nom. ○dvā́n, x, 132, 3
- • ○dāvan AV. v, 11, 1
- • acc. ○divā́ṃsam, ix, 5, 10
- • fut. p. dāsyát AV.vi, 71, 3
- • Ā. ○syate, ○syante, 1. sg. ○sye MBh. Hariv. R. MārkP.
- • Prec. deyāt Pāṇ. 6-4, 67
- • inf. dāváne RV.
- • dā́tos, vii, 4, 6
- • ○tave, vii-ix AV. iii, 20, 5
- • dā́tavaí RV. iv, 21, 9
- • ○tum, v AV. &c.: ind. p. dattvā́ya RV. x, 85, 33
- • ○ttva AV. &c
- • -dā́ya RV. &c.: Pass. dīyate
- • p. ○yámāna AV. ix
- • aor. adāyi Pāṇ. 7-3, 33 Kāś.
- • Prec. dāsīṣṭa, dāyis○, vi, 4, 62), cl. 1. dā́ti (RV. iv-vii
- • Impv. ○tu, 15, 11
- • cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 8 Vārtt. 3 Pat. ; ii, 4, 76 Kāś.) to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to (dat., in later language also gen. or loc.) RV. &c
- • to give (a daughter, kanyām) in marriage Mn. v, ix Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • to hand over Mn. viii, 186 & 234
- • (with haste) Kathās.
- • to give back, 222 f. MBh. iii Pañcat. VP. Kathās. lxxiv
- • to pay (daṇḍam, 'a fine' Mn. viii f
- • ṛṇam, a debt', viii Yājñ. ii, 45)
- • to give up, cede (āsanam, 'one's seat') Mn. iv, 54
- • (panthānam or mārgam, 'to give up the road, allow to pass') viii, 275 and R. v, 94, 8
- • to sell (with instr. of the price), i Nal. xiv, 21 VarBṛS. xlī, 11
- • to sacrifice (ātmānam, 'one's self.' Kathās. xxii, 227
- • āt○ khedāya, to give one's self up to grief', v, 57)
- • to offer (an oblation &c.) Mn. Yājñ. R. &c
- • to communicate, teach, utter (blessings, āśiṣas Śak. MārkP.), give (answer, prati-vacas, ○canam, praty-uttaram Nal. Śak. &c.), speak (satyaṃ vacas, the truth, yājñ. ii, 200
- • vacam, to address a speech to dat. Śak. vi, 5)
- • to permit, allow (with inf.) MBh. i Śak. vi, 22
- • to permit sexual intercourse ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 7
- • to place, put, apply (in med.)
- Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • to add Pañcat. ii, 6, 5
- Sūryas. VarBṛS. Laghuj.
- • with varam', to grant a boon' ŚBr. xi KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- • śoham, to cause grief', xiii R. ii
- • avakāśam, 'to give room or space, allow to enter Yājñ. ii, 276 Mṛicch. Ragh. &c
- • prāṇān or jīvitam, 'to spare any one's life' MBh. Kathās. xviii, 275
- • talam or ○lān, to slap with the palms of the hands MBh. iii, ix Hariv. 15741
- • ○la-prahāram, to strike with the palm Pañcat. iv,. 2, 0/1 tālam, to beat time with the hands MBh. i Bhaṭṭ.
- • saṃjñām, to make a sign Mṛicch.
- • saṃketakam, to make an appointment Pañcat. ii, 4, 3/4 samayam, to propose an agreement Kathās. xviii, 139
- • upamām, to compare with gen. Cāṇ.
- • paṭaham, to proclaim with the drum Kathās. lxxiii, 357
- • śabdam, to make a noise, call out Vet. iv, 2/3
- • śāpam, to utter a curse MBh. R. &c
- • gāīh., id. Bhartṛ.
- • anuyātram, to accompany Kathās. xviii, 197
- • āliṅganane, parirambhaṇam, to embrace, 209 Gīt. iii, 8
- • jhampam, to jump Hit.
- • śrāddham, to perform a Srāddha MBh. xiv R. ii
- • vratakam, to accomplish a vow Hariv.
- • yuddham, niy○, saṃgrāmam, to give battle, fight with MBh. Hariv. R.
- • ājñām ādeśam, to give an order, command, i BrahmaP. Vet.
- • saṃdeśam, to give information Kathās. xvii, 161
- • prayogam, to give a dramatic representation Mālav. i, 12/13 vṛtim, to fence in Mn. viii, 240 Kull.
- • darśanam, to show one's self Prab. iii,
- • 0/1 dṛṣṭim dṛśam akṣi caksus, to fix the eyes on (loc.) Śak.i, 6 Kathās. Dhūrtas. Śṛiṅgārat. Sāh.
- • karṇam, to give ear, listen Śak. Kathās.
- • manas, to direct the mind to (loc.) MBh. xii, 2526
- • kars kapolam, to rest the cheek on the hand Kāraṇḍ. xviii, 73
- • nigaḍāni to put on or apply fetters Mṛicch. vii, 6/7 pāvakam, to set on fire
- • agnīn to consume by fire Mn. v, 168
- • śāram, to move a chess-man Daś. vii, 137
- • argalam, to draw a bolt, bar Kathās. Rājat. vi, 96
- • jānu, to kneel upon (gen.) MBh. iii f
- • padam, to tread upon loc. Bhartṛ. Hit. ii, 12, 25 SŚaṃkar. i, 38
- • to direct the steps Amar. 74
- • viṣam, to poison Pañcar. i, 14, 80 (with acc.!)
- • garam id. VP. iv, 3, 16 (with gen.)
- • -Ā. to carry, hold, keep, preserve RV. AV. VS.
- • to show SV. i, 2, 1, 4, 7 (aor. adadiṣṭa
- • aded○ fr. √diś RV.): Caus. dāpayati (P1ṇ. vii, 3, 36
- • aor. adīdapat, 4, 1 and 58 Kāś.) to cause to give or be given, cause to bestow or present or give up, oblige to pay, make restore VS. ix, 24 AV. iii, 20, 8 Mn. &c
- • to demand from (abl.) Mn.viii, 47
- • to cause to utter or speak Hariv. 15782 Yājñ. ii, 6/7 ghoṣaṇām, to cause to be made known Kathās. lxiv, 86
- • to cause to place or advance, xii, 160
- • to cause to perform, v, 112 to cause to be put on (loc.) MBh. i, 5724: Desid. dítsati (Pāṇ. 7-4, 54 and 58
- • p. dídāsat RV. x, 151, 2
- • dítsat, ii, vii-ix AV. v, 7, 6 MBh.
- • Pot. ○tseyam RV. viii MBh.
- • pf. 2. sg. didāsitha AitBr. viii, 21 ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 16
- • cf. ŚBr. xiii, 7, 1, 15) to wish to give, be ready to bestow RV. &c
- • to wish to give in marriage MBh. &c.: Intens. dedīyate Pāṇ. 6-4, 66 Kāś.
- • [cf. ? ; Lat. do
- • &c.]
- dā́ m. a giver RV. v, 41, 1 (dat. dé) ; vi, 16, 26 (nom. dā́s)
- • ifc., giving, granting', an-aśva-, a-bhikṣa-, aśva-, ātma-, &c. -dā́
- • án-āśīr-
- dāka m. a donor Uṇ. iii, 40 Sch.
- • a sacrificer ib.
- dāta mfn. 'given', tvā́
- dāḍtavya mfn. to be given AitBr. Mn. &c
- • to be communicated ŚvetUp. Pañcat. i MārkP.
- • to be given in marriage Dāyabh. (Paiṭh.) Kathās.
- • to be paid or restored Mn. viii Pāṇ. 3-3, 171 Kāś.
- • to be placed upon (loc.) Mn. v, 136 VarBṛS.
- • to be made Bhpr. vii, 18, 74. i
- dāti havyá-
- • -vāra (dā́t○), mfn. liking to give RV. i, 167, 8 ; iii, 51, 9 ; v, 58, 2
- dā́tṛ (with acc
- • once without RV. iv, 31, 7),
- dā́ḍtṛ́ (with or without gen
- • exceptionally with acc ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 12), m. giving, a giver, donor, liberal RV. &c
- • one who gives a daughter gen.) in marriage (cf. kanyā-) Kum. vi, 1
- • a father or brother who gives a daughter or sister in marriage MānGṛ. i, 8 Mn. in, 172 Paiṭh. R.
- • one who offers (his wife, gen.) L.
- • a creditor Mn. viii, 161 the arranger of a meal, iii, 236
- • granting, permitting (ifc. or with gen.), v, viii, xi MBh. &c
- • a founder (of a household, kutumbānām), xiii, 1663
- •
- ○tā f. the being a giver, liberality Rājat. Sāh. iii
- ○tva n. id. Hariv. 14414 Ragh. Cāṇ.
- ○nirūpaṇa n. N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○pura ī. N. of a town, Saṃkaracetov. i
- dātta m. a well made by Datta Pāṇ. 4-2, 74 Kāś.
- dāttâmitrī f. N. of a town built by Dattâmitra, 76 Kāś.
- • ○trīya mfn. fr. ○trī, 123 Kāś.
- dātteya m. metron. fr. Dattā, 1, 121 Kāś.
- dātva m. a giver Uṇ.
- • n. a sacrificial act ib.
- dāda m. (√dad) gift, donation MBh. ix, 2117 ; 2269 (B. dāya) Siś. xix, 114
- ○da mfn. gift-giving Śiś. x ib.
- dādin mfn. giving, a giver W.
- dāná n. the act of giving RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • giving in marriage (cf. kanyā-)
- • giving up (cf. prāṇa-, ātma-, śarīra- Pañc. ī)
- • communicating, imparting, teaching (cf. brakma-)
- • paying back, restoring Mn. Yājñ.
- • adding, addition (cf. VarBṛS.)
- • donation, gift Lat. donum] RV. ŚBr. &c. (○naṃdā, to offer a gift Mn. Yājñ. Hit. &c
- • ○nam prayam, to bestow a gift Mn. iv, 234)
- • oblation (cf. udaka-, havir-)
- • liberality (cf. 2. dāna)
- • bribery Mn.vii, 198 (cf. upâya)
- ○kamalâkara m
- ○kalpa-taru mṆ. of wks
- ○kāma (dā́○), mfn. fond of giving, liberal TS. TBr.
○kusumâñjali m
- keli-kaumudī f
- ○kaumudī f
- ○kaustubha m. orn.,
- ○kriyā-kaumudī f. N. of wks
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of part 1 of Hemâdri's wk
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○cyuta m. 'one who has abandoned liberality', N. of a man (g. kārtakaujapâdi)
- ○tas ind. through gifts, by liberality MW.
- ○darpaṇa m
- ○dinakara m. N. of wks
- ○dharma m. duty of liberality Mn. Hit. -kathana n. -vidhji m. ○mâdhyâya m. N. of wks. on alms-giving
- ○ṃ-dadā f. N. of an Apsaras or of a female Gandharva Kāraṇḍ.
- ○pati m. 'liberality-lord', munificent man MBh. R.
- • N. of A-krūra MBh. Hariv.
- • of a Daitya Hariv.
- ○pattra n. deed of gift MW.
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk. on the 16 offerings RTL. 415
- ○para mfn. devoted to liberality
- • -tā f. liberality Nāg. v, 29
- ○paribhāṣā f. N. of wk
- ○pātra n. 'object of charity', N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○pāramitā f. perfection of liberality Kāraṇḍ. Naish.
- ○pārijāta m
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wks
- ○prātibhāvya n. security for payment W.
- ○bhāgavata n. N. of wk
- ○bhinna mfn. set at variance by bribes Hit. iv, 39
- ○mañjarī f
- ○manohara m. N. of wks
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in liberality L.
- ○mayūkha m. N. of wk
- ○yogya mfn. worthy of a gift Daś.
- ○vajra m. 'whose weapon is liberality' (said of Vaiśyas) MBh. i, 6487
- ○vat (dā́○), mfn. having or bestowing gifts, liberal RV. viii, 32, 12 MBh. xiii, 55
- ○varman m. 'whose armour is liberality', N. of a merchant Kathās.
- ○vaśī-kṛ to make subject by bribery, id
- ○vār n. libation of water Kāv.
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○vīra m. 'liberality-hero', munificent man Kathās.
- ○vyatyāsa m. giving to a wrong person W.
- ○vrata Wfn. devoted to liberality
- • m. pl. N. of inhabitants of Śāka-dvipa, Bh. v, 20, 28
- ○śalā f. hall for almsgiving Subh. 127
- ○śālin mfn. rich in gifts
- • wet with rut-fluid Siṃhâs., Introd. 9
- ○śīla mfn. liberally disposed Yājñ. MBh.
- • m. N. of a translator of Lalit.
- ○śura m. = -viira Kathās.
- • N. of a Bodhisattva (v. l. sūra) Buddh.
- ○śauṇḍa mfn. 'intoxicated with giving', very liberal L.
- ○sāgara m. 'gift-ocean', N. of wk
- ○stuti f. 'praise of liberality', N. of a kind of hymn
- ○hīna mfn. deprived of gifts MW.
- ○hemâdri m. = -khaṇḍa
- dānâdhikāra m. N. of a Buddh. wk
- dānâpnas mfn. abounding in gifts, Rv. x, 22, 11
- dānôddyota m. N. of wk
- dānaka n. a paltry gift
- • (ā), f. a partic. coin = 4 Paṇa Sch.
- • N. of a drama
- dāḍnika mfn. relating to a gift, &c. (only ifc
- • cf. adhyayana-, udaka-, vara-)
- dānin mfn. giving, liberal BhP.
- • having or receiving gifts (cf. agre-)
- dānīya mfn. worthy of gifts or offerings Pāṇ. 3-3, 113 Kāś.
- • n. gift, donation W.
- dānu mfn. liberal (cf. Uṇ. iii, 32)
- • courageous L.
- • m. prosperity, contentment L.
- • air, wind L.
- dāpana n. (fr. √1. dā, Caus.) forcing to give or pay (ifc.) L.
- dāḍpanīya mfn. to be made to give or pay Kull.
- • to be got or procured from (sakāśāt Pañc. i, 141/142
- dāḍpayitavya mfn. to be obliged to give or pay Kull.
- dāḍpayitvā ind. p. having fined W.
- dāḍpita mfn. caused to give (acc.) to (dat.) Kathās. xxii, 149
- • caused to be given, got, procured, obtained Pañc. i, 144/145 Rājat.vi, 50
- • condemned to pay, fined L. (vḷ. dāyita)
- dāḍpya mfn. to te caused to give or pay Mn. Yājñ.
- dāmán n. m. a giver, donor RV.
- • a liberal man MBh. xii, 3479
- • (dā́○) n. giving, a gift RV. (cf. a-, su-). 1
- dā́manvat mfn. furnished with gifts RV. v, 79, 4
- dāya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 139
- • 141) giving, presenting (cf. śata-, go-)
- • m. gift, present, donation MBh. R. &c
- • nuptial fee L. (cf. su-)
- • gift at the ceremony of initiation W.
- • handing over, delivery Mn. viii, 165
- • n. game, play Pañcad.
- dāyaka mf(ikā)n. giving, granting, bestowing
- • imparting, communicating, uttering, telling
- • fulfilling, causing, effecting
- MBh. Hariv. Daś. &c. (generally ifc
- • cf. agni-, uttara-, jñāna- viṣa-)
- dāyita under dāpana
- dāyin mfn. (ifc.) giving, granting, communicating
- • yielding, ceding, allowing, permitting
- • causing effecting, producing, performing ChUp. Mn. MBh. Bhartṛ. &c
- • having to pay, owing (acc.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 ; iii, 3, 170 Kāś.
- dāyī-√kṛ to make a gift, Mālatim. viii, 6
- dāru mfn. liberal L. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 159)
- • m. 2. dāru
- dāvat prāṇa-
- dāván n. only dat. ○váne (mostly as inf.) in order to give or to receive RV.
- • mfn. (ifc.) giving, granting RV. AV. &c
- • (○varī), f. in go-, śata-
- dā For √do, to cut, q.v
- dāta mfn. cut off. mowed (barhis) Pāṇ. 7-4, 46 Sch.
- dāti f. sickle, scythe Gal.
- dā́tu n. part, division, allotted portion or task RV. x, 90, 1
• ifc. divisible, after a numeral-fold (cf. su-, śala-, sahasra-).
- dātṛ́ m. mowing, a mower (with acc.) RV. v, 7, 7
- dā́tra n. a sort of sickle or crooked knife RV. Āpast. MBh. &c
- • (dātrá) allotted portion, share, possession RV.
- dā́na n. cutting off. splitting, dividing L.
- • pasture, meadow RV.
- • rut-fluid (which flows from an elephant's temples) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • (dāná) m. (only in RV. but cf. vasu-) distribution of food or of a sacrificial meal
- • imparting, communicating, liberality
- • part, share, possession
- • distributor, dispenser RV. vii, 27, 4
- dānâukas m. delighting in a sacrificial meal (Indra) RV. i, 65, 1
- dānavá m. (fr. 2. dā́u) a class of demons often identified with the Daityas or Asuras and held to be implacable enemies of the gods or Devas
- RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (described as children of Danu and Kaśyapa, sometimes reckoned as 40 in number MBh. i, 252
- • sometimes as 100 &c.)
- • (ī), f. a female Danu
- • mf(ī)n. belonging to the Danu MBh. R. &c
- ○guru m. preceptor of the DṭDanu, regent of planet Venus Var.
- ○pati m. king of the Danu, N. of Rāhu Bhartṛ. =
- ○pūjita mfn. worshipped by the DṭDanu
- • m. regent of Venus Var.
- ○priyā f. the betel plant L.
- ○vairin m. enemy of the DṭDanu, N. of Siva Siṃhâs.
- dānavâri m. id. L.
- • N. of Indra R. ii, iii, 9
- • pl. the gods L.
- dānavêndra m. chief of the Danu MW.
- dānaveya m. a Dānava or demon MBh. Hariv.
- dā́nu mfn. valiant, victor, conqueror W.
- • m. a class of demons (cf. dānava) RV. (f., i, 54, 7) ŚBr.
- • n. a fluid, drop, dew (○nas pátī m. du, N. of Mitra-Varuṇa or of the Aśvins RV. viii, 256 ; 8, 16
- • cf. ārdrá-, jīrá-)
- ○citra (dā́○), mfn. brilliant with dew or moisture RV.
- ○dá mfn. trickling ib.
- ○pinvá mfn. swelling with drops (Soma) ib.
- ○mat (dā́○), mfn. trickling, fluid ib.
- dā́man m. or f. allotment, share RV.
- dāyá m. share, portion, inheritance RV. TS. &c. (dāyād upâgata, obtained through inheritance, Mit
- • dāyam upa9ti pitus, he obtains his father's inheritance Br.)
- • division, part (ifc. = fold, cf. śatá-)
- • dismembering, destruction L.
- • irony L.
- • place, site L.
- ○kāla m. time of dividing an inheritance Yājñ.
- ○krama-saṃgraha m
- ○tattva n. N. of wks
- • ○tva-kṛt m. N. of an author
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○bandhu m. partner in inheritance, brother L.
- ○bhāga m. partition of inheritance Mn. ix, 103
- • N. of wk
- • -ṭīkā f. and -tattva n. N. of wks
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○vibhāga m. division of property W.
- ○hara m. receiver of inheritance, heir (cf. brahma-)
- dāyâdá m. id. (with gen. or loc. of thing or ifc. Pāṇ. 2-3, 37, vi, 2, 5)
- AV. ŚBr. Mn. Yājñ.
- • a son or distant descendant or kinsman MBh. Pañc.
- • (ā, ī), f. heiress, daughter AgP.
- • -vat mfn. having an heir MBh.
- dāyâdya n. inheritance (g. brāhmaṇâdi) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • -tā f. near relationship, affinity MBh. i, 7509
- dāyâdhikāra-krama-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- dāyâpavartana n. forfeiture of property Mn. ix. 79
- dāyârha mfn. claimable as (or capable of being claimed as) inheritance MW.
- dāyaka m. heir, kinsman GṛS.
- dāyâdava m. id. W.
- dā cl. 4. P. dyáti (cf. ā- √4. dā), to bind, only in dīṣva VS. xxxviii, 3
- dāma in comp. for dāman, p. 475
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'having a rope round neck', N. of a man
- • pl. his descendants (g. upakâdi)
- ○granthi m. N. assumed by Nakula MBh. iv, 1020 (cf. granthika)
- ○candra m. N. of a man MBh. vii, 7009
- ○carita or (or ○tra), n. N. of a drama W.
- ○śrīdāma-carita (or ○tra), n. N. of a drama W.
- ○jāta-śrī m. N. of a prince (on coins)
- ○tūṣa mfn. having threads for fringes TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○daśa mfn. id. Lāṭy.
- ○lih mfn. licking or wishing to lick a rope
- ○lihya Nom. P., ○ti, to wish to lick a rope Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 Kāś.
- ○siṃha m. N. of a prince
- dāmâñcana (cf. L.),
- cala (cf. Śiś. v, 61), n. a foot-rope
- dāmôdara m. having a rope round waist', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv.
- • of 12th month VarBṛS.
- • of 9th Arhat of past Ut-sarpiṇī L.
- • of 2 kings of Kaśmira Rājat. &c
- • of a river (held sacred by the Santāls) MW.
- • -gupta m. N. of a poet Rājat. iv, 495
- • -tantra n. N. of wk
- • -datta and -deva m. N. of 2 men
- • -paddhati f. N. of wk
- • -bhūti m. N. of a man
- • -miśra m. N. of author of one recension of the Hanūman-nāṭaka
• ○râraṇya n. N. of a forest Rājat. vi, 183
- • ○rīya mfn. relating to (king) Dāmodara Rājat. i, 157
- dāmôṣṇīṣa m. m. N. of an ancient sage MBh. (v. l. ○nīva and ○nīśa)
- • ○ṣi m. patr. fr. ○ṣa
- • ○ṣya m. patr. ft. ○ṣi (g. kurv-ādi)
- dāma n. (ifc., where also -ka) wreath, garland MBh. Hariv.
- • (ā́), f. id. RV. viii, 61, 6
- dā́man n. (m. L.) string, cord, rope, fetter RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • girdle
- • chaplet, wreath, garland for forehead MBh. Hariv. Kāv.
- • large bandage Suśr.
- • a partic. constellation VarBṛS.
- • N. of a friend of Kṛishṇa = śri-d○ (cf. below)
- • ifc. either in proper N. (cf. āśā-d○) or in adj. (where, after a numeral, the fem. must end in ī e.g. dvi-dāmnī Pāṇ. 4-1, 27). ? in ? ? ? in, ? ? .]
- dā́ḍmanī f. (ifc. also ○nīka) a long rope to which calves are tied by means of shorter ropes Hariv.
- ○ḍā́man-vat mfn. furnished with cords RV. vi, 24, 4
- dā For √de, q.v
- dā f. (√de), protection, defence L.
- dā For √dai, q.v
- dā f. (√das) cleansing, purifying L.
- dāta mfn. cleansed, purified Pāṇ. 7-4, 46 (cf. ava-, vyava-)
- dāna n. purification L.
- dākṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. dakṣa) relating to Daksha (cf. Hariv.) or to Dākshi (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 112)
- • southern, dwelling in the south SŚaṃkar.
- • m. or n. the south (in ○ṣasyâyana n. the sun's progress towards south, the winter solstice and sacrifice then performed Mn. vi, 10 )
- • m. pl. N. of the disciples of a partic. school ( kumārī-d○)
- dākḍṣaka mfn. inhabited by the Dākshis (g. rājanyâdi)
- • n. a number of descendants of Daksha L.
- dākṣāyaṇá mf(ī)n. coming from or relating to Daksha VS.
- • m. a son or descendant of Daksha VS. ŚBr. &c
- • a partic. sacrifice (cf. -yajña)
- • (ī), f. N. of any daughter of Daksha (Aditi, Diti, Kadrū &c.) MBh. R. BhP. &c. (pl. the 27 lunar mansions considered as daughters of Daksha and wives of the Moon, among whom Rohiṇī is the favourite L.)
- • Croton Polyandrum L.
- • n. the posterity of Daksha BhP. iv, 1
- • gold or a gold ornament (cf. -hastá, below)
- • = dākṣasyâyana (under dākṣa)
- ○bhakta n. district inhabited by Dākshas (g. aiṣukāryâdi)
- ○yajñá m. a partic. sacrifice Br.
- • ○ñika mf(ī)n. relating to it ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • ○ñin mfn. id. ŚBr.
- ○hastá mfn. having gold in the hand ŚBr. vi, 7, 4, 2
- dākṣāyaṇīpa
- dākṣāyaṇī-pati
- dākṣāyaṇī-ramaṇa m. the protector, husband, lover of Daksha (i.e. Durgā or Rohiṇī), Siva or the Moon L.,
- dākṣāyaṇy-agni-praveśa m. N. of a ch. of SivaP.
- dākṣāyaṇin mfn. wearing golden ornaments Yājñ. i, 133
- • m. a Brāhman student W.
- dākṣāyaḍṇya m. the son of the Dākshāyaṇi Aditi, the Sun MBh. xiii, 6831
- dākṣāḍyiṇī f. wṛ. for ○yaṇī (above)
- dākṣi m. a son of Daksha Pāṇ. 4-1, 93
- • (ī), f. a daughter of Daksha, i, 65
- ○kanthā f. N. of a village Pāṇ. 2-4, 20
- • ○thiya mfn. relating to it, iv, 2, 142
- ○karṣa m. N. of a village, vi, 2, 129
- ○karṣū f. N. of a place
- • ○ṣuka mfn. iv, 2, 104 Vārtt. 7 Pat.
- ○kūla n. N. of a village, vi, 2, 129
- ○grāma m
- ○nagara n
- ○palada m. or n
- ○hrada m. N. of places
- • ○mīya, ○rīya, &c., mfn. relating to Dākshi-grāma, Dākshi-nagara &c., iv, 2, 142
- dākṣīputra m. metron. of Pāṇini L.
- dākṣeya m. 'son of Dākshī', metron. of Pāṇini L. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 120)
- • (ī), f. 'daughter of Dākshi' (?), metron. of the mother of parrots MBh. xiii, 275 (cf. R. iii, 20, 17, 18)
- dākṣya n. (fr. dákṣa) cleverness, skill, fitness, capability, industry MBh. Kāv. &c
- dākṣāyya m. a vulture L.
- dākṣiṇá nif(ī)n. (fr. dákṣiṇā f.) belonging or relating to a sacrificial fee ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
• relating to the south W.
- • (ā), f. the southern country, i.e. the Deccan ( below, -ja)
- • n. a collection of sacrificial fees (g. bhikṣâdi)
- • pl. N. of a Kāṇḍa of TS.
- ○śāla mfn. relating to a hall situated to the south Pāṇ. 4-2, 107 Kāś.
- ○homa m. the oblation connected with the sacrificial fee Vait. xxi, 23
- dākṣiṇâgnika mf(ī)n. performed in the southern fire, MānSr
- dākṣiṇā-ja m. inhabitant of the Deccan Nir. vi, 9
- • (f. ī), iv, 5
- dākṣiṇā-pathaka mf(ī)n. relating to Dakshiṇā-patha (g. dhūmâdi)
- dākṣiṇârdhika mf(ī)n. = dakṣiṇârdhyá Pat.
- dākṣiṇātya mf(ā)n. (fr. dakṣiṇā ind. Pāṇ. 4-2, 98) southerly, southern, belonging to or living in or coming from the south or Deccan MBh. Hariv. &c.
- • (also ○tyaka mfn. Pāṇ. 7-3, 44 Vārtt. 5 Pat.)
- • m. (or n. ?) the south Hariv. 6200
- • cocoa-nut L.
- • pl. inhabitants of the Deccan MBh. Hariv.
- dākṣiṇika mf(ī)n. connected with a sacrificial fee Sch.
- dākṣiṇīya mfn. = dakṣiṇīya L. (vḷ.)
- dākṣiṇya mfn. belonging to or worthy of a sacrificial fee L.
- • n. dexterity, skill, officiousness, gallantry, kindness, consideration, piety (with loc., gen. or ifc.) Hariv. K. &c
- • the ritual of the right hand Sāktas L.
- • N. of a Tantra
- ○vat mfn. amiable, kind ○vad-dara mfn. having a kind wife
- ○tā Prasaṅg.
- ○sampanna mfn. coming from the south
- • possessing kindness Kāvyâd. ii, 174
- dāgavyāyani m. 'son of Dagu', N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-1, 155 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- dāḍaka m. tooth, tusk (cf. dāḍhā)
- dāḍima mf(ī)n. the pomegranate tree MBh. Hariv. Suśr. (n. also its fruit
- • ○māni danś, to bite pomegranates, said of a hard or unwelcome task Vām. iii, 2, 14)
- • small cardamoms L.
- • mfn. being on the pomegṭpomegranates tree Suśr.
- ○pattraka m. Soyimida Febrifuga or Amoora Rohitaka L.
- ○puṣpa m. id. L. (also -ka)
- • n. the flower of the pomegṭpomegranates tree Suśr.
- ○priya and m. 'liking and eating pomegṭpomogranates', parrot L.
- ○bhakṣaṇa m. 'liking and eating pomegṭpomogranates', parrot L.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a poet Cat.
- dāḍiḍmī-vat mfn. planted with pomegranate trees Pāṇ. 8-2, 9 Kāś.
- dāḍiḍmī-sāra m. = dādima L.
- dāḍimba m. the pomegṭpomegranates tree L.
- dāḍī f. a kind of plant and its fruit (g. harītaky-ādi
- • cf. doḍī and dāli)
- dāḍhā f. (= and prob. fr. daṃṣṭrā) large tooth, tusk L.
- • wish, desire L.
- • number, multitude L.
- dāḍḍhikā f. (fr. daṃṣṭrikā) the beard, the whiskers Mn. viii, 283
- • tooth, tusk L.
- dāṇḍa mf(ī)n. relating to a stick or to punishment W.
- • m. patr. fr. daṇḍa, (g. śivâdi)
- • (ā), f. a partic. game with sticks Pāṇ. 4-2, 57 Kāś.
- • n. the being a staff (g. pṛthv-ādi)
- • multitude of staff-bearers, vi, 4, 164 Sch.
- ○grāhika m. patr. fr. daṇḍa-grāha (g. revaty-ādi)
- ○pāṇika m. (fr. daṇḍa-pāṇi) relating to a police officer Sch. on Hāla 536
- ○pātā f. (fr. daṇḍa-pāta, scil. tithi) stick-throwing', a partic. festival Pāṇ. 4-2, 58 Kāś. (cf. tailam-, śainam-)
- ○pāyana m. patr. fr. daṇḍa-pa (g. naḍâdi)
- ○pāśika m. = daṇḍapāśaka, Deśīn. ii, 99
- ○māthika mf(ī)n. (fr. daṇḍa-mātha) churning with a straight stick (?) Pāṇ. 4-4, 37 Kāś.
- daṇḍâjinika mf(ī)n. (fr. daṇḍâjina) carrying a staff and skin (as mere outward signs of religion), m. cheat, rogue, hypocrite Pāṇ. 5-2, 76
- daṇḍaka m. N. of a Bhoja (v. l. ○kya)
- dāṇḍaki m. patr. fr. daṇḍaka
- • pl. N. of a tribe belonging to the Tri-gartas Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 Kāś.
- dāṇḍḍakīya m. a prince of the Dāṇḍakis ib.
- dāṇḍḍakya m. N. of a prince Kām. i, 56 (v. l. ○daka)
- dāṇḍāyana m. patr. fr. daṇḍa (?), only in comp
- ○sthalaka mf(ī)n. relating to ○sthalī (g. dhūmâdi)
- ○sthalī f. N. of a village Pāṇ. 6-2, 129 Kāś.
- dāṇḍika mf(ī)n. inflicting punishment, punishing MBh. xii, 2135
- • m. punisher Pāṇ. 4-4, 12 Sch.
- dāṇḍiḍkya n. the office of a rod-bearer or policeman (g. purohitâdi)
- dāṇḍin m. pl. the school of Daṇḍa (g. śaunakâdi)
- dāḍṇḍināyana m. patr. fr. daṇḍin Pāṇ. 6-4, 174
- dāta m. pl. N. of a school of AV.
- dātyūha m. a gallinule Mn. MBh. R. &c
- • Cuculus Melanoleucus L.
- • a cloud L.
- dāḍtyūhaka m. a little gallinule R. iii, 79, 11
- dāḍtyauhá m. a gallinule VS. xxiv, 25, 39 MaitrS. iii, 14, 6 (accord. to Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 fr. ditya-vah)
- dādā dādâkhya-bhaṭṭa, or dādā-bhāi m. N. of several authors
- dādū m. N. of founder of a sect RTL. 178 ; 268
- ○panthin m. pl. his followers ib.
- dādhika mf(ī)n. (fr. dadhi) made of or mixed or sprinkled with coagulated milk Pāṇ. 4-2, 18 ; 3, 22. 26
- • carrying about or selling it, 4, 8
- • eating anything with it Siddh. ib.
- • m. N. of a princely race
- • n. a kind of broth Suśr.
- • ifc. f. ā ib.
- dādhikra mf(ī)n. relating to Dadhi-krā AitBr. vi, 36
- • n. (agnes) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- dādhittha nif(ī)n. (fr. dadhittha) relating to Feronia Elephantum, P. iv, 3, 140, Kāś
- • n. its resin Suśr.
- dādhīca mf(ī)n. relating to Dadhīci or Dadhyac
- • m. patr. of Cyavana TāṇḍBr.
- dā́dhṛvi mfn. (√dhṛ) able to bear (bháradhyai) RV. vi, 66, 3
- dā́dhṛṣi mfn. (√dhriṣ) courageous, bold RV. AV.
- dādhreyaka m. a patr. (a]so pl.) Pravar.
- dān (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 25), cl. 1 P, Ā. and 10.P. dānati, ○te and nayati, to cut off
- • Desid' P. Ā. dīdāṃsati, ○te, to be or make straight Pāṇ. 3-1, 6
- dāntá mfn. (√dam) tamed, broken in, restrained, subdued
- • mild, patient Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- • liberal L.
- • m. a tamed ox or steer (cf. damya) Rājat. v, 432
- • a donor, giver W.
- • Ficus Indica or = damanaka L.
- • N. of a son of Bhīma Nal. 1, 9
- • of a bull Kathās. xvi, 295
- • pl. of a school of the AV.
- • (ā), f. of an Apsaras MBh. xiii, 1425
- ○deva
- ○bhadra and m. N. of men
- ○sena m. N. of men
- dānti f. sell-restraint, patience L.
- dāntvā ind. p. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 56) having subdued or tamed
- dānta mf(ī)n. (fr. danta) made of ivory MBh. R. Suśr.
- dānḍtaka and mf(ī)n. id. R.
- dānḍtika mf(ī)n. id. R.
- dânta mfn. ending in dā, MānGr, i, 18 Gobh. ii, 8, 16
- dābha mf(ī)n. hurting, injuring TS. ii, 4, 3, 1
- dāḍbhya mfn. a-dābhya
- dāmana nif(ī)n. (fr. damana) relating to the Artemisia flower
- ○parvan n. the 14th day in light half of the month Caitra (a festival on which flowers are gathered) L.
- dāmani m. patr. fr. damana pl. N. of a warrior tribe, P. v, 3, 116
- • ○manīya m. a prince of the Dāmanis ib.
- dāmalipta 1n. pl. N. of a people VP. ii, 2, 177
- • n. and (ā), f. N. of a town, Daśak. (cf. tāma-, or tāmra-)
- dāmoda m. pl. N. of a school of AV.
- dāmpatya n. (fr. dam-pati) state of husband and wife, matrimonial relationship Pur.
- dāmbha mf(ī)n. (fr. dambha) deceitful, hypocritical Nalac.
- dāmbhika mf(ī)n. id
- • m. a cheat, hypocrite Mn. MBh. Hariv.
- • Ardea Nivea L. (cf. baka)
- dāmbhola a- (add.)
- dāy cl. 1. Ā. dāyate (cf. Dhātup.xiv, 9) to give
- dāra Inf(ī)n. (√dṝ) tearing up, rending (cf. bhū-)
- • m. rent, cleft, hole TāṇḍyaBr. xv, 3, 7 (cf. udara-, karbu-, a-dāra-sṛt)
- • (ī), f. id. Suśr.
- dāḍraṇa mf(ī)n. tearing, splitting, rending (w. gen. or ifc.) MBh.
- • (ī), f. N. of Durgā Hariv.
- • n. the act of tearing &c
- • bursting, flying open
- • a means of opening Suśr.
- • the clearing-nut plant L.
- dāraka mf(ikā)n. breaking, tearing, splitting (cf. loha- and śatru-)
- • m. a hog L.
- • N. of Kṛishṇas charioteer (cf. i. dāruka) L.
- • (ikā), f. rent, chink (cf. pāda-)
- dāri mfn. splitting, tearing asunder (cf. veṇu-)
- dārita mfn. torn, rent, divided MBh. &c
- dārin mfn. id., with gen. (or ifc.) MBh.
- dārú mfn. breaking, splitting (Indra) RV. vii, 6, 1
- • m. an artist L.
- dāruka m. N. of Kṛishṇa's charioteer MBh.
- • of an incarnation of Śiva VāyuP.
- dāḍrúki m. (patr. fr. ○ka) N. of Pradyumna's charioteer MBh.
- dāra m. pl. (probably not connected with s. dāra and √dṝ, but cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 20 Vārtt. 4) a wife (wives) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c. (○ān √kṛ or pra-kṛ, take to wife, marry MBh.
- • cf. kṛta-)
- • rarely m. sg. (Āp. i, 14, 24 Gaut. xxii, 29), f. sg. (cf. BhP. vii, 14, ī) and n. pl. (cf. Pañc. i, 450)
- ○karman n. taking a wife, marrying Mn. iii, 5, 12.
- ○kriyā f. id. MBh. R.
- ○gava n. a wife and cows Pāṇ. 5-4, 77
- ○grahaṇa = -karman MBh.
- ○tyāgin m. a repudiator of his wife Śak. 130
- ○parigraha m.= -karman Mn. ix, 336
- • ○hin m. one who takes a wife L.
- ○bali-bhuj wṛ. for dvāra-b○
- ○rakṣitaka mfn. relating to the protection of women
- ○lakṣaṇa n. sign of wifehood Mn.viii, 237
- ○saṃgraha m. = -karmnan MBh.
- ○sambandha m. union with a wife marriage MBh. i, 7240
- ○suta n. sg. wife and child Yājñ. ii, 175
- ○ḍārâṇukramaṇa n. N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
- dārâdhigamana n. 'wifegoing', marriage Mn. i, 112
- dārâdhīna mfn. dependent on a wife Mn. ix, 28
- dārôpasaṃgraha m. 'wife-taking', marriage Yājñ. i, 56
- dāraka m. (rather connected with 2. dāra than with √dṛ) a boy, son, child
- MBh. Mṛicch. Pañc. Suśr.
- • young animal Pur.
- • (ikā), f. a girl, daughter Hariv. Kathās. (akī BhP. iv, 28, 21)
- • harlot L.
- • (akau), m. du. a boy and girl Nal.
- dārakâcārya m. 'boy-preceptor', schoolmaster Lalit.
- dārikā-dāna n. gift of a daughter in marriage Kām. ix, 6
- dārin m. 'having a wife or wives', a husband W.
- dārada mf(ī)n. coming from the country of the Darads or Daradas (g. sindhv-ādi)
- • m. a kind of poison L.
- • m. quicksilver L.
- • the ocean L.
- • m. and n. vermilion L.
- • m. pl. N. of a people (probably w. r. for darada MBh.)
- dāridra n. probably wṛ. for
- dāriḍdrya n. poverty Mricch. VarBṛ. Pañc. Hit.
- dārila m. N. of Sch. on Kauś.
- dā́ru m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a piece of wood, wood, timber
- RV. AV. TS. Br. Up. MBh. R. &c. (usually n. m. only Hariv. 15522)
- • n. Pinus Devadāru Suśr.
- • ore L. [connected with 4. dru and taru ; cf. also Zd. dauru
- • Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. triu ; Germ. trewo ; Eng. tree]
- ○kaccha m. or n. N. of a district
- • ○cchaka mfn. relating to it Pāṇ. 4-2, 126 Kāś.
- ○kadalī f. a kind of wild plantain ( = vana-) L.
- ○karṇin m. 'having wooden earrings', N. of Bhavila Buddh.
- ○karman n. wood-carving Kād.
- ○kṛtya n. anything to be made of wood Pañc. i, 108
- ○gandhā f. a kind of perfume L.
- ○garbhā f. wooden puppet, doll L.
- ○ja mfn. made of wood, wooden AgP. Hcat.
- • m. a kind of drum L.
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP.
- ○niśā f. a species of Curcuma Car.
- ○pattrī f. Balanites Roxburghī L.
- ○parvata m. N. of a palace Veṇis. i, 46/47
- ○pātrá n. a wooden vessel, MānŚr
- ○pītā f. = -niśā L.
- ○puttrikā f. (cf. Kathās.),
- ○puttrī f. (cf. L.) = -garbhā
○phala m. or n. Pistachio (tree and nut)
- • ○laka n. window-shutter HPariś.
- ○brahma-rasa m. a partic. medicine
- ○matsyâhvaya m. a lizard L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of wood, wooden (○yi nārī, yoṣā or strī, a wooden doll MBh.
- • citi, a funeral pile BhP. iv, 28, 50)
- ○mukhyâhvaya or m. = matsyâhvaya L.
- ○mukhyâhva m. = matsyâhvaya L.
- ○muca m. or n. (med.) white arsenic
- ○mūkhā (ṣā?), f. id. Bhpr. iii, 25
- ○yantra n. a wooden puppet moved by strings MBh. v, 5405
- ○varman m. N. of a man Mudr.
- ○vaha mfn. bearing or carrying timber Pāṇ. 6-3, 121 Vārtt.
- ○śailamaya mf(ī)n. wooden or stony AgP.
- ○ṣaṭka n. a partic. mixture Bhpr. iv, 34
- ○sitā f. cinnamon in sticks Bhpr. i, 188
- ○strī f. a wooden doll L.
- ○haridrā f. = -niśā Suśr.
- ○hasta or m. a wooden spoon or ladle L.
- ○hasḍtaka m. a wooden spoon or ladle L.
- ○dārv-āghāṭá or m. the woodpecker
- ○ā́ghāṭa (cf. VS.) and m. the woodpecker
- ○āghāta (cf. L.) m. the woodpecker
- dārv-āhā́ra m. a collector of wood VS. xxx, 12
- dārava mf(ī)n. wooden, made of wood or coming from wood Mn. MBh. &c
- dāraḍvīya mfn. id. Vām. v, 2, 55 Bālar. ii, 33/34
- dāruka n. Pinus Devadaru L.
- • (ā), f. a wooden doll or puppet L.
- dāruḍkā-vana n. N. of a wood SivaP.
- dāruḍkêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha ib.
- dāruṇá (cf. Uṇ. iii, 53)
- dā́ruṇa mf(ā, once ī)n. hard, harsh (opp. mṛdu) ŚBr. MBh. Suśr.
- • rough, sharp, severe, cruel, pitiless
- • dreadful, frightful
- • intense, violent
- Mn. MBh. R. Śak. Pañc. &c
- • (in comp. or ○am before a vb. to express excellence or superiority, g. kāṣṭhâdi)
- • m. Plumbago Zeylanica L.
- • n. harshness, severity, horror MBh.
- • ○ṇaka n. N. of a disease of the roots of the hair Suśr.
- • ○ṇya n. harshness (of sound, TPrat. ii, 10)
- ○karman n. violent treatment (of diseases) Suśr.
- ○tā f. harshness, dreadfulness MBh. VarBṛS.
- ○vapus mfn. of frightful shape MBh.
- daruṇâkṛti mfn. id. Nal.
- dāruṇâtman mfn. hard-hearted, cruel Śak.
- dāruṇâdhyāpaka m. an indefatigable teacher Pāṇ. 8-1, 67, Kāś.
- dāruṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act harshly or cruelly Naish. i, 80
- dārva mf(ī)n. wooden Pur.
- • m. pl. N. of a people (generally associated with the Abhi-sāras) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • (ī), f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza, also a kind of collyrium extracted from it Suśr.
- • = deva-dāru L.
- • = go-jihvikā L.
- dārvi-pattrikā f. N. of a plant = go-jihvā L.
- dārvi-homika mfn. = ○viihaumika Comm. on Nyāyam. viii, 4, 2
- dārvī-kvāthôdbhava n. collyrium prepared from Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza L.
- darvihaumika mf(ī)n. (fr. darviihoma) relating to an oblation made with a ladle Suśr.
- dārvaka mf(ikā)n. relating to the Dārvas Pāṇ. 4-2, 125 Kāś.
- • (ikā), f. N. of a plant = go-jihvā L.
- • collyrium prepared from Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza L.
- • N. of a river VāyuP. iv, 24, 18
- dāro-dara mf(ī)n. (fr. darddara) connected with gambling Nalôd. iii, 7
- dārghasattra mf(ī)n. (fr. dīrgha.) connected with a long sacrifice Pāṇ. 7-3, 1
- dārḍhacyuta m. patr. fr. dṛḍhacyuta Pravar.
- • n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy. vii, 4, 1
- dārḍhya a. (fr. dṛḍha) hardness, fixedness, stability, strength, corroboration
- Suśr. Kām. Rājat.
- dārteya m. patr. (fr. dṛti) Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr.
- dārdura mf(ī)n, (fr. dardura) relating to a cloud Hariv. 4162
- • a frog's (bite) Car. vi, 23
- • belonging to the mountain Dardura R. ii, 15, 33
- • n. a conch-shell the valve of which opens to the right L.
- • lac L.
- • water L.
- • the ways of a frog L.
- dārḍduraka or mf(ikā)n. belonging to a frog BhP. ii, 3, 20
- dārduḍrika mf(ikā)n. belonging to a frog BhP. ii, 3, 20
- dārbha mf(ī)n. made of Darbha grass Lāṭy.
- dārḍbhāyaṇa and m. patr. fr. Darbha Pāṇ. 4-1, 102 Sch.
- dārḍbhi m. patr. fr. Darbha Pāṇ. 4-1, 102 Sch.
- dārḍbhyá or m. id. (g. kurv-ādi) RV. v, 61, 17 (applied to śyāvâśva) TS. ii, 6, 2, 3
- dārḍbhyá m. id. (g. kurv-ādi) RV. v, 61, 17 (applied to śyāvâśva) TS. ii, 6, 2, 3
- dārvaṭa n. (fr. Pers. ?) a court or council-house L. (cf. darbhaṭa)
- dārvaṇḍa m. a peacock L.
- dārvan m. N. of a son of Uśīnara VP. (cf. darvā)
- dārśa mf(ī)n. (fr. darśa) relating to the new moon or the new moon sacrifice Kauś. 24
- • m. (scil. yajña) the new moon sacrifice Mn. vi, 9
- dārḍśa-paurṇamāsika mf(ī)n. belonging to the Darśa-pūrṇamāsa sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr. v, 18, 7
- dārḍśika mf(ī)n. and mf(ā)n. relating to the new moon or the new moon sacrifice Comm. on ĀpŚr. x, 21, 6 and TS. iii, 2, 2, 3
- dārśya mf(ā)n. relating to the new moon or the new moon sacrifice Comm. on ĀpŚr. x, 21, 6 and TS. iii, 2, 2, 3
- dārśanika mf(ī)n. (fr. darśana) acquainted or connected with the Darśanas or philosophical systems L.
- dārṣada mf(ī)n. (fr. dṛṣad) ground on a stone Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Sch.
- • stony, mineral W.
- dārḍṣadvata n. (fr. dṛṣadvatī) N. of a Sattra, ŚrS.
- dārṣṭânta nif(ī)n. (fr. dṛṣṭânta) explained by an example or simile L.
- dārṣṭânḍtika mf(ī)n. id. Śaṃk. on Bādar. ii, 3, 24
- • one who uses an example or simile as a proof. Sch.
- dārṣṭiviṣayika mf(ī)n. (fr. dṛṣṭi and vishaya) perceptible by the eye Nir. vii, 8
- dāla n. (fr. dala) a kind of honey produced from petals (cf. dala-ja) L.
- • (ā), f. colocynth Bhpr.
- • (ī), f. a kind of plant = deva-dālī L.
- • m. a sort of grain = Paspalum Frumentaceum W. (cf. rajju-)
- dāḍlaka rajju-
- • (ikā), f. colocynth Bhpr.
- dālaki m. N. of a preceptor VāyuP.
- dālana n. (√dal) decay (of the teeth) Suśr.
- dālabhya = dālbhya
- dālava m. a sort of poison L. dālima m. the Pomegranate tree (cf. dādima).
- ○phala n. a pomegṭpomegranate Amar. i 3
- dālbha mf(ī)n. relating to Dālbhya ( below) Pāṇ. 4-2, 111 (g. kaṇvâdi)
- dālḍbhi m. (fr. dalbha) patr. of Vaka Kāṭh.
- dālḍbhya m. (fr. dalbha, iv, i, 105) patr. of Keśin TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, i 0, 8
- • of Vaka ChUp. i, 2, 13
- • of Caikitāyana ChUp. i, 8, 1
- • N. of a grammarian VPrāt. iv, 15
- • -ghoṣa m. N. of an ancient sage MBh. iii, 8383
- • -parisiṣṭa n. N. of wk
- dālḍbhyaka m. N. of an ancient sage BrahmaP.
- dālmi m. N. of Indra L. (cf. dalmi)
- dāvá m. (fr. √2. du Pāṇ. 3-1, 142) conflagration, esp. a forest conflagration ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • fire, heat
- • distress L.
- • m. n. a forest MBh. (always connected with fire) Ragh. ii, 8
- ○dahanajvālā-kalāpaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the sheet of flame in a burning forest Gīt. iv, 10
- ○pá m. one who keeps watch over a forest on fire VS. xxx, 16
- ○parī7ta mfn. surrounded by fire VarBṛS. xxiv, 15
- ○latā f. a creeper in a burning fṭfire BhP. iv, 8, 16
- ○vivarjita mfn. free from fire
- ○su m. N. of an Āṅgirasa TāṇḍyaBr.
- • -nidhana n. N. of a Sāman ib.
- dāvâgni m. fire in a forest MBh. Hariv.
- dāvânila m. id. Pañc. Kathās.
- dāvika mfn. coming from the river Devikā (water) Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Sch.
- dāvikā-kūla mfn. (rice &c.) coming from the banks (kūla) of the Devikā ib.
- dāś (the finite forms only in RV. and once in ŚBr., below), cl. 1. P. dā́śti, i, 93, 10 ; 151, 7 &c., Ā. ○te Dhātup. xxi, 18 (rarely cl. 2. 5. P. dāṣṭi, i, 127, 4
- • dāśnóti, viii, 4, 6
- • pf. dadā́sa, i, 36, 4 &c
- • Subj. dádāśati, ○śas, ○śat, i, 156, 2 ; 94, 15 ; 91, 20 &c
- • p. dadāśvás , dāśivás and dāśvás see below), to serve or honour a god (dat. or acc.) with (instr.), i, 68, 6 ; vii, 14, 3 &c. ; v, 41, 16 ; viii, 19, 4
- • offer or present (acc.) to (dat.), grant, give, bestow, i, 93, 3 ; ii, 19, 4 &c.: Caus. P. dāśayati, offer, present ŚBr. i, 6, 2, 5.
- dā́ś f. worship, veneration RV. i, 127, 7
- • m. worshipper, vi, 16, 26 (cf. dū- and puro-)
- dāśas-pati m. lord of oblations, one who offers much Sch.
- • -patya mf(ā)n. offering much milk (cow) TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 5, 26, 27
- • n. N. of a Sāman ib.
- dāśa puro-
- dāśu mfn. worshipping, sacrificing (cf. á-.)
- dāśvadhvara mfn. intent on sacrificial oblations RV.
- dāśura m. N. of a man (v. l. ○śūra)
- dā́śuri mfn. making offerings, devout, pious RV. viii, 4, 12 (cf. á-)
- dāśva mfn. (corrupted fr. dāśvás) liberal, munificent L.
- dāśvás (p. pf. fr. √1. dāś), honouring or serving the gods, devout, pious RV. AV. VS.
- • gracious RV. i, 3, 7 (the gods) ; 110, 2 (Savitṛi) ; x, 65, 5, 6 (Varuṇa) ; 104, 6 (Indra)
- • giving, granting (with acc. or ifc.) BhP.
- dā́śa^ or (cf. Uṇ. v, 11)
- dāśá (written also dāsa), m. fisherman, ferryman, mariner VS. xxx, 16 Mṛicch. viii, 408, 9 MBh. Hariv. &c
- • the son of a Nishāda by a woman of the Āyogava caste Mn. x, 34
- • servant, slave L.
- • (ī), f. fisherwoman, female slave L.
- ○tva n. the condition of a fisherman Kathās.
- ○nandinī f. the fisherman's daughter, N. of Satyāvati (mother of Vyāsa) L.
- ○pati m. the chief of fishermen Kathās. lī, 337 (printed dās○)
- dāśaka m. fisherman (?), N. of a son of Bhajamāna Hariv.
- • -putra m. the son of a fisherman Sch. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 132 (cf. Kāś. dāmaka-)
- dāḍśeya m. (fr. dāśī) the son of a fisherman's wife L.
- • (ī), f. = dāśa-nandinī MBh. i, 4015 (also written dāseya, f. ī)
- dāḍśera m. fisherman (v. l. dās○) L.
- • camel L.
- dāḍśeraka m. fisherman Kathās. cxxvi, 204
- • pl. N. of a people (= daś) MBh. vi, 2080
- dāśa the Vṛiddhi form of 2. daśa in comp
- ○kaṇṭha mf(ī)n. belonging to Daśakaṇṭha, i.e. Rāvaṇa Bālar. x, 37
- ○grāmika mf(ī) and ā)n. (g. kumudâi and kāśy-ādi)
- ○pura mf(ī)n. coming from Daśa-pura
- • n. (also ○pūra) a kind of fragrant grass (cf. daśa-) Bhpr.
- ○phali f. Pāṇ. 4-64 Sch. (cf. Kāś. dāsī-)
- ○mūlika mf(ī)n. coming from the Daśa-mūla Car.
- ○ratha mf(ī)n. (a road) affording space for ten waggons MBh. xii, 242
- • belonging to or coming from Daśa-ratha
- • m. patr. of Rāma R. v, 80, 23
- ○rathi m. a descendant of Daśa-ratha, patr. of Rāma MBh. R. &c
- • of Lakshmaṇa L.
- • of Caturaṅga Hariv. 1697
- • (with Jainas) N. of the 8th Black Vāsu-deva L.
- • du. Rāma and Lakshmana R. vi, 16, 97 Ragh. xii, 76 ; xiv, 1
- ○rathītantra n. N. of wk
- ○rājñá n. the fight with the ten kings RV. AV.
- ○rātrika (dā́○), mf(ī)n. celebrated in the same manner as the Daśa-rātra ŚBr. xii, 1, 2, 2
- ○rūpya n. N. of a village
- • ○yaka mfn. relating to it Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 26 Pat.
- ○vāja n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- dāsârna mf(ī)n. containing the word Daśarna, treating of it (g. vimuktâdi)
- • m. a prince of the Daśarna MBh. v, 7458, pl. N. of a people (= daś○) MBh. v, 7515
- • ○raja and dāśâṇêisa m. a king of the Daśarna ib. and vi, 2080
- • ○rṇaka mf(ikā)n. Daśarnic MBh. ii, 1063
- • v
- dāśârha mf(ī)n. containing the word Daśârha, treating of it (g. vimuktâdi)
- • belonging to Daśarna, i.e. Kṛishṇa MBh. ii, 84 Hariv. 6810
- • m. a prince of the Daśarna, N. of Kṛishṇa (MBh.) and of a king of Mathurā (cf. SkandaP.)
- • (ī), f. a princess of the Daśarna MBh. i, 3786
- • m. pl. N. of a people (= das○) MBh. i, 7513 also -ka m. pl. BhP. iii, 1, 29
- dāśâśvamedha wṛ. for daś○ (q.v.)
- dāśâudanika mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-3, 68, Seh
- • m. (scil. yajña) N. of a partic. sacrificial rite
- • (ī), f. the priest's fee at it Pāṇ. 5-1, 95 Sch.
- dāśat wṛ. for daśat
- dāśataya mf(ī)n. (fr. daś○) tenfold, belonging to the text of RV. (consisting of 10 Maṇḍalas) RV. Prāt. xvii, 25
- • f. pl. (= daś○) the 10 Maṇḍalas, xvi, 54 ŚāṅkhŚr. xii, 2, 16, 22
- • du. ŚāṅkhBr. viii, 7
- dāśarma m. N. of a man Kāṭh.
- dāśivas dāśvas, √1. dāś
- dāśeya dāśera, above
- dās cl. 1. P. Ā. dāsati, ○te, to give (cf. Dhātup. xxi, 28), cl. 5. P. dāsnoti (v. l. for dāś Vop. ib. xxvii, 32), to hurt, injure. (There occurs only dāsati with abhi
- • s.v.)
- dāsá m. fiend, demon
- • N. of certain evil beings conquered by Indra (e.g. Namuci, Pipru, Śambara, Varcin &c.) RV.
- • savage, barbarian, infidel (also dā́sa, opp. to ārya
- • cf. dasyu)
- • slave, servant RV. AV. Mn. &c
- • a Sūdra L. Sch.
- • one to whom gifts may be made W.
- • a fisherman (v. l. for dāśa)
- • ifc. of names, esp. of Śūdras and Kāya-sthas (but cf. also kāli-)
- • (ī), f. a female servant or slave cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c
- • harlot cf. L. cf. Sch
- • N. of a plant (= nilā or pītā jhintī, kāka-jaṅghā, nīlâmlāṇa &c.) cf. L
- • an altar cf. L
- • N. of a river cf. L
- • (dā́sa), mf(ī)n. fiendish, demoniacal, barbarous, impious cf. RV
- ○karma-kara m. a servant doing his work Āp.
- ○ketu m. N. of a son of Manu Dakshasāvarṇa VP. iii, 2, 23
- ○jana m. slave, servant Kālid. Kathās. &c
- ○jīvana mfn. living like a slave Mn. x, 32
- ○tā f. slavery, servitude, Veṇis. 175 Kathās. lxxii, 34
- ○tva n. id. MBh. R.
- • sense of dependence, humbleness Sarvad.
- ○dāsī f. the female slave of a slave Mn. ix, 179
- • -jana m. a male and a female slave VarBṛ. li, 25
- ○nandinī dāśa-
- ○patnī (○sá-.), f. pl. having the demons as masters, being in the power of demons, (āpas RV. i, 32, 11 &c
- • puras RV. ii, 12, 16)
○pravarga (○sá-), mfn. (wealth) connected with a multitude of servants RV. i, 92, 8
- ○bhārya ī. sg. servants and wives ChUp. vii, 24, 2
- ○bhāva m. condition of a slave, servitude MBh.
- ○mitra m. N. of a man
- ○miḍtrāyaṇa and m. descendant of Dāsa-mitra (-bhakta n. the district inhabited by them, g. aiṣukāry-ādi)
- ○miḍtri m. descendant of Dāsa-mitra (-bhakta n. the district inhabited by them, g. aiṣukāry-ādi)
- ○miḍtrika mf(ā and ī)n. relating to Dāsa-mitra (g. kaśy-ādi)
- ○mithuna n. a couple of slaves, KāṭyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn.
- ○varga m. the whole collection of slaves or servants Mn.
- ○veśa (○sá.), m. probably N. of a man RV. ii, 13, 8
- ○śarman m. N. of a Sch. on ŚājṅkhŚr
- ○śras and n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- sarasa n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- dāsasya-kula n. low people, the mob Pāṇ. 6-3, 21 Sch.
- dāsânudāsa m. a slave of a slave (sometimes applied by a humble speaker to himself) MW.
- dāsaka m. N. of a man (cf. dāś○), g. aśvâdi
- • (ikā), f. female slave L.
- dāsaḍkāyana m. patr. fr. dāsaka ib.
- dāsāya Nom. P. Ā., ○yati, ○te, to become a slave, g. lohitâdi.
- dāsāyana m. the son of a slave or of a man called Dāsa, g. naḍâdi
- dāsī-kṛ to make any one a slave, enslave Kathās. xxii, 184. root
- ○bhū to become the slave of (gen.) Naish. viii, 71
- dāsī^ (also ○sīka ifc.), f. of 1. dāsa (q.v.)
- ○jana m. a female slave VarBṛ.
- ○tva n. the condition of a female slave MBh. i, 1088
- ○dānavidhi m. N. of 146th ch. of the BhavishyôttaraP
- ○dāsa n. sg. (g. gavâśvâdi) female and male slaves, MBh R.
- • m. pl. MBh. ii, 2510
- ○putra (cf. BrahmavP.) or (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 22), m. 'the son of a female slave', a low wretch or miscreant (as an abusive word often in the plays)
- dāḍsyāḥputra (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 22), m. 'the son of a female slave', a low wretch or miscreant (as an abusive word often in the plays)
- ○brāhmaṇa m. a Brāhman who goes after a female slave Pāṇ. 6-2, 29 Kāś.
- ○bhāva m. the condition of a female slave MBh.
- ○māṇavaka m. female slaves and boys, g. gavâśvâdi
- ○śrotriya m. = -brāhmaṇa Pāṇ. 6-2. 29 Sch.
- ○sabha n. a company of female slaves L.
- ○suta or m.= -putra Rājat. v, 397 BhP. iii, 1, 15
- dāsyāhsuta m.= -putra Rājat. v, 397 BhP. iii, 1, 15
- dāseya m. (fr. dāsī) the son of a female slave Pāṇ. 4-1, 31 Kāś.
- • slave, servant L.
- dāseya dāśeya
- dāsera m. = 1. dāseya Pāṇ. ib.
- • a fisherman (cf. dāś○) L.
- • a camel L.
- dāseḍraka m. = 1. dāseya L.
- • a fisherman (cf. dāś○)
- • a camel Śiś. v, 66 Pañc. iv, 68/69 N. of a man, pl. ifc. his descendants Pāṇ. 2-4, 68 Kāś.
- • of a people (cf. dāś○) VarBṛS. xiv, 26
- • (ī), f. a female camel Pañc. i, 412/413
- dāseḍraki m. patr. fr. dāseraka Pāṇ. 2-4, 68, Kāś:
- dāsyá n. servitude, slavery, service ŚBr. Mn. &c
- dā́svat mfn. (√dās or 1. dā?) disposed to give, liberal RV.
- dāsa m. a knowing man, esp. a knower of the universal spirit L.
- dāsanīya m. pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1825
- dāsanu m. N. of a semi-divine being TāṇḍBr. i, 7, 8, 9
- dāsamīya m. pl. N. of a People MBh. viii, 2056 &c
- dāsameya m. pI. N. of a people to the north of Madhya-deśa VarBṛS. xiv, 28 (cf. Sch. dāś○)
- dāsra mf(ī)n. relating to the Aśvin Dasra Jyot.
- dāha m. (fr. √dah) burning, combustion, conflagration, heat
- KātyŚr. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. R. &c
- • place of cremation Vas. xix, 26
- • glowing, redness (of the sky, cf. dig-) Mn. MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- • cauterizing, cautery (of a wound) Suśr. Mālav. iv, 4
- • internal heat, fever Suśr.
- • pl. N. of a people (v. l. for vaideha) VāyuP. 1
- • ○haka mf(ī)n. burning, setting on fire Yājñ. ii, 282 BhP. xi, 10, 8
- • m. Plumbago Zeylanica
- ○kāṣṭha n. a kind of Agallochum used as a perfume L.
- ○jvara m. inflammatory fever Kathās. Daś.
- ○dā f. Piper Betle L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of heat, inflammable
- • -tva n. inflammableness Sāh.
- ○vat mfn. heated, on fire W.
○sara m
- ○saras n
- ○sthala n. a place where dead bodies are burnt L.
- ○haraṇa n. 'removing heat', the √of Andropogon Muricatus
- dāhâguru n. = dāha-kāṣṭha
dāhâtmaka mf(ikā)n. of an inflammable nature, easily kindled or burning Śak. ii, 7
- dāhâtman mfn. id. Kāvyâd. ii, 177
- dāhâdhikāra m. N. of a ch. of a medical work by Vṛinda
- dāhana n. (fr. the Caus.) causing to burn or be burnt, reducing to ashes MBh. i, 403 BhP. xii, 12, 40
- • cauterizing W.
- • (ī), f. Grislea Tomentosa L.
- dāhanâgúru wṛ. for dah○
- dāhin mfn. burning, setting on fire
- • tormenting, paining Mn. MBh. Bhartṛ. &c
- dā́huka mfn. burning (acc.) TBr. i, 1, 2, 2
- • causing a conflagration ĀpŚr. v, 3, 4
- • m. a conflagration ĀśvGṛ. ii, 8, 14
- dikam ind., g. câdi
- dikka ifc. = 2. diś
- dikka m.= karabha (vḷ. dhikka and vikka) W.
- dik-kanyā &c. under 2. diś
- dig-anta &c. ib.
- digdhá mfn. (√dih) smeared, anointed
- • soiled, defiled
- • poisoned AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. a poisoned arrow R. ii, 30, 23 (cf. below)
- • fire L.
- • oil L.
- • a tale L.
- ○viddha (di○), mfn. pierced by a poisoned arrow ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 8
- ○sahaśaya mfn. lying in mud or along with any soiled person Pāṇ. 3-2, 15 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○hata mfn. hit by a poisoned arrow R. ii, 144, 33
- ○hasta mfn. (a hunter) having (in his hand) or using poisoned arrows MBh. v, 1473
- • having the hands smeared or soiled MW.
- digdhâṅga mf(ī)n. having the limbs anointed or smeared with (ifc.) MBh. R. &c
- diṅka m. the nit of a louse L.
- diṅ-nāga &c. under 2. diś
- diṇḍi or diṇḍin m. N. of a man connected with the worship of the sun or of Śiva (he is called also gaṇa-nāyaka or tripurântaka) BhavP. (cf. ḍhuṇḍhi)
- diṇḍīya m. N. of a man MW.
- diṇḍīra v. l. for hiṇḍīra
- diṇṇa a Prākṛit form for datta, deva-
- dita mfn. (√3. dā) bound (cf. ud-, ni-, saṃ-)
- díti f. N. of a deity answering to A-diti (q.v.) as Sura to A-sura and without any distinct character AV. vii, 7, 1 &c. VS. xviii, 22
- • in ep. daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the Daityas ( s.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • (the Maruts are also described as her progeny or derived from the embryo in her womb divided into pieces by Indra) Hariv. 239 R. i, 46, i
- • cf. Pañc. ii, 40
- ○ja m. son of Daityas, a Daitya MBh. BhP.
- • ○jârāti m. enemy of the Daityas, N. of Vishṇu Rājat. iv, 199
- ○tanaya
- ○nandana m. = -ja Hariv. BhP.
- ○suta m. id. Sāh.
- • -guru m. the planet Venus Var.
- ditya m. a son of Diti (wṛ. for daitya)
- dita mfn. (√do Pāṇ. 7-4, 40) cut, torn, divided BhP. vi, 6, 23 (cf. nir-)
- díti f. cutting, splitting, dividing L.
- • distributing, liberality (also personified, 1. díti) RV.
- • m. N. of a king L.
- • a king W.
- ditya-vah m. (in strong ce ○vāh nom. ○vāṭ
- • instr. dityauhā)
- • f. ○tyauhī (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 64 ; vi, 4, 132, Kāś.) a two-year-old steer or cow VS. TS. (Prob. from ditya = dvitīya + vah, cf. turya-vah.)
- dityauhī f. above
- ditsā f. (√1. dā Desid.) desire or intention of giving Rājat. iii, 252
- ditḍsita mfn. wished to be given MBh. iii, 8627
- ditḍsú mfn. wishing to give or grant or perform (acc.) RV. v, 39, 3 MBh. Kathās.
- ditḍsya mfn. what one is willing to give Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 Pat,.
- diditsu mfn. ready to give or sacrifice (acc.) MBh. v, 187
- didambhiṣu mfn. (√darnbh Desid.) wishing to deceive Bhaṭṭ.
- didivi = dīdivi, the sky L.
- didīvi = dīdivi, boiled rice L.
- didṛkṣā f. (√dṛś Desid.) desire of seeing MBh. Kathās.
- ○vat mfn. having a desire to see W.
- didṛkḍṣita mfn. what one has wished to see
- • n. the wish to see BhP. xv, 31
- didṛkḍṣitṛ mfn. desirous of seeing (acc.) ŚBr.
- didṛ́kṣu mfn. id. RV.
- • wishing to examine or try Mn. viii, 1
- didṛ́kḍṣéṇya and mfn. what one likes or wishes to see, worth seeing, attractive RV.
- didṛ́ḍkṣéya mfn. what one likes or wishes to see, worth seeing, attractive RV.
- dideviṣu mfn. (√div Desid.) desirous of playing Bhaṭṭ. ix, 32
- diddā f. N. of a princess of Kaśmira Rājat. vi, 177 &c
- ○kṣema m. 'promoting welfare of Diddā', N. of Kshema-gupta Rājat. vi, 177
- ○pāla m. 'protector of Diddā', N. of a man ib. 146
- ○pura n. N. of a town built by DṭDiddā ib. 300
- ○svāmin m. N. of a temple built by Diddā ib.
- diddibha prob. wṛ. for ṭiṭṭibha
- didyu m. (√2. div, or 1. dī) a missile, weapon, arrow RV. AV. VS. (cf. aśma-)
- • the sky, heaven L.
- diḍdyút mfn. shining, glittering RV. vii, 6, 7
- • f. an arrow, missile, thunderbolt of Indra RV.
- • flame ib. vi, 66, 10
- • N. of an Apsaras AV. ii, 2, 4
- didyotiṣu mfn. (√dyut Desid.) wishing to shine Bhaṭṭ. vii, 107
- didhakṣ mfn. nom. ○dhak (√dah Desid.), wishing to burn Vop. iii, 151
- didhaḍkṣā f. desire to burn MBh. BhP.
- didhaḍkṣu mfn. desirous of burning MBh. R. BhP.
- didhi f. (Prob., wṛ.) firmness, stability W.
- didhikṣ mfn. nom. ○dhik (√dih Desid.) wishing so smear Vop. iii, 151
- didhiṣā́yya mfn. (√dhā Desid.) 'to be gained', to be sought to be sought (Agni) RV. ii, 4, 1 (= dhārayitṛ, supporter Sāy.)
- didhiṣú mfn. wishing to gain or obtain, striving after, seeking RV.
- • m. a suitor RV. x, 18, 8
- • a husband BhP. ix, 9, 34
- • the second husband of a woman twice married (also ○ṣū) L.
- • (u or ū), f. a widow remarried or an elder sister married after the younger (both of whom having the choice of their husbands may be compared to suitors)
- didhiḍṣū-pati m. the husband of a woman so married Kāṭh. xxxi, 7 Gaut. Vas.
- didhiḍṣū7papati m. her paramour MBh. xii, 1211. (Cf. agre-didhiṣu and edidhiṣuḥ pati.)
- didhīṣu f. = didiṣū L.
- didhīrṣā f. (√dhṛ Desid.) the wish to hold or support Bālar. i, 48
- diná mfn. (√do) cut, divided, mowed RV. viii, 67, 10 (cf. svayaṃ-)
- dina (√3. dā). a-saṃ-
- dína (accented only Naigh. i, 9), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi, only occurring as n.) a day Mn. Ragh. Pañcat. and o. (ifc. also in Vedic texts), ifc. f. ā Rājat. i, 347.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. making day or light
- • m. the sun Kāv. &c
- • N. of an Āditya RāmatUp.
- • of the author of the wk. Candrârkī
- • of a Sch. on Śiś. (miśra-d○)
- • of other men
- • (ī), f. (scil. ṭīkā) N. of Comm. on the Bhāshsp. and Siddhânta-muktâvalī
- • ○ra-ṭppanī f. N. of a Comm.
- • ○ra-tanaya m. 'son of the sun', the planet Saturn Var.
- • ○ra-deva m. N. of a poet
- • ○ra-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author
- • ○ṭīya n. his wk
- • ○râtmaja m. 'daughter of the sun', patr. of the Yamunā
- • ○rīya n. ○róddyota m. N. of wks
- ○kartavya n. 'day-duty', ceremonies to be performed daily Kathās.
- ○kartṛ m. 'day-maker', the sun Hariv.
- ○kārya n. = -kartavya Kathās.
- ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- • -suta m. = -karatanaya VarYogay.
- • ○d-divasa m. Sunday ib.
- ○kṛtya n. = -kartavya Kathās. lī, 410 (printed diva-k○)
- ○keśava and m. 'day-hair', darkness L.
- ○kesara (also written ○śara), m. 'day-hair', darkness L.
- ○kṣaya m. 'daydecline', evening Kām.
- • = tithi- Hcat. i, 3
- • N. of a ch. of PSarv.
- ○gaṇa m. = ahar- Gaṇit.
- • ○ṇita n. N. of wk
- ○graha m. day-planet Hcat. i, 7
- ○caryā f. daily-work Kathās.
- ○cchidrā n. change of moon at the beginning or end of a halfday
- • a day
- • a constellation or a lunar mansion Hcat. i, 3, 5
- ○jyotis n. daylight, sunshine L.
- ○duḥkhita mfn. 'afflicted by day', m. the Cakra-vāka bird L.
- ○naktam ind. by day and night MārkP.
- ○nātha m. 'day-lord', the sun Vcar. xiv, 64
- ○niś f. du. day and night VarBṛS. xxxii, 7
- ○pa m. the regent of a week-day Āryabh. iii, 16
- ○pati m. id. Gaṇit.
- • 'day-lord', the sun Bhartṛ. Rājat.
- ○pākin mfn. being digested within a day Bhpr.
- ○pāṭikā f. a day's wages Vet. iv, 2/3 (vḷ.)
- ○praṇī m. 'day-leader', the sun (cf. tithi-) L.
- ○prabhā f. = -jyotis L.
- ○bandhu m. 'dayfriend', the sun L.
- ○bala m. 'day-strength', N. of the 5th-8th, 11th and 12th signs of the zodiac collectively L.
- ○bhartṛ m. = -nātha Vcar. xi, 1, 12
- ○maṇi m. day-jewel', the sun Gīt. Bālar.
- • -sārathi m. the sun's charioteer, Aruṇa Bālar. vi, 68/69
- ○mala n. 'day-refuse (?)', a month L.
- ○mukha n. 'day-face', daybreak Daś.
- ○mūrdhan m. day-head', the eastern mountain (cf. udayá) L.
- ○ratna n. = -maṇi L.
- ○rāja m. 'day king', the sun Svapnac. i, 18
- ○rāśi m. a term of days L. (cf. ahar-gaṇa)
- ○vāra m. week-day Gaṇit.
- ○vyāsa-dala n. 'day-radius', the radius of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution Sūryas. ii, 60.
- ○saṃcaya m.= -rāśi Gol. ii, 12
- ○spriś n. a lunar day coinciding with three week-days Hcat. i, 3
- dinânśa and m. 'day-portion', day-time L.
- dinânḍśaka m. 'day-portion', day-time L.
- dinâgama m. daybreak Hariv. 4287
- dinâṇḍa n. 'day-egg' (i.e. daybreak- veil or -cover), darkness L.
- dirâtyaya m. = ○na-kṣaya L.
- dinâdi m. daybreak, dawn Śiś. xi, 52
- dinâdhinātha and m. 'daylord', the sun Daś. Pañc.
- dinâdhiśa m. 'daylord', the sun Daś. Pañc.
- dinânta
- • m. 'day-end', sunset, evening Kālid.
- dinântaka m. 'day-destroyer', darkness L.
- dinârambha m. daybreak W.
- dinârdha m. 'day-half.' noon Kalpat.
- • half a day MBh. vii, 6036
- • half the days or time Siṃhâs.
- dinâvasāna n. 'day-close', evening Kālid.
- dinâstra n. 'day-missile', N. of a magical formula Mantram.
- dinêśa m. = ○na-pati VarBṛS.
- • ○śâtmaja m. 'son of the Sun', the planet Saturn ib.
dinêśvara m. = ○na-nâtha Hariv. R. Bhartṛ.
- dinâika m. one day MW.
- dinôdaya m. daybreak, dawn Subh.
- dinôpavāsin mfn. fasting by day Hāsy. i, 17
- dinâugha m. = dina-rāśi Gaṇit.
- dinikā f. a day's wages L.
- dinī-kṛ √to reduce to days Sūryas.
- dindima m. N. of a man W.
- dinna prob. = diṇṇa (q.v.)
- ○sūri m. N. of a man W.
- dinnā-grāma m. N. of a village Rājat. viii (cf. dharma-.)
- dinv cl. 1. P. dinvati, to gladden, DhātuP
- dip cl. 1. Ā. depate ib. (v.I. tip)
- dipsú mfn. (√dabh Desid.) intending to hurt or injure RV.
- dimp cl. 10. Ā. dimpayate, to accumulate Vop. in Dhātup.
- dimbh cl. 10, Ā. dimbhayate id., P. ○ti, to order, direct, id
- díya mfn. deserving of gifts (= deya, or dānârha, Durga on Nir. iii, 15) RV. viii, 19, 37
- • (prob. n.), a gift
- • diyā́nām páti m. lord of gifts, a very liberal man
- dir (√dṝ) in kalaśa-dír (q.v.)
- diripaka m. or n. a ball for playing with L.
- dilī-pa m. (fr. dilī = modern Delhi + pa protector?) N. of certain kings (esp. of an ancestor of Rāma, son of Aṃśumat and father of Bhagi-ratha) MBh. Hariv. &c
- dilīra m. or n. = śilīndhraka, a mushroom L.
- dilha m. N. of a man (also -bhaṭṭāra) Rājat. viii (cf. dihlā.)
- div cl. 1. P. -devati, cl. 10. P. -deyavati, to cause to lament, to pain, vex
- • to ask, beg
- • to go
- • Ā. ○te, to suffer pain Dhātup. xxxiii, 51, 32
- div cl.4. dī́vyati, ○te RV. Br. &c. (perf. didéva AV.
- • fut. deviṣyati
- • cond, adeviṣyat MBh. Daś.
- • aor. adeviit MBh.
- • &c
- • infin. devitum MBh. &c
- • ind. p. devitvā Pāṇ. 1-2, 18
- • -dīvya RV. x, 42, 9) to cast, throw, esp. dice, i.e. play, gamble (akṣais RV. x, 34, 13 MBh. iii, 2260
- • akṣān Pāṇ. 1-4, 43), with (instr. MBh. ii, 2509), for (instr., ii, 2061 &c
- • acc. MaitrS. i, 6, 11 ŚBr. v, 4, 4, 23
- • dat. MBh. iv, 534 ; ii, 2468
- • gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 58)
- • to lay a wager, bet with (sârdham), upon (dat.) MBh. i, 1192
- • to play, sport, joke, trifle with (acc. AV. v, 29)
- • to have free scope, spread, increase (cf. Pañc. ii, 193, B. vardhati)
- • to shine, be bright [Zd. dīv
- • (?) Lit. dyvas] BhP. iii, 20, 22
- • to praise, rejoice, be drunk or mad
- • to sleep
- • to wish for
- • to go Dhātup.: Caus. devayati, to cause to play (cf. Sch.) or to sport BhP. iii, 20, 22: Desid. dideviṣati and dudyūṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 Kāś.: Caus. of Desid. dudyūṣayati, to incite to play Bhaṭṭ. v, 49: Intens. dediviiti, dedyeti, dedeti &c. Vop. xx, 17
- dív
- dyú (nom. dyaús
- • voc. dyáus
- • acc. dyā́m dívam
- • instr. divā́ or dī́vā see below
- • dat. dive
- • abl. gen. divás
- • loc. diví, dyávi
- • du. dyāvā s.v.
- • pl. nom. dyā́as
- • acc. dyū́n
- • instr. dyúbhis
- • native grammarians give as stems div and dyo
- • the latter is declined through all cases like go, but really does not occur except in forms mentioned above and in dyo-salila MBh. viii, 4658, while div and dyu regularly alternate before vow. and cons.), m. (rarely f.) in Ved., f. in later Skr. heaven, the sky (regarded in Ved. as rising in three tiers , and generally as the father (dyaúṣ pitā́, while the earth is the mother , and Ushas the daughter), rarely as a goddess, daughter of Prajā-pati AitBr. iii, 33 ŚBr.i, 7, 4,)
- • m. (rarely n.) day(esp. in pl. and in such forms as dívā, by day (cf. s.v.)
- • dyávi-dyavi, daily, every day
- • ánu dyū́n, day by day, daily
- • dyúbhis and úpa dyúbhis, by day or in the course of days, a long time RV.
- • m. brightness, sheen, glow (only dyúbhis) RV. i, 53, 4 ; iii, 3, 2 &c
- • fire (nom. dyus) L. divás ; Lat. ñou, ñu in ñu-piter, ñovis, ñovi &c. = dyavas, dyavi ; O. E. ṭíw ; O. H. G. Zī7u
- • O. N. Tyr
- ○ít mfn. going to the sky RV. x, 76, 6
- ○ítmat mfn. going in or to the sky, heavenly RV. iv, 31, 11 &c
- • ○matā instr. heavenwards RV. i, 26, 2
- ○iṣṭi (dív-.), f. longing for heaven, devotion, worship, sacrifice (generally loc. pl.) RV.
- īśa m. lord in lord in heaven, pl. N. of the Ādityas, Vasu and Rudra Hcat. i, 6. (For other comp. under divás, divā, 2. diví, divo 3. dyú.)
- divá n. heaven, sky MBh. Hariv.
- • day, esp. in divé-dive, day by day, daily RV. and ifc. (g. śaradādi)
- • wood L. [Cf. áhar-, tri-, naktaṃ-, naktaṃ- bṛhad-. rātrim-, su- ; cf. also ? Fo in ? Lat. (?) bidūm
- ○kṣas (○vá-), mfn. living in heaven, heavenly RV.
- ○m-gama mfn. going or leading to heaven MBh. (?fr. divam, acc.of 3. div + going)
- ○darśa m. pl. N. of a school of AV.
- ○ratha wṛ. for divi- (q.v.)
- ○spṛś mfn. (nom. spṛk) heaven-touching MBh.
- divâtithi
- diḍvâdi
- diḍvârka under divā
- diḍvâvasāna = (and prob. wṛ. for) dinâv○ L.
- divókas m. (cf. ○vâu○,) a god or the Cātaka bird L.
- divôdbhava mfn. 'sky-born', (ā), f. cardamoms L.
- divôlkā f. 'sky-firebrand', a meteor (cf. ○vyô○) MBh. i, 1416
- divâukas m. 'sky-dweller', a deity Mn. MBh. Kālid. &c
- • planet Gaṇit.
- • the Cātaka
- • a deer
- • a bee
- • an elephant L.
- • ○kaḥ-pati m. N. of Indra Prasannar.
- divâukasa m. (= ○kas) a god L., N. of a Yaksha Divyâv.
- divan m. a day L. (cf. prati-)
- divás gen. of 3. dív in comp
- ○"ṣvaḥ-śyenī f. N. of partic. sacrifices, Kāṭl
- ○"ṣḍvas-pati m. 'skylord', N. of Indra, Nahusha and Vishṇu MBh.
- • of the Indra of the 13th Manv-antara BhP. viii, 13, 32. 33.,
- ○"ṣḍvas-pṛthivyau f. du. heaven and earth Pāṇ. 6-3, 30 (gen. ○vás-pṛthivyós RV. ii, 2, 3 ; x, 3, 7 ; 35, 2
- • cf. dyāvā-pṛthivyau)
- divasa m. (or ri., g. ardharcâdi L.) heaven TBr. i, 7, 6, 6
- • a day MBh. Kāv. &c.
- ○kara m. 'day-maker', the sun R. Hariv. &c
- ○kṛt m. id. MBh. Var.
- ○kriyā f. the religious performances of the day Kathās. liv, 136
- ○kṣaya mfn. 'day-end', evening MBh. i, 699
- ○cara mfn. 'day-walking' (opp. to niśā-cara)' VarBṛS.
- ○cchidra n. = dina- Hcat. i, 3
- ○tithi the day-part of a lunar day Sūryapr.
- ○nātha and m. 'day-lord', the sun Var.
- ○bhartṛ m. 'day-lord', the sun Var.
- ○nirīkṣaka m. a kind of ascetic Buddh.
- ○mukha n. 'day-face', daybreak, dawn Ragh.v, 76
- ○mudrā f. 'day's coin', a day's wages Buddh.
- ○vāra m. week-day Var.
- ○vigama m. the departure of the day Megh. 77
- ○vyāpāra m. day-work (washing &c.) Kād.
- divasâtyaya m. the passing away of day, evening MW.
- divasantara mfn. only one day old MBh. xi, 98
- divasâvasāna n. 'day-close', evening MW.
- divasêśvara m. 'day-lord', the sun Bhartṛ.
- divasī-kṛ √to convert the night into day Mṛicch. iv, 3
- dívā ind. (for divā́, instr. of 3. dív), g. svarādi, by day (often opposed to náktam) RV.
- • used also as subst., e.g. divā bhavati ChUp. iii, 11, 3
- • (with rātris) MBh. ii, 154 &c
- • esp. in beginning of comp
- ○kará m. 'day-maker', the sun AV. MBh. R. &c. (with niśā- among the sons of Garuḍa MBh. v, 3599)
- • a crow (cf. divâṭana, below) L.
- • Calotropis Gigantea (cf. arká) L.
- • N. of an Āditya RāmatUp.
- • of a Rakshas VP.
- • of a prince VP. ( = divârka BhP.)
- • of the founder of the Sūrya-bhakta sect
- • of other men (also -bhaṭṭa)
- • -mitra m. N. of a man Hcar. 201
- • -vatsa, mṆ. of an author
- • -vara-locana m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- • -suta m. 'son of the sun', the planet Saturn VarBṛS.
- • (ā), f. e daughter of the sun, N. of the river Yamunā ib.
- • -karôddyota m. N. of wk
- ○kīrti (or ○âk○), m. a Caṇḍāla Mn. v, 85
- • a barber L.
- • an owl L.
- ○kīrtyá mfn. to be recited by day
- • n. N. of partic. recitations Br.
- • (a day) having such a recited AitBr. iv, 18
- • m. a Caṇḍāla (in antar-di○ add.)
- ○kṛta mfn. done by day MW.
- ○gaṇa m. = ahar- Gaṇit.
- ○cara mfn. going by day Mn. Var.
- ○cārin mfn. id. Gṛihyās.
- ○"ṣtana (○vât○), mfn. id., m. a crow L.
- ○"ṣtithi (○vât○), m. a guest coming in the day-time VP.
- ○"ṣdi (○vâdi or ○vâdí?), m. beginnig of day, morning Gaut.
- ○naktam adv. (older dívā náktam) by day and night Subh. 104
- • (as a subst. form) day and night BhP. v, 22, 5
- ○nidra f. sleeping by day
- ○nīsam ind. day and night Kathās. lxxvi, 11,
- ○"ṣndha (○vân○ ), mfn. blind by day, m. an owl Pañc.
- • (ā), f. a kind of bird (= valgulā) L.
- ○"ṣḍndhakī f. the musk-rat L.
- ○pati m. 'day-lord', N. of the 13th month Kāṭh.
- ○puṣṭa m. 'day-nourished', the sun L.
- ○pradīpa m. 'day-lamp', i.e. an obscure man L.
- ○bhīta mfn. timid by day
- • m. an owl Kum. i, 12, a thief L.
- • a flower closing itself by day L.
- ○bhīti f. 'having fear by day', an owl L.
- ○bhūta mfn. turned into day, become bright (night) MBh. xiv, 1757
- ○maṇi m. 'day-jewel', the sun L.
- ○madhya n. midday, noon L.
- ○manya mfn. passing for day, appearing as day (night) Pāṇ. 6-3, 66 Kāś.
- ○maithunin mfn. cohabiting by day MārkP.xiv, 74
- ○rātram ind.= -niśam Mn.v, 80 MBh. &c
- • as a subst. day and night MBh. iii, 816,
- ○"ṣrka (○vâr○?), m. N. of a prince (of. diva-kara)
- ○vasu mfn. beautiful by day (?) RV. viii, 34, 1
- ○vihāra m. rest by day Divyâv.
- ○śaya mfn. sleeping by day Ragh. xix, 34
- ○śayatā f. sleep by day Rājat. v, 252
- ○śayyā f. id. Kshem. ii, 18
- ○saṃketa m. appointment (of lovers) by day Mālav. iv, 15/16
- ○saṃcara mfn. = -cara Var.
- ○supta mfn. asleep by day MW.
- ○svapana n. sleeping by day Suśr.
- ○svapna m. (n. only MBh. xiii, 5094) sleep by day Mn. MBh. Suśr.
- ○svāpa m. id. Suśr.
• mfn. sleeping by day, (ā), f. a kind of night-bird (= valgulā) L.
- divātana mf(ī)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 23) daily, diurnal Kum. iv, 46
- divāḍtara (dí○), mfn. id. RV. i, 127, 5
- divi m. the blue jay (= kikīdiví) L.
- diví loc. of 3. dív in comp
- ○kṣaya mfn. heaven-dwelling VāyuP.
- ○kṣit mfn. id. RV. x, 92, 12 ChUp. ii, 24, 14
- ○gata mfn. being in heaven, m. a god Hariv.
- ○gamana m. 'sky-traveller', a planet, star
- • -ratna n. 'star-jewel', the sun Prasaṅg.
- ○cara (diví-), mfn. moving in the sky (as a planet) AV. xix, 9, 7
- ○cārin mfn. id., m. an inhabitant of the sky MBh. Hariv. R.
- ○ja mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 15) heaven-born, celestial
- • m. a god BhP.
- ○jā́ mfn. 'sky-born' RV.
- ○jāta mfn. id., m. N. of a son of Purū-ravas VāyuP.
- ○yáj mfn. praying to heaven RV. ix, 97, 26
- ○yoni (diví-), mfn. sky-born (Agni) RV. x, 88, 7
- ○ratha m. N. of several men (v. l. diva-) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- ○śrít mfn. going to heaven AV. xi, 7, 23
- ○ṣád mfn. sitting or dwelling in heaven AV. VS.
- • m. a god R. Gīt. Dhūrtas.
- • -adhvan m. the gods' path, atmosphere, Daśak
- ○ṣṭambhá mfn. resting on the sky AV.xix, 32, 7
- ○ṣṭha mfn. dwelling in heaven, celestial MBh. Hariv.
- ○sád and = -ṣád and -ṣṭha
- ○spṛs mfn. heaven-touching RV. MBh. BhP.
- ○spṛśat mfn. id. BhP. vii, 8, 22
- divī7śa div-īsa under 3. dív
- divī f. a species of insect (= upa-jihvikā) L.
- divo in comp. for ○vas
- ○jā́ mfn. born or descended from heaven (Ushas) RV. vi, 65, 1
- ○dāsa (di○), m. 'heaven's slave', N. of Bharad-vāja (celebrated for his liberality and protected by Indra and the Aśvins RV. i, 112, 14 ; 116, 18 &c
- • the son of Vadhry-aśva RV. vi, 61, 5
- • his father is also called Bhadra-sva, Bahv-aśva &c., and his son Mitra-yu or Mitrā-yu Hariv. Pur.)
- • of the father of Su-dās RV. vii, 18, 28
- • of a king of Kāśi surnamed Dhanvantari, founder of the Indian school of medicine Suśr.
- • of the father of Pra-tardana MBh. xiii Hariv. Pur.
- • of a descendant of Bhīma-sena Kāṭh. vii &c
- • ○sêsvara-liṅga n. N. of a Linga SkandaP.
- • ○sôpâkhyāna n. 'the episode of Dhanvantari' in PadmaP.
- ○dúh mfn. milking from the sky SV. (vḷ.)
- ○rúc mfn. shining from heaven RV. iii, 7, 5
- divya Nom. P. ○yati, to long for heaven Pāṇ. 8-2, 77 Sch.
- divyá (dívya Pāṇ. 4-2, 101), mfn. divine, heavenly, celestial (opp. to pārthiva, āntarīkṣa or mānuṣa) RV. AV. ŚBr. Kauś. MBh. &c
- • supernatural, wonderful, magical (aṅgāra RV. x, 34, 9
- • auṣadha Bhartṛ. ii, 18
- • vāsas Nal. xiv, 24
- • cf. -cakṣus, -jñāna &c. below)
- • charming, beautiful, agreeable R. Kathās. &c
- • m. a kind of animal (= dhanvana) VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 9
- • barley L.
- • bdellium L.
- • N. of a prince Pur.
- • of the author of RV. x, 107 &c
- • (ā)), f. N. of plants (= harītakī, bandhyā, karkoṭahī, śatāvarī, mahā-medā &c.) L.
- • a kind of perfume = surā L.
- • N. of a Buddh. deity Kālac.
- • of an Apsaras Sch.
- • n. the divine world or anything divine
• pl. the celestial regions, the sky, heaven RV.
- • an ordeal (10 kinds, viz. tulā, agni, jala, viṣa, kośa, taṇḍula, tapta-māṣa, phāla, dharmâdharma, tulasī, ss.vv.) Yājñ.ī, 22, 95 Pañc. i, 450/451, 451, 452 &c
- • oath, solemn promise Hit. iv, 129/130 cloves L.
- • a sort of sandal L.
- • N. of a grammar, sub dīo.]
- ○kaṭa n. N. of a town MBh. ii
- ○kānana n. celestial grove
- • -darśaná mfn. in aspect like to it Nal. xii, 61
- ○kārin mfn. undergoing an ordeal, taking an oath W.,
- ○kuṇḍa n. N. of a lake KālP.
- ○kriyā f. the application of an ordeal Rājat. iv, 94
- ○gandha -m. 'having a divine odour', sulphur L.
- • (ā), f. large cardamoms L.
- • a kind of vegetable (= mahā-cañcu) L.
- • n. cloves L.
- ○gāyana m. 'divine songster', a Gandharva L.
- ○cakṣus n. a divine eye, supernatural vision Daś. Buddh.
- • mfn. having a divine eye Ragh. iii, 45
- • fair-eyed L.
- • having (only) the divine eye, (in other respects) blind L.
- • m. a monkey L.
- • a kind of perfume L.
- ○jñāna n. divine knowledge
- • mfn. possessing it MBh. i, 1784
- ○tattva n. divine truth', N. of wk
- ○tā f. divinity, divine nature Naish.
- ○tumbī f. a kind of plant Gal.
- ○tejas n. a kind of plant L.
- ○tva n. = -ta Kathās.
- ○darśana mfn. of a divine aspect MBh. iii, 17075
- ○darśin mfn. having a divine vision MBh. xv, 566
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing divine things Kathās.
- • m. an astrologer Var.
- ○dṛṣṭi f. = -cakṣus n. Kathās.
- ○devī f. N. of a goddess Buddh.
- ○deha m. a divine body MW.
- ○dohada n. divine desire, the object of a deity's desire L.
- • mfn. fit for an offering or oblation L.
- ○dharmin mfn. 'having a dṭdivine nature', virtuous, agreeable W.
- ○nadī f. a divine stream ŚivaP.
- ○nārī f. a divine female, an Apsaras R. Kathās.
- ○pañcâmṛta n. 'the five dṭdivine ambrosias', viz. ghee, milk, coagulated milk, honey, and sugar L.
- ○paṭala m. 'having a divine pale-red colour', N. of a plant MBh. i, 2374
○puruṣa m. 'a divine man', ghost Uttarar. ii, 10/11
- ○puṣpa m. Nerium Odorum L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of plant L.
- • ○pikā f. a kind of Calotropis L.
- ○prajñāna n. = -jñāna, n
- • -ṣālin mfn. = id., mfn. Kathās. lxxv, 136
- ○prabhāva mfn. having celestial power MW.
- ○praśna m. inquiring into dṭdivine phenomena, augury MBh. v, 1906
- ○mantra m. 'the divine syllable, Om, AmṛitUp. 20
- ○māna n. measuring time according to the days and years of the gods Sūryas.
- ○mānuṣa m. 'divine man', demi-god Kathās. i, 47
- ○yamunā f. 'the divine Jamnā', N. of a river in Kāma-rūpa, KāIP
- ○ratna n. 'divine gem', the fabulous gem Cintā-maṇi L.
- ○ratha m. 'divine car', vehicle of the gods L.
- ○rasa m. 'divine fluid', quicksilver L.
- • ○sêndra-sāra m. N. of wk
- ○rūpa and mfn. of a divine aspect, beautiful, handsome MBh. Kathās.
- ○rūḍpin mfn. of a divine aspect, beautiful, handsome MBh. Kathās.
- ○latā f. 'the divine creeper', Sanseviera Zeylanica (= mūrvā) L.
- ○varma-bhṛt mfn. wearing dṭdivine armour MBh. iii, 17167
- ○vastra m. 'divinely dressed', a kind of flower (= sūryaśobhā) L.
- ○vākya n. a divine voice
- ○vijñānavat mfn. = -jñana mfn. Kathās. lxxvii, 6
- ○śrotra n. 'a divine ear' (which hears everything) Buddh.
- ○saṃkāśa mfn. having a dṭdivine appearance R.
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○sānu m. 'divine eminence', N. of one of the Viśve Devās MBh. xiii, 4355
- ○sāra m. having divine juice or resin', Thorea Robusta L.
- ○sūri m. N. of a man
- • -carita n. -prabhāvadīpikā f. N. of two wks
- ○strī f. a divine female, an Apsaras Var. Kathās.
- ○srag-anulepin mfn. adorned with divine garlands and unguents Hcat. i, 8
- divyâṃśu m. 'having divine rays', the sun MBh. iv, 390
- divyâkṛti mfn. of divine form, very beautiful Kathās. lxxvii, 68
- divyâṅganā f. = ○vya-strī Daś.
- divyâdivya mfn. divine and not dṭdivine (i.e. partly divine partly human) L.
- • (ā), f. the heroine of a poem (as Sītā &c.) of mixed origin or character, a goddess W.
- divyâvadāna n. divine achievements', N. of a well-known Buddh. wk. from Nepāl (written in Sanskṛit)
- divyôdaka n. 'divine water', i.e. rainwater L.
- divyôpapāduka mf(ī)n. divinely born, celestial, supernatural L.
- divyâugha m. pl. 'the divine hosts', forms of Siva and Durgā (with the Sāktas) L.
- divyâuṣadha n. heavenly herbs or medicine, a magical potion Bhartṛ. ii, 13
- divyâuṣadhi f. red arsenic Bhpr.
- divyaka m. a kind of serpent Suśr.
- • another kind of animal (= divya, dhanvana) VarBṛS. ixxxviii, 18
- divyelaka m. a kind of serpent Suśr. (= devyaka?)
- dī́v f. (only dat. dīvé loc. dīví RV.
- • acc. dyúvam dat. dyuvé AV.) gambling, playing with dice
- dī́ḍvana n. id. (cf. devana)
- dī́vyat mfn. playing, gambling
- • m. a gambler by profession Sāh.
- dīvi m. the blue jay L. (cf. divi)
- divira m. a husband's brother (= devara) Gal.
- • chief clerk or secretary (also -pati) Sch.
- ○kiśora m. N. of a poet
- diś cl. 3. P. dídeṣṭi (Imper. dídeṣṭu RV.
- • cl. 6. diśáti, ○te later the only Pres. stem
- • pf. didéśa, didiśé
- • fut. dekṣyati, ○te
- • aor. adikṣat ŚBr. &c
- • adikṣi, ádiṣṭa RV.
- • inf. deṣṭum MBh. etc
- • díśe RV.) to point out, show, exhibit RV.viii, 82, 15
- • to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) Mn. viii
- • to promote, effect, accomplish Kir., i, 18
- • to assign, grant, bestow upon (dat. RV. ii, 41, 17 AV. xiv, 2, 13
- • gen. MBh. iii, 14278 ; xiii, 1843
- • loc. R. i, 2, 28)
- • to pay (tribute) Hariv. 16061
- • to order, command, bid (inf.) Kir. v, 28: Pass. diśyate MBh. &c.: Caus. deśayati, ○te
- • aor. adīdiśat, to show, point out, assign MBh. R.
- • to direct, order, command ib.
- • teach, communicate, tell, inform confess Buddh.: Desid. didikṣati, ○te, to wish to show &c.: Intens. dédiṣṭe, 3. pl. ○śate, (p. f. pl. ○śatīs) to show, exhibit, manifest RV.
- • to order, command ib.: Pass. dediśyate, to show or approve one's self. AV. VS. [Cf. Z. dis
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. dīco, in-dṛcare &c. ; Goth. teihan ; O. E. téon (fr. tíhan).]
- dik in comp. for 2. diś, p. 480
- ○kanyā f. a quarter of the sky deified as a young virgin Bhartṛ. iii, 93 (v. l. kāntā)
- ○kara mf(ī)n. youthful, juvenile (lit. making, i.e. changing quarter continually, restless)
- • m. a youth L.
- • = aruṇa (as making a quarter for the sun) L.
- • = sambhu (granter of space, promoter?) L.
- • (ī), f. a young woman L.
- • -vāsinī f. a form of Devii VP.
- ○karika mfn. (ifc.) = -karin and (at, once) = -karikā, f. the mark of a bite or of a nail Śiś. iv, 9
- • (ā), f. N. of a river, KāIP
- ○karin m. elephant of the quarter', one of the mythical elephants which stand in the four or eight quarters of the sky and support the earth BhP.
- ○kāntā (cf. Bhartṛ. iii, 93),
- ○kāminī f. (cf. Rājat. iii, 382) = -kanyā
- ○kuñjara m.= -karin Sāh.
- ○kumāra m. pl. 'the youths of the qṭquarter', a class of deities (with Jainas) L.
- ○cakra n. the circuit of the qṭquarter of the compass, the horizon Ratn. iii, 5
- • the compass, the whole world VarBṛS.
- • -vāla n. the whole range of sight, the scenery all around Kād.
- ○chabda (for śabda), m. a word denoting a direction Pāṇ. 2-3, 29
- ○taṭa m. the line of the horizon, remotest distance Rājat. Kathās.
- ○tás ind. from the regions of the sky ŚBr.
- ○tulya mfn. having the same direction Sūryas.
- • -tā f. ib.
- ○pati m. a regent or guardian of a qṭquarter of the sky (often identified with loka-pāla, q.v.) VarBṛS. Gīt.
- ○patha m. 'the path of the horizon', the surrounding region or quarter Rājat.v, 341
- ○pāla m. -pati Rājat. iv, 225
- ○pravibhāga m. a quarter, direction Sch. on VarBṛS.
- ○prêkṣaṇa n. looking round in all directions (from fear &c.) Sāh.
- ○śūla n. 'sky-spear', any inauspicious planetary conjunction
- • N. of partic. days on which it is not allowed to travel in certain directions L.
- • -lakṣaṇa n. N. of ch. of the PSarv.
- ○sama mfn. = -tulya Sūryas.
- ○sādhana-yantra n. N. of wk
- ○sāmya n. sameness of direction Sūryas.
- ○sudṛś (cf. SŚaṃkar.) and f. = -kanyā
- ○sundarī (cf. Gīt.), f. = -kanyā
- ○srakti mfn. having the angles or corners towards the quarters of the compass Sch. on KātySr.
- ○svāmin m. = -pati VarBṛS.
- dig in comp. for 2 . diś
- ○aṅganā f. = dik-kanyā Kuval.
- ○adhipa m. = dik-pati Naish. vi, 112
- ○anta m. 'the end of the horizon', remote distance Bhartṛ. i, 37
- • mfn. being in remote distance MBh. x, 260
- ○antara n. another region, a foreign country Ragh. ii, 15 Rājat. &c
- • a quarter of the sky
- • (also pl.) space, the atmosphere Kād. = ambara mfn. 'sky clothed', i.e. quite naked Bhartṛ. iii, 90 Pañc. v, 14
- • m. (also -ka) a naked mendicant (esp. of the Jaina or Bauddha sect, 1. kṣapaṇa) Prab. Vet. &c. MWB. 530 &c
- • N. of Siva or Skanda L.
- • of a grammarian Gaṇar.
- • darkness L.
- • (ī), f. N. of Durgā L. (cf. -vastra and -vāsas)
- • ○ra-tva n. entire nakedness Kum. v, 72
- ○avasthāna n. air Gal.
- ○āgata mfn. come from a distant qṭquarter Yājñ. ii, 254
- ○ibha m. = dik-karin BhP. v, 14, 39
- ○īśa (cf. Var.) and m. = dik-pati
- ○īśvara (cf. MBh.), m. = dik-pati
- ○gaja m. = dik-karin MBh. R. &c
- ○grahaṇa n. observing and fixing the quarters of the compass Var. BṛS. xxiv, 9
- ○jaya m. the conquest of various countries in all directions Rājat. iv, 183 (cf. -vijaya)
- ○jyā f. the azimuth cosine of a place, Gāṇit
- ○dantin m. = dik-karin Śatr.
- ○darśana n. the act of looking to every quarter, a general survey MW.
- ○darśin mfn. looking round on all sides, having a general view ib.
- ○dāha m. glowing, i.e. preternatural redness of the horizon Mn. iv, 115, Yājn1. MBh. &c
- ○devatā f. = dik-pati BhP.
- ○deśa m. a distant region or country Rājat. iv, 308 ; 417
- • in g. region, country Hit. i, 1/2
- ○daivata n. = -devatā MBh. vii, 7293
- ○nāga din-
- ○bandha m. = grahana Kathās. lxxiii, 116
- ○bhāga m.= dik-provibh○ R. iv, 47 Pañc. ii, 12/13
- ○bheda m. difference of direction Sūryas.
- ○bhrama m. perplexity about points of the compass
- • mistaking the way or direction Vcar. v, 66
- ○maṇḍala see, diṅ
- ○yātrā f. a procession in different directions Siṃhâs. Introd. 3,
- ○lābha m. profit or gain in a distant region Yājñ. ii, 254
- ○vakra-saṃstha mfn. standing apart from the right direction VarYogay. viii, 1
- ○vadhū f. -aṅganā Kād.
- ○vasana m. a Jaina SŚaṃkar.
- • n. nakedness' Pratāpar.
- ○vastra mfn. = -ambara
- • m. N. of Śiva L.
- • of a grammarian (= deva-nandin) Gaṇar.
- ○vāraṇa m.= dik-karin MBh.
- ○vāsas mfn. = -ambara Mn. xi, 201 MBh. BhP.
- • m. a naked mendicant L.
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 695 &c
- • of a grammarian Gaṇar.
- ○vijaya m. = dig-jaya
- • N. of a section of the MBh. (ī, 983-1203) describing the victories of Yudhi-shṭhira
- • of a wk. by Śaṃkarâcārya describing his controversial victories over various sects
- • -krama m. going forth to conquer the world, invasion W.
- ○vidik-stha mfn. situated towards the cardinal and intermediate points, encompassing MW.
- ○vidhāna n. N. of a ch. of the Tantras.
- ○vibhāga m. quarter, point, direction Vikr. i, 0/1 Ratn. iv, 5
- ○vibhāvita mfn. celebrated or known in all quarters W.
- ○virati f. the not passing beyond boundaries in any direction Jain.
- ○vilokana n. = dik-prekṣaṇa Kām. vii, 25
- ○vyāghāraṇa n. sprinkling of the quarters of the sky PārGṛ. iii, 8, 9,
- ○vyāpin mfn. spreading through all space or every quarter W.
- ○vrata n. = -virati Jain.
- diṅ in comp. for 2. diś
- ○nāga m. = dik-karin MBh.
- • N. of a Buddh. author (v. l. dig-n○) &c
- ○nātha m. = dik-pati Var.
- ○maṇḍala n. = dikcakra Bhartṛ.
- • var. (v. l. dig-m○
- ○mātaṅga m. = -nāga Rājat.
- ○mātra n. a mere direction or indic Kāvyâd. ii, 96
- ○mārga m. a country road or a road to a distant country MW.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. facing any point or qṭquarter W.
- • n. any quarter or point of the heavens Kāv.
- • place, spot Sūryas.
- • -maṇḍala n. pl. the countries all around Subh. 123
- ○mūḍha mfn. confused about the qṭquarters of the compass R. iii, 60, 3
- • anything about the direction of which one is doubtful VarBṛS. liii, 115
- ○moha m. = dig-bhrama Kām. xiv, 24
- diś f. quarter or region pointed at, direction, cardinal point RV. AV. ŚBr. &c. (four in number, viz. prācī, east
- • dakṣiṇā, south
- • pratici, west
- • and udīcī, north AV. xv, 2, 1 ĀśvGṛ. iv, 8 &c. ; Sometimes a 5th, dhruvā AV. iii, 9, 15 ŚBr. ix, 4, 3, 10 ; and a 6th, ūrdhvā AV. iii, 27, 1 ŚBr. xiv, 6, 11, 5 ; and a 7th, vy-adhvā AV. iv, 40, l ŚBr. ix, 5, 2, 8 ; but oftener 8 are given, i.e. the 4 cardinal and the 4 intermediate quarters, S.E., S.W., N. W., and N. E. Mn. i, 13 ; and even a 9th, and 10th, tiryak or adhas and ūrdhvam ŚBr. vi, 2, 2, 34 MBh. i, 729
- • diśām pati = Soma RV. ix, 113, 2, or = Rudra VS.xvi, 17)
- • quarter, region, direction, place, part (pl., rarely eg. the whole world, e.g. diśi, diśi, in all directions, everywhere Bhartṛ. i, 86
- • digbhyas, from every quarter BhP. i, 15, 8
- • diśo diśas, hither and thither Pañc. ii, 116/117
- • diśo'valokya, looking into the quarter of the sky, i.e. into the air Ratn. iv, 4/5 díso'ntāt, from the extremities of the world ib., Introd. 6)
- • country, esp. foreign country, abroad (cf. dig-āgata and -lābha, below)
- • space (beside kāla) Kap. ii, 12
- • the numeral 10 (cf. above) Śrutab. Sūryas.
- • a hint, reference, instance, example Suśr. Sāh. Sch. ; precept, order, manner RV.
- • mark of a bite L.
- • N. of a river MBh. vi, 327
- diśo^ = diśas (gen. of 2. diś) in comp
- ○daṇḍa m. 'sky-staff', a partic. appearance in the sky
- ○dāha m. = dig- Divyāv.
- ○bhāga wṛ. for
- ○bhāj mfn. one who runs away in all directions Pañc. (B) iv, 15, 114/115
- ○yāyin mfn. spreading in all directions Kād.
- diśam ind. = 2. diś ifc. (g. sarad-ādi)
- diśas f. region, quarter &c. L.
- diśā f. direction, region, quarter or point of the compass MBh. iv, 17l6 &c. Hār. 2243 (cf. antara- and avântara-)
- • N. of the wife of RudraBhima VP.
- ○gaja m. = dik-karin Hariv. R.
- ○cakṣus m. 'sky-vision', N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh. v, 3595,
- ○pāla m.= dik- Hariv. 273
- • = dik-karin R. i, 41, 16 &c
- díśya mfn. relating to the quarters of the sky or to the horizon, being there ĀśvGṛ. Kauś.
- • relating to space Kaṇ. ii, 2, 10
- • foreign, outlandish Śiś. iii, 76
- • (ā), f. N. of a kind of brick ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- diṣṭá mfn. shown, pointed out, appointed, assigned (diṣṭā gatis, the appointed way', i.e. death R. ii, 103, 8)
- • fixed, settled
- • directed, bidden RV. AV. MBh. R. &c
- • m. time L.
- • a sort of Curcuma L.
- • N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Pur.
- • n. appointed place ChUp. v, 9, 2
- • aim, goal TBr. ii, 4, 2, 2 &c
- • allotment, assignment, decree
- • fate, destiny AV. x, 3, 16 MBh.
- • direction, order, command BhP. v, 1, 11 &c. Rājat. iv, 121
- • a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon) Sāh.
- ○kārin mfn. executing an order or acting according to fate BhP. iv, 28, 1
- ○dṛś mfn. looking at fate or at one's lot BhP. iv, 21, 22
- ○para mfn. relying on fate, fatalist MBh. iii, 1214
- ○bhāva m. 'appointed state', i.e. death MBh. v, 4529
- ○bhuj mfn. reaping the appointed results of one's works BhP. vii, 13, 39
- diṣṭânta m. 'appointed end', i.e. death MBh. R. &c
- diṣṭi f. direction, prescription, TāṇdyaBr. xxv, 18
- • auspicious juncture, good fortune, happiness (esp. instr. ○ṭyā, thank heaven! I congratulate you on your good luck! often with vardhase, you are fortunate) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a kind of measure of length Kauś. Sch. on Kāty. Sr
- ○vṛddhi f. congratulation Kād. Hcar.
- diś a vulgar form for dṛś, to see Pāṇ. i, 3, 1 Vārtt. 13 Pat.
- diṣṇu mfn. = deṣṇu liberal
- dih cl. 2. P. Ā. degdhi, digdhe Dhātup. xxiv, 5 (Subj. -déhat RV. vii, 50, 2
- • pf. dideha, didihe MBh.
- • fut. dhekṣyati, degdhā Siddh.
- • aor. adhikṣat, ○ta, 3. pl. ○ṣur JaimBr.
• adigdka Pāṇ. 7-3, 73) to anoint, smear, plaster ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. R. &c
- • increase, accumulate L.: Caus. dehayati, ○te MBh. &c
- • aor: adīdihat: Desid. didhikṣati, ○te
- • dhīkṣate (cf. ŚBr.), to wish to anoint one's self: Intens. dedihyate, dedegdhi. [Fr. orig. dhigh'
- • cf. ?, ?, ?, ? ; Lat. fingo, figulus, figura ; Goth. deigan, gadigis ; O.E. dāh ; Eng. dough ; Germ. ṭeig.]
- dih su-
- dihlā f. N. of a woman Rājat. vii, 332 (cf. dilha)
- dī (cf. √ḍi), cl. 4. P. Ā. dī́yati, ○te, to soar, fly RV. SV.: Intens. inf. dédīyitavaí, to fly away ŚBr. [Cf. ḍī
- • Gk. ?, ?, ?, ?.]
- dī (dīdī or dīdi). cl. 3. P. 3. pl. dīdyati (Impv. dīdihi and didīhí RV.
- • impf. ádīdet ib.
- • pf. dīdāya or (cf. ŚBr.) dīdaya
- • dīdétha, didiyus ib.
- • Subj. dīdáyati, ○yat ib.
- • dī́dayat RV. x, 30, 4 ; 95, 12
- • dīdāyat AV. iii, 8, 3
- • dīdayante ib. xviii, 3, 23
- • Prec. dīdyāsam TBr.
- • p. Pres. P. dī́diat Ā. dī́diāna, p. pf. dīvás) RV. to shine, be bright
- • to shine forth, excel, please, be admired RV. AV. Br.
- • bestow upon (loc. or dat.) by shining RV. ii, 2, 6 ; i, 93, 10.
- dīti f. splendour, brightness ( su-)
- dīdi mfn. shining, bright
- • only in
- dīdy-agni mfn. having bright fires (said of the Aśvins) RV. i, 15, 11 ; viii, 57, 2
- dīditi f. = dīti ( su-dī́diti)
- dī́divi mfn. shining, bright RV. i, 1, 8
- • risen (as a star) L.
- • m. a N. of Bṛihas-pati, the planet Jupiter L.
- • heaven, final emancipation (cf. didivi) L.
- • mn. boiled rice, food L. (cf. didīvi)
- • = artha L.
- dī cl. 4. Ā. dīyate, to decay, perish (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 25
- • didīye
- • dāsyate, dātā
- • adāsta Pāṇ. 6-4, 63 ; i, 50): Caus. dāpayati Vop.: Desid. didiṣate and didāsate ib.
- dī f. decay, ruin
- ○da mfn. causing ruin, destroying W.
- dīná mfn. (fr. √3. di?) scarce, scanty RV.
- • depressed, afflicted, timid, sad
- • miserable, wretched Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (am), ind. sadly, miserably Śiksh. 35
- • n. distress, wretchedness Hariv. Pañc.
- • Tabernamontana Coronaria L.
- • (ā), f. the female of a mouse or shrew L.
- ○citta and mfn. 'distressed in mind', dejected Kāv.
- ○cetana mfn. 'distressed in mind', dejected Kāv.
- ○tā (○ná-), f. scarcity, weakness RV. vii, 89, 3
- ○dakṣa (○ná-), mfn. of weak understanding RV. x, 2, 5
- ○dāsa m. a N. applied to a Śūdra Kull.
- ○dīna mfn. very wretched or miserable Bhām.
- ○dhī mfn. = -citta MW.
- ○nātha and ○tha-sūri m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○manas and mfn. = -citta MBh.
- ○mānasa mfn. = -citta MBh.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. 'sad-faced', looking melancholy W.
- ○rūpa mfn. of melancholy aspect, dejected MBh. i, 1817
- ○locana m. (dīpta-?) a cat L.
- ○vatsala mfn. kind to the poor MW.
- ○vadana mfn. = -mukha Daś.
- ○varṇa mfn. discoloured, pale MBh. iii, 15677
- ○sattva mfn. = -citta R.
- ○sādhaka m. 'causing woe, N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1152
- dīnâkrandana-stotra n. N. of Stotras
- dīnânukampana mfn. pitying the poor MW.
- dīnâsya mfn. = ○na-vadana Bhartṛ. iii, 22
- dīnaka mfn. very miserable or dejected
- • (am), ind. very miserably MBh. iii, 12260
- dīkṣ (Desid. of √dakṣ?), cl. 1. Ā. dīkṣate Dhātup. xvi, 8 (pf. didīkské
- • fut. dīkṣiṣyáte
- • aor. adidīkṣas and adīkṣiṣta Br.
- • ind. p. dīkṣitvā ChUp.) to consecrate or dedicate one's self (esp. for the performance of the Soma-sacrifice) Br. Up. Pur.
- • to dedicate one's self to a monastic order Buddh.: Caus. dīkṣayati, ○te, to consecrate, initiate TS. Br.
- • pf. didīkṣur TāṇḍyaBr. xxiv, 18
- • to consecrate as a king MBh. Hariv.
- • to make ready, prepare MBh.: Desid. didīkṣiṣate, to wish to be consecrated AitBr. iv, 25
- dīkṣaka m. a priest, spiritual guide
- • N. of a king Virac.
- dīkṣaṇa n. consecrating one's self or causing one's self to be consecrated, consecration, initiation ŚrS. MBh.
- • (ā), f. id. VarBṛS. xcviii, 14
- dīkḍṣaṇī́ya mfn. (fr. √dikṣ) to be consecrated or initiated
- • (fr. dīkṣaṇa) relating to consecration Br.
- • (ā), f. (cf. Vait.) = ○yeṣti f. the sacrifice of consecration or initiation Br. ŚrS.
- dīkṣayitṛ L. m. consecrator AitBr. i, 4
- dīkṣā́ f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, undertaking religious observances for a partic. purpose and the observances themselves AV. VS. Br. ŚrS. &c
- • dedication, initiation (personified as the wife of Soma RV. 25, 26, of Rudra Ugra or Rudra Vāmadeva Pur.)
- • any serious preparation (as for battle) MBh. Hariv. Kāv.
- • self-devotion to a person or god, complete resignation or restriction to, exclusive occupation with (comp
- • cf viraha-, śāka-, śṛṅgāra.)
- ○karaṇa n. performance of consecration Sarvad.
- ○kārin mfn. consecrating, initiating ib.
- ○krama-ratna n. 'the jewel of the regular order of initiation', N. of wk
- ○guru m. a teacher of initiation Bālar. x, 41
- ○"ṣṅga-svasti-vācana (○kṣâṅg○), n. N. of wk
- ○tattva n. 'essence of initiation', N. of wk
- ○"ṣnta (○kṣtân○), m. the end of a Dīkshaá = avabhṛtha L.
- ○pati (○kskā́-), m. 'consecration-lord', i.e. Soma VS. v, 6
- ○pattra n. N. of wk
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○pā́la m. guardian of initiation (Agni or Vishṇu) Br.
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○phala n. 'the fruit of initiation', N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in initiation Hariv. 2115
- ○mahôtsava m
- ○māsâdivicāra m
- ○ratna n
- ○vidhāna n
- ○vidhi m.
- ○vinoda m
- ○viveka m
- ○saṃskāra m
- ○sū7kta n
- ○setu m. N. of wks
- dīkṣitá mf(i GopBr. i, 5, 24)n. consecrated, initiated into (dat., loc., instr., or comp.) AV. TS. Br. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • prepared, ready for (dat., instr. or comp.) MBh. R. (○taṃ-√kṛ, to initiate, instruct Kathās. xx, 198)
- • performed (as the Dīkshā ceremony) W.
- • m. a priest engaged in a Dīkshā (-tva n. Jaim.)
- • a pupil of (affixed, and rarely prefixed to the N. of a teacher, and given as a N. to a Brāhman to denote his being a pupil of that teacher, e.g. bhaṭṭoji-, śaṃ-kara-
- • sometimes the teacher's N. is dropped and Dīkshā is used alone)
- ○dhuṇḍhi-rāja m
- ○bāla-kṛṣṇa m
- ○yajñadatta m. N. of men Cat.
- ○vasana n. the garment of an initiated person ŚBr.
- ○vāda m. the statement that a person is initiated TS.
- ○vimitá n. a temporary dwelling for a person about to be initiated Kāṭh. xiii, 1 AitBr. i, 3 (cf. prācīna-vaṃśa)
- ○vrata n. the vow of an initiated person KātyŚr. iv, 6, 13
- ○sāmarāja m. N. of the author of Dhūrta-nartaka
- dikṣitâvedana n. = ○ta-vāda Vait. xi, 12
- dīkṣitāyanī f. N. of the wife of Dikshitayajñadatta L.
- dīkṣiḍtīya mfn. written by a Dikshita
- • n. N. of such a work
- dīkṣitṛ m. a consecrator Pāṇ. 3-2, 153
- dīkṣin mfn. (ifc.) one who has been initiated (cf. gaṇa-)
- dīdī or dīdi, √2. dī
- dīdhī (connected with √2. dī), cl. 2. Ā. didhīte, to shine, be bright Dhātup. xxiv, 68
- • P. ádīdhet, 3. pl. adīdhayur, to appear as, resemble (nom.) RV. v, 40, 5 ; x, 98, 7
- dī́dhiti f. brightness, splendour, light, a ray Naigh. i, 5 MBh. Kālid. &c
- • majesty, power Bhartṛ. ii, 2
- • N. of wks., esp. ifc
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pratyakṣa-ṭikā f
- ○māthurī f. N. of Comms
- ○mat mfn. having splendour, shining, brilliant, SāṅkhGṛ. vi, 3
- • m. the sun Kum. ii, 2 ; vii, 10
- • N. of a Muni Kathās. lix, 93
- ○raudrī f
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- dīdhī (cf. √1. dhī and √dhyai), cl. 2. Ā. didhīte, 1. sg. dīdhye (cf. RV. v, 33, 1), p. Pres. dī́dhyat (cf. RV. ii, 20, 1) and dī́dhyānā (cf. RV., often with manasā) to perceive, think, be intent upon
- • to wish, desire. 2
- dī́dhiti f. religious reflection, devotion, inspiration RV. i, 186, 11 &c
- dīná mfn. under √3. dī
- dīnāra m. (fr. ?, denarius) a gold coin or a certain weight of gold (variously stated as 2 Kāshṭhas, 1 Pala of 32 Rettis or the large Pala of 108 Suvarṇas) Pañc. Rājat. iv
- • a gold ornament L.
- • a seal L.
- dīnāḍraka m
- dīnāḍrikā f. (cf. Hariv.), and m. (cf. Rājat.) id
- dinnāra m. (cf. Rājat.) id
- dīp cl. 4. Ā. dīpyate (dīpyáte TBr., dipyati MBh., pf. didīpe Ragh. v, 47
- • fut. dīpiṣyate, dīpitā
- • aor. adīpi, adipiṣṭa inf. dipitum Pāṇ. 7-2, 8 Sch. ; iii, 1, 61) to blaze, flare, shine, be luminous or illustrious AV. Br. Mn. MBh. Kālid. &c
- • glow, burn (also with anger Bhaṭṭ.): Caus. dipáyati, ○te, aor. adīdipat or adidipat (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 3) to kindle, set on fire, inflame TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 1 ĀśvGṛ. iv, 6 Kauś. 60 &c
- • illuminate, make illustrious MBh. Hariv. &c
- • excite, rouse ib.: Desid. didīpiṣate: Intens. dedīpyate, to blaze fiercely, shine intensely, be very bright MBh. BhP.
- • p. dedīpyantī MBh. vii, 8138
- dīpa m. a light, lamp, lantern ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○karpūra-ja m. a kind of camphor Gal.
- ○kalikā f. N. of a Comm. on Yājñ.
- ○kiṭṭa n. lamp-black, soot L.
- ○kūpī f
- ○khori f. the wick of a lṭlamp-black L.
- ○ṃ-kara m. 'light-causer', N. of a mythical Buddha MWB. 136
- • -jñāna m. having the knowledge of a Buddha, N. of a man Buddh.
- ○da mfn. one who gives a lamp Mn. iv, 229
- ○dāna n. 'giving light', N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
- • -paddhati f. -ratna n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○dhvaja m. 'lamp-sign', soot L.
- ○pādapa m. 'light tree', a candlestick L.
- ○puṣpa m. 'lamp-flower', Michelia Campaka L.
- ○pūjā f. -vidhāna n
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wks
- ○bhājana n. 'light-receptacle', a lamp Ragh. xix, 51
- ○mallī f. a lamp Gal.
- ○mālā f. a row of lamp, an illumination MBh. xiii, 4727 Caurap. 18
- ○mālikā f. id
- • N. of wk
- • ○kêtsava m. 'the feast of lights', N. of the 125th ch. of the BhavP. ii
- ○māhātmya n. 'the glory of the festival of lights', N. of a ch. of the BhavP. i.
- ○vat mfn. 'containing lights', illuminating
- • (ī), f. N. of a river KālP.
- ○varti f. the wick of a lamp Daś.
- ○vidhāna n
- ○vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -pādapa
- • lantern, light MBh. R.
- • Pinus Longifolia or Devadāru L.
- ○vyākaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○śatru m. 'lamp-foe', a moth L.
- ○sikhā f. the flame of a lamp-foe Kathās. xviii, 77
- • the point of a shining body, Lil. 95
- • lamp-black, soot L.
- • ○khôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- ○śṛṅkhalā f. a row of lamps L.
- ○śrāddha-vidhi m
- ○sāra m
- ○stambhadevatā-pūjā f. N. of wks
- dipâṅkura m. the flame or light of a lṭlamp, Bharṭr. iii, 81
- dīpânvitā f. (sc. tithi) 'furnished with lamp', N. of the Diwāli festival BhavP.
- dipârādhana n. worshipping an idol by waving a lamp before it MW.
- dipâlī f. 'a row of lamp', a festival with illuminations on the day of new moon in the month Āśvina or Kārttika (Diwālī) RTL. 432
- • ○lika-kalpa m. N. of wk
- dīpâloka m. lamp-light, a burning lṭlamp or torch ŚārṅgP.
- dīpâvali f. a row of lights, nocturnal illumination BhP. iv, 21, 4, also = dīpâdī
- • ○valiprayoga m. N. of wk
- dipâsura m. N. of an Asura Vīrac. xvi
- dīpôcchiṣṭa n. 'lamp-sediment, soot
- dīpôtsava m. a festival of lights BhavP.
- dīpaka mfn. kindling, inflaming, illuminating Pañc. iii, 27, 221/222
- • exciting, stimulating (digestion) Suśr.
- • skilful in managing a lamp (g. ākarṣâdi)
- • m. a light, lamp Hariv. Bhartṛ. BhP.
- • the shining body, Lilāv
- • N. of two plants having digestive properties, Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata L.
- • a bird of prey L.
- • (in music) N. of a Rāga
- • a kind of measure
- • N. of Kāma (the inflamer) L.
- • of a son of Garuḍa (cf. MBh. v, 3596) &c
- • m. or n. saffron L.
- • (ikā), f. a light, lamp, lantern Hariv. Kāv. &c
- • moonlight W.
- • 'illustrator' or 'illustration' at the end of titles of books (cf. kula-, gūḍhârtha-, trailokya-) and also alone, N. of wks. ( below)
- • Ptychotis Ajowan or the √of Calmus L.
- • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī
- • n. a partic. class of rhet. figures (throwing light upon an idea) Sāh. Kuval.
- • N. of a metre,
- ○mālā f. N. of a metre
- ○vyākaraṇa n. N. of wk
- dīpana mf(i)n. kindling, inflaming, setting on fire MBh. Hariv. Kālid.
- • digestive, stimulating (cf. agni- and anala-) Suśr.
- • m. N. of certain digestive plants (= mayūra-śikha, śāliñca-śāka or kāsa-marda) L.
- • an onion L.
- • (ī), f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum Bhpr.
• Ptychotis Ajowan
- • Clypea Hernandifolia L.
- • a mystical formula described in the Tantra-sāra
- • (in music) a kind of composition
- • N. of a female attendant of Devii W.
- • n. the act of kindling &c. R. Pañc. Daś.
- • promoting digestion Suśr.
- • a digestive or tonic Suśr.
- • the √of Tabernaemontana Coronaria (cf. dīna) L.
- • a partic. process to which minerals are subjected Sarvad.
- • a partic. procedure with a magic formula ib.
- dīpanīya mfn. to be kindled or lighted or excited or stimulated
- • relating to tonic medicines
- • promoting digestion Suśr. Car.
- • m. Ptychotis Ajowan L.
- • n. a digestive Suśr.
- dipayat mfn. illuminating, inflaming W.
dīpikā f. of dīpaka, q.v
- ○ṭikā f. N. of a Comm.
- ○taila n. the oil of Ptychotis Ajowan Suśr.
- ○dhāriṇī f. a female lamp-carrier Kād.
- ○prakāśa m
- ○prakāḍśikā f
- ○vivaraṇa n
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of Comms
- dīpita mfn. set on fire, inflamed, excited, illuminated, manifested MBh. R. &c
- dīpitṛ m. an illuminator, enlightener Pāṇ. 3-2, 153
- dīpin mfn. kindling, inflaming, exciting (ifc. Kathās. lxxxii, 29)
- • (inī), f. a mystical formula (cf. dīpana f.)
- dīpta mfn. blazing, flaming, hot, shining, bright, brilliant, splendid MuṇḍUp. ii, 1, 1 MBh. R. &c
- • excited, agitated (krodha- MBh. v, 7207)
- • (in augury) exposed to the sun (also āditya- MBh. iii, 15669)
- • being on the wrong side, inauspicious (opp. to śānta) Hariv. Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • clear, shrill (? applied to the inauspicious voice of an animal and opp. to pūrṇa) VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 11
- • xci, 1 Suśr.
- • m. a lion (from his bright colour) L.
- • the citron tree L.
- • inflammation of the nose Suśr.
- • (ā), Methonica Superba L.
- • Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.
- • = sātalā L.
- • red arsenic L.
- • (in music) a partic. tone
- • a partic. Śakti Hcat. i, 5
- • n. Asa Foetida L.
- • gold L.
- ○kiraṇa mfn. 'hot-rayed', he sun Mṛicch. viii, 23
- ○kirti mfn. 'bright-famed'
- • N. of Skanda MBh.iii, 14630
- ○ketu m. 'bright-bannered', N. of a king MBh. i, 231
- • of a son of Manu Daksha-sāvarṇi BhP. viii, 13, 18.
- ○jihvā f. 'red-tongued', a fox L.
- ○tapas mfn. fervent in devotion, of glowing piety BrahmaP.
- ○tejas mfn. radiant with glory ib.
- ○tva n. flaming, shining Sāh.
- ○nayana m. 'having glittering eyes', N. of an owl Kathās.
- ○piṅgala m. 'bright and yellowish', a lion L.
- ○puṣpā f. 'bright. flowered', Tragia Involucrata L.
- ○rasa m. 'having a yellow liquid', an earth-worm L.
- • -tva n. the predominance of fiery passions Vām. iii, 2, 14
- ○rūpin m. a partic. personification Gaut.
- ○roman m. 'red-haired', N. of one of the Viśve Devās MBh. xiii, 4356
- ○locana m. 'having glittering eyes', a cat L.
- ○loha n. the shining metal, brass L.
- ○varṇa mfn. 'red-coloured', N. of Skanda MBh. iii
- ○vīrya mfn. of fiery strength MBh. i, 2915
- ○śakti m. 'having a glittering spear', N. of Skanda ib.
- ○śikha mfn. 'bright-flamed' (fire) Kathās. lxxiii, m. N. of a Yaksha ib.
- ○svāmin m. N. of the father of Śabara-svāmin Cat.
- diptâṃśu m. 'hot-rayed', the sun
- diptâkṣa mf(i)n. having bright or glittering eyes MBh. iii, 16138
- • m. a cat L.
- • a peacock W.
- • N. of an owl Pañc.
- • pl. N. of a people MBh. v
- diptâgni m. blazing fire MBh. iii, 706
- • N. of Agastya L. (cf. dahrâgni and satyâgni)
- • mfn. having the gastric fire well kindled, i.e. digesting well Suśr. Hcat.
- • -tā f. goodness of digestion ib.
- diptâṅga m. 'having a brilliant body', a peacock L.
- dīptâtman mfn. having a fiery nature MBh. v, 7040
- diptâsya mfn. 'having fiery jaws', a serpent ib. 7169
- diptôda n. 'having brilliant water', N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8685
- dīptôpala m. 'brilliant stone', the sun gem (= sūrya-kānta)
- • a crystalline lens L.
- diptâujas mfn. glowing with energy VarBṛS. xxxii, 15
- diptaka m. or n. a kind of disease of the nose L.
- • n. gold L.
- dī́pti f. brightness, light, splendour, beauty ŚBr. Mn. (cf. gṛha-) &c
- • the flash-like flight of an arrow L.
- • lac L.
- • brass L.
- • m. N. of one of the Viśve Devās
- ○kara mf(ā or ī)n. irradiating, illuminating MW.
- ○ketu m. N. of a son of Manu Daksha-sāvarṇi (cf. dīpta-) VP.
- ○mat mfn. bright, splendid, brilliant MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hit.
- • (ī), f. (in music) N. of a Śruti
- dīptika mfn. (ifc.) = dī́pti
- • m. a species of plant L.
- dīptiḍkôśvara-tīrtha (○kêśv○?), n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP.
- dīpya mfn. to be kindled or inflamed or stimulated W.
- • promoting digestion L.
- • m. Celosia Cristata
- • Ptychotis Ajowan
- • cumin-seed L.
- • n. white cumin-seed L.
- dīpyaka m. a species of plant Suśr.
- • m. Celosia Cristata, m. or n. Ptychotis Ajowan
- • n. Apium Involucratum L.
- • n. a figure of rhetoric L.
- dīpra mfn. flaming, shining, radiant Kathās. xxv, 135
- • m. fire L.
- dīrghá mf(ā)n. (compar. drā́ghīyas, superl. drā́ghiṣṭha qq. vv.
- • rarely dirghatara and ○tama ) long (in space and time), lofty, high, tall
- • deep RV. AV. Br. &c
- • long (in prosody) Prāt. Mn. &c
- • (ám) ind. long, for a long time (superl. ○atamam BhP. iii, 1, 37)
- • m. along vowel Gobh. ii, 8, 15 KātyŚr. &c
- • a camel L.
- • Saccharum Sara
- • Ṣorea Robusta, = utkaṭa, rāma-śara &c. L.
- • a mystical N. of the letter a Up.
- • the 5th or 6th or 7th or 8th sign of the zodiac Jyot.
- • N. of a prince of Magadha MBh. i, 4451
- • of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1158
- • (ā), f. an oblong tank (cf. ○ghikā) R. v, 16, 27
- • a kind of plant= -pattrā L.
- • a mystical N. of the letter n Up.
- • n. a species of grass L.
- • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. [Fr.√drāgh
- • cf. also Gk. ? ; Sl. .]
- ○kaṇā f. white cumin L.
- ○kaṇṭa
- ○kaṇḍṭaka m. long-thorned', N. of a plant (= varvūra) L.
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'long-necked', N. of a Dānava Hār. (v. l. -bāhu)
- ○kaṇṭhaka m. Ardea Nivea L.
- ○kandaka n. 'having long bulbs', a kind of radish ( = mūlaka)
- • (ikā), f. Curculigo Orchioides (= muṣalī) L.
- ○kaṃ-dharā f. = -kaṇṭhaka L.
- ○karṇa m. 'long-ear', N. of a cat Hit.
- ○karṣaṇa n. a sort of Svara SaṃhUp. Pushpas.
- ○kāṇḍa m. 'having long joints', the √of Scirpus Kysoor L.
- • (ā), f. a sort of creeper L.
- ○kāya mfn. 'long-bodied', tall MW.
- ○kāla m. a long time Mn. viii, 145 MBh.
- • -jīvin mfn. long-lived MW.
- ○kāṣṭha n. a long piece of timber, spar, beam W.
- ○kīla or m. 'long-stemmed', Alangium Hexapetalum (= aṅkoṭa) L. =
- ○kīḍlaka m. 'long-stemmed', Alangium Hexapetalum (= aṅkoṭa) L. =
- ○kūraka n. 'long rice', a kind of rice (= rājânna) L.
- ○kūrca mfn. 'long-bearded' MBh. vii, 4749
- ○keśa mf(ī)n. 'long-haired'
- • m. a bear L.
- • pl. N. of a people
- ○kośā
- ○koḍśikā and f. a kind of muscle shell, a cockle L.
- ○koḍśī f. a kind of muscle shell, a cockle L.
- ○gati m. 'making long journeys', a camel L.
- ○gāmin mfn. going or flying far MBh. vii, 3672
- ○granthi m. 'having long knots or joints', Scindapsus Officinalis (= gaja-pippalī) L.
- ○grīva mfn. 'long-necked'
- • m. a camel L.
- • a kind of curlew L.
- • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 23
- ○ghāṭika m. 'long-necked', a camel L.
- ○cañcu m. 'long-beaked', a kind of bird L.
- ○caturaśra mfn. shaped like an oblong square or parallelogram Sāy.
- • m. an oblong, Śulbas. i, 36
- ○cchada mfn. 'long-leaved'
- • m. Tectonia Grandis or sugar-cane L.
- ○jaṅgala m. a kind of fish (= bhaṅgāna) L.
- ○jaṅgha m. 'long-legged', a camel L.
- • Ardea Nivea L.
- • N. of a Yaksha Kathās. ii, 20
- ○jānuka m. 'long kneed', Ardea Sibirica L.
- ○jihva mfn. 'longtongued'
- • m. a snake L.
- • N. of a Dānava MBh. i Hariv.
- • (ā), f. N. of a Rākshasī MBh. R.
- • of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2641), (ī́) f. . (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 59) N. of an evil spirit Br.
- ○jihvya mfn. 'long-tongued' RV. ix, 101, 1
- ○jīraka m. cumin Bhpr.
- ○jīvantī f. N. of a med. wk
- ○jīvin mfn. long-lived Cāṇ. 9
- ○tanu mf(vii)n. 'having a lṭlong body', tall
- • (vii), f. a kind of Aroidea L.
- ○tantu (○ghá-), mfn. forming a long thread or row RV. x, 69, 7
- ○tapas mfn. performing long penances R. Hariv.
- • m. N. of several Ṛishis (also v. l. for ○tamas) Hariv. Pur.
- • ○pa-ākhyāna, and ○paḥ-svarga-gamana n. 'the story of a long penance', and 'going to heaven by long penance', N. of 2 chapters of the ŚivaP.
- ○tama mfn. longest
- ○tamas (○ghá-), m. N. of a Ṛishi with the patron. Aucathya and the metron. Māmateya RV. i, 158, 1 ; 6 (author of the hymns RV. i. 140-164 ; father of Kakshivat Sāy. on RV. i, 125, 1 ; through Bṛihas-pati's curse born blind MBh. i, 4192 &c. ; xii, 13182 ; father of Dhanvan-tari Pur. ; has by Su-deshṇā, Bali's wife, five sons, Aṅga, Bhaṅga, Kaliṅga, Puṇḍra, and Suhma MBh. Pur.) ; pl. his descendants
- • ○tamaso'rka m. ○so vrata n. N. of two Sāmans (cf. -tapas and dairghatamasa)
- ○tara mfn. longer
- ○taru m. 'the lofty tree', the Tāl or palm tree L.
- ○tā f. (cf. Suśr. Var.) and n. (cf. BhP.) length, longness
- ○tva n. (cf. BhP.) length, longness
- ○timiṣā f. Cucumis Utilissimus L.
- ○tīkṣṇamukha mf(ī)n. having a long and pointed mouth (leech) Suśr.
- ○tuṇḍa mf(i and ā)n. 'lṭlong-snouted' MBh. ix, 2649
- • (ā), f. the musk-rat L.
- ○tṛṇa n. a kind of grass (= palli-vāha) L.
- ○daṇḍa mf(i)n. lṭlong-stemmed Kauś. 15
- • m. Ricinus Communis Bhpr.
- • the palm tree L.
- • (i), f. a kind of small shrub (= go-rakṣī) L.
- • ○ḍaka m. Ricinus Communis L.
- ○danta mf(ī)n. 'lṭlong-toothed' MBh. ix, 2649
- ○darśana mfn. far-seeing, provident, sagacious, wise BhP. x, 29, 2
- ○darśin mfn. id. MBh. R. &c
- • m. a bear L.
- • a vulture L.
- • N. of a minister Kathās. lxxxvi, 5
- • of a monkey R. v, 73, 43 (cf. dūra-)
- • ○śitā f. ○śitva n. farsightedness, providence Kām. viii, 10 ; iv, 8
- ○darśivas (cf. MBh. v, 4380),
- ○dṛśvan (cf. Kathās. lxi, 131) and mfn. = -darśana
○dṛṣṭi (L.), mfn. = -darśana
- ○dru m. = -taru L.
- ○druma m. 'the lofty tree', Salmalia Malabarica L.
- ○dveṣin mfn. cherishing long hatred, implacable MW.
- ○nakha mf(ī)n. having long nails MBh. ix, 2649
- • m. N. of a man Buddh.
- • (i), f. Diospyros Embryopteris L.
- ○nāda mfn. long-sounding
- • m. a dog L.
- • a cock L.
- • a conch-shell L.
- ○nāla m. 'long-stalked', N. of several kinds of grass (= vṛtta-guṇḍa and yāvanāla)
- • n. = -rohiṣaka L.
- ○nidrā f. long sleep Ragh. xii, 81
- • death Hcar.
- ○niśvasya ind. sighing or having sighed deeply W.
- ○niśvāsa m. a long or deep-drawn sigh Mālatīm. vii, 1/2
- ○nītha (○ghá-), m. N. of a man RV. viii, 50, 10
- ○pakṣa m. 'long-winged', the fork-tailed shrike L.
- ○paṭolikā f. a kind of cucurbitaceous fruit L.
- ○pattra mfn. 'long-leaved'
- • m. a kind of sugar-cane Suśr.
- • a species of ebony tree Bhpr.
- • the palm tree L.
- • a kind of onion L.
- • some other bulbous plant (= viṣṇu-kanda) L.
• several kinds of grass L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of plant related to the Hemionitis Cordifolia L.
- • Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- • = ḍoḍīgandha-pattrā &c. L.
- • (i), f. = palāśī or mahācañcu L.
- ○pattraka m. a kind of sugar-cane Suśr.
- • a kind of garlic (= rakta-lasuna) L.
- • Ricinus Communis L.
- • Barringtonia Acutangula L.
- • a kind of reed L.
- • Capparis Aphylla L.
- • = jalaja-madhūka L.
- • (ikā), f. Desmodium Gangeticum L.
- • Aloe Indica L.
- • = palāśī L.
- ○pad or mfn. 'long-legged'
- ○pād mfn. 'long-legged'
- • m. a heron L.
- ○parṇa mfn. long-leaved
- • (i), f. a species of plant related to the Hemionitis Cordifolia L.
- ○parvan m. 'having long knots or joints', sugar-cane L.
- ○pallava m. 'having long shoots or tendrils', Cannabis Sativa or Crotolaria Juncea L.
- ○pavana mfn. long winded'
- • m. an elephant L. (cf. -māruta)
- ○pāṭha m. 'the long reading', a kind of recitation of the VS. in which the consonants are often doubled Cat.
- ○pāda = -pad L.
- ○pādapa m. = -taru or the Areca-nut tree L.
- ○pādyā f. a kind of brick, Śulbas. iii, 177
- ○puṣpa m. 'having long flowers', Michelia Champaka or Calotropis Gigantea L.
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. 'long-backed'
- • m. a snake L.
- ○prajña mfn. having a far-seeing mind
- • m. N. of a king MBh.
- ○prayajyu (○ghá-), mfn. persevering in offerings and sacrifices RV. vii, 82, 1
- • receiving constant offerings or worship (Vishṇu-Varuṇa) TBr. ii, 8, 4, 5
- ○prayatna m. persevering effort MW.
- ○prasadman (○ghá-), mfn. offering extensive seats (the earth) RV. viii, 10, 1 ; 25, 20
- ○prâṇa mfn. having long breath ĀpŚr. vi, 20, 2
- ○prêkṣin mfn. = -darśana MBh. vii, 5467
- ○phala mfn. having long fruit
- • m. N. of plants (Cathartocarpus Fistula, Butea Frondosa, Asclepias Gigantea) L.
- • (ā), f. a red-colouring Oldenlandia
- • a vine with reddish grapes
- • Odina Pennata
- • a kind of cucumber L. =
- ○phalaka m. Agati Grandiflora L.
- ○bāhu mfn. long-armed MBh. iii, 2454 R. ii, 42, 18 &c
- • m. N. of one of the attendants on Śiva Hariv.
- • of a Dānava ib. (v. l. -kaṇṭha)
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- • of a son or grandson of Dilīpa Pur.
- • -garvita m. 'proud of having long arms', N. of a demon Lalit.
- ○bījā f. 'having long seed', N. of a plant Gal.
- ○bhuja mfn. 'long armed'
- • m. N. of one of the attendants on Śiva L.
- ○māruta = -pavana L.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. lṭlong-mouthed, long-beaked, long-faced TĀr. iv, 32, 1
- • m. N. of a Yaksha (?) Buddh.
- • (ī), f. Parra Jacana or Goensis ĀpŚr. xv, 19, 4 Sch.
- • the musk-rat L.
- ○mūla n. 'long-√', the √of Andropogon Muricatus
- • mf(a and ī)n. having long roots
- • m. a kind of Bilva or creeper L.
- • (ā), f. Desmodium Gangeticum or Ichnocarpus Frutescens Suśr.
- • (i), f. Alhagi Maurorum, Leea Hirta, Solanum Indicum L.
- ○mūlaka n. a kind of radish L.
- • (ikā), f. Desmodium Gangeticum L.
- ○yajña m. 'performing a lṭlong sacrifice', N. of a king of Ayodhyā MBh. ii, 1076
- ○yaśas (○ghá-), mfn. renowned far and wide RV. v, 61, 9
- ○yāthá m. or n. a long course or journey RV. ii, 15, 3 ; v, 45, 9
- ○yāma mfn. having long watches (as the night) Megh.
- ○raṅgā f. 'having a lasting colour', turmeric L.
- ○rata m. 'long in copulation', a dog' W. (cf. -surata)
- ○rada m. 'long-tusked', a hog L.
- ○rasana m. 'long-tongued', a serpent L.
- ○rāgā f. = -raṅgā L.
- ○rātram ind. for a long time or period Lalit. Divyâv.
- ○rātrika mfn. 'lṭlong-lasting' (fever) Bhpr.
- ○rāva m. 'making a prolonged noise or yell', N. of a jackal Hit.
- ○rūpa mfn. having a long form, having the form of a long vowel MW.
- ○rogin mfn. long ill or sick W.
- ○roma m. '= next'
- • N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- ○roman mfn. 'long-haired'
- • m. a bear L.
- • N. of one of the attendants on Śiva Hariv.
- ○roṣa mfn. long in anger, bearing a grudge ŚārṅgP.
- • -tā f. Mālav. iv, 1, 2
- ○roṣaṇa mfn. = -roṣa Subh. 203
- ○rohiṣaka m. a kind of fragrant grass L.
- ○latā-druma m. Ṣorea Robusta L.
- ○locana mfn. long-eyed Hariv.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- ○lohita-yaṣṭikā f. 'having a long red stem', red sugar-cane L.
- ○vanśa mfn. having a long reed
- • being of an ancient family W.
- • m. Amphidonax Karka L.
- ○vaktra m. 'long-faced', an elephant L.
- ○vacchikā (fr. vatsa? L.) or f. (cf. W.) a crocodile or alligator
- ○varchikā f. (cf. W.) a crocodile or alligator
- ○vat ind. like a long vowel W.
- ○varṇa m. a long vowel W.
- ○vartman n. = -yātha W.
- ○varṣā-bhū f. a white-flowered Punar-navā L.
- ○vālā f. long-tailed', the bos grunniens L.
- dīrghaviśvavedasakaivalyadīpikā3dīrghá--viśvavedasa-kaivalya-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru L.
- ○vṛtta-phalā (vṛnta-?), f. a kind of gourd L.
- ○vṛnta m. 'long-stalked', Colosanthes Indica
- • (ā), f. = indra-cirbhiṭī L.
- ○vṛntaka m. Colosanthes Indica and a variety of it L.
- • (ikā), f. Mimosa Octandra L.
- ○veṇu m. pl. N. of a people MBh. ii
- ○vyādhi mfn. suffering from a lṭlong illness L.
- ○śara m. 'having a long reed', Andropogon Bicolor L.
- ○śākha mfn. having long branches
- • m. Ṣorea Robusta L.
- • ○khikā f. a kind of shrub L.
- ○śimbika m. 'having a lṭlong pod', black mustard L.
- ○śira m. 'having a long head or beak', a kind of bird L.
- ○śūka
- ○śūḍkaka m. 'having long awns or beards, a sort of rice L.
- ○śṛṅga mfn. long-horned Kāv.
- ○śmaśru (○ghá-), mfn. lṭlong-bearded AV. xi, 5, 6
- ○śravas (○ghá-), mfn. renowned far and wide
- • m. N. of men RV. TāṇḍyaBr. xv, 3
- ○śrút mfn. hearing from afar RV. x, 114, 2
- • heard or renowned far and wide (superl. ○tama) RV. TS.
- ○saktha mf(i)n. having lṭlong thighs, P. v, 4, 113 Kāś.
- • ○thi mfn. having long shafts ib.
- ○sattrá n. a lṭlong-continued Soma sacrifice ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 5050
- • mfn. = ○trín mfn. occupied with a prolonged Soma rite ŚBr. BhP.
- ○saṃdhya mfn. performing lṭlong prayers or rites at the different twilights
- • -tva n. Mn. iv, 94
- ○sasya m. 'having long fruit', Diospyros Embryopteris L.
- ○surata m. = -rata L.
- ○sūtra mfn. 'spinning a lṭlong yarn', slow, dilatory, procrastinating MBh. R. &c
- • -tā f. (cf. ib.), -tva n. (cf. Gal.) procrastination, dilatoriness
- ○sūtrin mfn. = ○tra Bhag. xviii, 28
- • ○tritā f. = ○tratā Hit. i, 29 (v. l.)
- ○skandha m. = -taru L.
- ○svara m.= -varṇa W.
- dirghâṃhri m. 'having long roots', Desmodium Gangeticum L.
- dīrghâkāra mfn. long-formed, oblong MW.
- dirghâkṣa mf(i) n. long-eyed Mālav. ii, 3
- dirghâgama m. N. of a Buddh. wk
- dirghâṅka-grāma m. N. of a village
- dīrghâṅgī f. (cf. Bhpr.) and m. (cf. L.) = ○ṃhri
- dīrghâḍṅghri m. (cf. L.) = ○ṃhri
- dīrghā́-dhī mfn. having a far-seeing mind RV. ii, 27, 4
- dirghâdhva m. a long way or journey AitBr. vi, 23
- • -ga mfn. going long journeys
- • m. a camel, a letter-carrier or messenger L.
- dīrghânala n. a mystical N. of the syllable rā RāmatUp.
- dīrghânuparivartin mfn. having a long after-effect L.
- dirghâpâṅga mfn. having long, outer corners of the eyes
- • m. N. of an antelope Śak. v, 20/21
- dirghâpêkṣin mfn. very regardful or considerate MBh. vii, 5467 (B. dīrghapr○)
- dirghâpsas mfn. having a long fore-part (a waggon) RV. i, 122, 15
- dīrghâmaya mfn. long sick Hit. iv, 36
- dirghâyu mfn. long-lived. viii, 70, 7
- • -tvá n. ib. x, 62, 2 ŚBr. &c
- • -śocis (○ghā́yu-), mfn. shining through a long life (Agni) RV. v, 18, 3
- dīrghâyudha m. (!) long weapon, spear L.
- • mfn. having long weapons (tusks), m. a hog L.
- dirghâyus mfn. long-lived RV. MBh. &c
- • wished to be long-lived R. iii, 1, 11 (cf. āyuṣmat)
- • m. a crow L.
- • N. of 2 trees (jīvaka and śāmali) L.
- • of Mārkaṇḍeya L.
- • ○ṣka mfn. long-lived Bhpr.
- • ○ṣ-ṭva n. long-livedness, a long life Hariv. 886 (cf. ○yu-tva)
- • ○ṣya n. id., m. N. of a tree (= śveta mandāraka) L.
- dīrghâraṇyá n. a long tract of wild or desert country Br.
- dīrghâlarka m. = ghâyuṣya m. L.
- dirghâsya mfn. long-faced Hariv.
- • m. N. of a people Var.
- dīrghâhan mf(hnī)n. having long days. Pāṇ. 8-2, 69 Vārtt. 1 Pat. ; viii, 4, 7, id
- dirghêrvāru m. a kind of cucumber (= ḍaṅgari) L.
- dirghôcchvāsam ind. with a deep-drawn sigh Megh. 99
- dīrghôtkaṇṭha-manas mfn. having the heart full of an old longing BhP. iv, 9, 43
dirghaya Nom. P. ○yati, to be long, tarry, procrastinate R.
- dirghikā f. an oblong lake or pond MBh. Suśr. Kāv.
- dīrghī ind. in comp. for ○gha. root
- ○kṛ to lengthen, prolong Kālid. root
- ○bhū to become lengthen
- ○bhāva m. lengthening (of a vowel) VS. Prāt.
- ○bhūta lengthened (a vowel) Pāṇ. 7-4, 72 Sch.
- dīrṇa mfn. (√dṝ) torn, rent, sundered SāṅkhŚr. xiii, 12, 1 R. ii, 39, 29
- • scattered, dispersed (army) MBh. vi, 144, 146
- • frightened, afraid MBh. v, 4622, 4627
- dīv dīvi, dīvyat, under √2. div
- du (or dū), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 46) davati (pf. dudāva
- • fut. doṣyati, dotā
- • aor. adāviit or adauṣīt Vop.), to go: Caus. dāvayati or davayati ( s.v.) Actually occurring only in Subj. aor. daviṣāṇi RV. x, 34, 5, 'na d○ ebhih', (?) I will not go, i.e. have intercourse with them (the dice).
- du (also written dū),
- cl.5. P.4. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxvii, 10
- • xxvi, 24) dunoti, dūyate (ep. also ○ti
- • pf. dudāva
- • fut. doṣyati
- • aor. adauṣīt
- • inf. dotum), to be burnt, to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti MBh. iii, 10069 BhP. iii, 2, 17 Gīt. iii, 9
- • but oftener dūyate, which is at once Pass.) MBh. Suśr. Kāv. &c
- • (only dunóti) to burn, consume with fire, cause internal heat, pain, or sorrow, afflict, distress AV. ix, 4, 18 MBh. VarBṛS. Kāv.: Caus. dāvayati aor. adūduvat: Desid. dudūṣati: Intens. dodūyate, dodoti. [Cf. ?. for ?
- • ?, pain
- • Lit. davyti, to torment
- • Sl. daviti, to worry.]
- dut f. anxiety, uneasiness
- dud-da and mfn. giving pain, cruel, wicked L.
- duddādin mfn. giving pain, cruel, wicked L.
- duta mfn. pained, afflicted Śiś. vi, 59
- dunvat mfn. afflicting, injuring W.
- duḥ in comp. for dus (p. 488
- • for duḥ-k○, duḥ-p○, duṣ-k○, duṣ-p○)
- ○śáṃsa mfn. wishing or threatening evil, malicious, wicked RV. AV. &c
- ○śaka mfn. impracticable, impossible
- • -tva n. Comm.
- ○śakta and mfn. powerless Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Sch.
- ○śakḍti mfn. powerless Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Sch.
- ○śala m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i
- • (ā), f. of the only daughter of Dhṛitarāshṭra, wife of Jayad-ratha ib.
- ○śasta mfn. badly recited
- • n. a bad recitation Br.
- ○śākam ind. ill with vegetables Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch.
- ○śāsa mfn. difficult to be controlled Vop.
- ○śāsana mfn. id. Pāṇ. 3-3, 130 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○śā́sus mfn. malevolent RV. x, 33, 1
- ○śikṣita mfn. ill-bred, impertinent Bālar. ii, 22/23
- ○śiṣya m. a bad scholar Kathās.
- ○śī́ma mfn. bad to lie upon ŚāṅkhBr. ii, 7
- • m. N. of a man RV. x, 93, 14
- ○śīrtatanu mfn. having an indestructible body MaitrS. i, 8, 6
- ○śīla mfn. badly disposed, ill-behaved MBh. R. &c. (-tā, f. Kull.)
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās.
- • -citta mfn. bad-hearted, Subhāsh
- ○śṛṅgī f. a disloyal wife L.
- ○śṛta (dúḥ-), mfn. not well cooked, underdone MaitrS. i, 4, 13
- ○śéva mfn. envious, malignant RV. i, 42, 2
- ○śodha mfn. difficult to be cleaned Suśr.
- ○śoṣa mfn. difficult to be dried MBh. vii, 856
- ○śrava mfn. unpleasant to be heard
- • n. and -tva n. cacophony Sāh.
- ○śruta mfn. badly or wrongly heard R. iii, 41, 10 &c
- ○ṣanta m. older form for duṣyanta (q.v.) -ī
- ○ṣama n. a partic. weight (= 6 Dānaka) Car. viii, 1 (printed ○H-kh○). -2
- ○ṣáma n. a bad year ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 10 AitBr. ii, 29
- • (am), i, id. unevenly, improperly
- • at a wrong time (g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi)
- • (ā), f. (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (viz. the 5th in the Ava-sarpiṇī and the 2nd in the Ut-sṭsarpiṇī) L.
- • ○ma-suṣamā f. (with Jainas) id. (the 4th and 3rd resp.) L.
- ○ṣáha mfn. irresistible RV. ix, 91, 5 (cf. duḥ-s○)
- ○ṣupta mfn. sleeping badly, having bad dreams L.
- ○ṣṭuta n. faulty recitation of a Stotra AitBr. iii, 38
- ○ṣṭutí or (dúḥ)
- ○ṣṭuti f. a faulty or bad hymn RV. i, 53, 1 &c
- ○ṣṭhu mfn. ill-behaved Uṇ. i, 26 Sch.
- • ind. badly (g. svar-ādi)
- ○ṣparśa -sparśa
- ○ṣvanta wṛ. for duṣy○
- ○ṣvápnya n. bad sleep or dreams RV. AV.
- ○saṃrakṣya mfn. difficult to be guarded Nīlak.
- ○saṃlakṣya mfn. difficult to be observed or recognised Rājat.
- ○saṃskāra m. a bad custom or practice ib.
- ○saṃsthita mfn. deformed R. ii, 8, 40
- ○saktha or mfn. having deformed thighs Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Kāś.
- ○sakḍthi mfn. having deformed thighs Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Kāś.
- ○saṅga m. bad inclination BhP.
- ○saṃcāra mfn. difficult to be walked or passed Pañc. i, 189 Bālar. vi, 38/39
- ○saṃcintya mfn. difficult to be conceived or imagined Rājat.
- ○sattva n. evil being, noxious animal
- • -vat mfn. filled with wild beasts (wood) R. ii, 28, 17
- ○saṃdhāna mfn. difficult to be united Pañc. ii, 36
- ○saṃdheya mfn. id. MBh. v, 5827
- ○sama mfn. unequal, uneven, unfit, perverse, bad L. (cf. duḥṣ○)
- ○samatikrama mfn. difficult to be surmounted L.
- ○samartha mfn. difficult to be conceived Sarvad.
- ○ṣamīkṣya mfn. difficult to be perceived MBh. vii, 1928
- ○sampāda (cf. Daś.) and mfn. dṭdifficult to be attained or arrived at
- ○sampāḍdya (cf. Śaṃk., -tva n.), mfn. difficult to be attained or arrived at
- ○sarpa m. a vicious serpent Kathās.
- ○saha mfn. difficult to be borne, unbearable, irresistible (-tva, n
- • comp. -tara) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. N. an evil demon MārkP.
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- • of Puru-kutsa Pur.
- • (ā), f. N. of Śri MBh. xii, 8154
- • of a shrub (= nāga-damanī) L.
- ○sahāya mfn. having bad companions, forsaken by all MBh. v, 1861
- ○sākṣin m. a false witness R. iii, 18, 34
- ○sādhya mfn. difficult to be performed or accomplished Hariv. Kām. Pañc. &c
- • difficult to be managed or dealt with Pañc. i, 228/259 difficult to be reconciled Bhartṛ. i, 49
- • difficult to be cured Hariv. 16132
- • difficult to be conquered MW.
- ○sevya mfn. difficult to be managed, intractable MBh. xiii, 2225
- ○strī f. a bad woman (g. yuvâdi)
- ○stha mfn. 'standing badly', unsteady, disquieted (lit. and fig.)
- • uneasy, unhappy, poor, miserable Pur. Rājat.
- • ignorant, unwise, a fool L.
- • covetous W.
- • (am), ind. badly, ill
- • with √sthā, to be unwell Amar. 29
- ○sthita mfn. = -stha Kathās. Pur. Rājat.
- • n. an improper manner of standing MBh. iii, 14669
- ○sthiti f. ill condition Kathās. lxxi, 240
- ○stheya mfn. difficult to be stood
- • n. difficult standing MBh. xii, 11090
- ○snāna n. defective or inauspicious ablution Hariv. 3413
- ○sparśa mfn. difficult to be touched or unpleasant to the touch MBh. BhP.
- • m. Alhagi Maurorum (also ○śaka, Cār.)
- • Guilandina Bonduc L.
- • (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum
- • Solanum Jacquini
- • Mucuna Pruritus
- • Cassyta Filiformis Suśr. Bhpr. L.
- ○spṛśa mfn. difficult or unpleasant to be touched Hariv. 3645
- ○spṛṣṭa n. slight contact, the action of the tongue which produces the sounds y, r, l, v RV. Prāt.
- • m. a sound thus produced Śiksh.
- ○sphoṭa m. 'difficult to be burst', a sort of weapon L.
- ○smara mfn. unpleasant to be remembered Uttarar. vi, 32
- ○svana mfn. sounding badly, cacophonous MBh. v, 7241
- ○svapna m. a bad dream, GS
- • -darśana n. seeing a bad dream ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- • -nāśa m. removal of bad dream BhP.
- • mfn. = next Hariv.
- • -nāśana and ○śin mfn. removing bad dreams MBh. Hariv.
- • -pratibodhana mfn. difficult to be awakened from sleep R. v, 81, 53
- • -śānti f. (lit.= the next) N. of wk
- • ○pnôpaśānti f. the cessation of a bad dream BhP. viii, 4, 15
- duḥkhá mfn. (according to grammarians properly written duṣ-kha and said to be from dus and kha ; but more probably a Prākritized form for duḥ-stha, q.v.) uneasy, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult R. Hariv. (compar. -tara MBh. R.)
- • n. (ifc. f. ā) uneasiness, pain, sorrow, trouble, difficulty ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 15
- Mn. MBh. &c. (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedanā VP.)
- • (am), ind. with difficulty, scarcely, hardly (also at and ena) MBh. R.
- • impers. it is difficult to or to be (inf.with an acc. or nom. R. vii, 6, 38 Bhag. v, 6)
- • duḥkham -√as, to be sad or uneasy Ratn. iv, 19/20
- • -√kṛ, to cause or feel pain Yājñ. ii, 218 MBh. xii, 5298
- ○kara mf(ī)n. causing pain to (gen.), afflicting MBh. i, 6131
- ○kārin mfn. id. Ratn. iv, 16/17
- ○gata n. adversity, calamity MBh. xii, 5202
- ○graha mfn. difficult to be conceived Ratn. iv, 13/14
- ○cārin mfn. going with pain, distressed R. iii, 23, 14
- ○cchinna mfn. cut with difficulty, tough, hard
- • pained, distressed W.
- ○cchedya mfn. to be cut or overcome with difficulty Hit. iv, 24
- ○jāta mfn. suffering pain, distressed Pāṇ. 4-1, 52 Vārtt. 5 Pat. ; vi, 2, 170
- ○jīvin mfn. living in pain or distress Mn. xi, 9
○tara n. greater pain, a greater evil than (abl.) Nal. xi, 17 (cf. above). =
- ○tā f. uneasiness, pain, discomfort ChUp.vii, 26 R.
- ○dagdha mfn. 'burnt by affliction', pained, distressed W.
- ○duḥkha n. (instr.) with great difficulty Megh. 90
- • -tā f. the uneasiness connected with pain SaddhP.
- ○duḥkhin mfn. having sorrow upon sorrow BhP. xi, 11, 19
- ○dohyā f. difficult to be milked (cow) L.
- ○nivaha mfn. carrying pain with or after it, painful (thirst) BhP. ix, 19, 16
- • m. a multitude of pains or evils ib. iii, 9, 9
- ○parī7tâṅga mfn. whose limbs are surrounded or filled with pain MBh.
- • ○tâtman mfn. whose soul is affected with anguish ib.
- ○pātra n. a vessel or receptacle (= object) for sorrow Jain.
- ○prāya or mfn. full of trouble and pain W.
- ○bahula mfn. full of trouble and pain W.
- ○bodha mfn. difficult to be understood Nyāyas. i, 1, 37
- ○bhāgin mfn. having pain as one's portion, unhappy Mn. iv, 157
- ○bhāj mfn. id. Veṇis. iv, 110/111,
- ○bheṣaja mf(ī)n. healing woe (Kṛishṇa) MBh. xii, 1624
- ○maya mf(i)n. consisting in suffering
- • -tva n. Sāh.
- ○maraṇa mfn. having a painful death, Mālatim. viii, 8/9
- ○mokṣa m. deliverance from pain MW.
- ○moha m. perplexity from pain or sorrow, despair Daś.
- ○yantra n. application of pain, torture ib.
- ○yoga m. infliction of pain Mn. vi, 24
- ○yoni m. or f. a source of misery Bhag. v, 22
- ○labdhikā f. 'gained with difficulty', N. of a princess Kathās.
- ○lavya mfn. hard to be cut or pierced (aim) Bālar. iv, 11
- ○loka m. 'the world of pain' (= saṃsāra) L.
- ○vasati f. and a difficult abode MBh.
- ○vāsa m. a difficult abode MBh.
- ○vega m. a violent grief. Kāv.
- ○vyābhāṣita mfn. pronounced with difficulty MBh. xiii, 4485
- ○śīla mfn. bad-tempered, irritable MBh.
- • -tva n. irritability, Suśr
- ○śoka-paritrāṇa n. a shelter from pain and sorrow (Kṛishṇa) MBh. xii, 1681,
- ○śoka-vat mfn. feeling pain and sorrow R. iv, 19, 11
- ○śoka-samanvita mfn. id. MW.
- ○saṃyoga m. = duḥkha-yoga W.
- ○saṃvardhita mfn. reared with difficulty W.
- ○saṃsthiti mfn. in a wretched condition, poor, miserable W.
- ○saṃsparśa mfn. unpleasant to the touch MBh. v, 2046
- ○saṃcāra mfn. passing unhappily (time) R. iii, 22, 10
- ○samāyukta mfn. accompanied, with pain, affected by anguish MW.
- ○sāgara m. 'ocean of pain', great sorrow
- • the world W.
- ○sparśa mfn. = -saṃsp○ Kull. ii, 98
- ○han mfn. removing pain W.
- duḥkhâkara m. a multitude of sorrows Daś.
- duḥkhâkula mfn. filled with sorrow Kathās.
- duḥkhâcāra mfn. difficult to be dealt with, hard to manage MBh. iv, 274
- duḥkhâtī7ta mfn. freed or escaped from pain W.
- duḥkhâtmaka mfn. whose essence is sorrow
- • -tva n. Sarvad.
- duḥkhânarha mfn. deserving no pain MBh. iii, 998
- duḥkhânta m. 'the end of pain or trouble', (with the Mâhêśvaras) final emancipation Madhus.
- duḥkhânvita mfn. accompanied with pain, filled with grief. distressed W.
- duḥkhâbhijña mfn. familiar with pain or sorrow MBh. i, 745
- duḥkhârta mfn. visited by pain, distressed MBh. i, 1860
- duḥkhâliḍha mfn. consumed with grief MW.
- duḥkhâsikā f. a condition of uneasiness or discomfort Subh. 156 Kād.
- duḥkhôcchedya mfn. = duḥkha-cch○ (v. l.)
- duḥkhôttara mfn. followed by pain Śak. v, 5/6
- duḥkhôdarka mfn. having pain as result BhP. xi, 20, 28
- duḥkhôpaghāta m. violent pain or grief. MBh. xii, 7460
- duḥkhôpacarya mfn. = ○khâcāra Mudr. iii, 5
- duḥkhôpahata-cetas mfn. having the heart stricken with sorrow MBh. xiii, 1801
- duḥkhôpêta mfn. affected by pain, suffering distress MW.
- duḥkha Nom. P. ○khati, to pain SaddhP.
- duḥḍkhaya Nom. P. ○yati, (cf. Dhātup. xxxv, 76), id
- duḥkhā-√kṛ to cause pain, afflict, distress Śiś. ii, 11
- duḥkhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to feel pain, be distressed Mālav. v, 3
- duḥkhita mfn. pained, distressed
- • afflicted, unhappy Mn. MBh. R. &c
- • -citta mfn. grieved in mind MW.
- duḥkhin mfn. pained, afflicted, grieved Kathās. Hit. &c
- duḥḍkhitā f. Kathās.
- duḥḍkhitva n. Vedântas.
- duḥkhiya Nom. P. ○yati, to feel pain, be distressed Hit. ii, 25
- duḥkhya Nom. P. ○yati, to cause pain (g. kaṇvâdi)
- dukūla m. a kind of plant Hariv. 12680
- • n. very fine cloth or raiment made of the inner bark of this plant MBh. Hariv. Suśr. Kāv. &c. (different from kṣauma MBh. xiii, 7175, opp. to valkala Bhartṛ. iii, 54)
- ○paṭṭa m. a head-band of fine cloth Hariv. 7041
- ○vat mfn. wearing a garment of fine cloth Ragh. xvii, 25
- dugūla n. = ○kūla n. L. (cf. Megh. 64 as v. l.)
- dugdhá mfn. (√2. duh) milked, milked out, extracted RV. AV. &c
- • sucked out, impoverished Daś.
- • milked together, accumulated, filled, full BhP. L.
- • n. milk AV. TS. ŚBr. Suśr. Pañc. &c
- • the milky juice of plants, sap (cf. go-rakṣa- and tāmra-)
- • (ī), f. a kind of Asclepias (= kṣīrāvikā) L.
- ○kūpikā f. a cake made of ground rice and filled with coagulated milk Bhpr.
- ○caru m. milk-food Gal.
- ○tā f. and milkiness, milky nature W.
- ○tva n. milkiness, milky nature W.
- ○tālīya n. the froth of mṭmilk, cream L.
- • milk and mangoes, mango fool W.
- ○tumbī f. a kind of gourd L.
- ○da mfn. giving milk Pañc., Intr. 5
- • increasing milk Bhpr.
- ○doha mfn. milked out KaṭhUp. i, 3
- ○padī (○dhá.), f. whose footstep is milk Suparṇ. ix, 4
- ○pācana n. a kind of salt (= vajraka) L.
- • a vessel for boiling milk W.
- ○pātra n. a milk -pan MW.
- ○pāyin mfn. drinking milk ib.
- ○pāṣāṇa n. calcareous spar L.
- ○pucchī and f. a kind of Curcuma L.
- ○peyā f. a kind of Curcuma L.
- ○poṣya m. a suckling MW.
- ○phena m. the froth of milk, cream L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of small shrub (= gojā-parṇī, payaḥ-phenī, &c.) L.
- ○bandhaka m. the pledging of mṭmilk L.
- ○bījā f. rice mixed with milk L.
- • a kind of gourd L.
- ○bhṛt m. bearing or yielding mṭmilk MaitrS. i, 6, 1.
- ○mukha mfn. having milk in the mouth, very young HPariś.
- ○vaṭī f. a partic. mixture against diarrhoea (med.)
- ○samudra m. the sea of mṭmilk L.
- ○sindhu m. id. Mālatīm. iii, 10/11
- ○srotas n. a stream of milk ib. iii, 14
- dugdhâkṣa m. 'having milk-white eyes', a partic. precious stone L.
- dugdhâgra n. upper part or surface of mṭmilk, cream L.
- dugdhâbdhi m. the sea of milk Rājat. iii, 276 Kathās.
- • -tanayā f. N. of Lakshmi Kavik.
- dugdhâmbudhi m. = ○dhâbdhi Prab. iv, 30/0
- dugdhâmra n. milk and mangoes, mango fool L.
- dugdhâśman m. calcareous spar L.
- dugdhôdadhi m. the sea of milk Naish.
- dugdhikā f. (written also ○dhīkā) a sort of Asclepias or Oxystelma Esculentum (med.)
- dugdhin mfn. having milk, milky W.
- • n. calcareous spar L.
- dugḍdhinikā f. red-flowered Apâmārga L.
- dugha mfn. milking, yielding (ifc.)
- • (dúghā), f. a milch-cow RV. VS.
- ducchaka m. a kind of fragrance or a hall of fragrances (= gandha-kuṭī) L.
- ducchúnā f. (prob. fr. dus and śuná) misfortune, calamity, harm, mischief (often personified as a demon) RV. AV. VS.
- ducchúḍnāya Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to wish to harm, be evil disposed RV.
- duḍi f. a small tortoise L. (cf. duli)
- duṇḍuka mfn. fraudulent, malicious L.
- duṇḍubha and ○bhi m. a kind of lizard MBh. vii, 6905 Suśr. Var. (= duṇḍubha
- • cf. also dundubha and ○bhika)
- duṇḍhā f. N. of a Rākshasī W.
- dutthótthadavīra (astrol.), N. of the 13th Yoga
- duda m. N. of a mountain MBh. xiii, 7658
- duduha m. (√-2. duh?) N. of a prince Hariv. Pur.
- duddhara m. (for dur-dh○?) a kind of rope-ladder Pañcad.
- dudyūṣu mfn. (√2. div Desid.) wish to play with (acc.) Bhaṭṭ. ix, 32
dudrukṣu wṛ. for dudhrukṣu q.v
- dudruma wṛ. for durdruma q.v
- dudh cl. 1. P. dódhati (Nigh. ii, 12), to be angry, hurt, injure
- • Pres. p. dódhat, impetuous, wild, fierce RV.
- dúdhi mfn. violent, impetuous, injurious RV.
- dúdhita mfn. troubled, perplexed, turbid RV.
- dudhrá mfn. = dúdhi RV.
- ○kṛ́t mfn. exciting, boisterous (the Maruts) RV. i, 64, 11
- ○vāc (○dhrá-), mfn. speaking boisterously or confusedly RV. vii, 21, 2
- dudhukṣu mfn. (√2. duh Desid.) wishing to milk MBh. vii, 2409
- dudhrukṣu mfn. (√druh Desid.) wishing to harm, malicious Rājat. vii, 1267
- dundama m. a drum L.
- dundu m. id. L.
- • N. of Vasu-deva L.
- ○nābha (nāda?), m. a kind of spell (= dundubhi-svana) R.
- ○māra m. = dhundhu- (q.v.) L.
- dundubha m. an unvenomous watersnake Sāy. (cf. duṇḍubha and ○bhi)
- • N. of Śiva ŚivaP.
- • pl. of a Vedic school Hcat. i, 7
- • a drum (cf. anaka-)
- dundubhí mf. a sort of large kettledrum RV. Br. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a sort of poison L.
- • N. of the 56th year in the Jupiter cycle of 60 years Var. Sūryas.
- • of Kiṛishṇa MBh. xii, 1511
- • of Varuṇa L.
- • of Asuras, a Rakshas, a Yaksha
- &c. R. Hariv. Kathās.
- • of a son of Andhaka and grandson of Anu &c. Pur.
- • f. a drum AV. vi, 38, 4 (also ○bhī MBh. iii, 786)
• (i), f. a partic. throw of the dice in gambling L.
- • N. of a Gandharvii MBh.
- • n. N. of a partic. Varsha in Krauñca-dviipa VP.
- ○grīva mfn. 'drum-necked' (ox) MBh. viii, 1805
- ○darpa-han m. 'breaking the pride of Dundubhí', N. of Vālin Gal.
- ○nirhrāda m. 'drum sounding', N. of a Dānava
- ○vadha m. N. of the 89th ch. of the GaṇP.
- ○vimocanīya mfn. (homa) relating to the uncovering of a drum ĀpŚr. xviii, 5
- ○svana m. 'drum-sound', a kind of magical formula against evil spirits supposed to possess weapons R.
- ○svara m. 'having drum-like voice', N. of a man
- • -rāja m. N. of sev. Buddhas
- dundubhī7śvara m. N. of a Buddha
- dundubhy-āghātá m. a drummer ŚBr.
- dundubhika m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr.
- dunduḍbhyá mfn. only in cakra-
- dundumāya Nom. Ā., only in ○yita n. the sound of a drum Uttarar. vi, 2
- duphāra m. N. of a place Romakas.
- dumatī f. N. of a river L.
- dumela n. and partic. high number Buddh.
- dumbaka m. the thick-tailed sheep Bhpr.
- dummadumāka m. N. of a village
- dúr f. (only dúras acc. nom., and durás. pl.) = dvār, a door (cf. 2. dura)
- duraḥprabhṛti mfn. beginning with the doors ĀpŚr.
- duro-dara m. 'door-opener' (cf. dura-dabhna), a dice-player, gamester MBh. ii, 2000 &c
- • dice-box, viii, 3763
- • a stake L.
- • n. (m.?) playing, gaming, a game at dice MBh. Kāv. (written also daro-)
- duḥ-sādhin m. a door-keeper
- dura = 1. dur only in śata- (q.v.)
- ○dabhná mfn. 'eluding doors', not to be kept by bolts and bars AV. xii, 4, 4, 19
- durá m. (perhaps √dṝ) 'one who opens or unlocks', giver, granter (= dātṛ Sāy.) RV. i, 53, 2 ; vi, 35, 5
- duroṇá n. residence, dwelling, home RV.
- ○yú mfn. fond of a house or of home, viii, 49, 19
- ○sád mfn. residing in a house, iv, 40, 5
- dúrya mfn. belonging to the door or house RV.
- • m. pl. a residence (cf. Lat. fores) ib.
- duryoṇá n. = duroṇá ib.
- dur in comp. for dus (p.488), denoting 'bad' or 'difficult' &c
- • duriṣṭha, (superl.) very bad or difficult or wicked
- • n. great crime or wickedness L.
- ○akṣa m. (fr. 2. akṣa) a bad or fraudulent die W.
- • (○ṣá), mf(ī)n. (fr. 4. akṣa) weak-eyed ŚBr.
- ○akṣara n. an evil word Naish. ix, 63
- ○atikrama mfn. hard or difficult to be overcome, insurmountable, inevitable Mn. xi, 238 R. Pañc. &c
- • m. N. of a Brāhman (regarded as son of Śiva) VāyuP.
- • N. of Śiva
- • ○maṇīya mfn. impassable, Bāl. vi, 18/19
- ○atyaya mfn. -atikrama KaṭhUp. iii, 14 MBh. R. &c
- • inaccessible MBh. xiii, 4880
- • inscrutable, unfathomable R. iii, 71, 15 BhP.
- • ○yânukramaṇa mfn. whose ways are past finding out (God) MW.
- ○atyétu mfn. = -atikrama RV. vii, 65, 3
- ○adṛṣṭa n. ill luck L.
- ○admanī f. bad or noxious food VS. ii, 20
- ○adhiga mfn. difficult to be obtained BhP. iii, 23, 8
- • ○gama id., inscrutable, unfathomable Kir. v, 18
- ○adhiṣṭhita mfn. badly managed or executed MBh. vii, 3314
- • n. staying anywhere improperly ib. xii, 3084
- ○adhī7ta mfn. badly read or learnt Cāṇ.
- ○adhī7yāna mfn. learning badly GopBr. i, 1, 31
- ○adhī7śvara m. a bad king L.
- ○adhyaya mfn. difficult of attainment Śiś. xii, 11
- • ○yayana mfn. = ○adhī7yāna MW.
- ○adhyavasāya m. a bad or foolish beginning Bhartṛ.
- ○adhyeya mfn. difficult to be studied or learnt
- • -tva n. Cat.
- ○adhva m. a bad road Naish. ix, 33
- ○anujñāta mfn. badly allowed or granted BhP. x, 64, 35
- ○anuneya mfn. difficult to be won over
- • -tā f. Jātakam.
- ○anupālana mfn. difficult to be kept or preserved MBh. xiii, 1929
- ○anubodha mfn. difficult to be recollected L.
- ○anuvartya mfn. difficult to follow Jātakam.
- ○anuṣṭhita mfn. badly done or acted R.
- • ○ṣṭheya mfn. difficult to perform MBh.
- ○anta mfn. having no end, infinite
- • having a bad end, miserable Mn. MBh. &c
- • -kṛcchra m. or n. infinite danger BhP. i, 15, 11
- • -kṛt mfn. doing what is endless or suffering endless pains MBh. x, 15
- • -cintā f. infinite sorrow BhP. iv, 28, 8
- • -deva m. the god who removes difficulties (Gaṇêśa) Cāṇ.
- • -paryanta mfn. having a bad end Prasannar.
- • -bhāva mfn. exceedingly passionate BhP. i, 11, 33
- • -moha mfn. whose infatuation has a bad ending or has no end BhP. vii, 6, 13
- • -viirya mfn. having endless energy BhP. i, 3, 38
- • -śakti mfn. having endless power ib. vii, 8, 40
- ○antaka mfn. = -anta (Śiva) MBh. xiii, 724
- ○anvaya mfn. difficult to be passed along (road) R. ii, 92, 3
- • difficult to be accomplished or performed MBh. Hariv.
- • difficult to be found out or fathomed R.
- • not corresponding or suitable BhP. x, 84, 14
- • m. a false concord (in gram.)
- • a consequence wrongly deduced from given premises MW.
- ○anveṣya mfn. difficult to be searched out or through R. iv, 48, 6
- ○apacāra mfn. difficult to be displeased or offended W.
- ○apavāda m. ill report, slander Subh.
- ○apâsa mfn. difficult to be cast off Naish. v, 130
- ○abhí n. (wrongly opp. to surabhi) stench MaitrS. ii, 1, 3
- ○abhigraha mfn. difficult to be laid hold of W.
- • m. Achyranthes Aspera L.
- • (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus
- • Alhagi Maurorum L.
- ○abhiprâya mfn. having a bad intention BhP. x, 42, 20
- ○abhibhava mfn. hard to be overcome or surpassed Kād.
- ○abhimānin mfn. disagreeably or intolerably proud Prab. iii, 16/17
- ○abhirakṣa mfn. difficult to be watched or kept
- • -tā f. Daś.
- ○abhisaṃdhi m. = -abhiprâya Sch. on Mṛicch. v, 27
- ○abhisambhava mfn. difficult to be performed, beset with difficulties, Jātakem
- ○avagama mfn. difficult to be understood, incomprehensible BhP. v, 13, 26
- ○avagāha mfn. difficult to be fathomed or found out Śak. (Pi.) i, 24/25
- • difficult to be entered, inaccessible Jātakam.
- ○avagraha mfn. difficult to be kept back or restrained Kām. viii, 66
- • m. wicked obstinacy, stubbornness BhP. iv, 19, 35
- • -grāha (B.) or -grāhya mfn. difficult to be attained (cf. BhP. vii, 1, 19)
- ○avacchada mfn. difficult to be veiled or hidden ib. x, 62, 27
- ○avatāra mfn. difficult to be reached by descending Kathās. lxv, 17
- ○avadhāraka mfn. deciding or judging badly ib. lxxii, 215
- ○avadhāraṇa mfn. difficult to be defined, Parvad
- • ○dhārya mfn. difficult to be understood ib. lviii, 66
- ○avabodha mfn. id. BhP. x, 49, 29
- • -tā f. Sāy.
- ○avaroha mfn. = -avatāra Rājat. vi, 49
- ○avalepa m. disagreeable arrogance Prasannar.
- ○avavada n. (impers.) difficult to speak ill of (gen.) AitBr.v, 22
- ○avasita mfn. difficult to be ascertained, unfathomed BhP. xii, 12, 66
- ○avastha mfn. badly situated
- • (ā), f. a bad situation Prab. vi, 4/5
- • ○sthita mfn. not firmly established BhP. x, 76, 22
- ○avâpa mfn. difficult to be attained or accomplished MBh. vii, 727 Śak. i, 26/27
- ○avêkṣita n. an improper look, a forbidden glance MBh. iii, 14669
- ○ahna m. a bad day L.
- ○ākṛṭi mfn. badly formed, disfigured, misshapen R. Hariv.
- ○ākranda mfn. having bad (or no) friends Pañc. iv, 31
- ○ākrama mfn. difficult to be ascended or approached MBh. R.
- ○ākramaṇa n. unfair attack
- • difficult approach MW.
- ○ākrānta mfn. unjustly attacked
- • difficult of access ib.
- ○ākrāma mfn. difficult to be passed, invincible R.
- • metric. = ○krama ib., (B.)
- ○ākrośam ind. while badly scolding R. iv, 9, 19
- ○āgata m. 'badly come', N. of a man Buddh.
- ○āgama m. bad income, improper gain MBh. v, 1513
- ○āgraha m.= -avagraha m. BhP. iii, 5, 43
- ○ācara mfn. difficult to be practised or performed MBh. xii, 656
- • difficult to be treated or cured, incurable Suśr.
- • ○rita n. misfortune, ill luck MBh. vii, 6336
- ○ācāra m. bad behaviour, ill conduct MBh.
- • mfn. ill-conducted, wicked Mn. MBh. &c
- • ○rin mfn. id
- ○āḍhya mfn. not rich, poor W.
- • -ṃ-kara mfn. difficult to be made rich Pāṇ. 3-3, 127 Sch.
- • -m-bhava mfn. becoming rich with difficulty ib.
- ○ātman mfn. evil-natured, wicked, bad Mn. MBh. &c
- • ○ma-tā f. meanness, wickedness MBh.i, 2010
- • ○ma-vat mfn. = ○man MBh. i, 2017 &c
- ○ādāna mfn. difficult to be laid hold of ṢaḍvBr. iii, 10
- ○ādṛṣṭi mfn. bad-looking Cāṇ.
- ○ādeya mfn. difficult to be taken away or seized MBh. v, 5201
- ○ādhana m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i, 2736 (cf. next)
- ○ādhara mfn. difficult to be withstood, irresistible, invincible, inaccessible MBh.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4549 (cf. the prec.)
- ○ādhárṣa mfn. difficult to be attacked or approached, dangerous, invincible, irresistible RV. AV. MBh. &c
- • haughty, arrogant W.
- • m. white mustard L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of shrub (= kuṭumbinī) L.
- ○ādhāra mfn. difficult to be conceived Nīlak. on MBh. xiii, 724
- ○ādhi m. distress or anxiety of mind Kir. i, 28
- • indignation Bhadrab. i, 34
- ○ādhī́ mfn. meditating evil, malignant RV.
- ○ānama mfn. hard to bend (as a bow) R. i, 77, 14 Ragh. xi, 38
- ○āneya mfn. difficult to be brought near HPariś.
- ○ā́pa mfn. difficult to be attained or approached, inaccessible ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv.
- ○āpaná mfn. difficult to be overtaken RV. x, 95, 2
- ○āpādana mfn. difficult to be brought about BhP. iii, 23, 42
- ○āpūra mfn. difficult to be filled or satisfied, vii, 6, 8
- ○ābādha mfn. not to be assaulted with impunity (Śiva) MBh. xiii, 724
- ○āmoda m. bad scent, stench Kathās. lxxxii, 22
- ○āmnāya mfn. difficult to be handed down MBh. xiv, 1441
- ○ā́yya v. l. for -ā́vii
- ○ārakṣa or mfn. difficult to be protected R. ii, 52, 72
- ○ārakḍṣya mfn. difficult to be protected R. ii, 52, 72
- ○ārādha or mfn. difficult to be propitiated or won or overcome Kāv.
- ○ārāḍdhya mfn. difficult to be propitiated or won or overcome Kāv.
- ○āri-han (for ar○), m. 'killing wicked enemies', N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7032
- ○ārnha mfn. difficult to be ascended or mounted MBh. R.
- • m. a cocoa-nut tree or Aegle Marmelos L.
- • (ā), f. Phoenix Sylvestris L.
- ○ārūḍha mfn. ascended with difficulty MW.
- ○āropa mfn. difficult to be strung (bow) Bālar. i, 46/47
- ○āroha mfn. difficult to be ascended MBh. R. (-tā f. Kād.)
- • m. the palm or date tree L.
- • (ā), f. the silk-cotton tree L.
- • ○haṇīya mfn. difficult to be ascended MW.
- ○ālakṣya mfn. difficult to be perceived MBh. Kāv.
- ○ālabha mfn. difficult to be handled W.
- • ā, (f.) Alhagi Maurorum, Śuśr
- ○ālamba mfn. difficult to be laid hold of or attained R. v, 73, 6
- ○ālambha mfn. difficult or unfit to be touched or handled MBh. xiii, 4707
- • (ā), f. = -ālabhā L.
- ○ālāpa m. curse, imprecation, abuse L.
- ○āloka mfn. difficult to be perceived Kāv.
- • not to be looked at, painfully bright
- • m. dazzling splendour W.
- ○āvara v. l. for ○vāra R. (B.)
- ○āvarta mfn. difficult to be turned (from an opinion &c.) MBh. xii, 597
- ○āvaha mfn. difficult to be brought or led towards (comp.) MBh. xii, 12459
- ○āvāra mfn. difficult to be covered or filled up R. ii, 105, 3
- • difficult to be restrained, invincible MBh. vii, 1480
- ○āvāsin mfn. having a bad dwelling Cāṇ.
- ○āvī́ (acc. ○vyám), mfn. dṭdifficult to be passed through, Rv. ix, 41, 2. -I
- ○āśa m. N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr. - 2
- ○āśa mfn. having bad expectations Prab.iii, 5
- • (ā), f. bad expectation, vain hope, despair Rājat. BhP.
- ○āśaṃsin mfn. foreboding evil Vṛishabhân.
- ○āśaya mfn. evil-minded, malicious Prab. ii, 28/29 BhP.
- • m. the subtle body which is not destroyed by death Sch.
- ○āśir (dúr-), mfn. badly mixed (Soma) RV. viii, 2, 5
- ○āśis mfn. having evil wishes or intentions BhP.
- ○āśraya mfn. difficult to be practised TejobUp. 2. -1
- ○āsa mfn. difficult to be driven out or expelled W. -2
- ○āsa mfn. difficult to be abided or associated with Śiś. v, 19
- ○āsada mfn. difficult or dangerous to be approached MBh. Kāv. Pur.
- • difficult to be found or met with, unheard of, unparalleled MBh. R.
- • difficult to be accomplished (vḷ. ○saha)
- • m. N. of Śiva, mystical N. of a sword MBh. xii, 6203
- ○āsaha mfn. difficult to be accomplished MBh. iii, 12255 (vḷ. ○sada)
- • mṃystical N. of a sword (v. prec.) Gal.
- ○āsita n. a bad manner of sitting MBh. iii, 14669 ; xii, 3084
- ○āseva mfn. difficult to be dealt with or associated with R. iii, 23, 15
- ○āhara mfn. difficult to be offered (sacrifice) MBh. ii, 664
- ○ā́hā ind. (opp. to sv-āhā) ill luck, misfortune AV.
- ○√i cl. 1. Ā. dur-ayate or dul-ayate Siddh., only in deriv
- ○itá (dúr- RV. i, 125, 7), n. bad course, difficulty, danger. discomfort, evil, sin (also personified) RV. AV. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- • mfn. difficult, bad AV. xii, 2, 28
- • wicked, sinful L.
- • -kṣaya m. destruction of sin BhP.
- • N. of a man ib.
- • -damanī f. Mimosa Suma L.
• ○tâtman mfn. evil-minded, malicious Subh. 147
- • ○târi f. 'enemy of sin', N. of a Jaina goddess
- • ○târṇava m. 'ocean of sins', N. of a king Kautukar.
- ○ití f. bad course, difficulty, distress TBr. 1
- ○iṣṭa n. (√3. iṣ) 'bad wish', curse, sorcery, (cf. ○īṣaṇā)
- • -kṛt mfn. performing a magic spell to injure another VP. -2
- ○iṣṭa (dúr-), mfn. (√yaj) badly sacrificed (opp. to sv-iṣṭa) Br.
- ○iṣṭi (dúr-), f. defect or failure in a sacrifice AV. VS.
- ○īkiṣa mfn. difficult to be seen
- • -tā f. Śiś. xvii, 10
- ○īśa m. a bad master Prab. v, 18
- ○īṣaṇā (for eṣ○), f. imprecation L. (cf. -iṣṭi)
- ○īha mfn. illmeant SŚaṃkar.
- ○uktá mfn. 'badly spoken', harsh, injurious
- • harshly addressed Pañc. i, 100
- • n. bad or harsh word Br. GS. MBh. &c
- • ○ktôkta mfn. ill spoken of AitBr. ii, 17, 6
- ○ukti f. harsh or injurious speech (personified as a daughter of Krodha and Hiṃsā and sister and wife of Kali) BhP.
- ○uccheda mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed Prab. iv, 19/20
- • ○dya mfn. id. Pañc.
- • difficult to be cut through (knot) Prab. v, 21/22
- ○uta mfn. badly woven L. -1
- ○uttara mfn. (fr. 1. uttara) unanswerable W. -2
- ○uttara mfn. (fr. 2. uttara or Prākṛit for dus-tara) difficult to be crossed or overcome Kathās. xxvi, 10 Kull. on Mn. ix, 161.
- ○utsaha or mfn. difficult to bear or resist MBh. &c
- ○utḍsāha mfn. difficult to bear or resist MBh. &c
- ○udaya mfn. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested BhP. iii, 15, 50
- ○udarka mfn. having bad or no consequences Naish. v, 41
- ○udāhara mfn. difficult to be pronounced or uttered Śiś. ii, 73
- ○udvaha mfn. hard to bear MBh. &c
- ○upakrama mfn. difficult of access or approach W.
- • difficult of cure, Śuśr
- ○upacāra mfn. id. Pañc. Car.
- ○upadiṣṭa mfn. badly instructed
- ○upadeśa m. bad instruction Pat.
- ○upapāda mfn. difficult to be performed Kād.
- • difficult to be demonstrated Sarvad.
- ○upayukta mfn. wrongly applied DaivBr. iv
- ○upalakṣa mfn. difficult to be perceived Daś.
- ○upasada mfn. difficult of approach Kir. vii, 9
- ○upasarpin mfn. approaching incautiously Mn. vii, 9
- ○upasthāna mfn. = -upasada W.
- ○upâpa mfn. difficult of attainment ŚBr.
- ○upâya m. a bad means or expedient MW.
- ○ūha mfn. difficult to be inferred or understood
- • -tva n. Śch
- ○éva mfn. ill-disposed, malignant
- • m. evildoer, criminal RV. AV.
- ○ókam ind. unpleasantly RV. vii, 4, 3
- • ○ka-śocis mfn. glowing unpleasantly (too bright or hot) ib. i, 66, 5
- ○óṣa and mfn. slow, lazy RV.
- ○óḍṣas mfn. slow, lazy RV.
- ○ga durga (p. 487)
- ○gā durgā (p. 487)
- ○gata mfn. faring ill, unfortunate, miserable MBh. &c
- • N. of a poet Cat.
- • -tā f. ill luck, misery Pañc. i, 297
- ○gati mfn. = -gata R. vii, 88, 3
- • f. misfortune, distress, poverty, want of (gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • hell L.
- • -nāśinī f. 'removing distress', N. of Durgā BrahmaP.
- ○gandha m. bad smell, stink Kauś.
- • mfn. ill-smelling, stinking Hariv. Suśr.
- • m. the mangotree (= āmra) L.
- • an onion Bhpr.
- • n. sochal-salt L.
- • -kāra m. the anus, Cir
- • -tā f. badness of smell, Susr
- ○gándhi mfn. ill-smelling, stinking AV. ChUp. Mn. &c
- ○gama mfn. difficult to be traversed or travelled over, impassable, inaccessible, unattainable MBh. Hariv. Kāv.
- • m. or n. a difficult situation
- • m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Pauravi VP.
- • of Dhṛita ib., &c
- • -mārga-nirgama mfn. of difficult access and issue Pañc. i, 427
- • durgamâśu-bodhinī f. N. of a Comm.
- ○gamanīya (cf. Sch.) and mfn. = -gama
- ○gamya (cf. R.), mfn. = -gama
- ○gaya m. (√ji?) N. of an author
- ○gala m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 359
- ○gâha n. (gāh) an impassable or impervious place, difficulty, danger RV.
- • m. N. of a man ib. viii, 54, 12
- ○gāḍha (cf. Hariv.),
- ○gādha (cf. Suśr.), and mfn. unfathomable
- ○gāhya (-tva n. Pañc. i, 317), mfn. unfathomable
- ○gṛbhi mfn. difficult to be seized or laid hold of. RV. i, 140, 6
- • -śvan mfn. continually swelling RV. i, 52, 6
- ○gṛbhīya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be seized with difficulty RV. v, 9, 4
- ○goṣṭhī f. evil association, conspiracy Rājat. vi, 170
- ○graha m. 'seizing badly', the evil demon of illness, spasm, cramp Suśr. Kathās.
- • obstinacy, insisting upon (loc.), whim, monomania Kathās. lviii, 62 &c. Naish. ix, 41
- • mfn. difficult to be seized or caught or attained or won or accomplished or understood Kāṭh. xxxi, 15 MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○grāhya mfn. = -graka mfn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- • -tva n. Pañc. i, 317
- • -hṛdaya mfn. whose heart is difficult to be gained R. ii, 39, 22,
- ○ghaṭa mfn. hard to be accomplished, difficult Rājat.iv, 364 BhP. (-tva n. vii, 15, 58)
- • m. or n. N. of a gram. work
- • ○ṭa-kāvya n. N. of a poem
- • ○ṭaghātana m. or n. ○ṭa-vṛtti f. ṭârtha-prakāśikā f. ○ṭôdghāṭa m. N. of Comms
- ○ghoṣa m. 'harshsounding, roaring', a bear L.
- ○jana m. a bad man, villain, scoundrel Mn. Kāv. &c
- • m. pl. bad people Sch.
- • mfn. malicious, wicked Kathās.
- • -tā f. and -tva n. wickedness, villainy L.
- • -nindā f. -mukha-capeṭikā f. -mukha-padma-pādukā f. -mukha-mahā-capeṭikā f. N. of wks
- • -malla, N. of a prince Inscr.
- ○janāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be a wicked man Pañc. i, 5
- ○janī-√kṛ 'to make into a bad man', insult, wrong Ratn. iii, 17/18 iv, 19/20
- ○jaya mfn. difficult to be conquered or won, invincible, irresistible Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. N. of a Dānava MBh.
- • of an assemblage of Dānava Śak. vi, 28/29
- • of a Rakshas R.
- • of sev. heroes MBh. Pur.
- • (ā), f. N. of a place MBh. iii, 8540
- ○jayanta m. N. of a mountain VP.
- ○jara mfn. not decaying or mouldering BhP. x, 6, 10 ; 64, 32
- • indigestible Suśr.
- • difficult to be enjoyed Rājat. v, 19
- • m. or n. N. of a place KālP.
- ○jala n. bad or noisome water Bhpr.
- ○jāta mfn. badly born, illstarred, miserable, wretched MBh. R.
- • wicked, bad, wrong, false Rājat. iii, 142
- • with bhartṛ false lover, paramour ib. 507
- • n. misfortune, calamity Ragh. xiii, 72
- • disparity, impropriety W.
- ○jāti f. misfortune, ill condition Mālav. v, 11
- • mfn. badnatured, wicked MBh. &c
- • ○tīya mfn. id. Hariv.
- ○jīva mfn. difficult to live
- • n. impers. a difficult life R. ii, 57, 20 &c
- ○jeya mfn. difficult to be conquered BhP. x, 72, 10
- ○jñāna mfn. difficult to be known MBh.
- • -tva Kull. on Mn. iv, 1
- ○jñeya mfn. difficult to be understood or found out
- • m. N. of Siva MBh. Hariv.
- ○ṇaya wṛ. for -naya
- ○ṇáśa mfn. unattainable, inaccessible AV. v, 11, 6 (cf. dū-ṇ○, dūṇāśa)
- ○ṇaṣṭa mfn. unattained MW.
- ○ṇāmacātana mfn. driving away the demons called Durṇāman AV. viii, 6, 3
- ○ṇā́man mf(mnī) n. having a bad name
- • m. N. of partic. evil demons causing diseases (or according to Nir. vi, 12, N. of a worm
- • cf. -nāman) RV. AV.
- • ○ma-hán mfn. destroying the Dur-ṇāmans,
- ○ṇihitâiṣin mfn. tracing out what is badly kept AV. xi, 9, 15
- ○ṇīta and -nīta and ○ti
- ○ṇīḍti -nīta and ○ti
- ○dagdha mfn. burning or cauterising badly Suśr.
- ○datta mfn. badly given Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 Sch.
- ○dama mfn. hard to be subdued MBh. xii, 3310
• m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohiṇī Hariv.
- • of a prince, son of Bhadra-śreṇya ib. Pur.
- • of a Brāhman VP.
- ○damana mfn. = -dama
- • m. N. of a prince, son of Śatânika BhP.
- ○damya mfn. indomitable, obstinate MBh. xii, 2951
- ○dara mfn. tearing badly, distressing W.
- • m. battle Gal. (cf. duro-)
- • a kind of drug W.
- ○darśa mfn. difficult to be seen or met with KaṭhUp. Āpast. MBh. R. &c
- • disagreeable or painful to the sight MBh. Hariv. &c
- • -tā f. MBh. viii, 861
- • ○śatāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to have a bad or disgusting appearance MW.
- ○darśana mfn. = -darśa Suśr. BhP.
- ○daśā f. bad situation, misfortune Kathās.
- ○dānta mfn. badly tamed, untamable, uncontrolled MBh. Hariv.
- • m. a calf L.
- • strife, quarrel L.
- • N. of a lion Hit.
- ○dāru n. bad wood Car.
- ○dina n. a rainy or cloudy day, bad weather Kauś. 38 MBh. Kāv.
- • mfn. cloudy, rainy, dark MBh. viii, 4771 R. Hariv.
- • -grasta-bhāskara mfn. having the sun obscured by dark clouds MW.
- • durdināya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become covered with clouds Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- ○divasa m. a bad or rainy day Pañc.
- ○durūṭa m. an abusive word Gaṇar. (vḷ. -duruṭa, cf. -dhurūṭa)
- • atheist
- • = karaṭa L.
- ○duhā f. difficult to be milked (cow) MBh. v, 1128
- ○dūrânta mfn. very long (path) Sch.
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing badly BhP. iv, 3, 17
- ○dṛśa mfn. = -darśa MBh.
- ○dṛśīka mfn. looking bad RV. vii, 50, 1
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. ill-seen (lit. and fig.), ill-examined or unjustly decided (lawsuit) Yājñ. ii, 305
- • looked at with an evil eye W.
- ○deśa m. a bad or unwholesome place
- • -ja mfn. coming from it (water) Bhpr.
- ○daiva n. bad luck, misfortune Hit.
- • -vat mfn. unfortunate ib.
- ○dolī f. a knot difficult to be undone Sch. on Hāl. 149
- ○dohā f. difficult to be milked ĀpŚr.
- ○dyūta n. a bad or unfair game
- • -devin mfn. playing unfairly, cheating at play MBh. iv, 532
- • -vedin (prob. wṛ. for devin), m. N. of Śakuni Gal.
- ○druma m. a green onion L.
- ○dhára mfn. difficult to be carried or borne or suffered, unrestrainable, irresistible RV. i, 57, 1 MBh. Hariv. &c
- • difficult to be administered (punishment) Mn. vii, 28
- • difficult to be kept in memory or recollected MBh. xiii, 3618
- • inevitable, absolutely necessary (suffix) Vām. v, 2, 51
- • m. quicksilver L.
- • N. of two plants (ṛṣabha and bhallātaka) L.
- • a kind of hell L.
- • N. of a son of. Dhṛita-rāshṭra (cf. -dharṣa) MBh.
- • of one of Śambara's generals Hariv.
- • of Mahisha L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a partic. constellation (cf. durudharā)
- • of Candra-gupta's wife HPariś.
- • ○rā-yogâdhyāya m. N. of a ch. of the Mina-rāja-jātaka
- ○dhárītu and mfn. unrestrainable, irresistible RV.
- ○dhártu mfn. unrestrainable, irresistible RV.
- ○dharuṭa = -dhurūṭa W.
- ○dharma mfn. having or obeying bad laws MBh. viii, 2066
- ○dharṣa mfn. difficult to be assaulted or laid hold of, inviolable, inaccessible, unconquerable, dangerous, dreadful, awful MBh. R. &c. (-tā f. MBh.
- • -tva n. BhP.)
- • haughty, distant W.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshtra (cf. dhara) MBh. i
- • of a Rākshasa R. v
- • of a mountain in Kuśa-dvipa MBh. vi, 451
- • (ā), f. N. of two plants (= nāga-damanī and kanthārī) L.
- • -kumārabhūta m. 'one who has become an inviolable youth', N. of a Bodhi-sattva
- ○dharṣaṇa mfn. inaccessible, dangerous R. iv, 9, 55 &c
- ○dhā́ f. bad order, disarrangement RV. x, 109, 4 (cf. -dhita)
- ○dhārya mfn. difficult to be borne MBh. iii, 99, 41
- • with manasā, difficult to be recollected ib. xiii, 4483
- ○dhāva mfn. difficult to be cleaned or purified,
- ○pad-dhita (dúr-), mfn. badly arranged, untidy RV. i, 140, 11
- ○dhī mfn. weak-minded, stupid, silly MBh. v, 4590 BhP. ii, 15, 13
- • having bad intentions, malignant Nir. x, 5 (cf. dū-ḍhī)
- ○dhúr mfn. badly yoked or harnessed RV. v, 56, 4
- ○dhurūṭa m. (for ○ūḍha?, cf. dhūr-vodhṛ) a pupil who does not obey his teacher without exercising his own judgment (cf. -durūṭa) L.
- ○dhyāna n. evil thoughts HPariś.
- ○naya m. bad or imprudent conduct MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○narêndra m. a miserable sorcerer or conjurer Hcar. L.
- ○nāman m. 'having a bad name', N. of a Yaksha BrahmaP.
- • f. (= m. or ○mnī) a cockle L.
- • hemorrhoids, piles L. (cf. -ṇāman)
- • ○mâri m. 'enemy of piles', the bulbous √of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L.
- • ○maka n. hemorrhoids
- • ○mikā f. a cockle L.
- ○nigraha mfn. difficult to be restrained or conquered MBh.
- ○nimita mfn. ill-measured, irregular (steps) Ragh. vii, 10
- ○nimitta n. a bad omen MBh. ii, 818 Śak. v, 11/12
- ○niyántu mfn. difficult to be checked or held back RV.
- ○nirīkṣa
- ○nirīḍkṣaṇa
- ○nirīḍkṣya mfn. difficult to be looked at or seen MBh. R. &c
- ○nivartya mfn. difficult to be turned back (flying army) MBh. vi, 145
- • = -nivṛtta, xiii, 3504
- ○nivāra mfn. difficult to be kept back unrestrainable, irrepressible MBh. Kāv. &c
- • -tva n. Kull.
- ○nivārya mfn. id. MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○nivṛtta mfn. difficult to be returned from R. iv, 22, 36
- ○nivedya mfn. difficult to be related
- • -tva n. Jātakam.
- ○niṣedha mfn. difficult to be warded off Bālar. ii, 34/35
- ○niṣkrmaṇa n
- ○niṣprapatana n. (wrongly written ○tara),
- ○niḥsaraṇa n. difficult escape ChUp. v, 10, 6 Śaṃk.
- ○nīta mfn. ill-conducted, wrong
- • n. misconduct, impolicy, folly, ill-luck MBh. Hariv. Pañcat. ii, 21
- • -bhāva m. bad behaviour, improper conduct MBh. v, 6007
- ○nīti f. maladministration, impolicy Jātakam.
- ○nṛpa m. a bad king Rājat. v, 416
- ○nyasta mfn. badly arranged, Mālatim. ix, 41
- • badly used (said of a spell) Divyâv. 27
- ○baddha mfn. badly fastened Suśr.
- ○bandha mfn. difficult to be composed Vām. i, 3, 22
- ○bala mfn. of little strength, weak, feeble Mn. MBh. &c
- • thin, slender (waist) R. iii, 52, 31
- • emaciated, lean (cow)
- • sick, unwell Kāty. Śr. xxv, 7, 1 MBh. iv, 182
• scanty, small, little MBh. Kāv. Pur.
- • m. an impotent man, weakling Mn. iii, 151 (v. l. -vāla)
- • a kind of bird (wṛ. for -bali)
- • N. of a prince VP.
- • of an author Cat.
- • (ā), f. a species of plant (= ambu-śirīṣikā) Bhpr.
- • (ī), f. N. of wk
- • -balatā f. weakness, thinness Kāv. Pañc.
- • durbalâgni mfn. having a weak digestion (○ni-tā f. Suśr.)
- • ○lâyāsa mfn. weak of effort', ineffective MW.
- • ○lêndriya mfn. having feeble (i.e. unrestrained) organs of sense MW.
- • ○lita mfn. weakened, rendered ineffective Kathās. cv, 91
- • ○lī-√bhū, to become weak or ineffective ib. cvii, 52 (read -bhūtās)
- • ○lī-bhāva m. the becoming weak (of the voice) Car.
- • ○līyas mfn. weaker, feeble MBh. Mn. iii, 79
- ○bali m. (cf. VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 88, 28, v. l. ○la) and m. (cf. ib., 7) a kind of bird (= bhāṇḍīka)
- ○baḍlika m. (cf. ib., 7) a kind of bird (= bhāṇḍīka)
- ○bāla -vāla
- ○bīriṇa (dúr-), mfn. bristly, rough (beard) ŚBr.
- ○buddhi f. weak-mindedness, silliness MBh.
- • mfn. silly, foolish, ignorant, malignant MBh. R. &c
- ○budha mfn. weak-minded, silly MBh. xi 166
- ○bodha mfn. difficult to be understood, unfathomable R. iv, 17, 6 BhP. &c
- • -pada-bhañjikā f. N. of a Comm. on Megh.
- • -pada-bhañjinī f. of a Comm. on MBh.
- ○bodhya mfn. = -bodha Sch. on Mṛicch. iv, 8
- ○brāhmaṇa (dúr-), m. a bad Brāhman TS.
- ○bhakṣa or mfn. to be eaten with difficulty W.
- ○bhakḍṣya mfn. to be eaten with difficulty W.
- ○bhága mfn. 'having a bad portion', unfortunate, unlucky Suśr. VarBṛS. Pañc. BhP.
- • disgusting. repugnant, ugly (esp. a woman) AV. x, 1, 10 MBh. Hariv. &c
- • (ā), f. a bad or ill-tempered woman, a shrew W.
- • personified = Old Age, daughter of Time BhP. iv, 27, 10
- • -tva n. ill fortune BhP.
- ○bhagna mfn. badly broken Suśr.
- ○bhaṅga mfn. difficult to be broken or loosened Hariv.
- ○bhaṇa mfn. difficult to be mentioned
- • -tva n. Parāś.
- ○bhara mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or maintained R. Pañc. BhP.
- • heavily laden with (comp.), Śāntiś. i, 24 Kathās. cxii, 156
- ○bhartṛ m. a bad husband Kathās.
- ○bhāgya mfn. unfortunate, unlucky Tattvas.
- • n. ill luck MW.
- ○bhāryā f. a bad wife Kathās.
- ○bhāvanā f. an evil thought, bad inclination MW.
- ○bhāvya mfn. difficult to be called to mind MārkP. x, 7
- ○bhāṣa mfn. speaking ill AgP.
- • m. injurious words BhP.
- ○bhāṣita mfn. badly spoken or uttered, with vāc f. = prec. m. MBh. v, 1171.
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking ill, abusing, insulting ib. 751
- ○bhikṣa n. (rarely m.) scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine, want, distress TĀr. i, 4, 3 Mn. MBh. &c
- • -tva n. Pañc. ii, 54, 55
- • -vyasanin mfn. suffering from the calamity of famine Hit. iv, 44
- • -śamana m. 'alleviator of famine', a king L.
- ○bhida mfn. difficult to be broken or torn asunder MBh.
- ○bhiṣajya (dúr-), n. dṭdifficult cure ŚBr. xiv, 7, 1, 5
- ○bhūtá n. ill luck, harm AV. TBr.
- ○bhṛtí f. scanty maintenance or subsistence RV. vii, 1, 22
- ○bheda or mfn. = -bhida MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○bheḍdya mfn. = -bhida MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○bhogā f. = bhikṣukī Gal.
- ○bhrātṛ m. a bad brother MBh. iii, 996
- ○makha and a-dur-m○
- ○maṅgala a-dur-m○
- ○maṅku mfn. refractory, obstinate, disobedient L.
- ○mata-khaṇḍana n. N. of wk
- ○matí f. bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred RV. VS. AV.
- • false opinion or notions Cāṇ.
- • mfn. weak-minded, silly, ignorant (rarely 'malicious', 'wicked'), m. fool, blockhead (rarely 'scoundrel', villain') Mn. MBh. &c
- • N. of the 55th year of the cycle of Jupiter (lasting 60 years) Var. Sūryas.
- • of a demon Lalit.
- • of a blockhead, Bharat
- ○matī-kṛta mfn. (fr. matyá and √kṛ) badly harrowed or rolled AitBr. iii, 38
- ○mada m. mad conception or illusion, foolish pride or arrogance Pur.
- • (-máda), mfn. drunken, fierce, mad, infatuated by (comp.) RV. MBh. &c
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- • of a son of Dhṛita (father of Pracetas)
- • of a son of Bhadra-sena (father of Dhanaka)
- • of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohini or Pauravii Pur.
- • ○da-viira-mānin mfn. foolishly fancying (one's self) a hero BhP. iii, 17, 28
- • ○dândha mfn. 'blinded by mad illusion', besotted, v, 12, 16
- • ○din m. drinker, drunkard Pat.
- ○manas n. bad disposition, perversity of mind R. ii, 31, 20
- • mfn. in bad or low spirits, sad, melancholy MBh. R. &c. (-tā f. sadness Sch.)
- • N. of a man (cf. daur-manasāyana)
- • ○ska mfn. = -manas mfn
- • -tā f. Kathās. cxiv, 35
- ○manāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or become troubled or sad Kāv.
- ○manuṣya m. a wicked man, villain MBh. viii, 2117
- ○mántu mfn. difficult to be understood RV. x, 12, 6
- ○mantra m. bad advice Bhartṛ. ii, 34 (vḷ. daurmantrya)
- • ○trita mfn. badly advised
- • n. = prec. MBh.
- • ○trin m. bad adviser or minister Kathās. lxxii, 220
- • mfn. having bad ministers Pañc. iii, 244
- ○mánman mfn. evil-minded RV. viii, 49, 7
- ○mára mfn. dying hard, tenacious of life ŚBr. MBh.
- • n. a hard death (w. instr. of pers.) MBh. xiv, 2364
- • (ā), f. a kind of Dūrvā grass or Asparagus Racemosus L.
- ○maraṇa (cf. MW.) and n. any violent or unnatural death
- ○maratva (cf. MBh.), n. any violent or unnatural death
- ○marāyú mfn. difficult to be put to death TS.
- ○maryāda mfn. knowing no limits, having evil ways, wicked
- • -tā f. Uttarar. iv, 21/22
- ○márṣa mfn. not easily to be forgotten RV. viii, 45, 18 &c
- • unbearable, insupportable, unmanageable BhP. vi, 5, 42 &c
- • m. N. of the Asura Bali, viii, 10, 32
- ○marṣaṇa mfn. unmanageable, unbearable, insupportable MBh. R.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i &c
- • of a son of Sṛiñjaya BhP. ix, 24, 41
- • of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 6971
- • ○ṣita mfn. made refractory MBh. xiv, 2314
- ○mallikā or f. a kind of minor drama, sāh
- ○mallī f. a kind of minor drama, sāh
- ○mātsarya n. evil envy Bhartṛ. iii, 31
- ○māyin or mfn. using bad arts BhP. viii, 11, 6 RV. iii, 30, 15
- ○māḍyú mfn. using bad arts BhP. viii, 11, 6 RV. iii, 30, 15
- ○mitrá mfn. unfriendly
- • m. N. of the author of RV. x, 105
- • of a prince VP.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman (g. bāhv-ādi)
- • ○triyá mfn. unfriendly VS. vi, 22
- ○milā or f. N. of sev. forms of metre
- ○miḍlikā f. N. of sev. forms of metre
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. ugly-faced MBh. R. &c
- • foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous Bhartṛ. ii, 59
- • m. a horse L.
- • a serpent L.
- • N. of the 29th year of the cycle of Jupiter (lasting 60 years) Var. Sūryas.
- • of a prince of the Pañcālas AitBr. viii, 23
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i &c
- • of an astronomer L.
- • of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv.
- • of a Rakshas R. BhP.
- • of a Yaksha BrahmaP.
- • of a monkey R.
- • of a general of the Asura Mahisha L.
- • ○khâcārya m. N. of an author
- ○muhūrta m. n. an unauspicious hour or moment MBh. xii, 6735
- ○mūlya mfn. dear in price L.
- ○medha or (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 122), mfn. dull-witted, stupid, ignorant MBh. R. &c
- ○medhas (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 122), mfn. dull-witted, stupid, ignorant MBh. R. &c
- • _ ○dhas-tva n. foolishness, stupidity Suśr.
- • ○dhā-vin mfn. = -medha MBh. xii, 9486
- ○maitra mfn. unfriendly, hostile BhP. vii, 5, 27
- ○moca mfn. hard to unloose
- • -hastagrāha mfn. 'whose hand's grasp is hard to unloose', holding fast Śak. vii, 176/177
- ○mohā f. Capparis Sepiaria L.
- ○yavanam ind. bad for or with the Yavanas Pāṇ. 2-i, 6 Kāś.
- ○yaśas n. disgrace Naish. i, 88
- ○yāman m. 'going badly', N. of a prince VP. (vḷ. -dama)
○yuga n. a bad age Sch.
- ○yúj mfn. difficult to be yoked RV. x, 44, 7
- ○yoga m. bad contrivance, crime MBh. i, 1316 Uttarar. vi, 13/14
- ○yodha mfn. difficult to be conquered Vop.
- ○yodhana mfn. id. (-tā f. MBh. iv, 2103)
- • N. of the eldest son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra (leader of the Kauravas in their war with the Pāṇḍavas) MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. su-y○)
- • of a son of Su-durjaya MBh. xiii, 96
- • -rakṣā-bandhana n. N. of wk
- • -viirya-jñāna-mudrā f. 'mark of knowledge of invincible heroism', a partic. intertwining of the fingers L.
- • ○nâvaraja m. 'the younger brother of DṭDhṛita-rāshṭra', N. of Duþ-śāsana, G
- ○yoni mfn. of low or impure origin Mn.x, 59
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. badly marked MW.
- ○lakṣya mfn. hardly visible Daś. Rājat.
- • n. a bad aim Ratn. iii, 2
- ○laṅghana mfn. difficult to be surmounted or overcome Kull.
- • -śakti mfn. of insurmountable power MW.
- ○laṅghya mfn. = -laṅghana
- • (-tā f. Daśar. iv, 13)
- • difficult to be transgressed (command) Rājat. v, 395
- ○labha mfn. difficult to be obtained or found, hard, scarce, rare (comp. -tara) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • hard to be (with inf. MBh. iii, 1728)
- • extraordinary, eminent L.
- • dear, beloved (also -ka) Kāraṇḍ.
- • m. Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet L.
- • N. of a man Cat.
- • (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum or = śveta-kaṇṭa-kārī L.
- • -tā f. (Rājat.), -tva n. (cf. Var.) scarceness, rarity
- • -darśana mfn. out of sight, invisible Mālav.
- • -rāja m. N. of the father of Jagad-deva Cat.
- • -vardhana m. N. of a king of Kaśmira (also called Pratāpâditya) Rājat. iv, 7
- • -svāmin, mṆ. of a temple built by Dur-Vardhana Rājat. iv, 6
- ○lalita mfn. ill-mannered, wayward
- • spoilt by, weary of, disgusted with (comp.) Kāv. (○ka and -lasita vḷ. Śak. vii, 16/17)
- • n. way wardness, naughty or roguish tricks Hariv.
- ○lābha mfn. = -labha MBh. xii, 11168
- ○likhita mfn. badly scarified Suśr.
- ○lipi m. 'the fatal writing' (of Destiny on man's forehead) ŚārṅgP.
- ○lekhya n. a false or forged document Yājñ. ii, 91
- ○vaca mfn. difficult to be spoken or explained or asserted or answered MBh. R. &c. (-tva n. Sarvad.)
- • speaking ill or in pain W.
- • n. abuse, censure
- • evil or unlucky speech W.
- ○vacaka mfn. difficult to be answered (?)
- • -yoga m. pl. a partic. art Sch. on BhP. x, 45, 36
- ○vacana n. pl. bad or harsh language Ratn. iii, 10/11
- ○vacas n. id. MBh. Pur.
- • mfn. using bad or harsh language R.
- • difficult to be explained or answered
- • -tva n. VāyuP.
- ○vañca mfn. difficult to be deceived
- ○vaṇij m. a wicked merchant Kathās. ci, 333
- ○vadaka mfn. speaking badly, stammering Cat.
- ○varāha (dúr-), m. a tame hog ŚBr. xii ĀśvŚr. ix, 10, 15 Sch.
- ○varṇa m. bad colour, impurity, Bh. xii, 3, 47
- • (várṇa), mfn. of a bad colour or species or class, inferior TBr. MBh. &c
- • n. silver (opp. to su-varṇa, gold) L. (also -ka n.)
- • the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.
- ○vártu mfn. difficult to be kept back, irresistible RV.
- ○vala bala
- ○vasa n. (impers.) difficult to be resided in (loc.) MBh. iv, 93
- • mfn. difficult to be passed or spent (time), 7
- • difficult to be stayed with, causing ill luck by one's presence R. vii, 86, 12 ; 17
- ○vasati f. bad dwelling MBh. Ragh.
- ○vaha mfn. hard to bear MBh. Hariv. Kāv.
- ○vahaka m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○vākya n. harsh or abusive language W.
- ○vāc f. id. MBh.
- • (vā́c), mfn. having a bad voice AV. iv, 17, 5
- • speaking ill Kāv.
- • -vāg-bhāva m. abusiveness MBh. xiii, 2259 (C. -bhava)
- ○vācaka-yoga vḷ. for vac○ Cat.
- ○vācika n. a bad commission Naish. ix, 62
- ○vācya mfn. hard (to be uttered)
- • n. a hard word Pur.
- • bad news R.
- ○vāta m. 'bad wind', a fart L.
- • ○tāya Nom. P. ○yati, to break wind or fart against (acc.) BhP. xi, 23, 39
- ○vāda m. slander, abuse, reproach, SārṅgP. (vḷ.)
- • mfn. speaking ill L.
- ○vānta mfn. having badly vomited (also said of a leech that has not ejected blood) Suśr.
- ○vāra mfn. hard to be restrained, irrepressible, irresistible MBh. Kāv. &c. (-tva n. Suśr.)
- • ○raṇa mfn. id. ib.
- • m. pl. N. of a tribe of the Kāmbojas MBh. vii, 4333 (v. l. ○vāri)
- • ○raṇīya, ○rila, ○rya mfn. = -vāra MBh. (○rya-tva, n. ib.)
- ○vārttā f. bad news Ragh. xii, 51 Sch.
- ○vāla mfn. baldheaded Mn. iii, 151 (Comm. 'red-haired' or 'afflicted with a skin-disease')
- ○vāsa m. (cf. -vāsas) prob. = ○sâcārya m. N. of a Ṛishi Cat.
- • ○sa-purāṇa n. N. of a Pur.
- • ○sêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP.
- • ○sôpaniṣad f. N. of a section of ŚivaP.
- ○vāsanā f. bad inclination Prab. vi, 17/18.
- ○vāsas mfn. badly clad, naked RV. vii, 1, 19 MBh. xiii, 1176 (Śiva)
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi or saint (son of Atri by Anasūyā, and thought to be an incarnation of Siva, known for his irascibility) MBh. Śak. iv, 7 Pur. &c
- • ○sa-upapurāṇa n. ○sa-upâkhyāna n. ○sodarpa-bhanga m. ○so-dvi-śatī f. ○so-mata-tantra n. ○so-mahiman m. ○so-vākya n. N. of wks
- ○vāhita n. a heavy load or burden Rājat. iv, 18
- ○vikatthana mfn. boasting in an arrogant or offensive manner Daś.
- ○vikalpa m. unfounded irresolution Daś.
- • mfn. very uncertain Sch.
- ○vigāha mfn. = -avag○ Kāv. Pañc.
- • difficult, dangerous Prasannar. (also -vigāhya MBh. xiii, 1840)
- • mṆ. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○vicāra m. an ill-placed hesitation Daś.
- • mfn. very irresolute
- • -tva n. Hcat.
- ○vicintita mfn. ill thought or found out Var.
- ○vicintya mfn. hardly conceivable MBh.
- ○viceṣṭa mfn. ill-behaved ib.
- ○vijñāna n. understanding with difficulty
- • (○ná), mfn. = next ŚBr.
- ○vijñeya mfn. hardly conceivable, unintelligible, Āśv. MBh. &c
- ○vitarka or,
- ○vitarḍkya mfn. difficult to be discussed or understood BhP.
- ○vida mfn. difficult to be known or discovered MBh.
- ○vidagdha mfn. wrongly taught, wrongheaded, silly Mṛicch. v, 15/16 Bhartṛ. &c
- ○vidátra mfn. ill-disposed', envious, ungracious RV.
- ○vidya mfn. uneducated, ignorant Rājat. i, 356
○vidvas (dúr-), mfn. evil-minded, malignant RV.
- ○vidha mfn. acting in a bad manner, badly circumstanced, mean, poor, miserable R. SŚaṃk.
- • stupid, silly (wṛ. for -vidya?) L.
- ○vidhi m. 'bad fate', misfortune Kathās. xxi, 29
- ○vinaya m. imprudent conduct Pañc. v, 75/76
- ○vinīta mfn. badly educated, ill-conducted, undisciplined, mean, wicked, obstinate, restive MBh. Kāv. &c. (○taka id. Kathās. xx, 9)
- • m. N. of a sage (associated with Durvāsas &c.) VarBṛS. xlviii, 63
- • of a prince
- ○vipāka m. an evil consequence or result (esp. of actions in former births matured by time) Hit. i, 49/50
- • mfn. having evil consequences (esp. as result of actions in former births) Uttarar. i, 44
- ○vibhāga m. pl. 'difficult to be disunited', N. of a people MBh. ii
- ○vibhāva or mfn. difficult to be perceived or understood Kāv.
- ○vibhāḍvana or mfn. difficult to be perceived or understood Kāv.
- ○vibhāḍvya mfn. difficult to be perceived or understood Kāv.
- ○vibhāṣa mfn. difficult to be uttered
- • n. harsh language MBh. ii, 2187
- ○vimarśa mfn. difficult to be tried or examined BhP. x, 49, 29
- ○vimocana m. 'difficult to be set free', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○virecya mfn. difficult to be purged Suśr.
- ○virocana m. 'shining badly' (?), N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○vilasita n. a wayward or rude or naughty trick, ill-mannered act Prab. vi, 9/10 Bālar. iv, 60
- ○vivaktṛ m. one who answers wrongly MBh. v, 1212
- ○vivāha m. bad marriage, misalliance Mn. iii, 41
- ○vivecana mfn. difficult to be judged or decided Śaṃk. on Bādar.
- ○viśa mfn. difficult to be entered R. vi, 19, 16
- ○viṣa m. 'difficult to be pervaded or approached', N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10432
- ○viṣaha mfn. difficult to be borne or supported, intolerable, irresistible, impracticable MBh. R. BhP. (○ṣahya id. MBh. R.)
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10431
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○vṛtta n. bad conduct, meanness MBh.
- • mfn. behaving badly, vile, mean
- • m. rogue, villain MBh. R. &c
- ○vṛtti f. distress, misery, want MBh. R.
- • vice, crime Hit. iii, 21 (v. l. vṛtta)
- • juggling, fraud W.
- ○vṛṣala m. a bad Śudra L.
- ○vṛṣṭi f. want of rain, drought Jātakam. 1
- ○veda mfn. (√1. -vid) having bad or little knowledge, ignorant MBh. iii, 13437
- • difficult to be known R. iv, 46, 2. -2
- ○véda mfn. (√3. vid) dṭdifficult to be found ŚBr.
- ○vaira mfn. living in bad enmity BhP. x, 13, 60
- ○vyavasita n. an evil intention Mudr. iii, 11/12
- ○vyavasthāpaka mfn. deciding or judging badly Rājat. vi, 54
- ○vyavahāra m. wrong judgment (in law) Kull.
- ○vyavahṛti f. ill-report or rumour Mcar. iii, 36
- ○vyasana n. bad propensity, vice Kathās. lxxiii, 73
- ○vyāhṛta mfn. spoken badly or ill
- • n. a bad or unfit expression MBh. R.
- ○vrajita n. bad or improper manner of going MBh. iii, 14669
- ○vrata mfn. not obedient to rules, transgressing rules (cf. daur-vratya)
- ○háṇā f. (√han) mischief, harm RV.
- • ○haṇāya Nom. P., p. ○yát, meditating harm ib. x, 134, 2
- • ○ṇāyú mfn. id. ib. iv, 30, 8
- • ○háṇā-vat mfn. inauspicious, pernicious RV. viii, 2, 20 ; 18, 14
- ○hanā &c., haṇā
- ○hanu mf(u)n. 'ugly-jawed' RV. TĀr.
- ○hala or mfn. having a bad plough Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Kāś.
- ○hali mfn. having a bad plough Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 Kāś.
- ○hā́rd mfn. evil-minded, malignant AV.
- ○hita (dúr-), mfn. ill-conditioned, miserable RV. viii, 19, 26
- • hostile, troublesome AV. iv, 36, 9
- ○huta mfn. badly offered (as sacrifice) MBh. xii, 559
- ○hṛṇāya Nom. P., p. ○yát, furious, enraged SV. (vḷ. for haṇ○ RV.)
- • ○yú mfn. id., i, 84, 16 ; vii, 59, 8
- ○hṛta mfn. removed with difficulty Car.
- ○hṛd mfn. bad-hearted, wicked
- • m. enemy MBh.
- ○hṛdaya mfn. id. (g. yuvâdi
- • cf. daur-h○)
- ○hṛṣīka mfn. having bad or uncontrolled organs of sense MBh. iii, 13951
- durasya Nom. P. ○yáti, to wish to hurt or injure AV. i, 29, 2 &c
- • ○syú mfn. wishing to do harm AV. v, 3, 2 ĀpŚr. vi, 21, 1
- durgá mfn. (2. dur and √gam) difficult of access or approach, impassable, unattainable AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. bdellium L.
- • N. of an Asura (supposed to have been slain by the goddess Durgā, Skanda P.) and of sev. men (g. naḍâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 99), esp. of the commentator on Yāska's Nirukta
- • also abridged for durga-gupta, durgā-dāsa &c. ( below)
- • (ā) f. durgā
- • n. (m. only Pañc. v, 76
- • Bn.) a difficult or narrow passage, a place difficult of access, citadel stronghold (cf. ab-, giri- &c.)
- • rough ground, roughness, difficulty, danger, distress RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○karman n. fortification MBh. R.
○kāraka m. 'making difficult or impassable', the Bhojpatra or birchtree L.
- ○gupta (for ○gA-g○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 83), m. N. of a grammarian Col.
- ○ghāta m. or n. N. of a fort Rājat.
- ○ghna mfn. removing difficulties
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā Hariv. 6426
- ○ṭīkā f. Durga's commentary (on Yāska's Nirukta &c.)
- ○taraṇī &
- ○taḍriṇī f. 'conveying over difficulties', N. of the Śāvitrī-verse MBh. ii, 451 Hariv. 14078
- ○tā f. impassableness R iv, 27, 16. -datta (for ○gA-d○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 63), m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○deśa m. an impassable region Kāv.
- ○nāga m. N. of a man L.
- ○nivāsin mfn. dwelling in a stronghold W.
- ○pati and -pāla m. the commandant or governor of a fortress Pañc. BhP.
- ○pada-prabodha m. N. of a Comm.
- ○piśāca m. N. of a Mātaṅga Kathās.
- ○pura n. a fortified city W.
- ○puṣpī f. N. of a plant (= keśa-puṣṭā) L.
- ○mārga m. a defile, a difficult pass or way W.
- ○laṅghana m. 'making one's way through difficult places', a camel L.
- ○vākya-prabodha m. 'knowledge of difficult words', N. of wk
- ○vāsa m. staying over-night in unhospitable places MBh. iii, 12344
- ○vṛtti f. N. of wk
- ○vyasana n. defect in a fortress (its being ill-guarded &c.) W.
- ○śaila m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- ○saṃcara or m. difficult passage, defile L. Sch.
- ○saṃḍcāra m. difficult passage, defile L. Sch.
- ○sampad f. perfection or excellence of a fortress W.
- ○saha mfn. overcoming difficulties or dangers Hariv. 5018
- ○siṃha (for ○gA-s○ P. vi, 3, 63), m. N. of a grammarian and of an astronomer Cat.
- • (ī), f. Durgā's commentary on the Kātantra
- ○sena m. N. of an author Cat.
- durgâkramaṇa n. the taking of a fort MW.
- durgâcārya m. N. of a commentator on Yāska's Nirukta (= durga)
- durgâdhikārin and m. the governor of a fortress L.
- durgâḍdhyakṣa m. the governor of a fortress L.
- durgântarâtithi m. guest of the inside of a stronghold a prisoner MW.
- durgârohaṇa mfn. difficult to be ascended R.
- durgâvarodha m. investing or besieging a fortress W.
- durgâśrayaṇa n. taking refuge in a fortress W.
- durgā f. (of ○ga, q.v.) the Indigo plant or Clitoria Ternatea L.
- • a singing bird (= śyāmā) L.
- • N. of two rivers MBh. vi, 337
- • 'the inaccessible or terrific goddess', N. of the daughter of Himavat and wife of Śiva (also called Umā, Pārvatī &c., and mother of Kārttikeya and Gaṇêśa, cf. pūjā) TĀr. x, 2, 3 (d"ṣ devii) MBh. &c
- • of a princess Rājat. iv, 659, and of other women
- ○kavaca m. or n. N. of wk
- ○kuṇḍa n. N. of a pool W.
- ○tattva n. N. of wk
- ○datta m. N. of the author of the Vrittamuktâvali
- ○dāsa m. N. of Sch. on Vopadeva
- • of a physician Cat.
- • of a prince Kshitîś.
- ○navamī f. the ninth day of the light half of Kārttika (sacred to Durgā) L.
- ○pañcâṅga n. N. of wk
- ○pūjā f. the chief festival in honour of Durgā, held in Bengal in the month Aśvin or about October RTL. 197, 431
- • N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
- ○bhakti-taramgiṇī f
- ○mahat-tva n
- ○māhātmya n. (cf. devii-m○), and n. N. of wks
- ○"ṣmṛta-rahasya (○gâm○), n. N. of wks
- ○yantra n. N. of a mystical diagram in the Tantra-sāra
- ○"ṣrāma (○gâr○) m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○"ṣrcana-māhātmya (○gâr○), n. N. of wk
- ○vatī f. N. of a princess Inscr.
- ○vallabha m. a kind of perfume Gal.
- ○vilāsa m. N. of a poem Cat.
- ○"ṣṣṭamī (○gâṣṭ○), f. N. of a partic. eighth day connected with Durgā Cat.
- ○saṃdeha-bhedikā f. N. of wk.
- ○sāvitrī f. (○tri only Vas. xxviii, 11) N. of RV. i, 99, 1 Vishṇ. lvi, 9
- ○stava m
- ○stuti f
- ○stotra n. 'praise of Durgā', N. of wks
- ○"ṣhlāda (○gâhl○), m. a kind of perfume Gal. (cf. ○gāvallabha)
- durgôtsava m. -tattva n. N. of two treatises
- durgi f. N. of a deity (also= durgā) TĀr. x, 1, 7
- durgilā f. N. of a woman HPariś.
- duś in comp. for dus (p. 488)
- ○cákṣas mfn. evil-eyed TBr.
- ○√car to act wrongly or badly towards (acc.), to behave badly MW.
- ○cara mfn. difficult to be gone or passed
- • difficult to be performed
- MBh. Hariv. K. Pur. (-tva n. R. v, 86, 14)
- • going with trouble or difficulty
- • acting ill, behaving wickedly W.
- • m. a bear
- • a bivalve shell (prob. both as moving slowly) L.
- • -cārin mfn. practising very difficult penance MW.
- ○carita (dúś-), n. misbehaviour, misdoing, ill-conduct, wickedness VS. iv, 28 Mn. MBh. &c
- • pl. (cf. Buddh.) the 10 chief sins (viz. murder, theft, adultery, lying, calumny, lewdness, evil speech, covetousness, envy, heresy
- • cf. MWB. 126)
- • mfn. misbehaving, wicked Kathās. (also ○tin Lāṭy. iv, 3, 10)
- ○carmaka n. leprosy L.
- ○cárman mfn. affected with a skin-disease, leprous TS. TBr. Yājñ.
- • having no prepuce L.
○cāritra (cf. MBh.) and mfn. = -carita
- ○cārin (cf. Kathās.), mfn. = -carita
- ○cikitsa mfn. difficult to be cured BhP. iv, 30, 38
- • (ā), f. (med.) a wrong treatment Kull.
- • ○tsita mfn. = ○tsa ib.
- • ○tsya mfn. id. Suśr. Car. (superl. -tama Suśr.
- • n. -tva Kull.)
- ○cít mfn. thinking evil AV.
- ○citta mfn. melancholy, sad Kāraṇḍ.
- ○cintita n. a bad or foolish thought Kathās.
○cintin mfn. 'thinking evil thoughts', N. of a Māra-putra Lalit.
- ○cintya mfn. difficult to be understood MBh.
- ○ceṣṭā f. misconduct, error, K
- • ○ṭita n. id. ib.
- • mfn. misbehaving, doing evil W.
- ○cyavaná mfn. difficult to be felled, unshaken RV. AV.
- • m. N. of Indra Pratāp.
- ○cyāva mfn. id
- • ○vana mfn. shaking the unshaken MBh. viii, 1506 = -cyavana W.
- ○chada mfn. badly covering (the body) R. ii, 32, 31
- • hardly covered, tattered W.
- ○chāya mfn. having a bad complexion, looking unwell Car.
- ○chid mfn. difficult to be cut or destroyed (enemy) Kām. xiv, 68
- ○chinna mfn. badly cut out or extracted (thorn) MBh. xii, 5307
- duṣ in comp. for dus (p. 488)
- ○kara mfn. hard to be done or borne, difficult, arduous Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (often with inf
- • ○raṃ yad or yadi, with indic. or Pot. and also with inf. = hardly, scarcely MBh. R.)
- • rare, extraordinary MBh. Kathās.
- • doing wrong, behaving ill, wicked, bad W.
- • n. difficult act, difficulty ib.
- • austerity Divyâv. 392
- • aether, air L.
- • the tree of plenty W.
- • -karman (v. l. duṣkarma-kārin), mfn. doing difficult things, clever Daś.
- • -kārin mfn. id
- • experiencing difficulties R. &c. (○ritā f. MBh. xii, 5886)
- • -caryā f. hard penance, N. of a ch. of Lalit.
- • -sādhana n. means of overcoming difficulties Daś.
- ○karaṇa n. a difficult or miserable work Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 14
- ○karṇa m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○karman n wickedness, sin
- • any difficult or painful act MBh.
- • mfn. acting wickedly, criminal ib.
- • ○ma-sūdana mf(ī)n. destroying criminals Śatr.
- ○kalevara n. the bad or miserable body' BhP.
- ○kāyasthakula n. 'the miserable writer-caste Rājat.
- ○kāla m. an evil time HPariś.
- • 'bad or all-destroying Time' R.
- • N. of Siva MBh. xii, 10418
- ○kīrti f. dishonour BhP.
- • mfn. infamous, of bad repute ib.
- ○kula n. a low family or race Mn. MBh. R.
- • mfn. of a low family. low-born Hariv. Bhartṛ. (-tā f. Sāh.)
- • ○līna mfn. id. MBh. R.
- • m. a sort of perfume L.
- ○kuhaka mfn. incredulous Divyâv. 7 ; 9 &c
- ○kṛ́t mfn. acting wickedly, criminal, evil-doer RV. AV. MBh.
- ○kṛta (dúṣ-), mfn. wrongly or wickedly done, badly arranged or organized or applied ŚBr. viii, 6, 2, 18 MBh. &c
- • (○tá), n. evil action, sin, guilt RV. ŚBr. ChUp. Mn. MBh.
- • &c
- • a partic. class of sins Divyâv. 544
- • -kárman mfn. acting wickedly, criminal Mn. Yājñ. R.
- • n. wicked deed, wickedness W.
- • ○ta-bahiṣkṛta mfn. free from sin W.
- • ○tâtman mfn. evilminded wicked, base BhP.
- ○kṛti mfn. acting wickedly, an evil-doer MBh. R.
- • ○tin id. ib.
- ○kṛṣṭa mfn. badly ploughed, ill-cultivated AitBr. iii, 38
- ○krama mfn. ill-arranged, unmethodical (-tā f. Kāvyapr.)
- • difficult of access
- • going ill W.
- ○kriyā f. evil act, a misdemeanour MW.
- ○krīta mf(ā)n. badly or dearly bought Nār.
- ○kha &c., duḥkha
- ○khadira m. a tree related to the Acacia Catechu L.
- ○ṭanu mfn. having an ugly body AV. iv, 7, 3
- ○ṭara mfn. difficult to be passed or overcome or endured
- • unconquerable, irresistible
- • incomparable, excellent RV. AV. (cf. dus-t○)
- • -tárītu mfn. id. RV. TS.
- • N. of a man ŚBr. xii, 9, 3, 1
- ○ṭuta (duṣṭuta), duḥ-ṣṭuta
- • -"ṣti, duḥṣṭuti (under duḥ)
- ○paca mfn. difficult to be digested L.
- ○patana n. falling badly L.
- ○pattra n. a kind of perfume (= cora) L.
- ○páda mfn. unfathomable or inaccessible (river) RV. i, 53, 92
- ○parājaya m. 'difficult to be conquered', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○parigraha mfn. difficult to be seized or kept Kām.
- ○pariṇāma wṛ. for ○māṇa mfn. of undefined extent Kauś. 139
- ○parimṛṣṭa mfn. badly considered Suśr.
- ○parihántu mfn. difficult to be removed or destroyed RV. ii, 27, 6
- ○parī7kṣya mfn. difficult to be investigated or examined MBh.
- ○parśa (duṣparśa) = duḥ-sparśa ( duḥ)
- ○pāna mfn. difficult to be drunk Pāṇ. 3-3, 128 Kāś.
- ○pāra mfn. difficult to be crossed or overcome or accomplished MBh. &c
- ○pārṣṇi-graha or mfn. having a dangerous enemy in the rear Kām.
- ○grāha mfn. having a dangerous enemy in the rear Kām.
- ○pīta mfn. badly drunk Pāṇ. 8-3, 41 Kāś.
- ○putra m. a bad son MBh.
- ○puruṣa m. a bad man (g. brāhmaṇâdi)
- ○pūra mfn. difficult to be filled or satisfied MBh. &c
- ○peṣaṇa mfn. difficult to be pounded or crushed ĀpŚr. viii, 5, 40 Comm.
- ○poṣa mfn. difficult to be nourished
- • -tā f. L.
- ○prakampa and mfn. difficult to be shaken or agitated, immovable MBh. Hariv.
- ○prakamḍpya mfn. difficult to be shaken or agitated, immovable MBh. Hariv.
- ○prakāśa mfn. 'lighting badly', obscure, dark MBh.
- ○prakṛti f. a mean nature or bad character Kād.
- • mfn. evil-natured, bad-tempered MBh.
- ○prakriyā f. little authority Rājat. viii, 4
- ○praja (cf. BhP.) and mfn. having bad offspring
- ○praḍjas (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 122), mfn. having bad offspring
- ○prajña mfn. weak-minded, stupid MBh.
- • -tva n. stupidity Prab. vi, 15/16
- ○prajñāna n. want of understanding, weak intellect MBh.
- • (○ná), mfn. = -prajña TBr.
- ○praṇīta mfn. badly led or conducted, ill-managed MBh. R.
- • n. ill-conduct or behaviour MBh.
- ○pratara mfn. difficult to be passed or overcome MBh. R.
- ○pratigráha mfn. difficult to be taken or laid hold of. AV. x, 10, 28
- ○pratigvāraṇa mfn. difficult to be averted R. iii, 31, 49
- ○prativī7kṣaṇīya or mfn. dṭdifficult to be looked at, dazzling MBh. R.
- ○prativī7ḍkṣya mfn. dṭdifficult to be looked at, dazzling MBh. R.
- ○pratyabhijña mfn. difficult to be recognised Caṇḍ.
- ○prada mfn. causing pain or sorrow R. (B.) ii, 106, 29
- ○pradharṣa mfn. not to be assailed or touched, intangible MBh. R.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. vi
- • (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum or Phoenix Sylvestris L.
- • ○ṣaṇa mf(i)n. id. MBh. R.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i
- • (ī), f. Melangena Incurva L. ○ṣiṇī f. N. of various egg-plants Bhpr.
- • v. r. for prec. L. ○dhṛṣya mfn. = ○dharṣa MBh. R.
- ○prapadana mfn. difficult to be attained or entered Sāy. on RV. i, 59, 3
- ○prabodha mfn. awaking with difficulty Bhpr.
- ○prabhañjana m. hurricane Mcar. vii, 12
- ○pramaya mfn. difficult to be measured W.
- ○prayukta mfn. falsely used Vām. v, 2, 55
- ○pralambha mfn. difficult to be deceived Āp.
- ○pravāda m. ill speech, slander Kathās.
- ○pravṛtti f. bad news Ragh.
- ○praveśa mfn. difficult to be entered MBh. R.
- • difficult to be introduced Suśr.
- • (ā), f. a species of Opuntia L.
- ○prasaha mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or suffered, irresistible
- • terrible, frightful MBh. Kāv.
- • m. N. of a Jaina teacher Śatr.
- ○prasāda (cf. MBh.) and mfn. dṭdifficult to be propitiated
- ○prasāḍdana (cf. BhP.), mfn. dṭdifficult to be propitiated
- ○prasādhana (cf. MBh.) and mfn. dṭdifficult to be managed or dealt with
- ○prasāḍdhya (cf. Kām.), mfn. dṭdifficult to be managed or dealt with
- ○prasāha wṛ. for ○saha
- ○prasū f. bringing forth (children) with difficulty Suśr.
- ○praharṣa m. 'bad rejoicing', N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i
- ○prâpa or mfn. hard to attain, inaccessible, remote MBh. K.cf. Pur. &c
- ○prâḍpaṇa or mfn. hard to attain, inaccessible, remote MBh. K.cf. Pur. &c
- ○prâḍpaṇa or mfn. hard to attain, inaccessible, remote MBh. K.cf. Pur. &c
- ○prâḍpya mfn. hard to attain, inaccessible, remote MBh. K.cf. Pur. &c
- ○prâpta wṛ. for -prâpa
- ○prâvī́ mfn. 'badly heeding', unkind, unfriendly RV. iv, 25, 6
- ○prīti f. displeasure (cf. jana- add.)
- ○prêkṣa or mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○prêḍkṣaṇīya or mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○prêḍkṣya mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○prêkṣita mfn. badly looked at VarBṛS. ii, 23
- ○vápnya (duṣvápnya), duḥ-ṣv○
- duṣṭhu duḥ-ṣṭhu under duḥ
- duṣmanta wṛ. for duṣyanta below
- duṣyanta m. (fr. dus + √so? or p. of √duṣ?, older form duḥ-ṣanta) N. of a prince of the lunar race (descendant of Puru, husband of Śakuntalā and father of Bharata) MBh. Śak. Pur.
- duṣvanta wṛ. for duṣyanta above
- dus ind. a prefix to nouns and rarely to verbs or adverbs (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 ; 2, 18 Vārtt. 2 Pat. ; iii, 3, 126 &c.) implying evil, bad, difficult, hard
- • badly, hardly ; slight, inferior &c. (opp. to su), often = Engl. in- or un- [cf.√2. duṣ ; Zd. dush-
- • Gk. ? ; Goth. tuś- ; OḤ.G. śur.]. It becomes dur (q.v.) before vowels and soft consonants
- • dū (q.v.) before r and sometimes before d, dh, n, which become ḍ, ḍh, ṇ
- • remains unchanged before t, th (in older language however ṣṭ, ṣṭh)
- • becomes duṣ (q.v.), rarely duḥ before k, kh
- • p, ph
- • duś (q.v.) before c, ch
- • duḥ (q.v.), rarely duś, duṣ, dus, before ś, ṣ, s
- ○tapa mfn. difficult to be endured (penance) Śatr.
- ○tara mfn. (cf. ṣ-ṭ○) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○taraṇa mf(ī)n. id. MBh.
- ○tarka m. false reasoning, wrong argument BhP.
- • -mūla mfn. founded on it MW.
- ○tarkya mfn. difficult to be supposed or reasoned about ib.
- ○tāra and mfn. = -tara MBh.
- ○tīrṇa mfn. = -tara MBh.
- ○tithi m. an inauspicious lunar day MBh. xii, 6735
- ○tīrtha mfn. offering a bad ford or descent (river) MBh. v, 7363
- ○toṣa mfn. difficult to be satisfied MBh. BhP.
- ○tyajya mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted MBh. R. &c
- ○tyājya mfn. id., Śāntiś
- dustha
- dusthita
- duspṛṣṭa duḥstha &c. under duḥ
- dū in comp. for dus above
- ○ḍábha or mfn. difficult to be deceived RV.
- ○lábha mfn. difficult to be deceived RV.
- ○ḍā́ś mfn. not worshipping, irreligious RV.
- ○dāśa mfn. id. Pāṇ. 6-3, 109 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- ○ḍhī́ mfn. malevolent RV.
- ○ḍhya mfn. id. Pāṇ. ib.
- ○ṇáśa mfn. unattainable, inaccessible RV. iii, 56, 8
- ○ṇā́sa mfn. (fr. √1. naś id. RV. vi, 27, 8 Pāṇ. ib.
- • N. of an Ekâha ŚrS.
- • (fr. √2. naś) imperishable, incessant, perpetual
- ○rakta mfn. badly coloured or dyed Pāṇ. 8-3, 14 Kāś.
- ○rakṣya mfn. difficult to be guarded or preserved Mṛicch. iv, 19/20
- ○rada mfn. difficult to be scratched, hard Śiś. xix, 106
- ○rādha mfn. difficult to be accomplished TāṇḍyaBr. xx, 11
- ○rūḍha mfn. badly grown or cicatrized
- • -"ṣtva n. Suśr.
- ○roha mfn. difficult to be ascended or reached AitBr. iv, 20
- ○rohaṇa mfn. id
- • n. N. of a difficult recitation of a verse in 7 ways (1 Pāda, 2 Pādas, 3 Pādas, the whole verse, 3 Pādas, 2 Pādas, 1 Pāda) MaitrS. VS &c
- • ṇīya mfn. recited in that way ŚāṅkhBr.
- durāka m. N. of a barbarous tribe L.
- duru m. N. of a mountain MBh. xiii, 7658
- duruḥpha m. (astrol.) N. of the 15th Yoga (v. l. durapha and durupha)
- durudharā f. a peculiar position of the moon (?), Yar
- duro-dara under 1. dur
- durdurūṭa and durdh○, under 2. dur
- durdritā f. a kind of creeping plant L.
- durv cl. 1. P. dūrvati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xv, 63 (cf. √dhurv)
- durvāri -vāraṇa under 2. dur
- dul cl. 10.P. dolayati, to swing, throw up, shake to and fro Bhartṛ. iii, 43 (cf. tul, dola, dolāya)
- dulā f. 'shaking', one of the 7 Kṛittikas TS. Comm.
- dul-ayate = dur-ayate, dur-√i under 2. dur
- dulāra-bhaṭṭacārya m. N. of an author Cat.
- duli m. N. of a sage L.
- • (), fn. small or female tortoise L. (Cf. dauleya.)
- duliduha m. N. of a prince MBh. Hariv.
- duloka m. N. of a poet Cat.
- dullala (?) = romaśa L.
- duvanya-sád mfn. (fr. √1. du) dwelling among the distant (Dadhi-krāvan) RV. iv, 40, 2 (cf. Sāy. among the worshippers, 2. dúvas). 1.
- duvás mfn. stirring, restless (Soma) RV. i, 168, 3
- duvasana mfn. id. (eagle), iv, 6, 10
- dúvas n. (fr. 3. dū, a collateral form to dā as gū to gā, pū to pā, sthū to sthā
- • cf. agregū, -pū, sthavira) gift, oblation, worship, honour, reverence RV. i, 14, 1 &c. (165, 14 duvás, prob. gift, liberality)
- ○√kṛ to worship (loc.) RV.
- ○vat (dúv○), mfn. offering or enjoying worship VS.
- duvasya Nom. P. ○yáti, to honour, worship, celebrate, reward RV. iii, 2, 8 &c
- • give as a reward, i, 119, 10
- duvaḍsyú mfn. worshipping, reverential, viii, 91, 2
- duvo in comp. for dúvas above
- ○√dhā to worship (loc.) RV.
- ○yā́ f. (instr.) worship RV. v, 36, 3
- ○yú mfn. worshipping, honouring, vi, 36, 5
- • (ú), ind. reverently, 51, 4
- • out of acknowledgment, as a reward, vii, 18, 14 ; 25
- duścikya n. N. of the 3rd lunar mansion Var.
- duṣ cl. 4. P. duṣyati (○te MBh. ; pf. dudoṣa ; fut. dokṣyati, doṣṭā Siddh.: aor. aduṣat Pāṇ. 3-1, 55 ;adukṣat Vop.) to become bad or corrupted, to be defiled or impure, to be ruined, perish
- • to sin, commit a fault, be wrong AitBr. ChUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. dūṣáyati (ep. also ○te), under dūṣa
- • doṣayati (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 91), to spoil or corrupt (the mind)
- duṣṭa mfn. spoilt, corrupted
- • defective, faulty
- • wrong, false
- • bad, wicked
- • malignant, offensive, inimical
- • guilty, culpable
- ŚrS. Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. MBh. &c
- • sinning through or defiled with (cf. karma mano-, yoni-, vāg-)
- • m. a villain, rogue
- • a kind of noxious animal Vishṇ. xii, 2
- • (ā), f. a bad or unchaste woman L.
- • u. sin, offence, crime, guilt
- Hariv. R. (cf. śruti-)
- • Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
- ○gaja m. a vicious elephant MW.
- ○caritra mfn. ill-conducted, evil-doer Pañc. i, 215/216
- ○cārin mfn. id. MBh. R. &c
- ○cetas mfn. evil-minded, malevolent Mn. R.
- ○tā f. or badness, wickedness
- ○tva n. badness, wickedness
- • falsehood
- • defilement, violation R. Mṛicch. Pañc.
- ○damana n. 'taming of the bad', N. of wk
- • -kāvya n. N. of a poem
- ○durjana m. villain, reprobate Kāv.
- ○dhī mfn. = -cetas MW.
- ○nāśinī f. N. of a deity Cat.
- ○baṭuka m. a bad fellow, villain Mṛicch. i, 44/45
- ○buddhi mfn. ill-disposed against (upari) Pañc.
- • mṆ. of a villain Kathās.
- ○bhāva mfn. evil-natured, malignant, vicious Āp. MBh. R.
- • -tā f. R.i, 3, 11
- ○mati mfn. = -cetas MW.
- ○mānasa mf(ī)n. id. ib.
- ○yoni-prâpti-vicāra m
- ○rajo-darśanaśānti f. N. of wks
- ○lāṅgala n. N. of a partic. form of the moon Var.
- ○vāc mfn. uttering bad language Mn. viii, 386
- ○vānara m. a vicious monkey Ratn. ii, 3/4
- ○vṛṣa m. a vicious or stubborn ox W.
- ○vraṇa m. a dull boil or sore
- • a sinus W.
- ○hṛdaya mfn. bad-hearted Daś.
- duṣṭâtura mfn. a bad or disobedient patient, Kath. lx, 120
- duṣṭâtman mfn. evil-minded, malevolent MBh.
- • ○ṭântarātman id
- duṣṭânvita mfn. defiled, rendered impure W.
- dúṣṭi f. corruption, defilement, depravity AV.
- • growing worse (of a wound &c.) Suśr. Car.
- dúṣḍṭīya Nom. P. ○yati, to become bad or corrupted Pāṇ. 7-4, 36 Sch.
- dūṣa mfn. defiling, corrupting (ifc
- • cf. kora-, paṅkti)
- dūṣaka mf(ikā)n. corrupting, spoiling, disgracing, seducing Mn. MBh. R. &c. (○ṣika only Divyâv.)
- • offending, transgressing (gen. or comp.) Hariv. 5635 Mṛicch. ix, 40
- • sinful, wicked MBh. xii, 1236 &c
- • m. offender, seducer, disparager (vedānām MBh. xiii, 1639
- • prakṛtīnām Mn. ix, 232)
- • (ikā), f. impurity or impure secretion of the eyes Mn. Suśr.
- • a kind of rice Suśr.
- • pencil or paint-brush L.
- dū́ṣaṇa mf(ī)n. corrupting, spoiling, vitiating, violating AV. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c
- • counteracting, sinning against (comp.) R. ii, 109, 7 (cf. arā-ti-d○, kula-d○, kṛtyā-d○, khara-d, loka-d○, viṣa-d○, viṣkandha-d○)
- • m. N. of a Rakshas (general of Rāvaṇa) MBh. R. &c
- • of a Daitya slain by Śiva ŚivaP.
- • (ā), f. N. of the wife of Bhauvana and mother of Tvashṭṛi BhP. v, 15, 13
- • n. the act of corrupting &c. ( above) Mn. MBh. &c
- • dishonouring, detracting, disparaging MBh. Mṛicch. Kathās. &c
- • objection, adverse argument, refutation Sarvad. Jaim. Kap. Sch.
- • fault, of fence, guilt, sin
Mn. Kāv. Hit. &c. (cf. arthad○, sukṛta-d○, strī-d○)
- ○tā f. the being a fault ŚārṅgP.
- • -vādin m. opponent, adversary (in a disputation) Nyāyas. Comm.
- dū́ṣaḍṇâri m. 'the enemy of Daitya', N. of Rāma L.
- dū́ṣaḍṇâvaha mfn. occasioning guilt MW.
- dū́ṣaḍṇôddhāra m. N. of wk
- dū́ḍṣaṇīya mfn. = 1. ○ṣya L.
- dūṣáya Nom. P. ○yati (ep. also ○te) to corrupt, spoil, contaminate, vitiate (of moral corruption also doṣayati, 2. duṣ) AV. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to dishonour or violate (a woman) Mn. viii, 364 MBh. &c
- • (astrol.) to cause evil or misfortune Var.
- • to adulterate, falsify MBh. xiii, 1683
- • to object, refute, disprove, blame ib. Kathās. &c
- • to retract or break (vācam, one's word) MBh. xii, 7256
- • to find fault with, accuse MBh. R.
- • (paras-param, each other) Pañc. 450/451
- • to offend, hurt, injure (gen.) R. ii, 74, 3 MBh. iv, 2228 &c
- dūḍṣayat mfn. making bad, corrupting, defiling MW.
- dūḍṣayāṇa mfn. id. W.
- dūḍṣayitṛ m. corrupter ( kanyā-d○)
- dūḍṣayitnu m. id. Vop.
- dūṣi mfn. corrupting, ruining, destroying (ifc
- • cf. arāti-d○, ātma-d○, kṛtyā-d○, tanū-d○)
- • f. a poisonous substance AV.
- • = next L.
- dūṣī (or ○ṣī́kā), f. the rheum of the eyes (cf. ○ṣikā under ○ṣaka) AV. ŚBr. Suśr.
- • -viṣa n. a vegetable poison spoilt through age or decomposition Suśr.
- • mfn. slightly poisonous Car.
- • ○ṣâri m. a kind of antidote Suśr.
- dūṣy-udara n. a disease of the abdomen caused by poisonous substances
- • ○rin mfn. affected with this disease Suśr. (○Syod○, a wrong formation for ○Sy-ud○)
- dūṣita mfn. spoiled, corrupted, contaminated, defiled, violated, hurt, injured Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • censured, blamed MBh. Kathās.
- • calumniated, blemished, compromised, falsely accused of (often in comp., manyu-, śatrū7pajāpa.) Mn. vi, 66 (v. l. bhūṣita), viii, 64 &c. MBh. Bhartṛ. Pañc. &c
- • (ā), f. a girl who has been violated or deflowered W.
- ○tva n. Sarvad.
- dūṣin mfn. corrupting, polluting, violating (ifc
- • cf. kanyā-) MBh. Yājñ.
- dūṣya mfn. corruptible, liable to be soiled or defiled or disgraced or ruined MBh. Kām.
- • reprehensible, culpable, vile, bad
- • m. wicked man, a villain R. Kām.
- • n. matter, pus
- • poison L.
- ○yukta mfn. associated with a vile rascal Kām. xiii, 70
- dūṣyat mfn. offending Yājñ. ii, 296 (for ○ṣayat?)
- dussatha m. (wṛ. or Prākr. for duḥsaktha?) a cock or dog L.
- dussani m. (dus + sani, gift or giver?) N. of a man Rājat. iv, 167
- duh cl. 1.P. dohati, to pain Dhātup.
- duh (orig. dugh, cf. dúghāna, dugha &c., and the initial dh of some forms), cl. 2.P. Ā. dogdhi
- • dugdhe or duhé RV. &c. (pl. Ā. duhaté, ix, 19, 5 &c
- • duhrate, i, 134, 6 &c
- • duhré, vii, 101, 1 &c
- • impf. P. ádhok, iii, 19, 7
- • duhúr ii, 34, 10 &c
- • Ā. adugdha , pl. aduhra, i AV. viii, 10, 14 ; 3 sg. aduha pl. ○hra MaitrS.
- • Impv. dhukṣva RV. AV. ; 3 sg. duhā́m RV. i, 164, 27
- • pl. duhrā́m, ○rátām AV.
- • dhuṅgdhvam ĀśvŚr.
- • Subj. dohat , ○hate RV.
- • Pot. duhīyat RV. ii, 11, 21
- • ○yán, i, 120, 9
- • Ā. ○hīta, ii, 18, 8
- • p. P. duhát Ā. duhāná, dúhāna, and dúgh○ RV.)
- • cl. 6. P. Ā. duháti, ○te RV. &c
- • cl. 4. duhyati, ○te MBh.
- • pf. dudóha , duduhé, 3 pl. duduhur RV. &c
- • Ā. duduhre RV. iii, 57, 2 &c.
- • fut. dhokṣyati, ○te Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 Kāś.
- • aor. ádhukṣat, ○ṣata , adukṣat, i, 33, 10
- • dukṣata, 3 sg. i, 160, 3
- • Impv. dhukṣásva RV.
- • Pot. dhukṣīmáhi TS., i, 6, 4, 3
- • inf. dogdhum MBh. &c
- • dogdhos ŚBr.
- • duhádhyai and doháse RV.
- • ind. p. dugdhvā ŚBr.) to milk (a cow or an udder), fig. take advantage of (cf. ?), enjoy
- • to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk, Soma, e.g. any good thing)
- • draw anything out of another thing (with 2 acc.) RV. &c. &c
- • (mostly Ā.) to give milk, yield any desired object (acc., rarely gen.) RV. &c. &c.: Pass. duhyáte aor. adohi (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 63 Kāś.) to be milked, to be drawn or extracted from RV. AV. MBh. &c.: Caus. doháyati, ○te aor. adūduhat Pass. dohyáte, to cause to milk or be milked
- • to milk, milk out, extract
- ŚBr. Vait. Mn. BhP.: Desid. dúdukṣati (cf. RV.), dudhukṣati (cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 38, cf. dudhukṣu), to wish to milk.
- duh mfn. (nom. dhuk) milking
- • yielding, granting (cf. kāma-, go- &c.)
- duha mfn. id. ifc
- duhitṛ f. a daughter (the milker or drawing milk from her mother dauhtar, Lith. dukte, Slav. dushti])
- duhiḍtā-mātṛ f. du. daughter and mother Kathās. xcviii, 54
- duhiḍtuḥ-pati m. a daughter's husband Pāṇ. 6-3, 24 Kāś.
- duhiḍtṛ-tva n. the condition of a daughter MBh. Pur.
- ○pati m. = ○tuH-p○ Pāṇ. ib.
- ○mat mfn. having a daughter, GS
- duhya mfn. to be milked, milkable W.
- duhyu wṛ. for druhyu
- dū f. (fr. √2. du) pain, distress
- ○da mfn. afflicting, harassing L. (For 1 . dū, p. 488, col. 2.)
- dūtaka m. N. of Agni in the form of a forest conflagration Gṛihyās. (cf. dava, dāva)
- dūná mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 45) burnt, afflicted, distressed AV. MBh. &c
- dūyana n. heat (of the body), fever Car.
- dū = 2. dúvas, only nom. acc. pl. dúvas RV. (cf. á-dū)
- dūtá m. (prob. fr. √1. du
- • cf. dūrá) a messenger, envoy, ambassador, negotiator RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (○taya Nom. P. ○yati, to employ as messenger or ambassador, Naish)
- • (i), f. female messenger, esp. procuress, go-between RV. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a kind of bird (= sārikā) L.
- • N. of a female attendant on Durgā W.
- ○karman n. business or duty of a mṭmessenger MBh. Pañc.
- ○ghnī f. 'messenger-killer', N. of a plant L.
- ○tva n. the office or state of a mṭmessenger Pañc.
- ○parī7kṣā f. N. of wk
- ○mukha mf(i)n. 'having an ambassador as mouth', speaking by an ambassador Śiś. ii, 82
- ○mocana n. 'liberation of an aṭambassador', N. of a ch. of the GaṇP.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. having a messenger, Kaush Up. ii,
- ○vākya n. and -prabandha m. N. of wks
- ○samprêṣaṇa n. the sending forth ambassadors Mn. vii, 153
- dūtâṅgada m. 'Aṅgada as messenger, N. of an act of the Mahā-nāṭaka
- • n. of a Chāyā-nāṭaka by Subhaṭa
- dūti-tva wṛ. for ○tī-tva n. the office or state of a procuress Śukas.
- dutī-prakāśa m
- duḍtī-lakṣaṇa n
- duḍty-upahāsa m. N. of wks
- dūtaka m. a messenger, ambassador (cf. deva.)
- • (ikā), f. a female messenger, confidante Pañc. Vet.
- • a gossiping or mischief-making woman Rājat.
- dūḍtikā f. = prec. f. L.
- dūḍtyá n. the state or office of an ambassador
- • an embassy, message RV. Hcar. &c
- dūna under 2. dū
- dūpra mfn. strong L. (cf. dṛpra)
- dūr N. of the Prâṇa or vital breath regarded as a deity ŚBr.
- dūrá mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. √1. du, hut Uṇ. ii, 21
- • compar. dáviiyas, superl. daviṣṭha, qq.vv.) distant, far, remote, long (way)
- • n. distance, remoteness (in space and time), a long way ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (ám), ind. far, far from (gen. or abl. Pāṇ. 2-3, 34 Kāś.), a long way off or a long period back RV. AV. ŚBr. &c. (also dūrā́d dūrám AV. xii, 2, 14)
- • far above (ut-patati Hit. i, 101/102) or below (ambhasi Kathās. x, 29)
- • far, i.e. much in a high degree (dūram un-mani-kṛta Prab. iii, 21/22
- • dūraṃ-√kṛ, to surpass, exceed Ragh. xvii, 18
- • ○ṃ-karaṇa mf(i)n. making far or distant, removing Vop. (v. l.)
- • ○ṃ-gata mfn. = ○ra-g○ Saṃk.
- • ○ṃ-gamá mfn. going far away VS. xxxiv, 1
- • (ā), f. (scil. bhūmi) one of the 10 stages in the life of a Śrāvaka L.
- • (eṇa), ind. (Pāṇ. 2-3, 35) far, from afar, by far MBh. Kāv. &c
- • compar. ○ra-tareṇa VP. iii, 7, 26, 33
- • (āt), ind. (Pāṇ. ib.) from a distance, from afar RV. AV. MBh. &c
- • far from (abl.) Mn. iv, 151
- • a long way back or from a remote period, iii, 130
- • in comp. with a pp., e.g. dūrād-āgata, come from afar Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 ; vi, 1, 2 ; 2, 144 Kāś.
- • (e), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 36 Kāś.) in a distant place, far, far away RV. i, 24, 9 ; iv, 4, 3 (opp. ánti) and c AV. ŚBr. TśUp.5(opp. antike) Mn. MBh. &c
- • compar. ○ra-tare, some way from (abl.) Mn. xi, 128
- • dūre-√kṛ, to discard Amar. 67
- • dūre-√bhū or √gam, to be far away or gone off Kathās. Vet.
- • ○re tiṣṭhatu, let it be far, i.e. let it be unmentioned, never mind Kathās. vi, 37
- ○ādiś (dūrá- for ○ré-ā○), mfn. announcing far and wide RV. i, 139, 10.
- ○ādhī (dūrá- for ○ré-ā○), mfn. whose thoughts are far away, vi, 9, 6
- ○upa-śabdas (dūrá-. for ○ré-up○), mfn. sounding to a distance, vii, 21, 2
- ○khātôdaka mfn. (said of a place) where water is only found after deep digging Gobh. iv, 7, 8 Comm.
- ○ga mfn. going or being far, remote Hariv. Rājat.
- ○gata mfn. gone far away R.
- ○gamana n. the going or travelling far Kāv.
- ○gā mfn. = -ga TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○gāmin mfn. going far R.
- • m. an arrow W.
- ○gṛha mfn. whose house is distant, far from home R.
- ○grahaṇa n. seizing or perceiving objects from afar (a supernatural faculty) BhP.
- ○cara mfn. walking or being far R.
- • keeping away from (abl.) Jātakam.
- ○ja mfn. born or living in a distant place MBh.
- ○tás ind. from afar, at a distance, aloof from, far off AV. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • dūrato-√bhū, to keep away ŚārṅgP.
- ○tā f. (cf. W.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Bhāshāp.) remoteness, distance
- ○darśana m. 'far-seeing', a vulture L.
- • n. long-sightedness
- • foresight W.
- • mfn. visible only from afar BhP. i, 11, 8
- ○darśin mfn. far-seeing
- • long-sighted (fig.) R.
- • m. a seer, prophet (cf. dīrgha-d○)
- • a vulture L.
- • N. of a vulture who was prime-minister of Citra-varṇa MW.
- ○dṛś mfn. id
- • m. a vulture
- • a learned man L.
- ○dṛṣṭi f. long-sightedness, foresight, discernment W.
- ○patha m. a long way
- • ○thaṃ gata, living far off MBh. i, 801
- ○pāta m. a long flight MBh.
- • falling from a great height
- • mfn. shooting from afar MBh. R. (cf. durâp○)
- ○pātana n. the act of shooting to a distance MBh.
- ○pātin mfn. flying far or a long way MBh. R.
- • shooting to a distance, hitting from afar ib. (○ti-tā f. and ○ti-tva n. MBh.)
- ○pātra mfn. having a wide channel or bed (river) R. ii, 73, (v. l. -pāra). =
- ○pāra mfn. having the opposite shore far off, very broad or wide R. ii, 71, 2 &c. (cf. prec.)
- • difficult of access or attainment MBh. xi, 138
- • m. a very broad river MBh. BhP.
- • (ā), f. N. of the Ganges MW. (cf. duṣ-p○)
- ○prasārin mfn. reaching far Bhpr.
- ○bandhu mfn. having one's kinsmen distant, banished from wife and kindred MBh. Megh.
- ○bhāj mfn. 'possessing distance', distant W.
- ○bhāva m. remoteness, distance Megh.
- ○bhinna mfn. pierced from a distance, wounded deeply W.
- ○bheda m. the act of piercing from a distance L.
- ○mūla m. Saccharum Munjia or Alhagi Maurorum L.
- ○m-bhaviṣṇu or mfn. moving to a distance Vop.
- ○bhāvuka mfn. moving to a distance Vop.
- ○yāyin mfn. going far W.
- ○vartin mfn. being in the distance, far removed Kālid.
- ○vastraka mfn. having the clothes removed, naked W.
- ○vāsin mfn. residing in a distant land W.
- ○vidāritânana mfn. having the mouth widely open Ṛitus. i, 14 (v. l. bhūri-)
- ○vibhinna mfn. 'far separated', not related W.
- ○vilambin mfn. hanging far down Śak. v, 12 (v. l. bhūri-)
- ○vedha m. the act of striking from afar L.
- • ○dhin mfn. piercing from afar (as a missile, weapon) L.
- ○śūnya mfn. leading through a long desert (way) Gal.
- ○śravaṇa n. hearing from afar Pañcar.
- ○śravas (○rá), mfn. far-renowned AV. (cf. ○re-zr○)
- ○saṃstha mfn. being in the distance, remote Megh.
- • ○sthāna n. residing at a distance W.
- ○sūrya mfn. having the sun distant R.
- ○stha mfn. = saṃstha Mn. MBh. &c
- • -tva n. Kathās. xiii, 80
- ○sthāyin mfn. id. MW.
- ○sthita mfn. id. Ratn.
- ○svarga mfn. having heaven distant, far off from heaven BhP. viii, 21, 33 (v. l. ○re-sv○)
- dūrâgata mfn. come from afar Cāṇ.
- dūrâdhirohin v. l. for ○rârohin, q.v
- dūrântara n. a wide space, long interval
- • ○rita mfn. separated by a wide space MW.
- dūrâpaṇika mfn. frequenting distant markets Dharmaśarm.
- dūrâpāta
- dūrâpāḍtin = ○ra-vedha, ○dhin L.
- dūrâpêta mfn. not even distantly to be thought of, quite out of the question Kād.
- • -tva n. Comm.
- dūrâplāva mfn. leaping far W.
- dūrârūḍha mfn. mounted high, far gone or advanced Vikr. iv, 65/66
- dūrârohin mfn. id. Śak. v, 115/116
- dūrârtha m. remote or recondite object MW.
- dūrâloka m. sight from afar
- • ○ke sthita, standing very far off Vikr. iv, 46
- dūrâvasthita mfn. standing or being afar off W.
- dūrêritêkṣaṇa mfn. 'who sends his glances far apart', squint-eyed L.
dūrêṣu-pātin mfn. shooting arrows to a distance MBh. vii, 264
- dūrôtsārita mfn. driven far away, removed, banished Vikr. iv, 23
- • -tva n. Sarvad.
- dūrônnamita mfn. raised aloft, stretched far out ib. 18
- dūraya Nom. P. ○yati, to be far from (abl) Vām. v, 2, 79
- • to keep distant, remove Kum. viii, 35 (v. l. dhūnayati)
- dūrī ind. in comp. for dūra
- ○karaṇa n. the making distant, removing W.
- ○√kṛ to make distant, remove, repel Pāṇ. 1-3, 37 Sch.
- • -kṛta mfn. repelled, surpassed, exceeded Kāv.
- ○√bhū to withdraw, retire, stand back
- • -bhūta mfn. distant, removed, far off Kāv. Pur.
- dūre loc. of dūra (q.v.) in comp
- ○anta mfn. ending in the remote distance, boundless (heaven and earth) RV. AV.
- ○amitra (○ré-), mfn. whose enemies are far away VS. xvii, 83
- ○artha (○ré-), mfn. whose aim is far off RV. vii, 63, 4
- ○gavyūti (○ré-) mfn. whose domain is or reaches far AV. iv 28, 3
- ○cara mfn. going or being far, distant Kām.
- ○janânta-nilaya mfn. living far away from men Suśr.
- ○tya mfn. being far off, distant Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- ○dṛ́ś mfn. visible far and wide RV.
- ○paśyā́ f. 'far-seeing', N. of an Apsaras TBr. iii, 7, 12, 3
- ○pānīya-gocara mfn. having remote watering places (said of animals) Suśr.
- ○bāndhava m. a distant kinsman Vas. xv, 7
- ○bhā (○ré-), mfn. shining to a distance RV. i, 65, 10
- ○yama mfn. one from whom Yama is distant BhP. iii, 15, 25
- ○vadhá mfn. far-striking VS. xvi, 40
- ○śravas mfn. far-renowned ŚāṅkhŚr. viii, 17, 11 (cf. ○ra-zr○)
- • m. N. of a man ( daureśravasa)
- ○śruta m. N. of a man (cf. daure-)
- ○heti (○ré-), mfn. whose arrows fly to a distance PārGṛ. iii, 14
- • m. a partic. form of Agni TS. Comm.
- dū-rakta -rakṣya &c. 1. dū
- dūrya n. (fr. 1. dur?) feces, ordure
- • a kind of Curcuma (= śaṭī) L.
- dūrva m. N. of a prince who was son of Nṛipaṃ-jaya and father of Timi BhP. ix, 22, 41
- dū́rvā f. (√durt?) bent grass, panic grass, Dūrb grass, Panicum Dactylon
- RV. VS. Br. MBh. &c. (cf. ali-, gaṇḍa-, granthi-, mālā-)
- ○kāṇḍa n. a quantity or heap of DṭDūrb grass Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś.
- ○"ṣkṣī (○vâk○), f. N. of the wife of Vṛika BhP. ix, 24, 42
- ○gaṇa-pati-vrata n. N. of a partic. observance Cat.
- • -kathā f. N. of wk
- ○loṣṭa n. lump of earth from a DṭDūrb field MānGṛ. i, 7
- ○vaṇa or n. a thicket of Dūrb grass Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Kāś.
- ○vana n. a thicket of Dūrb grass Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Kāś.
- ○vat mfn. intertwined or joined with Dūrb grass Kum. vii, 14
- ○vihāyakavrata n. N. of wk
- ○vrata n. N. of a partic. observance Cat.
- ○"ṣṣṭamī (○vâṣ○), f. N. of a festival on the 8th day of the light half of the month Bhādra on which the Dūrb is worshipped as a deity BhavP.
- ○vrata-kathā f. N. of wk
- ○soma m. a species of Soma plant
- dūrvêṣṭakā́ f. Dūrb grass used like bricks in erecting an altar ŚBr. TS.
- dūrśá n. a kind of woven cloth or vesture AV. (cf. dūśya, 2. dūṣya)
- dūlāla m. N. of an author
- dūlāḍlipattra and n. N. of wks. Cat.
- dūlāḍlīya n. N. of wks. Cat.
- dūlāsa (?), m. a bow W.
- dūlikā and dūlī f. the Indigo plant L. (cf. tūlī, dolā, taru-dūlikā)
- dūśya n. a tent (cf. dūrśa, 2. dūṣya)
- dūṣa ○ṣaka, ○ṣaṇa. ○ṣita, under √2. duṣ
- dūṣya n. a tent Śiś. v, 21
- • clothes or a kind of cloth, cotton, calico Divyâv. (cf. kalpa-, dūrśa and dūśya)
- • (ā), f. an elephant's leathern girth (cf. cūṣā, ○ṣyā, kakṣyā)
- dūsa avi-d○
- dṛ cl. 6. Ā. driyáte (ep. also ○ti), to respect, honour (cf. Dhātup. xxviii, 118)
- • occurring only with prep. ā, cf. ā-√dri
- • Desid. didariṣate Pāṇ. 7-2, 75
- dṛta mfn. respected, honoured W.
- • (ā). f. cumin L.
- dṛṃh or dṛh cl. 1. P. dṛ́ṃhati, to make firm, fix, strengthen RV. AV. VS. &c. (p. dṛṃhántam AV. xii, 29)
- • Ā. ○te, to be firm or strong RV. &c. (trans. = P. only in dṛṃhéthe RV. vi, 67, 6, and dṛṃhāmahai ŚBr. ii, 1, 9)
- • cl. 4. P. Ā. only Impf. dṛhya and ○hyasva, be strong RV.
- • cl. 1. darhati, to grow Dhātup. xvii, 84
- • pf. dadarha or dadṛṃha
- • p. Ā. dādṛhāṇá, fixing, holding RV. i, 130, 4 ; iv, 26, 6
- • fixed, firm, i, 85, 10
- • aor. ádadṛhanta, they were fixed or firm, x, 82, 1: Caus. P. Ā. dṛṃhayati, ○te, to make firm, fix, establish AV. Kauś. Gobh.
- dṛṃha in bhūmi-d○ (q.v.)
- dṛ́ṃhaṇa n. making firm, fastening, strengthening AV. vi, 136, 1 (cf. keśa-d○)
- • means of strengthening TBr. ii, 8, 3, 8
- dṛ́ṃḍhitá (or dṛhita Pāṇ. 7-2, 20 Sch.), mfn. made firm, fortified
- • n. stronghold RV.
- dṛ́ṃḍhitṛ́ m. strengthener, fortifier ib. TBr.
- dṛḍha or (dṛḻhá) mfn. fixed, firm, hard, strong, solid, massive RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • firmly fastened, shut fast, tight, close (e.g. ship, 52, 5
- • bonds, fetters, chains Hit. i, 67/68 Mṛicch.vii, 6/7
- • fist MBh. iv, 1976)
- • whole, complete (opp. to bhinna) MBh. xiii, 7453
- • difficult to be bent (bow ChUp. i, 3, 5)
- • steady, resolute, persevering Hariv. Kathās.
- • confirmed, established, certain, sure Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • intense, violent, mighty MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (in mathem.) reduced to the last term or smallest number by a common divisor
- • m. (in music) a kind of Rūpaka
- • N. of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv.
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. vii
- • (ā), f. N. of a Buddh. goddess
- • n. anything fixed or firm or solid
- • stronghold, fortress RV. &c
- • iron L.
- • (ám), ind. firmly, fast
- AV. MBh. R. &c. (comp. -taram Prab. iv, 11)
- • steadily, perseveringly, thoroughly, much, very well MBh. Kāv. BhP. &c
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'hard-thorned', a kind of plant L.
- • (ā), f. Phoenix Sylvestris L.
- ○kāṇḍa m. 'strong stemmed', a bamboo L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of creeping plant L.
- • n. a kind of fragrant grass L.
- ○kārin mfn. 'acting firmly', resolute, persevering Mn. Gaut.
- ○kuṭṭaka m. (math.) a multiplier admitting of no further simplification or reduction
- ○krodha mfn. having violent anger MBh. iii, 1972
- ○kṣatra m. 'having strong prowess', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○kṣurā wṛ. for dṛḍhêkṣ○, q.v
- ○gātrikā f. 'having hard particles', granulated sugar L.
- ○granthi m. 'hardknotted', a bamboo L.
- ○grāhin mfn. seizing firmly, pursuing an object with untiring energy MBh. xii, 7184
- ○cchada m. 'hard-leaved', m. Borassus Flabelliformis L.: n. a kind of fragrant grass L.
- ○cyuta (also ○DhA-c○ and dṛḻha-c○), m. N. of a son of Agastya or author of a hymn of the RV. Prav. BhP. (cf. dārḍha-c○)
- ○jñāna n. certain knowledge, firm conviction MW.
- ○"ṣtara mfn. compar. firmer, harder
- • ○rī-√kṛ, to strengthen, confirm Daś.
- ○taru m. 'strong tree', Grislea Tomentosa L.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. firmness, hardness, solidity, strength
- • steadiness, perseverance MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tṛṇa n. 'strong grass', Saccharum Munjia L.
- • (ā), f. Eleusine Indica L.
- ○toraṇârgala mfn. having the bars of the gates firmly fastened (town) R. i, 6, 26
- ○tvac m. 'tough-barked', a kind of reed L.
- ○daṃśaka m. 'strong-toothed', a shark L.
- ○dasyu m. N. of an old sage, also named Idhmavāha (son of Dṛiḍha-cyuta, above) Kād. BhP. (cf. dṛhasyu)
- ○dvāra mfn. having strong or well-secured gates R. i, 5, 10
- ○dhana m. 'having secure wealth', N. of Gautama Buddha Lalit.
- ○dhanus m. 'having a strong bow', N. of an ancestor of Gautama (v. l. -hanu and ○ḍhâśva) VP.
- ○dhanvan mfn. having a strong bow MBh. iii, 13553
- • m. a good archer ib. i, 6995
- ○dhanvin mfn. id. MBh. iii, 1348 &c
- • furnished with strong archers R. v, 72, 13
- ○dhur mfn. having a strong pole or beam Pāṇ. 5-7, 74 Kāś.
- ○dhṛti mfn. 'strong-willed', resolute Āpast.
- ○nābha m. a spell for restraining magical weapons R. i, 30, 5
- ○niścaya mfn. 'having fixed certainty', certain, undoubted W.
- ○nira m. 'strong-juiced', the cocoanut tree L.
- ○netra m. 'strong-eyed', N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra R. i
- ○nemi m. N. of a prince (son of Śatya-dhṛiti) Hariv. Pur.
- ○pattra m. 'strong-leaved', a bamboo L.
- • (ī), f. Eleusine Indica L.
- ○pāda m. 'firm-footed', N. of Brahmā Hariv.
- • (ā), f. Andrographis Paniculata L.
- • (ī), f. Phyllanthus Niruri L.
- ○pratijña mfn. firm in keeping a promise or agreement Śak. ii, 4/5 (v. l.)
- ○pratyaya m. firm confidence Bhartṛ. iii, 14
- ○praroha m. 'growing strongly', Ficus Infectoria L.
- ○prahāra m. a hard or violent stroke Śak. i, 32 Sch.
- ○prahārin mfn. striking hard, shooting surely (○ritā f. Mcar. i, 30/31 Divyâv. 58 &c.)
- • m. N. of a man HYog.
- ○phala m. 'having hard fruit', the cocoa-nut tree L.
- ○baddha mfn. firmly bound, tied tightly W.
- ○bandhana-baddha mfn. caught fast in a snare MW.
- ○bandhinī f. 'winding closely round', a kind of creeper (= śyāmā) L.
- ○bala m. 'of firm strength', N. of a medical author
- ○bīja m. 'having hard seeds', Cassia Tora L.
- • Zizyphus Jujuba L.
- • Acacia Arabica L.
- ○buddhi m. 'firm-minded', N. of a man Kathās.
- ○bhakti mfn. 'firm in devotion', faithful R. (-tā f. Kām. )
- • ○ktika and ○kti-mat mfn. id. R.
- ○mati mfn. firm-minded, strong-willed, resolute Bhag. xviii, 64
- ○manyu mfn. having intense anger or grief Ragh. xi, 46
- ○muṣṭi m. a strong fist Kathās. cix, 148
- • a sword L. (cf. gāḍha-m○)
- • N. of a man Kathās.
- • mfn. strong-fisted, whose grasp is difficult to unloose MBh. Hariv. (-tā f. MW.)
- • close-fisted, i.e. miserly, niggardly L.
- ○mūla m. 'having a hard √', the cocoa-nut tree L.
- • Saccharum Munjia L.
- • another kind of grass (= manthānaka) L.
- ○raṅgā f. 'having a fast colour', alum L.
- ○ratha m. 'having a strong chariot', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, vii (○thâśraya, i. 4551, prob. id.)
- • of a son of Jayad-ratha and father of Viśva-jit Hariv.
- • of the father of the 10th Arhat of the 10th Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī L.
- ○ruci m. 'of great glory', N. of a prince and of a Varsha in Kuśa-dviipa BhP.
- ○latā f. 'having strong branches', a kind of plant L.
- ○loman mfn. coarse-haired, bristled
- • m. coarse hair, bristles
- • a hog L.
- ○vajra m. 'having a strong thunderbolt', N. of a king of the Asuras L.
- ○vapus mfn. 'strong-bodied', hale and hearty Subh.
- ○varman m. 'having strong armour', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- • of a king of Prayāg Priy.
- ○valka m. 'hard-barked', the Areca-palm L. (ā), f. Hibiscus Cannabinus L.
- ○valkala m. 'id.', Artocarpus Locucha L.
- ○vāda-parākrama mfn. firm in words and acts MBh. xii, 201
- ○vikrama mfn. of firm fortitude MBh. i, 7636
- ○vṛkṣa m. 'firm tree', the cocoa-nut L.
- ○vedhana n. piercing strongly MBh. vii, 2635
- ○vairin m. a relentless foe MW.
- ○vrata mfn. 'firm-vowed', firm in austerity or resolution Mn. MBh. &c
- • persevering in, intent upon, devoted to (loc. or comp.) R.
- ○śaktika mfn. of great power
- • strong-willed L.
- ○saṃdha m. 'faithful to engagements', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- ○saṃdhi m. firmly united, closely joined
- • strong-knit, thick-set
- • close, compact L.
- ○samādhāna mfn. paying fixed attention Nāg. v, 27/28
- ○sūtrikā f. 'having strong fibres', Sanseviera Zeylanica L.
- ○sena m. 'having a strong army', N. of a prince Pur.
- ○sauhṛda mf(ī)n. firm in friendship, constant Pañc. Hit.
- ○skandha m. 'strong-stemmed', a sort of Mimusops L.
- ○sthūṇa mfn. having firm posts or columns. R.
- ○hanu m. 'strong-jawed', N. of a prince BhP. (cf. ○Dha-dh○)
- ○hasta m. 'stronghanded', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- dṛḍhâkṣa m. 'strong-eyed', N. of a prince Hariv. (v. l. ○ḍhâśva)
- dṛḍhâṅga mf(ā or ī)n. 'firm-bodied', hard, strong
- • n. a diamond L.
- dṛḍhânutāpa mfn. deep repentance Kum. iii, 8
- dṛḍhâyu or m. 'firm-lived', N. of the son of Purū-ravas and Urvaśī MBh. i
- dṛḍhâḍyus m. 'firm-lived', N. of the son of Purū-ravas and Urvaśī MBh. i
- • of a prince ib. v
• of one of the 7 sages of the south ib. xiii
- • of a son of the 3rd Manu Sāvarṇa
- dṛḍhâyudha mfn. having strong weapons MBh.
- • m. N. of Śiva
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i
- dṛḍhâśva m. 'strong-horsed', N. of a son of Dhundhu-māra MBh. &c
- • of a son of Kāśya Pur. (v. l. ○dha-dhanus and -hanu)
- dṛḍhêkṣurā f. Eleusine Indica L.
- dṛḍhêṣudhi m. having a strong quiver', N. of a prince MBh. i, 231
- dṛḍhaya Nom. P. ○yati = ○ḍhī-√kṛ Kāv. Sch. (cf. draḍhaya)
- dṛḍḍhavya wṛ. for
- ḍdhâyus (q.v.) MBh. xiii, 7112
- dṛḍḍhasyu m. N. of an ancient sage (= ○ḍha-dasyu, q.v.) MBh. iii, 8640
- dṛḍḍhiṣṭha wṛ. for draḍh○
- dṛḍḍheyu m. N. of one of the 7 sages of the west MBh. xiii, 7114
- dṛḍhī ind., in comp. for ○ḍha
- ○karaṇa n
- ○kāra m. strengthening, corroboration, confirmation MBh. R. root
- ○kṛ to make firm or fast, strengthen, corroborate, confirm Kāv. Sch.
- ○√bhū to become strong, increase Pañc. iii, 258
- dṛka n. a hole, opening L.
- dṛkāṇa m. (?) the third part of a sign of the zodiac or a demi-god presiding over it Var. (v. l. dṛkkāṇa, drekk○, dreṣk○)
- dṛk-karṇa &c. 2. dṛś
- dṛkṣa mf(ī)n. looking like, appearing as (in amū-, i-, kī-, tā-
- • 2. dṛś and dṛśa).
- dṛg-añcala &c. 2. dṛś
- dṛgbhū f. a thunderbolt L.
- • the sun L.
- • a serpent L. (cf. dṛnphū, dṛmphū, dṛnbhū, dṛmbhū)
- dṛṅ-nīraja &c. 2. dṛś
- dṛḍaka m. a fire-place or hole made in the ground for cooking W.
- dṛḍu m. or f. (mus.) a kind of dance
- dṛḍha under √dṛṃh &c
- dṛ́ti m. (fr. √dṝ) a skin of leather, a leather bag for holding water and other fluids (fig. = a cloud), skin, hide, a pair of bellows RV. AV. Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- • a fish L.
- • N. of a man with the patr. Aindrôti or Aindrôta TāṇḍyaBr. [cf. dārteya
- • Gk. ?]
- ○kuṇḍa-ṭapaścit (only ○citām ayana n.), N. of a Sattra ŚrS.
- ○dhāraka m. a kind of plant L.
- ○vātavata (only ○vator ayana n.), N. of a Sattra ŚrS.
- ○hari mfn. carrying a leather skin or bags (said of cattle) Pāṇ. 3-2, 25
- • m. a dog L.
- ○hāra mfn. id. (but not said of cattle) Pāṇ. ib.
- • m. a carrier of skins and bags, a water carrier W.
- dṛdhrá mfn. (√dhṛ) seizing or fastening tightly RV. iv, 1, 15
- dṛn ind. an interjection (prob. made to explain dṛnbhū) L.
- dṛnphū m. a kind of snake Uṇ. i, 93 Sch. (vḷ. dṛmphū)
- dṛnbhū m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 84 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) a thunderbolt L.
- • the sun L.
- • (f. W.) a snake L.
- • a wheel L.
- dṛmbhū id. Uṇ. i, 93 Sch. (cf. dṛgbhū &c.)
- dṛp or dṛph, cl. 6. P. dṛpati or dṛmp○
- • dṛph○ or dṛmph○, to pain, torture Dhātup. xxviii, 28
- dṛp cl. 4. P. dṛpyati (darpati only ĀpDh. i, 13, 4
- • fut. drápsyati or darpiṣyati Br.
- • darpitā, ○ptā, and draptā Pāṇ. 7-2, 45
- • pf. dadarpa
- • aor. adṛpat Br.
- • adrāpsīt Pāṇ. 3-1, 44 Vārtt. 7
- • adarpīt and adārp sīt Vop.) to be mad or foolish, to rave Br.
- • to be extravagant or wild, to be arrogant or proud, to be wildly delighted. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to light, kindle, inflame (darpati or darpayati Dhātup. xxxiv, 14, vḷ. for chṛd): Caus. darpayati, to make mad or proud or arrogant Pañc. Kathās.
- dṛpta mfn. mad, wild, proud, arrogant (-tara, compar.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. á-d○ and a-dṛpitá)
- ○bālakí m. N. of a man with the patr. Gārgya ŚBr.
- dṛptâtman mfn. 'haughty-minded' (Kṛishṇa) MBh. xii, 1661
- dṛpti prá-d○
- dṛpyat mfn. being proud or arrogant W. (cf. á-d○)
- dṛpra mfn. strong Uṇ. ii, 13 Sch. (cf. dūpra)
- • proud, arrogant W.
- dṛbh cl.1. 10. P. darbhati and darbhayati, to fear, be afraid Dhātup. xxxiv, 15
- dṛbh cl. 6. P. dṛbháti (cf. ŚBr.)
- • 1. 10. P. darbhati and darbhayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxiv, 16), to string or tie together, tie in a bunch
- dṛbdha mfn. strung, tied L. (cf. saṃ-d○)
- dṛḍbdhi f. stringing together, arranging L.
- dṛbhīka m. N. of a demon slain by Indra RV.
- dṛmicaṇḍêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga MatsyaP. (vḷ. kṛm○)
- dṛmp or dṛmph, 1. dṛp
- dṛmphū or ○bhū, dṛnphū &c
- dṛván (√dṝ?), mfn. piercing (arrow) VS. x, 8
- dṛś (Pres. forms supplied by √paś q.v
- • pf. P. dadárśa RV. &c.
- • Ā. dadṛśé AV. [dádṛśe, 3pl. ○dṛśre RV.
- • ○śrire TBr.]
- • p. P. dadṛśvás RV.
- • ○sivas Up.
- • darśivas, q.v.
- • Ā. dádṛśāna RV.
- • fut. P. -drakṣyáti Br. &c
- • Ā. ○ṣyate and fut. 2. draṣṭā MBh.
- • aor. P. adarśam, ○śas, ○śat, 3 pl. ○śur Br. ; 1 pl. adarśma TS.
- • adṛśma JaimBr.
- • Subj. darśam, ○śat, ○śathas RV. AV.
- • Ā. 3 pl. ádṛśran VS. AV. Br.
- • ○śram RV.
- • p. dṛśāná or dṛ́śāna RV.
- • P. dṛśan, 3 pl. ádṛśan Br.
- • Pot. dṛśéyam RV.
- • ○śema AV.
- • P. adrākṣit and adrāk Br.
- • Ā. 3 pl. ádṛkṣata
- • Subj. 2 sg. dṛ́kṣase RV.
- • inf. dṛśé and driśáye RV.
- • dráṣṭum AV. &c
- • ind. p. dṛṣṭvā́ AV. &c. , ○ṭvāya RV.
- • -dṛ́śya RV.
- • -darśam Daś.) to see, behold, look at, regard, consider RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to see, i.e. wait on, visit MBh. R.
- • to see with the mind, learn, understand MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to notice, care for, look into, try, examine Yājñ. Pañc.
- • to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, &c.) Br. Nir. ii, 11: Pass. dṛśyáte (ep. also ○ti), aor. adárśi RV. &c. to be seen, become visible, appear RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to be shown or manifested, appear as (iva), prove Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. P. Ā. darśayati, ○te AV. &c
- • aor. adīdṛśat Br.
- • adadarśat Pāṇ. 7-4, 7, to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (Ā. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and Ā. with or scil. ātmānam, also one's self), to (acc. AV. iv, 20, 6 ŚBr. &c
- • gen. Mn. iv, 59 MBh. &c
- • dat. R. ii, 31, 33 Ragh. &c
- • instr. after Ā. refl. Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 Kāś.)
- • to show = prove, demonstrate Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to produce (money), i.e. pay Mn. viii, 155
- • (a witness), 158: Desid. Ā. dīdṛkṣate (ep. also ○ti) to wish to see, long for (acc.) RV. iii, 30, 13 ŚBr. MBh. &c.: Desid. of Caus. didarśayiṣati, to wish to show Śaṃk.
- • adidarśayiṣīt Nid.: Intens. darīdṛśśate, to be always visible Bhojapr.
- • or dard○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 90 ; 91. tarhjan.]
- dṛk in comp. for 2. dṛś
- dṛk-karṇa m. 'eye-eared', a snake L.
- ○karman n. an operation by which any planet of a certain latitude (vikṣepa) is referred to the ecliptic Sūryas.
- ○kāṇa m. dṛkāṇa
- ○krodha m. the wrathfulness of the aspect (of a planet) Sūryas.
- ○kṣatra prob. wṛ. for -chattra, q.v
- ○kṣaya m. decay of sight, growing dim-sighted MW.
- ○kṣepa m. the sine of the zenith-distance of the highest or central point of the ecliptic at a given time Sūryas.
- ○chattra n. 'eye-cover', eye-lid Rājat. viii, 133
- ○tulya mfn. (astron.) being in accordance with an observed spot Sūryas.
- • -tā f. ib.
○patha m. range of sight
- • ○tham-√i or gam, to appear, become visible Kālid. Rājat.
- ○pāta m. the letting fall a glance, a look, esp. a downward look Var. Rājat.
- ○prasādā f. 'eye-cleaner', a blue stone used for a collyrium (= kulatthā) L.
- ○priyā f. 'eye-delight', beauty, splendour L.
- ○śakti f. (with the Pāśupatas) a supernatural power of sight Sarvad.
- ○śruti m. = -karṇa L.
- ○saṃgama m. sight of and meeting with (gen.) Pañc. iv, 35
- dṛg in comp. for 2. driś
- ○añcala m. a sidelong glance Prasannar. (cf. nayanâñc○ and locanâñc○)
- ○adhyakṣa m. 'sight-ruler', the sun L.
- ○anta m. the outer corner of the eye Prasannar.
- ○gati f. the cosine of the zenith-distance or the sine of the highest or central point of the ecliptic at a given time Āryabh. Sūryas.
- • -jīvā f. (cf. Sūryas.)
- • -jyā f. (cf. Sch. on Āryabh.) id
- ○gocara m. range of sight, horizon Rājat.
- ○gola m. a small circle on the axis of the earth within the greater circles of the armillary sphere and accompanying each planetary circle W.
- • -varṇana n. N. of wk
- ○jala n. 'eye-water', tears L.
- ○jyā f. the sine of the zenith distance or the cosine of the altitude Sūryas.
- ○dṛśya-prakaraṇa n
- ○dṛśya-viveka m. N. of wks
- ○bhakti f. look of love Dhūrtas.
- ○bhū dṛgbhū
- ○ruj f. disease of the eye L.
- ○rudh mfn. obstructing the sight Śiś. xix, 76
- ○lambana n. vertical parallax Sūryas. Sch.
- ○viṣa mfn. having poison in the eyes L.
- • m. a Nāga or serpent W. (cf. dṛg-)
- ○vihīna mfn. 'deprived of sight', blind Gal.
- ○vṛtta n. vertical circle Sūryas. Sch.
dṛṅ in comp. for 2. dṛś
- ○nīraja mfn. whose eyes are like the lotus MW.
- ○maṇḍala n. vertical circle, Azimuth Āryabh.
- dṛ́ś m. (nom. k, Ved. ṅ Pāṇ. 7-1, 83) seeing, viewing, looking at
- • knowing, discerning Yājñ. MBh. &c. (ifc., cf. āyurveda-d○, diṣṭa-d○, pṛthag-d○, mántra-d○, sama-d○, sarva-d○, sūryad○)
- • f. sight, view (dat. dṛśé as inf., √1. dṛś)
- • look, appearance (in ī-d○, kī-d○, tā-d○)
- • the eye R. Var. &c. (also n. BhP. iv, 4, 24)
- • theory, doctrine Vcar.
- • (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot.
- dṛśa m. look, appearance (cf. ī-d○, kī-d○, tā-d○ &c.)
- • (am), ind. = 2. dṛś ifc. (g. śarad-ādi)
- • (ā), f. the eye L.
- dṛśâkāṅkṣya n. 'desirable to the eye', a lotus L.
- dṛśâsphuta-mālā (or ○zA-sph○?), f. N. of wk
- dṛśôpama n. 'resembling the eye', Nelumbium Speciosum
- dṛśatí f. look, appearance RV. vi, 3, 3
- dṛśāna m. (cf. 1. dṛś) a Brāhman or spiritual teacher L.
- • N. of a Ṛishi with the patr. Bhārgava Kāṭh.
- • of a demon L.
- • n. light, brightness L.
- dṛśālu m. the sun L.
- dṛśi f. seeing, the power of seeing Vedântas. (dat. ○śáye as inf., 1. dṛś)
- • the eye BhP. (also ○śī L.)
- • a Śāstra W.
- ○mat mfn. seeing, beholding BhP.
- dṛ́śīka mfn. worthy to be seen, splendid RV.
- • (ā́), f. look, appearance ib. (cf. citra-, dur-, su-)
- dṛ́śīḍkú m. beholder TS.
- dṛśénya mfn. = dṛ́śīka RV. x, 88, 7
- dṛśna ánati- (add.)
- dṛ́śya mfn. visible, conspicuous RV. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to be looked at, worth seeing, beautiful, pleasing Hariv. Kāv. Pur.
- • m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number
- • n. any visible object Mālav. i, 9
- • the visible world RTL. 119
- • N. of a town = -pura, Brahmap
- ○jāti f. (arithm.) reduction of a given quantity with fractions affirmative or negative
- ○tā f. (cf. Daśar.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Var.) visibility, vision, sight
- ○pura n. N. of a town ( above)
- ○śravya mfn. being seen or heard
- • -tva n. Śāh
- ○sthāpita mfn. placed conspicuously Kathās. xxiv, 92
- dṛśyâdṛśya mfn. visible and invisible
- • (ā), f. N. of Sinīvālī MBh. iii, 14126
- dṛśyêtara mfn. 'other than visible', invisible
- • -tā f. Naish.
- dṛśya ind. (for dṛṣṭvā) having seen MBh.
- dṛśvan mf(○varī)n. seeing or having seen, familiar with (ifc.) Kām. Ragh.
- ○"ṣva-tva n. Bhaṭṭ.
- dṛṣṭá mfn. seen, looked at, beheld, perceived, noticed Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • visible, apparent AV. VS.
- • considered, regarded, treated, used Śak. iii, 7 Pañc. i, 401/402
- • appeared, manifested, occurring, existing, found, real Kāv. Pañc. Hit.
- • experienced, learnt, known, understood MBh. Kāv. &c
- • seen in the mind, devised, imagined MBh. R.
- • allotted, destined ib.
- • settled, decided, fixed, acknowledged, valid Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • n. perception, observation Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas.
- • (scil. bhaya) a real or obvious danger
- ○karman mfn. whose actions are seen or proved, tried by practice MBh. Rājat.
- • who has seen the practice of others Suśr. Bhpr.
- ○kaṣṭa mfn. who has experienced calamity Rājat.
- ○kūṭa n. riddle, enigma W.
- ○cara mf(ī)n. seen before, not quite unknown Jātakam.
- ○tas ind. as something seen Gobh. iii, 5, 27
- ○tva n. the being seen or learnt or examined Var. Kap.
- ○duḥkha mfn. = -kaṣṭa R.
- ○doṣa mfn. found out faulty or sinful or guilty Mn. Yājñ. &c
- ○draṣṭavya mfn. who has seen what was to be seen Dhanaṃj. 73/74
- ○dharma mfn. who has seen Dharma
- • m. this world, mundane existence, the present Divyâv.
- • ○mika mfn. belonging to it Buddh.
- ○dharman vḷ. for -śarman
- ○naṣṭa mfn. seen and (at once) disappeared Kathās. &c
- • -tā f. Rājat. (cf. kṣaṇa-dṛ"ṣ-n○)
- ○puṣpā f. a girl arrived at puberty (having experienced the menses) Gal.
- ○pūrva mfn. seen before MBh.
- • ○vin mfn. having known by sight before HPariś.
- ○pratyaya mfn. having confidence manifested Pañc. i, 192/193
- ○bhakti mfn. whose service has been beheld Megh.
- ○mātra mfn. just or merely seen Ratn. ii, 0/1
- ○rajas (cf. L.)and
- ○rajaḍskā (cf. Gal.), f. = -puṣpā
- ○ratha m. N. of a king MBh. xiii, 7678 (vḷ. dṛḍha- and dhṛṣṭa-)
- ○rūpā f. N. of a female attendant on Devii W.
- ○vat mfn. having seen or beheld MBh.
- ○vīrya (dṛṣṭá-), mfn. of tried strength RV. ii, 23, 14
- ○vyatikara mfn. who has experienced misfortune Hit.
- ○śarman m. N. of a prince VP. (vḷ. -dharman)
- ○śruta mfn. seen and heard Mn. viii, 75
- ○sāra mfn. = -virya Kām.
- ○hāni f. disparagement of the evidence of the senses, Sāṃkhyas
- dṛṣṭâdṛṣṭa mfn. visible and invisible, relating to the present and future life Rājat. i, 130
- • n. as subst. MBh. i, 6170 Pañc. iii, 242
- dṛṣṭânta m. (n. only R. ii, 109, 37) 'the end or aim of what is seen', example, paragon, standard, allegory, type MBh. R. &c.
- • instance, exemplification (rhet.)
- • a Śāstra L.
- • a partic. high number L.
- • death L. (cf. diṣṭ○)
- • -kalikā f. N. of wk
- • -tas ind. as a standard or example or precedent MBh. ii, 70
- • -vat mfn. containing examples or comparisons Jātakam.
- • -śataka n. 'a hundred examples', N. of wk. MW.
- • dṛṣṭântaya Nom. P. ○yati, to adduced as an example Hcat.
- • ○ntita mfn. adduced as an example or comparison Sch. on Prab. vi, 12
- dṛṣṭâriṣṭa mfn. in whom the symptoms of death are visible Bhpr.
- dṛṣṭârtha mfn. having the aim or object apparent, obvious, practical (opp. to a-d○, transcendental) Śaṃk. serving for a pattern or standard Gaut.
- • knowing the matter or the real nature of anything R. Rājat.
- • -tattvajña mfn. knowing the true, state or circumstances of the case MW.
- dṛ́ṣṭi f. seeing, viewing, beholding (also with the mental eye) Br. Up. &c
- • sight, the faculty of seeing ŚBr. Mn. Suśr. &c
- • the mind's eye, wisdom, intelligence BhP. L.
- • regard, consideration L.
- • view, notion Bhag. Kap.
- • (with Buddhists) a wrong view
- • theory, doctrine, system Jātakam.
- • eye, look, glance Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (○ṭiṃ dā with loc. turn the eye to, look at, Śṛiṅgār. 15)
- • the pupil of the eye Suśr.
- • aspect of the stars (e.g. śubha-) Var.
- ○kṛt or m. or n. 'suitable to the faculty of seeing', Hibiscus Mutabilis L.
- ○kṛta m. or n. 'suitable to the faculty of seeing', Hibiscus Mutabilis L.
- ○kṣama mfn. 'sight-bearing', worth seeing Vikr. iv, 21
- ○kṣepa m. casting glances Kāv.
- ○gata n. theory, doctrine Divyâv. 164
- ○guṇa m. mark for the sight, aim L.
- ○guru m. 'sight-lord', N. of Śiva MBh.
- ○gocara m. range of sight Pañc.
- • mfn. visible MW.
○dāna n. 'aspect-giving, appearance, Daś' -dosha, m. the evil influence of the human eye RTL. 128
- ○nipāta m. 'falling of the sight', look, glance Mn. Var.
- ○pa mfn. drinking with the eyes MBh. xiii, 1372
- ○patha m. the path or range of sight MBh. R. &c
- ○pathin m. (nom. panthās), id. Hariv. 6289
- ○pāta m. = -nip○ Kālid. Kathās. &c
- ○pūta mfn. purified (i.e. protected from impurity) by the sight Mn. vi, 46
- ○pūtanā f. N. of an evil demon Cat.
- ○prasāda m. the favour of a look Hit.
- ○phala n. 'the results of the aspect of the planets', N. of ch. of VarBṛS.
- • -bhāvâdhyāya m. N. of wk
- ○bandhu m. 'friend of sight', a fire-fly L.
- ○bāṇa m. 'eye-arrow', a glance, leer MW.
- ○maṇḍala n. the pupil of the eye Suśr.
- • the circle or circuit of sight MW.
- ○mat mfn. having eyes or intellect, wise, knowing MBh. Kām.
- ○mārga m.= -patha Kathās.
- ○rāga m. expression of the eyes Śak. ii, 10/11
- ○roga m. disease of the eyes Cat.
- ○vāda m. N. of the 12th Aṅga of the Jainas
- ○vikṣepa m. = -kṣepa Śak. (Chézy) 16, 1
- ○vidyā f. the science of vision, optics MW.
- ○vibhrama m. 'eye-rolling', ogling Śak. i, 23
- ○viṣa (also ○ṣṭī-), mfn. 'having poison in the eyes', poisoning by the mere look MBh. R.
- • m. a snake W. (cf. dṛg-)
- ○sambheda m. 'mixing glances', mutual glance Mālatīm. vii, 0/1
- dṛṣṭika mfn. falsely believing in (comp.) Vajracch.
- dṛṣṭin mfn. having an insight into or familiar with anything
- • having the looks or thoughts disrected upon anything MW.
- dṛṣṭvā́ and 1. dṛś
- dṛṣṭvā́ya 1. dṛś
- dṛśad dṛśadvati = dṛṣad, dṛṣadvatī below
- dṛṣac in comp. for dṛṣad below
- ○chārada (for ○Sat-zA○), mfn. fresh from the mill-stone newly-ground Pāṇ. 6-2, 9 Kāś.
- dṛṣat in comp. for dṛṣad below
- ○kaṇa m. small stone, pebble, Kāvyapr
- ○putra m. the upper and smaller mill-stone Gobh.
- ○sāra n. 'stone-hard', iron L.
- dṛṣád f. (√dṝ? Uṇ.i, 130) a rock, large stone, mill-stone, esp. the lower mill-stṭstone (which rests on the upala) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr.
- • GS. Kāv. &c
- ○aśman m.= ○t-putra BhP. x, 9, 6
- ○upala n. a grindstone for condiments MW.
- • also= (ā́), f. du. the upper and lower millstone ŚBr. i 1, 1, 22
- ○vat mfn. rocky, stony Pāṇ. 8-2, 10 Kāś.
- • m. N. of the father of Varâṅgi (wife of Saṃyāti) MBh. i, 3767
- • (atī), f. (○ṣád-v○, also read ○zad-v○), N. of a river which flows into the Saras-vatī RV. iii, 23, 4 TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- • the mother of Ashṭaka and wife of Viśvā-mitra Hariv.
- • the mother of Pratardana and wife of Divo-dāsa ib.
- • the mother of Śibi Auśīnara and wife of Nṛipa ib.
- • mother of Prasena-jit (called also Haimavatī, prob. as N. of a river) ib.
- • of Durgā L.
- dṛṣada = ○ṣad in ○dôlūkhala n. sg. millstone and mortar Hariv. 6509
- dṛṣaḍdaka Pāṇ. 1-1, 4 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
- dṛṣaḍdya Nom. Ā. ○dyate
- • ○dyitā or ○ditā Pāṇ. 6-4, 50 Kāś.
- dṛṣadi loc. of dṛṣad in comp
- ○māṣaka m. (with the eastern people) a tax raised from millstones Pāṇ. 6-3, 10 Kāś.
- dṛṣan in comp. for dṛṣad
- ○nau f. a ship made of stone Subh.
- dṛṣṭa above
- dṛṣyā f. = dūṣyā L.
- dṛh √dṛṃh and dhṛk
- dṝ cl. 9. P. dṛṇāti Pot. -dṛṇīyāt ŚBr.
- • cl. 2. P. 2. sg. Subj. dárṣi, 2. 3. sg. dárt impf. 2. sg. adar RV. (pf. dadā́ra, aor. adarat Pāṇ. 3-1, 59 Sch.
- • Subj. P. darṣasi, dárṣat
- • Ā. darṣate
- • Pot. ○ṣīṣṭa RV.
- • Prec. dīryāt Hariv. 15177) to burst, break asunder, split open RV. Hariv. (cf. above)
- • to cause to burst, tear, rend, divide RV. MBh. BhP.: Pass. dīryate (○ti MBh.), p. dīryamāṇa and dīryat
- • pf. dadre (cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 27, 2) to be split, break open, fall asunder, decay Br. MBh. Suśr. Kāv.
- • to be dispersed or scattered (as an army) MBh. R.
- • to be frightened or afraid (also darati) Dhātup. xix, 47: Caus. P. darayati, to split, tear, break open RV.
- • P. Ā. dārayati, ○te
- • aor. adadarat (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 95) to tear asunder, divide by splitting or digging MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to scatter, disperse MBh.: Intens. P. dárdarti or dā́darti
- • Impv. 2. sg. dādṛhí
- • Subj. 3. sg. dardirat
- • impf. 2. 3. sg. ádardar, 3. pl. adardirur = Caus. RV. dirú ; Slav. drati ; Goth. tairan ; Angl. Sax. te10ran ; Eng. to tear ; Germ. śerren, śehren.]
- de cl. 1. Ā. dayate Dhātup. xxii, 66
- • pf. digye Pāṇ. 7-4, 9, to protect, defend: Desid. ditsate, 54. [Cf. 1. datta
• 4. 5. dā.]
- deuliya n. (Prākr. for devakulya?) N. of a Grāma Kshitîś.
- deṅga-pāla m. N. of a man Rājat.
- deṇṭikā nāga-
- dedipyamāna (√dīp, Intens.) shining intensely, glowing, blazing MBh. &c
- dédīyitavaī́ dat. inf. of √1. dī, Intens
- déya mfn. (√1. dā) to be given or presented or granted or shown
- • fit or proper for a gift AV. TS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • to be or being given in matrimony (cf. brahma-)
- • to be delivered or handed over Mn. viii, 185
- • to be ceded (road) Mn. ii, 138
- • to be returned Vikr. iv, 33
- • to be paid (as a debt, wages, taxes &c.) Mn. Yājñ.
- • to be laid or set to (as fire) MBh. Bhpr.
- • n. giving, gift (cf. a-, bala-, magha-, rādho-, vasu-, vaira-)
- • tax, tribute MBh. xii, 3308
- • water (?) L.
- ○dharma m. 'the duty of giving', charity Buddh.
- delima m. or n. N. of a place Cat.
- dev √1. 2. div
- devana n. lamentation, wailing, grief, sorrow L.
- devá mf(i)n. (fr. 3. div) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. (superl. m. devá-tama RV. iv, 22, 3 &c
- • f. devi-tamā, ii, 41, 16)
- • m. (according to Pāṇ. 3-3, 120 déva) a deity, god RV. &c.&c
- • (rarely applied to) evil demons AV. iii, 15, 5 TS. iii, 5, 4, 1
- • (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones
- • víśve devā́s, all the gods RV. ii, 3, 4 &c., or a partic. class of deities , often reckoned as 33, either 11 for each of the 3 worlds RV. i, 139, 11 &c. , or 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 12 Ādityas to which the 2 āśvins must be added Br.
- • cf. also cf. Divyâv. 68
- • with Jainas 4 classes, viz. bhavanâdhī7śa, vyantara, jyotiṣka, and vaimānika
- • devā́nām pátnyas, the wives of the gods cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Br. )
- • N. of the number 33 ( above) cf. Gaṇit
- • N. of Indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain cf. MBh. cf. R. &c
- • a cloud cf. L
- • (with Jainas) the 22nd Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī
- • the image of a god, an idol cf. Vishṇ
- • a god on earth or among men, either Brāhman, priest cf. RV. cf. AV. (cf. bhū-d○), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. 'your majesty' or 'your honour'
- • also ifc., e.g. śrī-harṣa-d○, vikramâṅka-d○, king Śrī-hṭharsha or VikrṭVikramâṅka, and in names as puruṣôttama-d○ [lit. having Vishṇu as one's deity
- • cf. atithi-d○, ācārya-d○, pitṛ-d○, mātṛ-d○]
- • rarely preceding the name, e.g. deva-caṇḍamahāsena cf. Kathās. xiii, 48) cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. &c. (cf. kṣiti-, nara-, &c.)
- • a husband's brother (cf. devṛ and devara) cf. W
- • a fool, dolt cf. L
- • a child cf. L
- • a man following any partic. line or business cf. L
- • a spearman, lancer cf. L
- • emulation, wish to excel or overcome cf. L
- • sport, play cf. L
- • a sword cf. Gal
- • N. of men cf. VP
- • of a disciple of Nāgârjuna cf. MWB. 192
- • dimin. for devadatta cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 cf. Vārtt.4 cf. Sch
- • (n. cf. L.) an organ of sense cf. MuṇḍUp. iii, 1, 8 ; 2, 7
- • (ā), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia ; (ī́), f. s.v.
- ○ṛṣabha m. 'a bull among the gods', N. of a son of Dharma and Bhānu BhP. vi, 6, 5
- ○ṛṣi m. 'a Ṛishi among the gods', N. of Nārada, 16, 1 (cf. ○varṣi)
- ○kaḍa m. (for kṛta?) N. of a Grāma MW. (cf. devii-kṛti)
- ○kanyakā f. a celestial maiden, a nymph Kāv.
- ○kanyā f. id. MBh. R.
- ○kamala-pura n. N. of a town Kathās.
- ○kardama m. 'divine paste', a fragrant paste of sandal, agallochum, camphor, and safflower L.
- ○karmá m. master of divine or sacred work RV. x, 130, 1
- ○karman n. religious act or rite, worship of the gods ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • ○ma-kṛt mfn. performing it MBh.
- ○kalaśa m. N. of a man Rājat.
- ○kalpa mfn. god-like MBh. i, 3124
- ○kavaca n. divine armour MW. (cf. devii-)
- ○kāñcana m. divine gold', the tree Bauhinea Purpurea L.
- ○kānta m. god-loved' (?), magnet L. (cf. candra-, sūrya-)
- ○kāma (○vá-k○), mfn. loving the gods, pious RV.
- ○kārya n. = -karman Mn. MBh.
- • any matter concerning the gods, divine command Ragh.xii, 103
- ○kāṣṭha n. 'divine wood', Pinus Devadāru or some other kind of pine Suśr.
- ○kirī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī regarded as wife of Megha-rāga (cf. -girī), deśa-karī, goṇḍa-kirī, rāma-k○)
- ○kilbiṣá n. offence against the gods RV. x, 97, 16
- ○kīrti m. N. of an astronomer Cat.
- ○kuṇḍa n. a natural spring L. Sch.
- ○kuru m. N. of a people and country (associated with the uttara-k○) L. Sch.
- ○kurumbā f. N. of a plant ( = mahādroṇa) L.
- ○kula n. 'deity-house', a temple ŚāṅkhGṛ. Kāv. Var. &c
- • ○lâvāsa m. pl. buildings belonging to a temple Kathās.
- • ○lika m. attendant on a temple L.
- • (ā), f. a small temple, chapel Pañcad.
- ○kulyā f. 'river of the gods', personified as a daughter of Pūrṇiman and grand-daughter of Marīci BhP.
- • N. of the wife of Ud-githa ib.
- ○kusuma n. 'divine flower', cloves Bhpr.
- ○kūṭa n. 'divine peak', N. of a mountain VāyuP.
- ○kṛta (○vá-k○), mfn. made or done by the gods RV. AV. ŚBr. &c
- ○kṛtya n. = -kārya MBh. BhP.
- ○kośá m. divine cask or receptacle AV. TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○krī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga (cf. -kirī)
- ○kṣatra (○vá-k○), n. domain of the gods RV. v, 64, 7 (-kṣetra?)
- • m. N. of a prince (son of Deva-rāta) Hariv. Pur.
- ○kṣetra n. domain of the gods Br.
- ○kṣema m. N. of the author of the Vijñāna-kāya Buddh.
- ○khāta mfn. 'dug by the gods', hollow by nature
- • n. (m. Sch.) a natural pond or reservoir VāyuP.
- • a cave or cavern W. (-ka n. id. L.)
- • -tirtha n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP.
- • -bila n. cavern, chasm W.
- ○gaṇá m. a troop or class of gods VS. MBh. &c
- • -deva m. N. of a poet Cat.
- • ○ṇikā f. 'divine courtezan', Apsaras L.
- • ○nêśvara m. 'lord of the troop of gods', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○gandharva m. pl. gods and Gandharvas Āpast.
- • the divine Gandharvas (opp. to manuṣya-), Taitt. Up. MBh. R. (Nārada so called Hariv. 9633)
- • n. a mode of singing, 8449, (cf. -gāndhāra)
- ○gandhā f. 'having divine fragrance, a kind of medic. plant (= mahāmodā) L.
- ○garjana n. 'celestial roaring', thunder L.
- ○garbha m. divine child MBh. Hariv.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river in Kuśa-dviipa BhP.
- ○"ṣgava m. pl. the bulls of the gods. ĀpŚr. xi, 7, 6
- • (○vií), f. pl. the cows of the gods MaitrS. i, 6, 3
- • N. of partic. verses or formulas ĀpŚr. iv, 10, 4
○gāndhāra n. or m. a partic. mode of singing Hariv. 8689 (cf. -gandharva)
- • (ī), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī.
- ○gāyana m. 'celestial songster', a Gandharva L.
- ○giri m. 'divine hill', N. of a mountain Suśr. Pur. (cf. -pūrva)
- • N. of Daulat-ābād (situated between mountains) Cat.
- ○girī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī (cf. -kirī)
- ○gupta mfn. 'god-guarded' BhP.
- • m. N. of a man Rājat.
- ○guru m. the father or preceptor of the gods, i.e. Kaśyapa (cf. Hariv. Śak.) or Bṛihaspati (cf. L.)
- • god and preceptor (at the beg. of comp.) Siṃhâs.
- ○guhī f. N. of a place BhP.
- ○guhya n. a secret known only to the gods MBh. Hariv. R. (cf. -rahasya)
- ○gṛhá n. house of the gods TBr. R.
- • temple, chapel R. Suśr. Var. &c
- • palace of a king Mālav. v, 11/12
- ○gopā (○vá.), mfn. having the gods for guardians RV. i, 53, 11 &c
- • (ā), f. divine protectress RV. x, 36, 16 AV. vii, 20, 5
- ○grantha m. N. of wk
- ○granthí m. a divine knot or tie Kapishṭh.
- ○graha m. 'divine seizer', a class of demons who cause harmless madness Suśr. MBh.
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○ṃ-gamá mf(ā́)n. going to the gods TS. ŚBr.
- ○cakrá n. a divine wheel Br.
- • (with Śāktas) 'the holy circle', N. of a mystical diagram RTL. 196
- ○candra m. N. of a man W.
- ○carita n. the course of action or practices of the gods MW.
- ○caryā f. service of the gods
- • ○ryôpaśobhita mfn. beautified by it (as a hermitage) MBh. iii, 11045
- ○cikitsaka m. divine physician
- • du. the two Aśvins L.
- ○cittá n. the will of the gods ŚBr.
- ○cchanda m. a necklace of pearls (composed of 100 or 103 or 81 or 108 strings) VarBṛS. lxxxi, 32 L.
- • -prāsāda m. a temple consecrated to a god MW.
- ○cchandas and n. a divine metre Nid. Kāṭh.
- ○cchanḍdasá n. a divine metre Nid. Kāṭh.
- ○já mfn. god-born, divine (as a Sāman) ŚBr.
- • m. N. of a prince (son of Saṃyama) BhP.
- ○jagdha and n. 'god-eaten', a kind of fragrant grass (= kattṛṇa) L.
- ○jagḍdhaka n. 'god-eaten', a kind of fragrant grass (= kattṛṇa) L.
- ○janá m. (generally pl.) a troop or collection of gods or demons or serpents &c. AV. VS. &c. (cf. daiva-, itara-)
- • -vid mfn. knowing gods &c. ŚBr.
- • -vidyā́ f. knowledge of serpents &c. ŚBr. ChUp.
- ○jananī f. the mother of the gods Śak. (Pi.) vi, 177/178
- ○japa m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās.
- ○jaya m. N. of a poet Bhojapr.
- ○jā́ mfn. 'god-born' RV. AV.
- ○jāta (○vá-), mfn. id. ib.
- • (jātá), n. a class or race of gods Br.
- ○jāmi (○vá-), mfn. peculiar to the gods RV. vii, 23, 2
- • (jāmi), f. a sister of the gods AV. vi, 46, 2
- ○juṣṭa (○vá-), mfn. agreeable to the gods RV.
- ○jūta (○vá-), mfn. 'god-sped', incited or inspired or procured by the gods RV.
- ○jūti (de○!), m. N. of an Āditya TS.
- ○tara m. N. of a man (g. śubhrâdi)
- ○taratha and m. N. of teachers VBr.
- ○taras m. N. of teachers VBr.
- ○taru m. divine tree, the old or sacred tree of a village (cf. caitya and dyu-t○) L.
- • N. of the 5 trees of Svarga (mandāra, pārijātaka, saṃtāna, kalpa-vṛkṣa, hari-candana)
- ○tarpaṇa n. 'refreshing of the gods', offerings of water, part of the Sandhyā ceremony RTL. 409
- ○talpa m. couch of the gods TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○tā devátā
- ○tāḍa m. Lipeocercis Serrata L. (also ○ḍaka m. or ○ḍī. f.)
- • Luffa Foetida or a similar plant L.
- • fire L.
- • N. of Rāhu L.
- ○tāt or (○vá-), f. divine service RV. i, 28, 2 ; iii, 19, 1 &c
- ○tāti (○vá-), f. divine service RV. i, 28, 2 ; iii, 19, 1 &c
- • divinity, the gods collectively RV. i, 95, 8 ; iii, 19, 4 &c
- ○tālaka m. Lipeocercis Serrata Car. (cf. -tāḍ○)
- ○tirtha n. 'divine Tirtha', N. of a bathing-place ŚivaP.
- • right moment for (worshipping) the gods Anup.
- • the part of the hands sacred to the gods (i.e. the tips of the fingers) MārkP.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. full of divine Tirthas Kathās.
- • -svāmin m. the ascetic N. of Viśvêvara-datta-mitra Cat.
- ○tumula n. 'divine noise', thunder MānGṛ. i, 4
- ○"ṣtta (○vá-, for devá-datta), mfn. god-given RV.
- ○trā́ ind. among or to the gods RV. VS. AV. ŚBr.
- ○trāta m. 'god-protected', N. of a Sch. on ĀśvŚr. Cat.
○tvá n. godhead, divinity (cf. -tā) RV. TBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○datta mfn. god-given Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. N. of Arjuna's conch-shell MBh.
- • of one of the vital airs (which is exhaled in yawning) Vedântas.
- • N. of a cousin (or younger brother) and opponent of Gautama Buddha MWB. 52 &c
- • of a son of Uru-śravas and father of Agni-veśya BhP.
- • of a son of the Brāhman Govinda-datta Kathās.
- • of a son of Hari-datta ib.
- • of a son of king Jayadatta ib.
- • of sev. authors Cat.
- • of a Nāga BhP.
- • of a Grāma of the Bāhikas Pāṇ. 1-1, 75 Sch.
- • a common N. for men used in gr., phil. &c
- • (ā), f. N. of the mother of Deva-datta who was the cousin of Gautama Buddha ( above)
- • of a courtezan Kathās.
- • ○ttaka m. pl. the party led by Deva-datta Pāṇ. 5-2, 78 Kāś.
- • (ikā), f. dimin. for -datta, vii, 3, 45 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- • ○tta-cara mfn. formerly in the possession of DṭDeva-datta, v, 3, 54 Kāś.
- • ○tta-maya. mf(ī)n. consisting of Deva-datta, iv, 2, 104 Vārtt. 16 Pat.
- • ○tta-rūpya mfn. = -cara, v, 3, 54 Kāś.
- • ○tta-śatha m. N. of a preceptor, g. śaunakâdi in Kāś.
- • ○ttâgraja m. 'the elder brother of Deva-datta', N. of Gautama Buddha Buddh. (cf. above)
- • ○ttīya m. pl. the pupils of Deva-datta Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- ○dantin m. N. of Śiva (?) Kathās. iii, 5
- ○damanikā or f. N. of a woman Pañcad.
- ○daḍmanī f. N. of a woman Pañcad.
- ○darśa m. N. of a teacher of AV. Col.
- • (ī), f. of a school of AV., Āryav
- ○darśana mfn. seeing the gods, familiar with them MBh.
- • m. N. of Nārada, BP. ii, 8, 1
- • of a Brāhman Kathās.
- • n. appearance of a god Siṃhâs.
- ○darśanin wṛ. for daiva-d○
- ○darśin mfn. = ○śana R.
- • m. N. of a school of AV. Kauś.
- ○dānī f. a kind of creeper (= ghoṣakâkṛti) L.
- ○dāru mṇ. Pinus Devadāru or Deodar (also Avaria Longifolia and Erythrosylon Sideroxyloides) MBh. Kāv. Pur. &c
- • -vana-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- • -maya mf(ī)n. made of its wood MBh. R.
- ○dālikā or f. a kind of pumpkin Suśr. Bhpr.
- ○ḍdālī f. a kind of pumpkin Suśr. Bhpr.
- ○dāsa m. a servant of a monastery (cf. Buddh.)
- • N. of a merchant's son Kathās.
- • of the brother of Sārṅgadhara's mother (also ○sa-deva) Cat.
- • of the son of a Kālidāsa ib.
- • of sev. authors Cat.
- • (ī), f. a temple Nāch-girl RTL. 451
- • the wild citron tree L.
- ○diṇṇa m. corrupt form for -datta Pat. (Ben.) Introd
- ○dinna m. id., N. of a son of Devadatta HPariś.
- ○dīpa m. 'divine lamp', the eye L.
- ○dundubhi m. 'divine drum', holy basil with red flowers L.
- • N. of Indra L.
- ○durga mfn. inaccessible to the gods R.
- ○dutá m. divine messenger TS. &c. (also ○taka MBh.)
- • (ī), f. female messenger of the gods W.
- • the wild citron tree L.
- ○dūti wṛ. for -hūti
- ○deva m. 'the god of gods', N: of Brahmā MBh. i, 1628
- • of Rudra-Śiva, 7324
- • of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Bhag. x, 15
- • of Gaṇêśa Kathās. xx, 55
- • du. Brahmā and Śiva MBh. viii, 4456
- • pl. the Brāhmans BhP. iii, 16, 17
- • (ī), f. N. of Durgā, Hcat: i
- • ○vêśa m. 'lord of the chiefs of the gods', N. of Śiva MBh. i, 8123: of Indra, iii, 17191
- • of Vishṇu, xii, 12864
- ○daivatya mfn. 'having the gods as deity', destined for the gods Mn. ii, 189
- ○dyumna m. 'glory of the gods', N. of a prince (son of Devatā-jit and father of Parame-shṭhin) BhP.
- ○droṇī f. an idol procession (orig. ablution
- • cf. droṇī) L.
- • Phlomis Ceylanica L.
- ○dryâc mf(ī́cī). turned towards the gods RV.
- ○dhara m. (bhāgavatâcārya) N. of Sch. on GṛS.
- ○dharma m. religious duty or office MW.
- ○dharman m. N. of a king VP.
- ○dhānī f. 'divine abode', N. of Indra's city on the Mānasôttara (east of Meru) BhP.
- ○dhānya n. 'god's grain', Andropogon Saccharatus, Andopogon Sorgum, Holcus Sorgum or SṭSorgum Cernūm L.
- ○dhāman n. = -gṛha AgP.
- ○dhiṣṇya n. seat (i .e. chariot) of a god BhP. -dhūpa m. 'divine incense', the resin of Ṣorea Robusta Bhpr.
- • bdellium L.
- ○nakṣatrá n. N. of the first 14 Nakshatras in the southern quarter (pp. to yama-) TBr.
- • m. N. of a king VP. (vḷ. for ○va-kṣatra)
- ○nadī f. 'divine river, N. of several sacred rivers Mn. MBh. R. &c
- ○nandā f. 'gods' joy', N. of a celestial woman Siṃhâs.
- • ○din m. 'rejoicing the gods', N. of one of Indra's doorkeepers L.
- • of a grammarian Cat.
- ○nala m. 'god's reed', Arundo Bengalensis L. (cf. -nāla)
- ○nāgarī f. 'divine city writing', N. of the character in which Sanskṛit is usually written (prob. from its having originated in some city) Col. MWB. 66, 1
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the gods', N. of Śiva, Śivag.
- • of sev. authors (also -ṭhakkura, -tarka-pañcânana, and -pāṭhaka)
- ○nābha m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○nāmá m. pl. N. of partic. formulas TĀr. v, 7, 1
- ○nāman m. N. of a king and a Varsha in Kuśa-dviipi BhP.
- ○nāyaka m. N. of a man Rājat.
- • -pañcāśat and -stuti f. N. of wks
- ○nāla m. = -nala L.
- ○nikāya m. host or assembly of gods Mn. i, 36 MBh. i, 4804
- • heaven, paradise W.
- ○níd mfn. hating the gods, a god-hater RV.
- ○nindaka mfn. id
- • atheist or atheism MW.
- ○nindā f. heresy, atheism MW.
- ○nibandha m. N. of wk
- ○nirmālya n. a garland remaining from a sacrifice Var.
- ○nirmita mfn. 'god-made', created, natural W.
- • (ā), f. Cocculus Cordifolius Bhpr.
- ○niśrayaṇī or f. 'ladder towards the gods', N. of a partic. penance Baudh. iii, 9, 18
- ○niḍśreṇī f. 'ladder towards the gods', N. of a partic. penance Baudh. iii, 9, 18
- ○nītha m. a formula consisting of 17 Pādas Vait.
- ○pañca-rātra m. N. of a Pañcâha Cat.
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○pati m. 'lord of gods', N. of Indra MBh. R.
- • pl. the most excellent of gods BhP.
- • -mantrin m. 'Indra's counsellor', N. of Bṛihas-pati, the planet Jupiter Var.
- ○pattana n. N. of a town Cat.
- ○patnī (○vá.), f. having a god as husband, the wife of a god RV. MBh.
- • sweet potato (= madhv-āluka) L.
- ○patha m. 'gods'path', heaven ChUp. MBh.
- • the Milky Way L.
- • N. of place of pilgrimage (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 100) MBh. iii, 8187 (also -tīrtha n. ŚivaP.)
- • ○thīya mfn. being on the celestial path Kāṭh.
- • relating to or coming from Deva-patha (above) MW.
- ○padá n. a word containing a god's name ŚBr. xi, 56, 9
- • = -pāda W.
- ○pariṣad f. an assembly of deities MW.
- ○parṇa n. 'divine leaf', N. of a medic. plant (= sura-) L.
- ○pallī-paṭṭana n. N. of a town Col.
- ○paśu m. any animal consecrated to a deity Mn.
- ○pāṇí m. 'god-handed', N. of a class of Asuras, MaitrŚ
- ○pātrá n. cup or drink of the gods Br.
- ○pātrin mfn. partaking of the divine cup TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○pāda m. pl. 'the feet of a god or king', the royal presence or person, 'His Majesty' Pañc. i, 111/112 &c
- • -mūla n. id. Prab. ii, 24/25
- ○pā́na mfn. serving the gods for a beverage RV. AV.
- ○pāla m. 'god-defender', N. of sev. princes Śatr.
- • of a mountain BhP.
- • of an author (son of Hari-pāla) Cat.
- ○pālita m. 'god-protected', N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-2, 148 Kāś.
- ○pīyú mfn. reviling or despising the gods AV.
- ○putra m. the son of a god Hariv. (also ○traka Kathās.)
- • N. of Śiva Kāraṇḍ.
- • (○vá-), mfn. having gods as children (said of heaven and earth) RV. i, 106, 3 ; 159, 1 &c
- • (○trī or ○trikā), f. Trigonella Corniculata L.
- • -māra m. N. of one of the four Māras Buddh.
- ○pur f. (nom. -pūr) = -purā TāṇḍyaBr. xxii, 17
- • = -pura, n. Cat.
- ○pura n. Indra's residence R. v, 73, 8
- • (ā), f. divine fortress AV. TS.
- ○purī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○purohita m. domestic priest of the gods Hariv. 13208
- • N. of Bṛihas-pati, i.e. the planet Jupiter Var. Sch.
- ○puṣpa n. 'divine flower', cloves L.
- ○pūjaka m. worshipper of the gods MW.
- ○pūjā f. worship of the gods (esp. the daily worship in the domestic sanctuary) RTL. 394
- • N. of wk. (also -vidhi m. Cat.)
- ○pūjita mfn. worshipped by the gods MBh.
- ○pūjya m. 'to be honoured by the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati, i e. the planet Jupiter Var.
- ○pūrva mfn. 'preceded by the word deva', with giri = deva-giri Megh. 42
- ○pūrvakam ind. beginning with the gods Mn. iii, 209
- ○prakāśinī f. N. of wk
- ○pratikṛti f. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 99 Sch., where wrongly prakṛ○) and f. (cf. VarBṛS. xxxiii, 20) image of a deity, idol
- ○pratimā f. (cf. VarBṛS. xxxiii, 20) image of a deity, idol
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. -tattva n. and -prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○prabha m. 'having divine splendour', N. of a Gandharva Kathās.
- • (ā), f. of the daughter of a Siddha ib.
- ○prayāga m. 'divine place of sacrifice', N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.
- ○praśna m. 'cousulting the gods', fortune-telling L. (cf. daiva-)
- ○prasāda m. 'having the dṭdivine favour', N. of a man Rājat.
- ○prasūta (○vá-), mfn. god-produced (water) AV. vi, 102
- ○prastha m. N. of the city of Senā-bindu MBh. ii, 1022
- ○priya mfn. 'dear to the gods'
• stupid, silly Gal. (cf. devānām-)
- • m. N. of Śiva Śivag.
- • of two plants (= pīta-bhṛṅgarāja and bakapuṣpa) L.
- ○psaras (○vá-), mfn. serving the gods as a feast or enjoyment RV.
- ○bandhu (○vá-), mfn. related to the gods RV.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi Kāṭh.
- ○bala m. 'having divine strength', N. of a general Kathās.
- • (ā), f. Sida Rhomboidea L.
- ○bali m. oblation to the gods Uṇ. iv, 123 Sch.
- ○bāhu m. 'the arm of the gods', N. of an ancient Ṛishi Hariv.
- • of a son of Hṛidika BhP.
- ○bodha m. 'having divine knowledge', N. of a poet and a Sch. on MBh. Cat.
- ○bodhi m. 'god-inspired', N. of a poet Cat.
- ○bodhi-sattva m. N. of a Buddh. saint
- ○brahman m. 'a Brāhman among the gods', N. of Nārada Brāhman esteemed by the gods Pāṇ. 2-1, 69 Siddh.
- • ○ṇasāt- √kṛ, to present to the gods and Brāhmans Hcat. i, 7 (wrongly ○sata-kṛ)
- ○bhakta (○vá-), mfn. distributed by the gods RV.
- ○bhakti f. service of the gods Siṃhâs.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○bhadra m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhavana n. 'divine abode', heaven L.
- • temple Kathās.
- • Ficus Religiosa L.
- ○bhāga m. 'the portion of the gods', the northern hemisphere (opp. to asura-) Sūryas.
- • (○gá), N. of a teacher called also Srauta or Śrautarshi Br.
- • of a son of Sūra and brother of Vasu-deva Hariv. BhP.
- devabhāṣyasnānavidhipaddhati3devá--bhāṣyasnāna-vidhi-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○bhiṣaj m. physician of the gods (the Aśvins) MBh. i, 721
- ○bhīti f. fear of the gods (?), g. dāsī-bhārâdi.
- ○bhū m. a god or (f.?) heaven L.
- ○bhūta mfn. having become a god Kāv.
- ○bhūti m. N. of the last prince of the Suṅga dynasty Pur. (v. l. ○mi and ○ri)
- • f. the Ganges of the sky L.
- ○bhūmi v l for prec. m
- ○bhūya n. godhead, divinity L. (○yaṃgata mfn. gone to divine, i. e. dead Hcar.)
- ○bhūri v. l. for ○ti m
- ○bhoga m. pleasure of the gods, heavenly joy Bhag. ix, 20
- ○bhojya n. 'food of gods', Amṛita
- • nectar L. Sch.
- ○bhrāj m. (nom. ṭ), shining like a god', N. of a son of Mahya, son of Vivasvat (the sun) MBh. i, 43
- ○mañjara n. the jewel on Vishṇu's breast L. (cf. -kaustubha)
- ○maṇí m. divine amulet AV.viii, 5, 20
- • = prec. L.
- • a twist of hair on a horse's neck Śiś. v, 4 Sch.
- • N. of a drug belonging to the Ashṭa-varga (= mahāmedā) L.
- • N. of Śiva L.
- ○maṇḍala m. N. of a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- ○mata m. 'god-approved', N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xiv, 711
- ○mati m. N. of a man Pravar.
- • f. of a woman Kathās.
- ○madhu n. divine honey ChUp. iii, 1, 1
- ○manuṣyá (cf. AV.) or (cf. ŚBr.), m. pl. gods and men
- ○manuḍṣyá (cf. ŚBr.), m. pl. gods and men
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or containing the gods Hariv. BhP.
- ○malimluc m. 'robber of the gods', an Asura TāṇḍyaBr. xiv, 4
- ○māta m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○mātṛ f. pl. the mother of the gods MBh. xiii, 626
- • sg. N. of Aditi or of Dākshāyaṇī Hariv. Pur.
- ○mātṛka mfn. 'having the god (Indra) or clouds as foster-mother', moistened only by rain-water (as corn, land) MBh. ii, 211 R. ii, 109, 23 (cf. nadī-)
- ○mā́dana mfn. gladdening or inspiring the gods (Soma) RV.
- ○māná n. dwelling of the gods ib.
- ○mānaka m. = -mañjara L.
- ○māya m. N. of a prince Kathās.
- • (ā), f. divine illusion R. i, 1, 26
- ○mārga m. 'the way of the gods', the air or sky Gal.
- • = anus R. v, 61, 4
- Sch. (cf. Pañc. Introd. 10/11)
- ○mālā f. 'divine garland', N. of an Apsaras Kathās.
- ○māsa m. 'the month of the gods', the 8th month of pregnancy L.
- ○mitra m. 'having the gods as friends', N. of an ancient teacher called also Śākalya Pur.
- • of the father of Vishṇu-mitra Cat.
- • (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○mithuna n. cohabitation of the gods AitBr. i, 22
- ○miśra m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○mīḍha (cf. VP. -ka), m. 'godbegotten (?)', N. of a Yādava and grandfather of Vasu-deva (cf. next) MBh.
- • of a descendant of Nimi and Janaka R. BhP.
- ○mīḍhuṣa m. N. of the grandfather of Vasu-deva (cf. prec.) Hariv.
- ○muni m. heavenly or divine Muni TāṇḍyaBr.
- • N. of a son of Iraṃ-mada and author of RV. x, 146 RV. Anukr.
- ○yáj mfn. sacrificing to the gods (Agni) VS. i, 17
- ○yájana mf(ī)n. id. AV. xii, 2, 42
- • serving for an oblation, x, 5, 15
- • n. place of offering AV. VS. Br.
- • -tvá n. MaitrS. iii, 8, 3
- • ○na-vat mfn. having a place of offering ṢaḍvBr. ii, 10
- ○yaji mfn. = -yaj Bhaṭṭ.
- • m. a worshipper of the gods, a Muni W.
- ○yajñá m. sacrifice to the gods (esp. the Homa or burnt sacrifice, one of the 5 great oblations) ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ.? Mn.
- • N. of a man (cf. daiva-yajñi)
- ○yájya n. or worship of the gods, a sacrifice RV. Br. &c. (instr. also ○jyā́ RV. x, 30, 11 &c.)
- ○yajyā́ f. worship of the gods, a sacrifice RV. Br. &c. (instr. also ○jyā́ RV. x, 30, 11 &c.)
- ○yaśás n. divine glory TS. iii, 1, 9, 1
- • ○sín mfn. of divine gods ib.
- ○yā́ mfn. going to the gods, longing for them RV.
- ○yājin mfn. sacrificing to the gods ŚBr.
- • m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh.
- • of a Dānava Hariv. (v. l. -yātrin)
- ○yājñika m. N. of an author (= yājñika-deva) Cat.
- ○yātu m. 'a heavenly Yātu' Kāṭh. (v. r. ○ta
- • cf. daiva-yātava)
- ○yātrā f. an idol procession, Māav. v, 12/13
- ○yātrin -yājin
- ○yā́na mf(ī)n.= -yā RV. AV. VS.
- • leading to the gods, serving them as a way (adhvan, pathin &c.) ib. Br. Up. MBh.
- • n. way leading to the gods MBh. BhP.
- • the vehicle of a god L.
- • (ī), f. N. of a daughter of Uśanas or Śukrâcārya (wife of Yayāti and mother of Yadu and Turvasu) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • of a wife of Skanda RTL. 214
- ○yānīya mfn. leading to the gods Sāy. on RV. x, 18, 2
- ○yā́van mf(varī)n. going to the gods RV. vii, 10, 2
- ○yukta (○vá-), mfn. (horses) yoked by the gods, 67, 8
- ○yuga n. 'the age of the gods', the first age of the world (= kṛta) MBh.
- • any age or period of the gods comprising the 4 ages of mankind MW.
- ○yoni m.f. place or origin of a god, a divine birth-place Br.
- • the sacred wood used for kindling fire Gṛihyās. i, 81 &c
- • mfn. of divine origin
- • m. a demi-god or demon Deviim. v, 60
- ○yoṣā f. she wife of a god MBh. Hariv.
- ○rakta-daṃśī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī
- ○rakṣita m. god-protected', N. of a son of Devaka Hariv.
- • of a prince of the Kosalas VP.
- • of a Brāhman Kathās.
- • (ā), f. of a daughter of Devaka and one of the wives of Vasu-deva Hariv. Pur.
- ○rata mfn. delighting in the gods, pious Pañc.
- ○rati f. 'gods' delight', N. of an Apsaras Kathās.
- ○rathá m. the car or vehicle of a god AV. TS. Br.
- • a car for carrying the images of the gods in a procession L. (cf. daiva-)
- • N. of a man Pravar.
- • ○thâhnyá n. a day's journey for the sun's chariot ŚBr. BṛĀrUp.
- ○rahasya n. divine mystery (cf. -guhya) MBh.
- ○rāj m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra MBh. R.
- • of Nahusha MBh. xiii, 4788 &c
- ○rājá m. divine ruler TBr.
- • king of the gods, N. of Indra MBh. R. &c
- • N. of a king MBh.
- • of a Ṛishi Var.
- • of a Buddha Buddh.
- • the father of Śārṅgadhara, and sev. authors Cat.
- • -prabandha m. -mahiṣī-stotra, u. N. of wks
• -yajvan m. N. of a Sch. on Naighaṇṭuka and also of his grandfather
- • -sama-dyuti mfn. equal in glory to the king of the gods MW.
- ○rājan m. a prince of a Brāhmanical family TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 10, 5
- ○rājya n. sovereignty over the gods MBh. R. Kathās.
- ○rāta m. 'god-given', N. of Śunaþ-śepa after being received into the family of Viśvā-mitra AitBr. vii, 17 MBh. &c. (pl. his descendants Pravar.)
- • N. of a king who was the son of Su-ketu and descendant of Nimi R. Pur.
- • of a king who was son of Karambhi Pur.
- • of another king MBh. ii, 121
- • of Parikshit BhP.
- • of the father of Yājñavalkya ib. xii, 6, 64 (cf. daiva-rāti)
- • a sort of crane L.
- ○rāma (-bhaṭṭa), m. N. of sev. authors Cat.
- ○rāṣṭra n. 'the empire of the gods', N. of an empire in the Deccan
- ○rūpā f. 'of divine form', N. of an Apsaras Kathās.
- • ○pin mfn. having a divine form, god-like MBh.
- ○retasa mfn. sprung from divine seed AitĀr. lī, 17
- ○rṣi m. (deva + ṛṣi) a Ṛishi, a saint of the celestial class, as Nārada, Atri &c. MBh. (xiv, 781 sapta saptarṣayaḥ for sṭsapta devarṣ○) R. Pur. &c. (cf. brahmarṣi and rājarṣi)
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1259
- • -carita n. the deeds of divine sages MBh. xii, 7663
- • -tva n. state or rank of a divine sages BhP. i, 3, 8
- • pitṛ-vallabha m. sesamum Gal.
- • -varya m. chief of sages MW.
- ○lakṣmá n. divine characteristic TS.
- • the Brāhmanical cord Gal.
- ○latā f. 'divine creeper', double jasmine L.
- ○lāṅgulikā f. Tragia Involucrata L.
- ○lāti g. dāsībhārâdi
○liṅga n. the image or statue of a deity BhP. iii, 17, 13
- ○lekhā f. 'having a divine outline', N. of a princess Rājat.
- ○loká m. the world or sphere of any divinity
- • heaven or paradise
- • any one of the 3 or 21 (cf. TS.) or 7 (cf. MatsyaP.) superior worlds Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (for the 6 dṭdivine lokas of Buddh. MWB. 206 &c.)
- • ○ke gata mfn. gone to the gods, dead MBh. xiii, 2994
- • -pāla m. 'protector of the world of the gods', N. of Indra Kathās. cxv, 25
- ○vaktra n. 'the mouth of the gods', N. of Agni as the devouring flame L.
- ○vacanā f. 'having divine speech', N. of a Gandharvā Kāraṇḍ. 1
- ○vat (○vá-), mfn. guarded or surrounded by gods (also ○vā́-v○) RV.
- • m. N. of a man ib. vii, 18, 22 (the grandfather of Su-dās Sāy.)
- • of a son of A-krūra Pur.
- • of Devaka who was a son of Āhuka Hariv.
- • of the 12th Manu BhP. viii, 13, 28 (cf. -vāyu)
- • (vatī), f. N. of a daughter of the Gandharva Grāma-ṇī R. vii, 3, 3. -2
- ○vat ind. like (in, with &c.) a god KātyŚr.
- ○vadhá m. a weapon of the gods AV. vi, 13, 1
- ○vedhū f. the wife of a god MW.
- ○vandá mfn. praising the gods RV. x, 15, 5
- ○vara m. a superior or supreme deity W.
- • n. a divine boon or blessing ib.
- ○varṇini f. N. of a daughter of Bharad-vāja R. vii, 3, 3
- ○vartman n. 'divine path', the atmosphere L.
- ○vardhaki m. 'divine architect', N. of Viśva-karman L.
- ○vardhana m. N. of a son of Devaka Pur.
- ○várman n. armour of the gods AV.
- • m. 'having divine armour', N. of a prince VP.
- • of the author of the Tomara-vaṃśa (1350) Cat.
- ○varya m. best or chief of the gods (Śiva) MBh. vii, 9470
- ○varṣa m. N. of a prince
- • n. (?) of a Varsha in the Dvipa Śalmala called after him BhP. v, 20, 9
- ○vallabha m. Rottlera Tinctoria L.
- ○vāṇī f. a divine voice MW.
- ○vāta (○vá-), mfn. agreeable to the gods RV.
- • m. N. of a man ib. iii, 23, 2
- ○vāyu m. N. of the 12th Manu Hariv. 484 (cf. 1. -vat)
- ○vāhana mfn. (horse) carrying the gods RV.
- ○vijaya-gaṇi m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○víd mfn. knowing the gods ŚBr.
- ○vidyā f. divine science (= nirukta Śaṃk.)
- ○vibhāga m. 'quarter of the gods', the northern hemisphere Sūryas.
- ○vimala-gaṇi m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○víś (cf. Br.) or
- ○viśā́ (cf. MaitrS.), f. the gods collectively
- ○vī́ (or ○vA-v○), mfn. (superl. -tama) gratifying the gods RV.
- ○vīti (○vá-v○), f. a feast or enjoyment for the gods RV.
- • N. of a daughter of Meru and wife of a son of Agnîdhra BhP.
- ○vṛkṣa m. 'divine tree', a tree of paradise (cf. -taru) L.
- • Alstonia Scholaris L.
- • bdellium (= guggulu) L.
- ○vṛtti f. Deva's (i.e. Purushottama-DṭDeva-datta 's) Comm. on Uṇ.
- ○veśman n. 'house of the gods', temple, chapel Kathās.
- ○vyacas (○vá-), mfn. affording space for the gods, receiving them RV.
- ○vratá n. any religious observation or vow ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- • the favourite food of the gods TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 2
- • N. of sev. Sāmans SāmavBr.
- • mfn. devoted to the gods, religious MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • m. N. of Bhīshma MBh.
- • of Skanda Mṛicch. iii, 14/15
- ○vratin mfn. obeying or serving the gods MBh.
- ○śakti m. 'having divine strength', N. of a king Pañc.
- ○śata-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○śatru m. foe of the gods, an Asura or Rakshas MBh. R.
- • (○vá-), mfn. having the gods as foes RV. vi, 59, 1
- ○śabda m. the N. of a god Jaim.
- • divine sound, i.e. thunder Dhātup. xxxv, 8
- ○śarman m. 'having the gods as refuge', N. of an old sage MBh.
- • of an Arhat (author of the Vijñāna-kāya-śāstra) MWB. 419
- • of a minister of Jayāpiḍa (king of Kaśmīra) Rājat. Kathās. &c
- ○śas ind. deity after deity RV. iii, 21, 5
- ○śābara-tantra n. N. of wk
- ○śilpa n. work of divine art AitBr. vi, 27
- ○śilpin m. 'the artist of the gods', N. of Tvashṭṛi L.
- ○śiśu m. = -garbha MBh.
- ○śiṣṭa (○vá-), mfn. taught or directed by the gods RV. i, 113, 3
- ○śunī f. 'divine dog', N. of Saramā MBh. i, 671
- ○śūra m. 'divine hero', N. of a man Cat.
- ○śekhara m. 'divine diadem', Artemisia Indica L.
- ○śeṣa n. the remnants of a god's sacrifice MBh. xiii, 2019
- ○śravas (○vá-), m. 'having dṭdivine renown', N. of a Bhārata RV. iii, 23, 2. 3
- • of a son of Yama and author of RV. x, 17 Anukr.
- • of a son of Viśvā-mitra Hariv.
- • of a son of Śūra and brother of Vasu-deva ib. Pur.
- ○śrī mfn. approaching the gods, worshipping VS. xvii, 56 Mahīdh.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi VP.
- • -garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.
- ○śrút mfn. audible to or heard by the gods RV. VS.
- ○śruta m. 'having divine knowledge', = lord, god(īśvara) L.
- • N. of Nārada L.
- • (with Jainas)N. of 6th Arhat of future Ut-sarpiṇī
- • n. a sacred treatise or manual L.
- ○śrū́ mfn. known to the gods TĀr.
- • m. barber of the gods TS. Sch.
- ○śreṇī f. Sanseviera Zeylanica L.
- ○śreṣṭha m. 'best of the gods', N. of a son of the 12th Manu Hariv. BhP.
- ○saṃsád f. assembly of the gods TBr.
- ○saṃhitā f. the Saṃhitā of the gods SaṃhUp. vi, 4
- ○sakha m. friend or companion of the gods VS. xxiii, 49
- ○sakhi m. 'id.', N. of a mountain R. (B.) iv, 43, 17
- ○saṃgīta-yonin m. (?) N. of Nārada Hariv. 4347
- ○sattra n. a long festival in honour of the gods MBh.
- ○sattva mfn. having the nature of a god R.
- ○satyá n. divine truth, established order of the gods ŚBr.
- ○sád mfn. living among the gods VS. ix, 2
- ○sádana mfn. serving as a seat for the gods AV. v, 4, 3
- ○sadman n. a god's seat MBh. Hariv.
- ○saṃdha mfn. connected with the gods, divine W.
- ○saṃnidhi m. presence of the gods MW.
- ○sabha n. N. of a town Kathās.
- • (ā), f. a hall serving as a meeting-place for the gods ib.
- • a gambling-house L.
- ○sabhya m. keeper of a gambling-house L.
- • a gambler
- • frequenter of clubs or assemblies
- • deity's attendant W.
- ○sarasa n. 'pool of the gods', N. of a place Rājat.
- ○sarṣapa m. 'divine mustard', a kind of mustard L.
- ○savá m. a kind of sacrifice Kāṭh.
- ○saha m. N. of a mountain Suśr.
- • (ā), f. N. of plants (= saha-devii or (?) bhikṣā-sūtra) L.
- ○sākṣya n. testimony of the gods
- • loc. before the gods as wtnesses Nid.
- ○sāgara-gaṇi m. N. of an author (1630) Cat.
- ○sāt-√kṛ to offer to the gods Bhaṭṭ.
- ○√bhū to become a god MBh.
- ○sāyujya n. union with or reception among the gods, deification L.
○sāvarṇi m. N. of the 13th Manu BhP.
- ○siṃha 'god-lion', N. of Śiva Śivag.
- • of an author Cat.
- ○siddhi m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○sunda m. N. of a lake Suśr.
- ○sumatí f. favour of the gods RV. x, 98, 5
- ○sumanas n. 'divine flower', a species of flower L.
- ○suṣi m. a divine tube or vital air (5 in number, viz. prâṇa, vy-āna, apâna, sam-āna, ud-āna) ChUp. iii, 13, 1
○sū m. (with or scil. deva) N. of 8 deities (viz. Agni gṛiha-pati, Soma vanas-pati, Savitṛi satya-prasava, Rudra paśu-pati, Bṛihas-pati vācas-pati, Indra jyeshṭha, Mitra satya, and Varuṇa dharma-pati) VS. TS. Br. &c
- ○sūka-kṣetra n. N. of a region of the northern Pañcālas W.
- ○sūda m. N. of a village Pāṇ. 6-2, 129, Kāś.
- ○sūri m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○sṛṣṭa (○vá-), mfn. discharged or caused or created by a god ŚBr.
- • (ā), f. a kind of intoxicating drink L.
- ○sena m. N. of a king of Śrāvastī Kathās.
- • of a king of Pauṇḍra-vardhana ib.
- • of a cowherd ib.
- • of a Buddh. Arhat
- • (ā́), f. a host of celestials
- RV. AV. Br. &c. (pl. the hosts of Deva or Iśāna ĀpGṛḥ. xx, 5
- • -pati and -priya {MBh.}, m. N. of Skanda)
- • N. of a daughter of Prajā-pati or niece (daughter L.) of Indra and wife of Skanda MBh. Pur.
- • a particle of mūla-prakṛti W.
- • N. of Comm. on Kum.
- ○soma
- ○soḍmaka m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○stava m. N. of a prince VP.
- ○stút mfn. praising the gods RV. v, 50, 5
- ○strī f. the wife of a deity MW.
- ○sthali m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○sthāna m. N. of an ancient Ṛishi MBh.
- • n. of 2 Sāmans (varuṇasya and bṛhad-deva-) ĀrshBr.
- ○smitā f. 'having a divine smile', N. of the daughter of a merchant Kathās.
- ○sva n. divine property Mn. xi, 20 ; 26
- ○svapaharaṇa n. plunder of dṭdivine property, sacrilege MW.
- ○svāmin m. 'lord of the gods', N. of sev. Brāhmans Kathās. Vet.
- • of an astronomer VarBṛS. vii, 7
- • of a Sch. on ĀśvŚr. &c. Cat.
- ○havís n. oblation to the gods VS. ŚBr.
- ○havya n. id. MBh.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi ib.
- ○hiṃsaka m. enemy of the gods MW.
- ○hita (○vá-), mfn. arranged or appointed or settled by the gods RV.
- • m. the good or welfare of the gods
- • ○târthāya ind. for the sake of the gods MBh. xiii, 13965
- ○hiti (○vá-), f. divine ordinance or arrangement ib.
- ○hū mfn. invoking the gods (superl. -tama) RV. VS.
- • m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- • f. (scil. dvār) N. of the northern aperture of the human body, i.e. of the left ear (which is turned north wards if the face is directed towards the east) BhP. iv, 25, 51 &c. (cf. pitṛ-)
- ○hūti (○vá-), f. invocation of the gods RV. AV. &c. (also ○tī BhP. ix, 24, 31)
- • N. of a daughter of Manu Svayam-bhū and wife of Kardama BhP. ii, 7, 3 &c. (○tī, iii, 21, 3)
- ○hū́ya n. invocation of the gods RV. ŚBr.
- ○héḍana or n. offence against the gods AV. VS.
- ○heḻana n. offence against the gods AV. VS.
- • N. of AV. vi, 114 Kauś.
- ○hetí f. divine weapon AV.
- ○hotra m. N. of the father of Yogêśvara (a partial incarnation aṃśa of Hari) BhP.viii, 13, 33
- ○hrada m. 'the divine lake', N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh.
- devâṃśa m. a portion, i.e. partial incarnation of a god Kathās.
- devâkrīḍa m. playing-place of the gods. Hariv.
- devâkṣara mfn. whose syllables are divine beings TBr.
- devâgama-stotra n
- devâgaḍmâlaṃkṛti f. N. of wks
- devâgāra n. 'house of the gods', temple R. Kathās.
- devâṅkī-pūjā f. N. of wk
- devâṅga m. N. of an emanation from Sadā-śiva's body (inventor of weaving)
- • -caritra n. N. of wk
- devâṅganā f. a divine female Siṃhâs.
- devâc mf(âcī)n. directed towards the gods RV. i, 127, 1
- devâcārya m. 'divine teacher', N. of a man W.
- • of sev. authors Cat.
- • -dig-vijaya m. N. of wk
- devâjīva and m. a man subsisting by attending on an idol and receiving its offerings L.
- devâjīḍvin m. a man subsisting by attending on an idol and receiving its offerings L.
- devâñjana n. divine ointment AV. xix, 44, 6
- devâṭa m. N. of a sacred bathing. place VarP. (cf. patny-āṭa)
- devâtitha wṛ. for daiv○
- devâtithi m. 'guest of the gods', N. of a Kāṇva and author of RV. viii, 4 TāṇḍyaBr. ix, 2
- • of a prince who was son of A-krodhana (or Krodhana BhP. ix, 22, 11) and Karambhā MBh. i, 3775
- devâtideva m. a god surpassing all other gods MBh.
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1259
- • of Vishṇu Hariv. 8814
• of Śākya-muni Buddh.
- devâtman m. the divine soul ŚvetUp. i, 3
- • Ficus Religiosa L.
- • mfn. being of divine nature, containing a deity, sacred W.
- • ○tma-śakti f. the power of the soul ŚvetUp. ib.
- devâtmā f. the mother of the gods L. (cf. devatâtmā)
- devádhideva m. god over gods' an Arhat Jain.
- devâdhipa m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra MBh. v, 297
- • of a king identified with the Asura Nikumbha, i, 2663
- devâdhipati m. 'id.', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1204
- devânanda m. 'delight of the gods', N. of a man W.
- • of sev. authors (also -sūri) Cat.
- • (ā), f. N. of the 15th night of the Karma-māsa ( s.v.) Sūryapr.
- • N. of a divine female Siṃhâs.
- devânīka n. an army of celestials MBh.
- • m. N. of a king (son of Kshemadhanvan) Hariv. Ragh. Pur.
- • of a son of the 11th Manu Hariv.
- • of a mountain BhP.
- devânukrama m. 'series or order of the gods.' N. of wk
- devânucara m. a follower or attendant of a god Ragh.
- devânuyâyin m. id. Kull.
- devânta m. N. of a son of Hṛidika Hariv.
- devântaka m. N. of a Rakshas R.
- • of a Daitya GaṇP.
- • -vadha m. 'destruction of Deva-datta', N. of 71st ch. of GaṇP. ii
- devândhas n. 'divine food', ambrosia L.
- devânna n. id. L.
- • food offered (first) to the gods Mn. v, 7
- devâpi m. 'friend of the gods', N. of a Ṛishi who was son of Ṛishṭi-sheṇa RV. x (according to a later legend he is a son of king Pratipa, resigns his kingdom, retires to the woods and is supposed to be still alive MBh. Pur. &c.)
- devâbhimukha m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- devâbhī7ṣṭā f. 'desired by the gods', Piper Betel L.
- devâyatana n. 'the dwelling of a god', a temple Mn. &c
- devâyúdha n. weapon of the gods', N. of Indra TBr.
- • the rainbow L.
- devâyuṣá n. the life-time of a god ŚBr.
- devâraṇya n. divine grove MBh. Ragh.
- devârādhana n
- devârādhaḍnā f. worship of the gods MW.
- devâri m. 'foe of the gods', an Asura MBh. -pa m. 'protector of the Asura' (?), the sea Nīlak. on MBh. iv, 1712
- • -bala-sūdana m. 'destroyer of the army of the Asura', N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ. i, 49
- devârcaka m. worshipper of the gods MW.
- devârcana n. worship of gods, idolatry, Pañc (also ○nā f. MW.)
- • -krama-paddhati f. N. of wk
- devârpaṇa n. an offering to the gods MBh. xiii, 4202 (cf. mad-arp○)
- devā́rya m. N. of the last Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇi Jain.
- devârha mfn. worthy of the gods, divine W.
- • m. a kind of medic. plant L.
- • N. of a prince VP.
- • (ā), f. Sida Rhomboidea L.
- devârhaṇa m. N. of a prince VP.
- devâlaya m. 'residence of the gods', heaven L.
- • temple Pañc. MārkP.
- • -pratiṣṭhā f. -pratiṣṭhā-vidhi m. -lakṣaṇa n. ○yôtsavâdi-krama m. N. of wks
- devā́-vat = devá-v○
- devavataraṇa n. 'descent of the gods', N. of a poem
- devâvatāra m. 'id., N. of a place L.
- devâvasatha m. 'habitation of the gods', temple Rājat.
- devâvāsa m. id. L.
- • Ficus Religiosa L.
- devāvī́ = deva-vií
- devā-vṛ́dh (for ○va-v○), mfn. gladdening the gods ŚBr. xi
- • m. N. of a mountain Hariv. 12855 (nom. -vṛt
- • vḷ. -vṛdha)
- devāvṛdha m. N. of a prince who was father of Babhru (cf. daivā-v○) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (v. l. -vṛddha)
- • of a mountain ( -vṛdh)
- devâśva m. divine horse ŚāṅkhBr. v, 2
- • Indra's horse Uccaiþ-śravas L.
- devâsurá m. pl. the gods and the Asuras ŚBr. MBh. R. &c
- • mfn. (with yuddha, raṇa &c. the war) of she gods and Asuras MBh. R. BhP.
- • -gaṇâgraṇī, ○ṇâdhyakṣa, ○ṇâśraya
- • -guru
- • -namaskṛta
- • -pati
- • -mahā-mātra
- • -mahâśraya
- • -mahêśvara
- • -vara-prada
- • -vinirmātṛ
- • ○surêśvara m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1233 ; 1257-60
- devāhāra m. 'divine food', ambrosia L.
- devâhvaya m. 'called Deva', N. of a prince MBh. i, 228
- devi and devií
- devī- devií
- devêj mfn. (nom. ṭ) sacrificing to the gods Vop.
- devêjya m. 'teacher of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati, i.e. the planet Jupiter L.
- devêddha mfn. kindled by the gods (agni) RV. Br. (opp. manv-iddha)
- devêndra m. 'chief of the gods', N. of Indra or Śiva MBh. R.
- • of sev. authors Cat.
- • -kīrti-deva m. N. of a man, Cat -buddhi m. N. of a learned Buddhist L.
- • -samaya m. N. of a Buddh. wk
- • -sūri m. N. of a Jaina writer (1240) Cat.
- • ○drâśrama m. N. of an author ib.
- devêśa m. 'chief of the gods', N. of Brahmā or Vishṇu or Śiva or Indra MBh. Kāv.
- • king, prince MBh. xiii, 1832
- • (ī), f. N. of Durgā or of Devakī Cat.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP.
- devêśvara m. 'sovereign of the gods', N. of Śiva R.
- • of a pupil of Śaṃkarācārya Cat.
- • of another author ib.
- • -paṇḍita m. N. of a poet ib.
- devêṣita mfn. sent or impelled by the gods RV. AV.
- deveṣú m. divine arrow MaitrS.
- devêṣṭa mfn. wished by or acceptable to the gods W.
- • m. a sort of drug (also ā f.)
- • the resin of Ṣorea Robusta Gal.
- • bdellium L.
- • (ā), f. the wild lime tree L. ( also m.)
- devâinasá n. the curse of the gods AV.
- devôdyāna n. 'grove of the gods', sacred grove L.
- devôpâsaka m. worshipper of the gods MW.
- devaū7kas n. 'divine abode', mount Meru Sūryas.
- devasya-tva-ka mfn. containing the words devasyatvā (as an Adhyāya or Anuvāka), g. goṣad-ādi
- devānām-priya mfn. 'beloved of the gods', simple, foolish Pāṇ. 6-3, 21 Vārtt. 3 L.
- deve-śaya mfn. resting on a god (Vishṇu) MBh. xii, 12864
- devaka mf(ikā)n. who or what sports or plays W.
- • divine, celestial, id
- • m. (div○) a god, deity (at the end of an adj. comp.) MBh. ii, 1396 &c. (cf. daivaka)
- • N. of a man (?) RV. vii, 18, 20 Sāy.
- • of a Gandharva (at once a prince, son of Āhuka and father of Devakī below MBh. i, 4480 ; v, 80 &c. Hariv. Pur.)
- • of a son of Yudhi-shṭhira and Yaudheyī or Pauravii (cf. ○vikā below) Pur.
- • familiar N. for deva-dattaka Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Pat.
- • pl. N. of the Śūdras in Krauñca-dviipa BhP. v, 20, 22
- • (ā), f. fam. for deva-dattikā Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- • (dévikā), f. N. of a class of goddesses of an inferior order Br. (pl. the oblations made to them, viz. to Anu-matī, Rākā, Sinīvalī, Kuhū, and to Dhātṛi TS.
- • cf. -havis AitBr. Vait.)
- • of the wife of Yudhishṭhira and mother of Yaudheya MBh. i, 3828
- • of a river MBh. iii, 5044 (cf. dāvika)
- • of a country VarBṛS. xi, 35
- • the thorn-apple Bhpr.
- • (devakī), f. below
- ○bhoja-putrī f. patron. of Devaki BhP. iii, 1, 33
- devakâtmajā f. id. L.
- devakī f. N. of a daughter of Devaka ( above) who was wife of Vasu-deva and mother of Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. Pur. (identified with a-diti Hariv.
- • with dākṣāyaṇī MatsyaP.)
- ○nandana (or ○kin○),
- ○putra
- ○mātṛ
- ○sūnu m. N. of Kṛishṇa ChUp. MBh. Hariv.
- devakīya mfn. (g. gahâdi) divine, belonging or relating to a divinity W.
- devaḍkya mfn. id
- • godlike, corresponding to the number of the gods (said of the metre Anushṭubh) ŚāṅkhBr. xxvii, 3 (v. l. ○tya)
- devátā f. godhead, divinity (abstr. & concr.) RV. AV. Br. &c
- • image of a deity, idol Mn. iv, 130 MBh. Pur. (ifc. -ka Kull. viii, 105)
- • N. of the organs of sense (cf. deva) ŚBr. ii, 5, 2, 2 &c
- • (ā), ind. with divinity, i.e. with a god (gods) or among the gods RV. AV.
- ○"ṣgāra (○tâg○), n. 'gods' house', temple, chapel Mn. R.
- ○gṛha n. id. R. Kathās.
- ○jit m. 'gods-conqueror', N. of a son of Su-mati and grandson of Bharata BhP.
- ○tas ind. on the part of a deity ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 16, 15
- ○"ṣtman (○tât○), mfn. having a divine soul Kum. i, 1
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1260
- ○"ṣtmā (○tât○), f. mother of the gods L. (cf. devâtmā)
- ○tva n. state of divinity Nyāyam.
- • -nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○darśana n. manifestation of a deity NṛisUp.
- ○dvaṃdva n. a compound whose members are two or more names of deities Pāṇ.
- ○"ṣdhipa (○tâdh○), m. 'deity-chief', N. of Indra L.
- ○"ṣdhyāya (○tádh○), n. (scil. brāhmaṇa) N. of a Br. of the SV.
- ○"ṣnukrama (○tân○), m
- ○"ṣnukraḍmaṇī f. index of the Vedic deities
- ○pāramya n. N. of wk
- ○pūjana n. worship of a dṭdeities (cf. deva-pūjā) Parāś.
- ○praṇidhāna n. devotion to a deity L.
- ○pratimā f. 'god-image', an idol MBh. vi, 60
- ○pratiṣṭhāvidhi m. N. of wk
- ○bādha (or ○tâb○). m. molestation of the gods MBh. i, 7579
- ○"ṣbhyarcana (○tâbh○), n. worship of an idol or a deity Mn. ii, 176
- • -para mfn. devoted to it Nal. xii, 58
- ○maṇi m. 'divine jewel, N. of a medic. plant Bhpr.
- ○mandira n. = -gṛha Mālatīm. vi, 6/7
- ○maya mf(ī)n. containing all deities KaṭhUp. iv, 7
- ○mithuna n. the cohabitation of deities MW.
- ○mūrti-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk. on sculpture
- ○"ṣyatana (○tây○), n. = -gṛha Mn. MBh. &c
- ○"ṣrādhana (○târ○), n. homage to the gods Siṃhâs.
- ○rcana (○târ○), n. worship of the gods Kāv.
- • -krama and -vidhi m. N. of sev. wks
○"ṣlaya (○tâl○), m. (cf. Var.)
- ○veśman n. (cf. R.) = -gṛha
- ○vāda-vicāra m
- ○vāri-pūjā f. N. of wks
- ○śeṣa m. = deva-ś○ (q.v.)
- ○"ṣśraya (○tâś○), mfn. relating to a gods MānGṛ.
- ○sahāyin mfn. accompanied (only) by the gods, i.e. alone Śak. (Pi.) iii, 89/90
- ○sthāpana-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○snāna n. ablution of an idol MatsyaP.
- ○svarūpa-vicāra m. N. of wk
- devatêjyā f. sacrifice to a deity KātyŚr.
- devatôpadeśana n. designation of the d worshipped in any rite ĀpŚr.
- devatyá mfn. (ifc.) having as one's deity, sacred to a deity (cf. eka-, kiṃ-, bahu-, soma-
- • daivatya)
- • (ā), f. a species of animal (?) AV. i, 22, 3
- devan m. brother-in-law (= devṛ) L.
- devana m. a die, dice for gambling L.
- • (ā), f. sport, pastime L.
- • service L.
- • n. (dév○) shining, splendour Kull. viii, 92
- • gaming, a game at dice RV. x, 43, 5 MBh. R. &c
- • play, sport, pastime L.
- • pleasure-ground, garden L.
- • a lotus L.
- • praise L.
- • desire, emulation L.
- • affair, business, profession L.
- • going, motion L.
- devaya Nom. P., only p., ○yát, loving or serving the gods, religious RV. (cf. á-)
- • divine or shining (?) BhP. iii, 20, 22
devaḍyú mfn. devoted to the gods, pious RV.
- devara m.= devṛ ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- • husband, lover BhP. iv, 26, 26
- ○ghnī f. killing one's brother-in-law ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 16
- ○vatī f. having a brother-in-law Gaut.
- devala m. an attendant upon an idol (who subsists on the offerings made to it
- • oftener ○laka Mn. iii, 152 ; 180 MBh.)
- • a virtuous or pious man Uṇ. i, 108 Sch.
- • N. of a descendant of Kaśyapa and one of the authors of RV. ix
- • of Asita or a son of Asita MBh. Pur.
- • of a man mentioned with Asita, Prav
- • of an astronomer Var.
- • of a legislator (also, -bhaṭṭa) Madhus. Kull.
- • of a son of Pratyūsha MBh. Hariv.
- • of an elder brother of Dhaumya MBh.
- • of the husband of Eka-parṇā Hariv.
- • of the father of Saṃnati (the wife of Brahma-datta) ib.
- • of the grandfather of Pāṇ. Col.
- • of a son of Viśvā-mitra (pl. his descendants) Hariv.
- • of a son of Kṛiśāśva by Dhishaṇā BhP.
- ○smṛti f. Devala's law-book Cat.
- devala = devara (q.v.)
- devāya Nom. P., only p. ○yát = ○vayát, Maitr. and KapS. Kāṭh.
- devāḍyú or (only acc. sg. f. ○yúvam) = ○vayú MaitrS. Ār.
- devāḍyū́ (only acc. sg. f. ○yúvam) = ○vayú MaitrS. Ār.
- devālā f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇi
- devi in comp. for ○vii
- ○tama deva
- ○dāsa m. N. of sev. men Cat.
- • of a Sch. on Vop. Col.
- devika mf(ī)n. appertaining to or derived from a deity W.
- • m. fam. N. for deva-datta Pāṇ. 5-3, 78 Kāś.
- • (ikā), f. devaka
- devitavya mfn. to be gambled (impers.) MBh.
- • n. gambling ib.
- devitṛ m. gambler ib.
- devitvā- ind. p. having gambled ( √2. div.)
- devin mfn. gambling, a gambler MBh. (cf. akṣa-, durdyūta-, sādhu-)
- deviya m. fam. N. for deva-datta Pāṇ. 5-3, 79 Kāś.
- devila m. id. ib.
- • mfn. righteous, virtuous (= dhārmika) Uṇ. i, 57 Sch.
- • appertaining to a deity, divine W.
- devī́ f. (cf. devá) a female deity, goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c. (e.g. Ushas RV. vii, 75, 5
- • Sarasvatī, v, 41, 17
- • Sāvitrī, the wife of Brahmā MBh.
- • Durgā, the wife of Śiva MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- • the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are Rocanī, Māmaki, Pāṇḍurā and Tārā Dharmas. iv)
- • N. of nymph beloved by the Sun L.
- • of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4818
- • (with Jainas) the mother of 18th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī L.
- • queen, princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king, but also any woman of high rank) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L.
- • a partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.
- • worship, reverence W.
- • N. of plants (colocynth, a species of cyperus, Medicago Esculenta &c.) L.
- ○kalpa m
- ○kavaca n
- ○kālôttara n. N. of wks
- ○kṛti f. 'the queen's creation', N. of a grove Kathās.
- ○koṭa n. 'Durgā's stronghold', N. of a town (prob. Devicotta on the Coromandel coast, south-east of Chidambaram) L.
- ○krīḍā f. Durgā's play ground Bṛih.
- ○garbha-gṛha n. Durgā's sanctuary Kathās.
- ○gṛha n. Durgā's shrine ib.
- • apartment of a queen Kām.
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tva n. the state or rank of a goddess or queen Kathās.
- ○datta mṆ. of the father of Rāma-sevaka and grandfather of Kṛishṇa-mitra Cat.
- ○dāsa m. N. of sev. authors (also -cakra-vartin and -paṇḍita) Cat.
- ○dhāman n. temple of Durgā Rājat.
- ○nava-ratna n. N. of a Stotra
- ○nāmâvalī f
- ○nitya-pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○ṃ-dhiyaka mfn. containing the words deviiṃ dhiyā (as an Adhyāya or Anuvāka), g. goṣad-ādi
- ○pañca-ratna n
- ○pañca-śatī f
- ○para-pūjā-vidhi m
- ○paricaryā f. N. of wks
- ○pāda-dvaya n. 'the two feet of Durgā', N. of a bathing-place Cat.
- ○purāṇa n. N. of an Upa-purāṇa
- • ○ṇīya mfn. belonging to it Cat.
- ○pūjana-bhāskara m
- ○pūjā-paddhati f
⋙devīpūjā prakaraṇa
- ○pūjā prakaraṇa n
- ○pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○bhavana n. = -dhāman Kathās.
- ○bhāgavata-purāṇa n
- ○bhāgavata-sthiti f. N. of wks
- ○bhāva m. the dignity of a queen Vām.
- ○bhujaṃga m. or n. N. of a Stotra
- ○bheda-giri m. N. of a mountain Rājat.
- ○mata n. N. of a Tantra
○mahā-deva n. N. of an Ullāpya (kind of play)
- ○mahiman m. N. of a Stotra
- ○mānanirṇaya m
- ○mānasa-pūjana n
- ○mānasapūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○māhātmya n. N. of ch. of MārkP.
- • -pāṭha-vidhi m. -mantravibhāga-krama m. N. of wks
- ○yāmala-tantra and n. N. of wks
- ○rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○r-āpaka (cf. Gaṇar.) or (g. goṣad-ādi), mfn. containing the words deviir āpas (cf. -ṃ-dhiyaka)
- ○r-āḍpasaka (g. goṣad-ādi), mfn. containing the words deviir āpas (cf. -ṃ-dhiyaka)
- ○śataka
- ○śata-nāma-stotra and n. N. of wks
- ○sahasra-nāman n. N. of wks
- ○sahāya and m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○siṃha-deva m. N. of authors Cat.
- ○súkta n
- ○stuti f
- ○stotra n
- ○svarūpa-stuti f
- ○hṛdaya n. N. of Stotras.
- devīka ifc. = devii
- • sa-
- devṛ́ m. a husband's brother (esp. his younger brother) RV. AV. (prob. as the player, because he has less to do than his elder brother) ; the husband of a woman previously married W. [Cf. Arm. taigr
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. levir ; Angl. S. tacur ; Germ. śeihhur ; Lith. déveris ; Slav. .]
- ○kāma (○vṛ́-), mfn. loving one's brother-in-law
- ○ghnī á-devṛ-ghnī
- devy in comp. for devii before vowels
- ○aparādha-kṣamāpaṇa-stotra
- ○aṣṭaka
- ○aṣṭôttara and -āgamana-tantra, n
⋙devyātharvaṇa sīrṣopaniṣad
- ○ātharvaṇa sīrṣôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○āyatana n. = ○vii-dhāman Rājat.
- ○āryā-śataka n
- ○āvaraṇa-pūjā and f. N. of wks
- ○upaniṣad f. N. of wks
- devyá n. divine power, godhead RV.
- devaṭa m. (√dev? Uṇ. iv, 81 Sch.) artist, artisan
- devaṭṭī f. a sort of gull (= gaṅgācillī) L.
- devaṇṇa-bhaṭṭa mṆ. of an author Cat.
- deśá m. (√1. diś) point, region, spot, place, part, portion VS. AitBr. Śr. & GṛS. Mn. &c
- • province, country, kingdom
- R. Hit. Kathās. Vet.
- • institute, ordinance W. (deśam ā √vas, or ni-√viś, to settle in a place Mn.
- • ○śe, in the proper place MBh. Hit. Often ifc. esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body, e.g. kāmboja-, magadha-
- • aṃsa-, kaṇṭha-, skandha-
- • ātmīya-, one's own country or home)
- • (ī), f. deśī
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'country's thorn', public calamity Jātakam.
- ○kārī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇi
- ○kāla m. du. place and time Mn. iii, 126 &c
- • (sg.) place and time for (gen.) Mṛicch. iii, 17/18
- • -jña (cf. Kād.) and -vid (cf. Car.), mfn. knowing pṭplace and time
- • -vibhāga m. apportioning of place and time MW.
- • -virodhin mfn. neglecting place and time Pañc.
- • -vyatī7ta mfn. regardless of place and time MBh.
- • -vyavasthita mfn. regulated by place and time W.
- ○cyuti f. banishment or flight from one's country Daśar. Sch.
- ○ja or mfn. 'country born', native, born or produced in the right place, genuine (as horses, elephants &c.) MBh. Hariv. R.
- ○jāta mfn. 'country born', native, born or produced in the right place, genuine (as horses, elephants &c.) MBh. Hariv. R.
- ○jña mfn. knowing a district, familiar with places R.
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen (i.e. usual or customary) in a country Mn. viii, 3
- • locally considered, judged as to place W.
- ○dharma m. law or usage of a cṭcountry Mn. i, 118
- ○nirṇaya m. 'description of cṭcountry', N. of wk
- ○pālī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- ○bha n. the asterism dominating a cṭcountry Var.
- ○bhaṅga m. ruin of a country Kathās.
- ○bhāṣā f. the language or dialect of a country MBh. Kathās.
- • -vijñāna n. its knowledge (one of the 64 Kalās) Cat.
- • ○ṣântara n. a foreign language or dialect Mṛicch. iii, 19
- ○bhramaṇa n. wandering about a country, peregrination, touring MW.
- ○mānika m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. daśa-) VP.
- ○rakṣin m. protector of a country, king Daś.
- ○rāja-carita n. 'history of native princes', N. of wk
- ○rūpa n. conformity with place, propriety, fitness MBh. xii, 3961
- ○vāsin mfn. residing in a country MW.
- ○vibhraṃśa m. = -bhaṅga Var.
- ○vṛtta n. a circle depending upon its relative position to the place of the observer Sūryas. Sch.
- ○vyavahāra m. custom or usage of a country W.
- ○saukhya n. N. of a ch. of the Ṭoḍarânanda
- ○stha mfn. situated or living in a cṭcountry MW.
- ○svāmin m. lord or prince of a cṭcountry Siṃhâs.
- deśâkramaṇa n. invasion of a cṭcountry Kull. vii, 207
- deśâkhya m. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- • (ā), f. of a Rāgiṇī (also ○khyikā)
- deśâcāra m. local usage or custom MW.
- deśâṭana n. roaming through a land, travelling Subh.
- deśâtithi m. 'land-guest', foreigner MBh. Hariv.
- deśântara n. another country, abroad Mn.v, 78
- • longitude, the difference from the prime meridian Sūryas.
- • -gamana n. going abroad, travelling Mṛicch. ii, 0/1
- • -phala n. the equation for difference of meridian MW.
- • -bhāṇḍânayana n. importing wares from foreign countries MW.
• -mṛta-kriyā-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- • -stha mfn. being in a foreign country, MānSr
- • ntarita mfn. living in a foreign country Gaut.
- • ○ntarin mfn. belonging to a foreign country, a foreigner Śatr.
- deśâpôkṣā f. spying or inspecting a land W.
- deśâvakāśika n. (with Jainas) a partic. vow or observance
- • -vrata n. id
- deśôpadeśa m. N. of a poem (cf. ○śa-nirṇaya)
- desôpasargá m. distress of a country, calamity in a country AV. xix, 9, 9.
- deśaka mfn. (ifc.) showing, pointing out
- • m. shower, indicator (san-mārga- MārkP. xix, 17
- • dharma- Pañc. iii, 104/105, v. l. ○mâd○)
- • ruler, instructor L.
- deśaka-paṭu n. a mushroom Kauś.
- deśanā f. direction, instruction SaddhP. Śatr.
- deśika mfn. familiar with a place, a guide (lit. and fig.) MBh. i, 3599 (v. l. daiś○, cf. a- add.)
- • m. a Guru or spiritual teacher MBh. AgP.
- • a traveller L.
- ○vijaya m
- deśiḍkôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- deśita mfn. shown, directed, instructed MBh. R. &c
- deśin mfn. showing, instructing, guiding MBh. &c
- • of or belonging to a country L.
- • (inī), f. the index or forefinger Yājñ. i, 19 BhP.
- deśī .f. (sc. bhāṣā) the vulgar dialect of a country (opp. to saṃskṛta), provincialism
- • -tva n. Kāvyâd.
- • Deśīn. L.
- • a vulgar mode of singing Cat.
- • dance (opp. to mārga, pantomime) Daśar.
- • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇi
- ○kaṭṭari f. (in music) a kind of dance (mus.)
- ○kośa m. a vocabulary of provincialisms Cat.
○tāla n. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○nāma-mālā f. N. of a dictionary of provincialisms by Hemac.
- ○nṛtya n. (in music) country dance
- ○prakāśa m. N. of a dictionary of provincialisms Sch. on Mṛicch.
- ○varāḍī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- ○śabda-saṃgraha m. = -nāma-mālā Cat.
- deśīya mfn. peculiar or belonging to or inhabiting a country, provincial, native (esp. ifc., e.g. māgadha- a native of Magadha, ŚrS)
- • bordering on, resembling, almost, nearly (ifc. and regarded asa suffix Pāṇ. 5-3, 67
- • cf. pañca-varṣaka-., paṭu-, ṣaḍvarṣa.)
- ○rājaśekhara-kośa m. N. of wk
- ○varāḍī f. = ○zI-v○ Cat.
- ○śabda-saṃgraha m. = ○zI-z○ Cat.
- deśya mfn. to be pointed or picked out, excellent in its kind, standard Pat.
- • being on the spot or present, witness Mn. viii, 52 (?, v. l. deśa)
- • = deśīya, in all meanings MBh. Hariv. (-tva, Deśīn.) Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 (cf. tad-, nānā-, paṭu-, vanāyu-, vitasti-, śiśu-)
- • born in the country, indigenous, a true native R. (cf. deśa-ja)
- • n. the proposition or statement (= pūrva-pakṣa) L.
• the fact or charge to be proved or substantiated W.
- ○nighaṇṭu m
- ○nidarśana n. N. of glossaries
- ○bhikṣu m. a native mendicant Rājat. iii, 9
- deṣṭavya mfn. to be pointed out or shown or declared R.
- deṣṭṛ m. pointer, indicator (kupatha- BhP. vi, 7, 14)
- • (ṭrī́), f. N. of a divine female RV. AV.
- deṣṭrá n. indication, direction RV.
- déṣṭha mfn. (fr. √1. dū) giving most or best RV.
- deṣṇá n. giving, a gift RV. (cf. kumāra-, cāru-, tuvi- &c.) RV.
- deṣṇu mfn. giving, liberal L.
- • = dur-dama or dur-gama L.
- • m. (fr. √dai) a washerman
- deha m. n. (√dih, to plaster, mould, fashion) the body TĀr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • (in a triad with manas and vāc) Mn. i, 104 &c
- • (○haṃdhāraya, to support the body, i.e. exist Nal.)
- • form, shape, mass, bulk (as of a cloud
- • ifc. f. ā) Var.
- • per. son, individual Subh.
- • appearance, manifestation, ifc. having the appearance of (saṃdeha- Bālar. iii, 43/44)
- • N. of a country L.
- • (ī́), f. mound, bank, rampart, surrounding wall RV.
- ○kara m. 'body-former, a father MBh.
- ○kartṛ m. id. MW.
- • N. of the sun MBh.
- ○kṛt m. a father BhP.
- • N. of Śiva MBh.
- ○kośa m. 'body-covering', skin or wing L. (cf. -dhi)
- ○kṣaya m. 'body-decay', sickness, disease L.
- ○gata mfn. 'gone into a body', incarnate MW.
- ○grahaṇa n. assuming a body or visible form ib.
- dehacatuṣṭayavyavasthālakṣaṇa3deha--catuṣṭaya-vyavasthā-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○cara mfn. being on or in a body, bodily (as disease) BhP.
- ○caryā f. care of the body Kathās.
- ○cyuta mfn. separated from the bṭbody (as excrement or the spirit) W.
- ○ja m. 'body-born', a son BhP. (cf. tanu-)
- • the god of love, Diś
- ○tantra mfn. whose chief kind of existence is corporeal BhP. iii, 33, 5
- ○tyāga m. relinquishing the body, death Mn. x, 62 Kāv. &c
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a bṭbody Āpast.
- ○da m. 'body-(life?) giving', quicksilver L. (cf. pāra-)
- ○dāha m. 'body-heat', fever Mālatīm.
- ○dīpa m. 'body-lamp', the eye L.
- ○dharma m. function or law of the bṭbody MW.
- ○dhātṛ m. (for dhātu?) chief part or element of the body Car. (cf. dhātu)
- ○dhāraka m. 'body Supporter', bone L.
- ○dhāraṇa n. 'supporting the bṭbody', living, life, existence MBh.
- ○dhārin mfn. having a body, living, alive Daś.
- ○dhi m. 'body-receptacle', wing L.
- ○dhṛk m. (nom.) 'sustaining the body', air, wind Suśr.
- ○patana n. (cf. MBh.),
- ○pāta m. (cf. Kathās.) 'decay of the body', death
- ○bandha mfn. furnished with a bṭbody Hariv. 9030 (baddha?)
- ○bhāj m. 'possessed of a body', corporeal, m. living creature (esp. man)' Kāv. BhP.
- ○bhuj n'., possessing a body', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1067
- ○bhṛt mfn. 'carrying a body', embodied, corporeal
- • m. a living creature (esp. man) MBh. Ragh. Pur.
- • N. of Siva MBh. xiii, 1 067 (cf. -bhuj)
- • life, vitality W.
- ○bheda m. 'destruction of the bṭbody', death ŚvetUp. MBh.
- ○madhya n. 'middle of the body', waist RāmatUp.
- ○mātrâvaśeṣita mfn. having merely the body left BhP.
- ○mānin mfn. proud of the body MW.
- ○mbhara mfn. intent (only) upon nourishing the body or prolonging life BhP. v, 26, 3
- • -vārttika id. ; 5, 3
- • voracious, gluttonous MW. (cf. udaram-bh○)
- ○yātrā f. supporting the body or prolonging life BhP. Vedântas.
- • food, nourishment L.
- • passing away of the body, dying, death L.
- ○rakṣā f. care of the body', chastity MBh. iii, 17092
- ○lakṣaṇa n. 'body-mark', mole L.
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a body, embodied R.
- • m. a living creature, man MBh. BhP.
- ○varman n. 'body-armour', the skin Gal.
- ○vāyu m. 'body-wind', vital air L.
- ○visarjana n. 'quitting the bṭbody', death MW.
- ○vṛtti f. support of the body Kathās.
- ○vrinta n. 'body-stalk', navel Gal.
- ○śaṅku m. a pillar of stone (?) KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 31 Schol.
- ○saṃcāriṇī, f. 'issued from or passing through (her father's) body (?)', a daughter L.
- ○sāra m. 'body essence', marrow L.
- ○siddhi-sādhana n. N. of wk
- ○sukha mfn. agreeable to the body Var.
- ○sthavarôdaya m. N. of wk
- dehâtmavāda m. 'assertion that the soul is body', materialism Madhus.
- • ○din m. materialist, Cārvāka L.
- dehânta m. end of the body, death BhP.
- dehântara n. another body MW.
- • -prâpti f. obtaining another body, transmigration, id
- dehâri m. 'foe of the body', N. of Siva MBh. xiii, 1179 Sch. (as v. l. for kāhali)
- dehâvaraṇa n. 'body-screen', armour, dress MBh.
- dehâvasāna n. = ○hânta Siṃhâs.
- dehâsava m. 'body-liquid', urine Gal.
- debêśvara m. 'lord of the body', the soul MārkP.
- dehôtkampa m. trembling of the body, Māllatīm.v, 19
- dehôdbhava or mfn. born in the body, innate MW.
- dehôdḍbhūta mfn. born in the body, innate MW.
- dehalā f. spirituous liquor L.
- dehalī f. (rarely ○li) the threshold of a door or a raised terrace in front of it GṛS. Kāv. Pur.
- ○mukta-puṣpa n. a flower dropped on the threshold Megh. 85
- dehalī7śa-stuti f
- dehalī7ḍśastotra n. praise of the lord of the threshold', N. of two hymns
- dehikā f. a sort of ant or insect which throw's up the earth MārkP. (cf. ud-, upa-.)
- dehin mfn. having a body, corporeal
- • m. a living creature, man Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. the spirit, soul (enveloped in the body) Up. Bhag. Suśr. BhP.
- • (inī), f. the earth L.
- dai cl. 1. P. dāyati, to purify, cleanse Dhātup. xxii, 26 (cf. √5. dā)
- daikṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. dīkṣā) relating to initiation or inauguration &c. Lāṭy.
- daigambara mf(ī)n. relating to the Dig.ambaras VP.
- daiḍá m. (ī́) s, f. patron. MaitrS.
- daiteya m. (fr. diti) a son or descendant of Diti, an Asura MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- • N. of Rāhu Var.
- • (ī), f. a female descendant of Diti R. vii, 58, 5 Sch.
- • mf(ī)n. proceeding from or belonging to the Daiteyas MBh. Hariv.
- daitya m. a son of Diti, a demon Mn. MBh. &c
- • mf(ā)n. belonging to the Daityas MBh. R.
- • (ā), f. N. of plants (= caṇḍâuhadhi and murā) L.
- • spirituous liquor L.
- ○guru m. preceptor of the Daityas', N. of Śukra, the planet Venus Var.
- ○dānava-mardana m. 'crusher of Daityas and Dānavas', N. of Indra MW.
- ○deva m. god of the Daityas', Varuṇa
- • Wind L.
- ○dvīpa m. 'refuge of the DṭDaityas (?)', N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh.
- ○nāśana m. Daityas-destroyer', N. of Vishṇu MBh.
- ○niṣūdana m. 'id', N. of Indra Jātakam.
- ○nirūdana m. 'id.', N. of Vishṇu Pur.
- ○pa and m., Daityas-prince', N. of Bali MBh. Kathās.
- ○pati m., Daityas-prince', N. of Bali MBh. Kathās.
- ○purodhas
- ○purohita
- ○pūjya m. = -guru Var. L.
- ○mātṛ f. 'mother of the DṭDaityas', Diti L. (pl. Hariv. 9498)
- ○meda-ja m. 'produced from the marrow of Daityas', a kind of bdellium L.
- • (ā), f. the earth(supposed to be produced from the marrow of Madhu and Kaiṭabha) L.
- ○yuga n. an age of the Daityas (= 4 ages.' of man) L.
- ○rtvij (○yai-it○), m. = -guru Var. Sch.
- ○senā f. N. of a daughter of Prajā-pati and sister of Deva-senā MBh.
- ○han m. 'Daitya-slayer', N. of Siva MBh.
- • of Indra Hcat.
- ○hantṛ m. id.', N. of Vishṇu Kāv.
- daityântaka m. Daityas. destroyer' Ratn.
- daityâri m. 'foe of the Daityas, a god (esp. Vishṇu) Prab. ii, 28
- • -paṇḍita m. N. of a poet Cat.
- daityâho-rātra m. a day and night of the Daityas (= a year of man) L.
- daityêjya m. = ○tya-guru Var.
- daityêndra m. 'Daityas-prince', N. of Pātāla-ketu Prab. iii, 4
- • -pūjya m. = tyêjya Var.
- daityāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent a Daitya BhP. x, 30, 16
- daidhiṣavya m. (fr. didhiṣū) prob. the son of a woman by her second husband ŚrS.
- daina mf(ī)n. (fr. dina) relating to a day, diurnal, daily L.
- ○ṃ-dina mf(ī)n. happening daily, quotidian Pur.
- • -dāna-kāṇḍa m. and n. -sad-ācāra-darpaṇa m. N. of wks
- ○pralaya m. destruction of the world after the lapse of i5 years of Brahmā's age Pur.
- dainika mf(ī)is. daily, diurnal L.
- • (ī), f. a day's hire or wages W.
- daina n. (fr. dīna) = the next L.
- dainya n. wretchedness, affliction, depression, miserable state MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- • meanness, covetousness W.
- daipa mf(ī)n. (fr. dīpa) relating or belonging to a lamp Śiś. xi, 18
- daiyāmpāti m. patr. fr. dyāmpāta ŚBr.
- dairgha or (oftener) ○ghya n. (fr. dirgha) length, longness MBh. Var. Suśr. Pur.
- dairgha Vṛiddhi form of dīrgha in comp
- ○tama m. = next, m. BhP.
- ○tamasa mf(ī)n. relating to Dīrgha-tamas Lāṭy.
- • m. patr. fr. Dīrgha-tamas ĀśvŚr.
- • i. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- ○rātrika mf(ī)n. long, chronic (disease) Car.
- ○varatra mfn. (with kūpa) founded by Dīrgha-varatra Pāṇ. 4-2, 73 Kāś.
- ○śravasa mf(ī) u. relating to Dirgha-śravas, ŚrS
- • n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- dailipi m. patr. fr. Dilipa, q.v
- daíva or daivá mf(ī́)n. (fr. devá) belonging to or coming from the gods, divine, celestial AV. Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- • sacred to the gods (tīrtha n. the tips of the fingers Mn. ii, 59
- • s.v
- • ○viidik f. the north L.
- • 2. diś)
- • royal (vāc) Rājat. v, 205
- • depending on fate, fatal Kāv.
- • m. (with or without vivāha) a form of marriage, the gift of a daughter at a sacrifice to the officiating priest Mn. iii, 21 ; 28
- • the knowledge of portents Saṃk.
- • patr. of Atharvan ŚBr.
- • pl. the attendants of a deity TāṇḍBr. xvii, 1, 1
- • (ī), f. a woman married according to the Daiva rite Vishṇ. xxiv, 30
- • a division of medicine, the medical use of charms, prayers &c. W.
- • n. a deity (cf. kula-) BhP. iii, 1, 35 &c
- • (scil. karman, kārya &c.) a religious offering or rite Yājñ. MBh.
- • divine power or will, destiny, fate, chance (○vāt, ind, by chance, accidentally) AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○karman n. oblations to the gods, religious rite W.
- ○kṛta mfn. caused by divine power or nature, natural (opp. to, 'artificial') Suśr.
- ○kovida mfn. acquainted with the destinies of men
- • mf. (ā) a fatalist, fortune-teller L.
- ○gati f. 'course of destiny', fortune (○tyā = daivāt) Megh.
- ○cintaka m. 'reflecting on fate', astrologer, N. of Śiva MBh. Var. Kāv.
- • fatalist W.
- ○cintana n. (cf. MW.),
- ○cintā f. (cf. W.) fatalism or astrology
- ○jña mfn. knowing fate or men's destinies
- • m.= -cintaka, N. of Śiva Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • -tva n. Var.
- • (jñā), f. female fortune-teller L.: -kalā-nidhi and -cintā-maṇi m. -jātaka n. -dīpa-kalikā and dīpikā f. -bhūṣaṇa n. -manohara, m', -mukha-maṇḍana n. -vallabha, m. (or ○bhā f.), -vidhi-vilāsa and -vilāsa m. N. of wks
- ○śarman m. N. of Viśva-nātha (son of Gopāla) Cat.
- • -śiro-maṇi m. N. of wk
- • -sanmuni m. N. of an astrologer L.
- • ○jñâlaṃkṛti f. N. of wk.
- ○tantra mfn. subject to fate MW.
- ○tas ind. by fate or chance Kathās. BhP. 1
- ○datta mfn. (for 2. 2. daiva) given by fate or fortune, innate, natural, Daś'
- ○dīpa m. 'the heavenly lamp', the eye L. (cf. deva-, deha-)
- ○dur-vipāka m. the evil ripening of destiny through the effect of deeds done in the present or former births, Hit'
- ○doṣa m. the fault or evil result of deeds, evil fate MW.
- ○nirmita mfn. = -krita MBh.
- ○para mfn. trusting to fate, fatalist Kām. Hit. Pur. (also ○râyaṇa R.)
- • fated, willed, predestined W.
- ○paríkṣā f. N. of wk
- ○praśna m. inquiring of fate, astrology (cf. deva-)
- • a supernatural voice heard at night (cf. upa-śruti) L.
- ○yajña-piṇḍa-sūrya m. N. of an author Cat. (wṛ. for deva-?)
- ○yuga n. an age of the gods (cf. daitya-) MW.
- ○yuta mfn. favoured by fate, Var'
- ○yoga m. juncture of fate, fortune, chance
- • (ena and āt) ind. by chance, accidentally Hariv. Kathās. Vet. 1
- ○rakṣita mfn. (for 2. 2. daiva) guarded by the gods MW.
- ○ratha m. divine chariot (wṛ. for deva-?) MBh. i, 634
- ○rājya wṛ. for deva-
- ○lekhaka m. fortune-teller, astrologer L.
- ○laukika mf(ī)n. celestial and worldly MW.
- ○vaśa m. the will or power of destiny
- • (āt), ind. by chance, fatally Dhūrtas.
- ○vāṇī f. a voice from heaven W.
- ○vid mfn. destiny-knowing
- • m. an astrologer Var. Rājat.
- ○vidhi m. course of fate Pañc. iii, 238
- ○śrāddha n. a partic. Śrāddha
- ○sampanna mfn. favoured by destiny
- • -tā f. Kām.
- ○hata mfn. stricken by destiny, ill-fated R.
- ○hataka mfn. id.: cursed by dṭdestiny Amar.
- • n. a blow of destiny, Prab'
- • cursed Dhūrtas. Ratn, iv,
- ○hīna mfn. forsaken by fortune Var.
- daivâtyaya m. danger or evil resulting from unusual natural phenomena Var.
- daivâdy-anta mfn. beginning and ending with a ceremony in honour of the gods (opp. to pitrādy○) Mn. iii, 205
- daivâdhīna mfn. subject to fate MW.
- daivânurodhin mfn. obedient to fate or to the will of the gods W.
- daivânvita mfn. favoured by destiny Var.
- daivâyatta mfn. dependent upon dṭdestiny W.
- daivâhO-rātra n. a day and night of the gods (= a year of men) W. (cf. daityâho-)
- daivêjya mfn. sacred to the planet Jupiter (topaz) L.
- daivôḍhā f. a woman married according to the Daiva ritual ( above)
- • -ja. m. the son of such a woman Mn. iii, 38
- daivôdyāna n. divine grove R. (cf. devôdy○)
- daivôpahata (cf. W.) and mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (cf. daiva-h○)
- daivôpahaḍtaka (Kāni.), mfn. struck by fate, ill-fated (cf. daiva-h○)
- daiva Vṛiddbl form of deva in comp
- ○kṣatri m. patr. fr. Deva-kshatra Hariv. 1994
- ○jana (daí○), mf(ī)n. belonging to the gods collectively RV. x, 2, 22
- ○tarasa m. patr. fr. Deva-taras ĀśvŚr. xii, 10
- ○tareya m. patr. fr. Deva-tara, g. śubhrâdi. 2
- ○datta mf(ī)n. being in the village Deva-datta Pāṇ. 1-1, 75 Sch.
- • m. pl. the pupils of Deva-datta, 73. Vārit' 5 Pat. (cf. deva-dattīya)
- • -śaṭhin, m.pl. id., g. śaunakâdi Kāś.
- ○datti m. patr. fr. Deva-datta Pat.
- • ○dattika mf(ī)n. relating to Deva-datta, g. kāśy-ādi
- ○darśanin m. pl. the pupils of Deva-darśana, g. śaunakâdi
- ○dārava mf(ī)n. made of the tree Deva-dāru on being on it Pāṇ. 4-3, 139 Kāś.
⋙daivamati and
- ○mati and m. patr. fr. ḍeva-mata and -mitra, g. [taulvay-ādi
- ○mitri m. patr. fr. Deva-mata and -mitra, g. taulvay-ādi
- ○mānuṣaka mfn. belonging to gods and men Mn. xi, 235
- ○yajñi m. patr. fr. Deva-yajña, g. taulvalyādi (f. ī or yā Pāṇ. 4-1, 81)
- ○yātava m. patr. fr. Deva-yātu
- • ○vaka mf(ī)n. inhabited by the Daivayātavas, g. rājanyâdi
- ○yāneya m. metron. fr. Deva-yāni MBh. i, 3163. 2
- ○rakṣita m. patr. Deva-rṭratha (also pl.) VP.
- ○rathāyani m. patr. fr. Deva-ratha, g. tikâdi
- ○rāja n. N. of a Sāman
- • ○jaka mfn. made by Deva-rlja, g. kalālâdi
- • ○jika mf(ā and ī)n., g. kāśy-ādi
- ○rāti m. patr. fr. Deva-rāta, N. of Janaka MBh. xii, 11546
- • of Yājñavalkya ŚBr.xiv, 4, 2, 5 Sch.
- ○vātá mf(ī)n. relating to Deva-vāta RV.
- • m. patr. of Śṛiñjaya ib.
- ○śarmi m. patr. fr. Deva-śarman, g. bāhv-ādi
- • ○mīya mfn. g. gahâdi
- ○sthāni m. patr. fr. Deva-sthāna, g. pailâdi
- ○hava mf(ī)n., g. kaṇvâdi
- ○havya m. patron. fr. Deva-hū, g. gargâdi
- daivātitha mf(ī)n. relating to Devâtithi
- • n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy.
- daivānīka n. (fr. devân○) N. of a Sāman
- daivāpá m. patr. fr
- devāpi N. of Indrota ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 1
- daivāripa m. (fr. devâri-pa) a shell MBh. iv, 1712
- daivāvṛdh n. (fr. dev○) a partic. formula Vait.
- daivāvṛdha AitBr. vii, 34
- daivāsurá mf(ī)n. relating to the gods and Asuras ŚBr.
- • cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 88 Vārtt.
- • existing between the gods and Asuras (vaira, 'hostility'), 125 Vārtt.
- • containing the word devâsura (as an Adhyāya or Anuvāka), g. vimuktâdi
- daivaka mf(ī)n. (ifc.) = daiva, a deity (cf. sa-)
- • (ī), f. = devakī, the mother of Kṛishṇa L.
- daivaḍkī-nandana m. N. of an author W.
- • v. l. for devakī-n○ L.
- daivata mf(ī)n. (fr. devatā) relating to the gods or to a partic. deity, divine Śr. and GṛS.
- • m. N. of a prince VP.
- • n. (m., g. ardharcâdi) a god, a deity (often coll. 'the deities', esp. as celebrated in one hymn, g. prajñâdi) Śr. and GṛS. Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- • image of a god, idol Kauś. Mn. BhP.
- • mf(ā)n. ifc. having as one's deity, worshipping (cf. ab- add., tad-, bhartṛ-)
- ○kāṇḍa n. N. of Nir. vii-xii
- ○pati m. 'lord of gods', N. of Indra R.
- ○para mfn. worshipper of the gods Nal.
- ○pratimā f. the image of a deity AdbhBr.
- ○sarit f. 'divine stream', the Ganges Dhūrtan. ii, 27
- daivatya mf(ā)n. (fr. devatā) ifc. having as one's deity, addressed or sacred to some deity Yājñ. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. devatya)
- daivala m. patr. fr. Devala, TaṇḍBr
- daivaḍlaka m. = devalaka L.
- daivaḍli m. patr. fr. Devala, g. taulvaly-ādi Kāś.
- daivika mf(ī)n. peculiar or relating to the gods, coming from gods, divine Mn. Pur.
- • n. a fatal accident or chance Yājñ. ii, 66
- • a partic. Śrāddha (on behalf of the gods, esp. the Viśve Devās) RTL. 305
- ○dharma-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- daívya mf(ā and ī)n. divine RV. (esp. ○vyā hótārā, the two divine priests) AV. &c
- • m. N. of a messenger of the Asuras TS.
- • n. divine power or effect AV. iv, 27, 6
- • fortune, fate L.
- ○hotṛ m. pl. the divine priests (cf. above) ĀpŚr. iii, 7, 10'
- daivantyāyana m. (patr. fr. ?) N. of a man, pl. his descendants ĀśvŚr. xii, 10
- daivasaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. divasa) happening in one day MBh. iii, 13255
- daivākari m. (fr. divā-kara) 'son of the Sun', patr. of Yama and Śani (the planet Saturn) L.
- • (ī), f. 'daughter of the Sun', patr. of the river Yamunā L.
- daivādika mf(ī)n. belonging to the div-ādis, i.e. to the 4th class of roots Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch.
- daívodāsa mf(ī)n. relating to Divo-dāsa RV.
- • m. patr D. Pravar.
- • ○dāsa RV.
- • m. patr. fr. Divo-dāsa Pravar.
- • ○dāsi m. patr. of Pratardana ŚāṅkhBr.
- • of Parucchepa RV. Anukr.
- daiśika mf(ī)n. (fr. deśa) relating to space (opp. to kālika Bhāshāp.) or to any place or country
- • local, provincial, national MBh. R.
- • a native Rājat.
- • knowing a place, a guide MBh.
- • showing, directing, spiritual guide or teacher MBh. Hariv. (cf. deśika and deśya)
- • n. a kind of dance Mall. on Megh. 35
- daiśeya m. metron. fr. 2. dis g. śubhrâdi
- daiṣṭika mf(ī)n. (fr. diṣṭi) fated, predestined W.
- • m. predestinarian, fatalist Pāṇ. 4-4, 60, Kāś'
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. fatalism, predestinarianism, destiny MW.
- daihika mf(ī)n. (fr. deha) bodily, corporeal, PhP
- daiḍhya nif(ā)n. being in the body (āt, nan) ib.
- • m. the soul ib.
- do cl. 2. 4. P. dāti RV. &c
- • dyáti AV. &c. (pf. 3 pl. Ā. -dadire ŚBr. iii, 4, 2, 5
- • aor. adāsīt and adāt Pāṇ. 2-4, 78
- • Prec. deyāt, vi, 4, 67
- • dāyāt, Kaṭh
- • -diṣīya RV.
- • cf. ava-√do) to cut, divide, reap, mow RV. AV. ŚBr. &c.: Pass. dīyate, prob. to be cast down or, dejected Bhojapr. Rājat.: Desid. ditsati Pāṇ. 7-4, 54: Intens. dedīyate, vi, 4, 66 (cf. √day and 3. dā)
- doḥ-śālin &c. doḥ, p. 499
- doga m. a bull (?) W.
- dogdhavya mfn. (fr. √duh) to be milked MBh.
- dogdhu-kāma mfn. wishing to milk or to suck out, i. e. so strip or impoverish Daś.
- dogdhṛ́ m. a milker AV. MBh. &c. (cf. a-)
- • a cowherd L.
- • a calf. L.
- • a poet who writes for reward L.
- • (dógdhrī), f. giving milk (a cow, wetnurse &c.) VS. Suśr. &c
- • mfn. yielding milk or profit of any kind MBh. Kāv.
- dógdhos abl. inf. of √2. duh ŚBr.
- dogdhra n. milk-pail ĀpŚr.
- dógha mfn. milking, or m. milker, milking RV. v, 15, 5 (cf. madhu-, su-)
- doḍī f. a species of plant and its fruit, g. harītaky-ādi (cf. ḍodī, ḍādī)
- doḍḍayâcārya m. N. of a teacher
- dodulyamāna mfn. (√dul, Intens.) swinging or being swung repeatedly or violently W.
- dodha m. (for dogdhṛ?) a calf L.
- dodhaka mfn. robbing one's own master L.
- • n. a form of metre (also -vṛtta n.), Srutab. Chandom.
- • -śoka-ṭīkā f. N. of Comm.
- dodhat √dudh
- dodhūyamāna mfn. (√dhu, Intens.) shaking or trembling violently MBh.
- doman n. (√2. du) pain, inconvenience ( a-doma-dá and dhá)
- doraka n. rope, strap of leather KātyŚr. Sch.
- • mf. (ikā), a string for fastening the wires of a lute W.
- dor-āndolana &c. dos
- dola m. (√dul) swinging, oscillating MBh. i, 1214
- • a festival (on the 14th of Phalgumma) when images of the boy Kṛishṇa are swung W.
- • a partic. position of the closed hand Cat.
- • (ā), f', below
- ○parvata m. N. of a mountain L.'
- ○maṇḍapa n. a swing L.
- ○yātrā ○lA-y○
- ○yāna n. a swing L.
- dolâdri m. = ○la-parvata L.
- dolā f. litter, hammock, palanquin, swing (fig. = fluctuation, incertitude, doubt) MBh. Kāv. &c. (rarely ○la m. or ī f.)
- • the Indigo plant L.
- ○"ṣkula-dhī (○lâk○ Rājat.) and mfn. one whose mind is agitated like a swing
- ○cala-citta-vṛtti (cf. Ragh.), mfn. one whose mind is agitated like a swing
- ○ghara and m. or n. a hall with a sṭswing Mālav. iii, 12/13
- ○ghaḍraka m. or n. a hall with a sṭswing Mālav. iii, 12/13
- ○"ṣdhirūḍha (○lâdh○), mfn. mounted on a swing MW.
- • restless, disquietted Kathās.
- ○"ṣndolana (○lând○), n. fluctuating in doubt like a swing Prab. ii, 34 (v. l. dor-ānd○)
- ○yantra n. drugs tied up in a cloth and boiled out over a fire Bhpr.
- ○yātrā f. 'swing festival' RTL. 430 (cf. dola)
- • -viveka m. N. of wk
- ○yuddha n. a doubtful fight Siś. xviii, 80
- ○"ṣrūḍha (○lâr○) = ○lâdhir○ Kād., Pāñc
- ○rohaṇa-paddhati (○lâr○), f. N. of wk
- ○lola mfn. restless like a swing, uncertain Prab. v, 30
- ○ḍolôtsava m. = ○lā-yātrā W.
- dolāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to rock about like a swing, move to and fro
- • be doubtful or uncertain MBh. Kathās. &c
- dolāḍyāmāna mfn. oscillating, wavering
- • -mati mfn. doubtful in mind Hit.
- dolāḍyita min swung about, rocking
- • -śravaṇa-kuṇḍala mfn. one whose earnings swing to and fro Cat.
- dolikā f. a litter, swing, cradle L.
- dolita mfn. swung, shaken, tossed (-citta Śatr.)
- • ni. a buffalo Gal.
- doṣa m. evening, darkness (only BhP., where personified as one of the, 8 Vasus and husband of Night, vi, 6, 11 ; 14)
- • (ā́), f. next
- doṣā́^ f. darkness, night RV. AV. &c. (ā́m & ā́ [instr
- • g. svar-ādi], ind. in the evening, at dusk, at night)
- • Night personified (and regarded with Prabhs as wife of Pushpârṇa and mother of Pradosha or Evening, Niśitha or Midnight and Vyushṭa or Day-break) BhP. iv, 13, 13 ; 14 (cf. doṣás, paścā-doṣa, pra-doṣa, prati-doṣam) 1
- ○kara m. 'night-maker', the moon, Satr
- ○kleśī f. 'fading in the evening', a kind of plant L.
- ○tana mf(ī)n. (fr. doṣā ind.) nocturnal, at evening Ragh. xiii, 76
- ○tilaka m. 'night-ornament', a lamp L.
- ○bhūta mfn. (fr. doṣā ind.) having become nocturnal, turned into nocturnal (day) Uṇ. iv, 174 Sch.
- ○manya mfn. (fr. doṣā ind.) considered as nocturnal, passing for nocturnal (day) Śiś. iv, 62
- • cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 66 Kāś.
- ○ramaṇa m. Niśitha's lover', the moon Dhūrtan. ii, 22
- ○vastṛ m. illuminer of the dark (Agni) RV.
- doṣâsya m. face of the night', a lamp L.
- doṣás n. evening, dusk AV. xvi, 4, 6
- doṣa m. rarely n. (√duṣ) fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage Up. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.
- • badness, wickedness, sinfulness Mn. R.
- • offence, transgression, guilt, crime (acc. with √ṛ or labh, to incur guilt), SrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • damage, harm, bad consequence, detrimental effect (nais9ha doṣaḥ, there is no harm
- • ko'tra d○, what does it matter?) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • accusation, reproach (○ṣaṃ√kṛ or ○ṣeṇa-√gam with acc., to accuse) R.
- • alteration, affection, morbid element, disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body, viz. pitta, vāyu, and śleṣman, 1 , applied also to the humours themselves) Suśr.
- • (also ○ṣaka) a calf L.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. causing evil or harm, pernicious Var.
- ○kārin and mfn. id. ib.
- ○kṛt mfn. id. ib.
- ○kalpana n. attributing blame, reprehending W.
- ○guṇa n. bad and good qualities Mn. ix, 330
- • ○ṇī-karaṇa n. turning a fault into a merit Kuval., Sch'
- ○guṇin mfn. having good and bad qualities
- • ○ṇi-tva n. Mn. viii, 338 Sch.
- ○grasta mfn. involved in guilt, guilty MW.
- ○grāhin mfn. fault-finding, censorious, susceptible of evil L. (cf. guṇa-)
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. removing the bad humours Suśr.
- ○jitkāra m. N. of wk
- ○jña mfn. knowing the faults of (comp.) Kāv.
- • knowing what is evil or to be avoided, prudent, wise Ragh. i, 93
- • m. a physician L.
- • a Pandit, teacher, discerning man W.
- ○tas ind. from a fault or defect
- • -to√brū, to accuse of a fault R. ii, 61, 34
- ○traya ī. vitiation of the 3 humours (above)
- • any combination of 3 defects W.
- • -ghṇa, (f. ī) and -hara mfn. removing ehe 3 bad hṭhumours Suśr.
- ○tva es. faultiness, deficiency, Sih
- ○dūṣita mfn. disfigured by a fault
- • -tva n. Sarvad.
- ○dṛṣṭi f. looking at faults, fṭfaults. finding MW.
- ○dvaya n. a combination of two evils, Pracṇḍ. i, 68
- ○nirghāta m. expiation of a crime, penance Āpast.
- ○parihāra m. N. of wk
- ○prasaṅga m. attaching blame, condemnation W.
- ○phala n. the fruit or consequence of a sin Āp.
- • mfn. sinful, wicked ib.
- ○bala-pravṛtta mfn. proceeding from the influence of bad humours (a disease) Suśr.
- ○bhakti f. tendency to a disease Car.
- ○bhāj mfn. possessing faults or doing wrong Yājñ.
- • a villain Kautukas. i, 23
- ○bhīti f. fear of offence MW.
- ○bheda m. a partic. disease of the 3 humours Suśr.
- • ○dīya mfn. relating to it Cat.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of faults Subh.
- ○vat mfn. having faults, faulty, defective, blemished Mn. MBh. &c
- • guilty of an offence Āp. MBh.
- • connected with crime or guilt, sinful, wicked Gaut. Āp. Mn.
- • noxious, dangerous R.
- ○śamana mfn. = -ghna Suśr.
- ○sthāna n. the seat of disorder of the humours ib.
- ○hara mfn. = ghna ib. 2
- doṣâkara m. a mine or heap of faults Kathās.
- doṣâkṣara n. 'word of blame', accusation Śak.
- doṣânudarśin mfn. perceiving faults MBh. i, 3068
- doṣânuvāda m. talking over faults, tale-bearing MW.
- doṣânta mfn. containing a fault Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 58
- doṣâpatti f. incurring a fault MW.
- doṣâropa m. imputing fault, accusation L.
- doṣâikadṛś mfn. seeing only fault, censorious L.
- doṣôcchrāya m. the rise or. accumulation of vitiated humours, Sulr
- doṣôdaka n. water caused by dropsy ib.
- doṣôddhāra m. N. of wk
- doṣôpacaya m. = ○ṣôcchrāya Suśr.
- doṣôllāsa m. N. of wk
- doṣaṇa n. imputation of a crime, accusation MW.
- doḍṣala mfn. of a faulty nature, defective, corrupt Suśr.
- doḍṣika mf(ī)n. faulty, defective, bad
- • m. disease W.
- doḍṣin mfn. faulty, defiled, contaminated Kāv. Pur.
- • guilty of an offence Gaut.
- doṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to seem or appear like a fault, Bhavabh
- doṣán n. (occurring only in nom. du. dosháṇī AV. AitBr.
- • gen. sg. doṣṇás ŚBr.
- • instr. doṣṇā loc. doṣṇi , gen. du. doṣṇos Rājat.
- • acc' pl. doṣṇas Pāṇ. 6-1, 63
- • the other forms are supplied by dos, q.v.) the fore-arm, the lower part of the fore-foot of an animal
- • the arm in general
- doṣaṇi-śríṣ mfn. leaning or hanging on the arm AV. vi, 9, 2
- doṣaṇyá mfn. being in or belonging to the arm RV. AV.
- doṣā f. (for 1. 1. doṣa) the arm L.
- dós n. (m. only R. vi, 1, 3
- • nom. acc. sg. dós ŚBr.
- • du. doṣī Kauś.
- • dorbhyām n. MBh. Kāv.
- • pl. ○bhis Mālav.
- • dohṣu BhP.) the fore-arm, the arm &c. = doṣan (q.v.)
- • the part of an are defining its sine Sūryas.
- • the side of a triangle or square W. (cf. bāhu and bhuja).
- doḥ^ in comp. for dos
- ○śālin mfn. having strong arms Kathās. =
- ○śiñjinī f. = dor-jyā Gaṇit.
- ○śekhara n. 'arm-top', shoulder L.
- ○sahasrabhṛt m. '1000-armed', N. of Arjuna Kārtaviirya L.
- dor^ in comp. for dos
- ○āndolana n. swinging the arm Prab. ii, 34 (v. l. dolând○)
- ○gaḍu mfn. having a crippled arm L.
- ○graha mfn. seizing with the arms', strong L.
- • m. pain in the arm W.
- ○jyā f. the sine of the base Sūryas.
- ○daṇḍa m. 'arm-stick', a long arm, Kāv'
- ○nikartana n. amputation of the' arm R.
- ○báhavá n. pl. fore and upper-arms ŚBr.
- ○madhya n. the middle of the arm W.
- ○mūla n. 'arm-√', i.e. the armpit Naish.
- ○latikā f. arm-creeper' (cf. -daṇḍa)
- • -darśanīya (cf. Subh.) or -bhīma (cf. SārṅgP.), m. N. of the poet Bhīma
- doṣ-mat mfn. having arms HPariś.
- dostts (for doḥ-), mfn. placed on the arm W.
- • m. servant (cf. pārśva-stha), service L.
- • player, play L.
- dóha mfn. (√2. duh) milking, i.e. yielding, granting (ifc.) BhP.
- • m. milking or milk RV. AV. ŚBr. &c
- • deriving advantage from (gen. or comp.), profit, gain, success, Daś' Pur.
- • a milkpail MBh. BhP.
- • manaso d○, N. of a Sāman
- • (ā), f. N. of a Prākṛit metre Chandom.
- ○kāma (dô○), mfn. desirous to be milked TS. Kāṭh.
- ○ja n. 'produced by milking', milk L.
- dohâdohīya n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- dohâpanaya m. milk L.
- dohaka m(ikā)fn., go-
- dohána mf(ā)n. giving milk, a milker RV.
- • giving milk, yielding profit (cf. kāma-, bahu-) MBh. Hariv.
- • (ī), f. milk-pail Kauś. (also ○nikā Hcat.)
- • n. (also dóh○) milking RV. ŚBr. &c. (cf. go-)
- • the result of milking KātyŚr.
- • (also ○naka Hcat.) milk-pail MBh. Suśr. BhP. (cf. kāṃsya.)
- doháḍnīya mfn. to be milked MW.
- dóhas n. milking
- • dat. ○háse, as inf. RV.
- dóḍhita mfn. made to yield milk, milked ŚBr.
- dóḍhin mfn. milking, yielding milk or desires (cf. kāma-dohinī)
- dóḍhīyas mfn. giving more or much milk Pāṇ. 5-3, 59 Kāś.
- dóhya mfn. to be milked, milkable MaitrS.
- • n. an animal that gives milk Yājñ. ii, 177 (cf. duhya. duḥkha-dohya, sukha-dohā)
- dohaḍikā f. a kind of Prākṛit metre (= dohā) Chandom.
- dohada m. (also n. L.
- • probably Prākṛit for. daurhṛda lit. sickness of heart, nausea) the longing of a pregnant woman for partic. objects (fig. said of plants which at budding time long to be touched by the foot or by the mouth of a lovely woman)
- • any morbid desire or wish for (loc. or comp., f. ā) Yājñ. R. Kālid. Pañc. Kathās. &c
- • pregnancy
- • a kind of fragrant substance used as manure Naish. i, 82 Sch.
- ○duḥkha-śīlatā f. 'tendency to morbid desires', pregnancy Ragh. iii, 6
- ○prakāra m. N. of wk. on pregnancy
- ○lakṣaṇa n. having morbid longing as its mark', a fetus or embryo Ragh.
- • the period of passing from one season of life to another L.
- ○vatī and f. having a pregnant woman's longing for anything L.
- dohaḍdânvitā f. having a pregnant woman's longing for anything L.
- dohaḍdin mfn. eagerly longing for (loc. or comp.), Vssav. Kād. Kathās.
- • m. the Aśoka tree L.
- dohala
- dohaḍlavatī and = dohada &c
- dohaḍlin = dohada &c
- dauḥ Vṛiddhi form of duḥ, in comp. for dus, q.v
- ○śaleya m. prob. metron. fr. Duh-śala Cat.
- ○śāsana mf(ī)n. belonging to Duþ-śāsana, Pracaṇḍ. ii, 41
- • ○ni m. patr. fr. Duþ-seāsana MBh. xiv, 1825
- ○śilya n. bad character or disposition, wickedness MBh. R. &c
- ○ṣanti (daúḥ-), m. patr. fr. Duh-shanta Br.
- ○ṣṭhava n. (fr. duḥṣṭhu) badness, wickedness L.
- ○ṣvapnya n. evil dreams AV. iv, 17, 5
- ○stra n. (fr. duḥstrī) discord between women (g. yuvâdi)
- ○sthya n. (fi. duḥ-stha) bad condition Sarvad.
- daur Vṛiddhi of dur for dus
- ○ātmya n. badheartedness, wickedness, depravity MBh. Kāv. &c
- • ○myaka mfn. wicked, evil (deed) R.
- ○ārddhi (daúr-), f. (√ridh). want of success TBr.
- ○itá n. mischief. harm ŚBr.
- ○ga daurga
- ○gatya n. distress, misery, poverty MBh. &c
- ○gandha (cf. Divyâv.) and m
- ○ganḍdhi (cf. W.), m
- ○ganḍdhya (cf. MBh.), n. bad smell, fetor
- ○gahá m. 'descendant of Dur-gaha', patr. of Puru-kutsa (cf. Naigh. 'horse'). RV. iv, 42, 8
- ○jana mf(ī)n. consisting of bad people (company) Nalac.
- • ○nya n. wickedness, depravity
- • evil, wrong Hit. BhP.
- • ill-will, envy, Śārṅg P
- ○jīvitya (daúr-), n. a miserable existence AV. iv, 17, 3
- ○bala (vḷ. for)
- ○baḍlya n. weakness, impotence MBh. &c
- ○brāhmaṇya n. the state of being a bad Brāhman KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○bhāgineya m. the son of a woman disliked by her husband (g. kalyāṇy-ādi)
- • (ī), f. the daughter of a disliked woman
- ○bhāgya n. (fr. dur-bhaga or -bhagā) ill-luck, misfortune Yājñ.i, 282
- • (daúr.), unhappiness of a woman disliked by her husband AV. MBh. &c
- ○bhikṣa n. famine TāṇḍyaBr. Sch.
- ○bhrātra n. discord between brothers, g. yuvâdi
- ○madya n. brawl, fight L.
- ○manasāyana m. patr. fr. Dur-manas, g. aśvâdi
- ○manasya n. dejectedness, melancholy, despair Var. Pañc. &c
- ○mantrya n. bad consultation or advice Bhartṛ. ii, 34 (v. l. dur-mantra)
- ○mitri m. metron. fr. dur-mitrā (g. bāhv-ādi)
- ○mukhi m. patr. fr. dur-mukha MBh. vii, 7008 &c
- ○yodhana mf(ī)n. belonging or relating to Dur-yodhana MBh. iv, 1712 &c
- • ○ni m. patr. fr. Dur-yodhana, vi, 2367
- ○labhya n. difficulty of attainment, rarity MW.
- ○vacasya n. evil speech L.
- ○varṇika n. bad mark Divyāv.
- ○vāsa or mf(ī)n. relating to Dur-vāsas Madhus.
- ○vāḍsasa mf(ī)n. relating to Dur-vāsas Madhus.
- • n. (scil. purāṇa) N. of an UpapurSṇa
- ○vratya (daúr-), n. disobedience, ill conduct VS.
- ○hārda n. badness of mind, wickedness, enmity, g. yuvâdi
- ○hṛda n. id. MBh. v, 751
- • m. villain Nīlak.
- • morbid longing of pregnant women L.
- ○hṛdinī f. a pregnant women Bhpr.
- dauś Vṛiddhi of duś for dus
- ○carmya n. a disease of the skin or of the prepuce Mn. xi, 49 Kull.
- ○carya n. ill conduct, wickedness R. vi, 103, 20
- dauṣ Vṛiddhi of duṣ for dus
- ○kula and mf(ī)n. sprung from a bad or low race MBh. R.
- ○kuḍleya mf(ī)n. sprung from a bad or low race MBh. R.
- ○kulya mfn. id' MBh. iii, 12629
- • n. low extraction BhP. i, 18, 8
- ○kṛtya n. badness, wickedness TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy.
- dauṣṭhava dauḥ-ṣ○ (above)
- dauṣpuruṣya n. the state of a bad man, g. yuvâdi
- daukūla mf(ī)n. (fr. dukūla) covered with fine cloth (also ○kūlaka, or ○gūla) L.
- • n. a cloth made of Dukūla Var.
- dautya n. (fr. dūta) the state or function of a messenger, message, mission MBh. Hariv. &c. (○yaka n. BhP.)
- daurudhara mfn. (fr. durudharā) Var.
- daureśravasa m. (fr. dūre-śravas) patr. of the serpent-priest Pṛithu-śravas TāṇḍyaBr.
- daureśruta m. (fr. dūre-śruta) patr. of the serpent-priest Timirgha ib.
- daurga mf(ī)n. relating to Durga or Durgā
- • m. pl. the school of Durga Cat.
- • n. a wk. by Durga ib.
- ○siṃha mf(ī)n. belonging to or composed by Durga-siṃha Cat.
- daurgāyaṇa m. fr. Durga, g. naḍâdi
- daurgya n. difficulty, inaccessibility W.
- daurvīṇa n. (fr. dūrvā) the sap or juice of bent grass L.
- • = mṛṣṭa-parṇa (a clean leaf W.) or iṣṭa-parṇa L.
- dauleya m. (fr. duli) a turtle or tortoise L.
- daulmi m. N. of Indra (cf. dalmi and dālmi)
- dauvārika m. (fr. dvār, or dvāra) door-keeper, warder, porter Śak. Pañc. Rājat. (○kī f. Ragh. vi, 59)
- • a kind of demon or genius Var. Hcat.
- dauvālika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1874
- dauṣka mf(ī)n. (fr. dos) one who swims or crosses a stream by the help of his arms Pāṇ. 7-3, 51 Pat.
- • going on the arms Uṇ. ii, 69, Sch'
- dauṣṭya n. (fr. duṣṭa) depravity, wickedness Var.
- dauṣyanta mf(ī)n. relating to Dushyanta MBh.
- • m. N. of a' mixed caste Gaut.
- • ○ti m. patr. of Bharata
- MBh. Śak. &c. (wṛ. dauṣv○)
- dauṣmanta
- dauṣmanḍti wṛ. for prec
- dauhadika m. (fr. dohada) a Indscape gardener Naish.
- • morbid or ardent desire ib.
- dauhṛda and = daurhṛ○ ( daur under dauḥ)
- dauhṛḍdinī (cf. Suśr.) = daurhṛ○ ( daur under dauḥ)
- dauhika mf(ī)n. (fr. doha) g. chedâdi
- dauhitra m. (fr. duhitṛ) a daughter's son Mn. MBh. &c
- • N. of a prince VP. (vḷ. ○trya)
- • (ī), f. a daughter's dauhitra MBh. R.
- • n. a rhinoceros L.
- • sesamum-seed L.
- • ghee from a brownish cow L.
- ○dauhitra m. the son of the daughter of the daughter's son MBh. i, 5026
- ○vat mfn. having a daughter's son MBh.
- dauhitraka mf(ī)n. relating to a daughter's son ib.
- dauhitrāyâṇa m. the son of a daughter's son, g. haritâdi
- dya dyas, a-dyá, sa-dyás
- dyām-pāta
- dyā́vā under 2. dyú
- dyāvan vṛṣṭi-
- dyu cl. 2. P. dyauti (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 31
- • pf. dudyāva, 3 pl. dudyuvur) to go against, attack, assail Bhaṭṭ.
- dyut mfn. advancing against, (ifc.) ib.
- dyú for 3. div as inflected stem and in comp. before consonants
- ○karṇârdha m. = dina-vyāsa-dala Sūryas.
- ○kāma m. N. of a man (cf. dyaukāmi)
- ○kṣá mf(ā́)n. (fr. 1. kṣá) heavenly, celestial, light, brilliant RV.
- • -vacas (kṣá-), mfn. uttering heavenly words, vi, 15, 4
- ○ga m. 'sky goer', a bird L. (cf. khe-cara)
- ○gaṇa m. = dinarāśi Sūryas.
- ○gát ind. (√gam?) through the sky (cf. Naigh. quickly) RV. viii, 86, 4
- ○cara mfn. walking or moving in heaven, an inhabitant of heaven Hariv. Rājat.
- • m. a Vidyā-dhara, Kathss. (○rī-√bhū, to become a VṭVidyā-dhara ib.)
- • a planet Gol.
- ○cārin m. a Vidyā-dhara Kathās.
- ○jana m. a god Pur.
- ○jaya m. couquest or attainment of heaven BhP.
- ○jīvā (cf. Gol.) and f. 'sky. diameter', the diameter of a circle made by an asterisn' in its daily revolution
- ○jyā (cf. Sūryas. Sch.), f. 'sky. diameter', the diameter of a circle made by an asterisn' in its daily revolution
- ○taru m. the tree of heaven BhP.
- ○dantin m. heavenly elephant (cf. dik-karin) Dharmaśarm.
- ○dala n. 'sky-half.' noon Sūryas.
- ○dhāman m. having one's abode in heaven, a god Pur.
- ○dhuni f. 'heavenly river', the Ganges BhP.
- ○nadī f. id. ib.
- • -saṃgama m. N. of a place of pilgrimage Rasik.
- ○nivāsa m. heavenly abode, heaven W.
- • inhabitant of heaven, a deity ib. (also ○sin, Siddhântas.)
- • ○sī-bhūya n. the becoming a deity
- ○niś or day and night (only ○śi Var.
- ○niśa day and night (only ○śi Var.
- • ○śos Mn.
- • ○śam, 1 Yājñ.
- • ○śe du. Sūryas.)
- ○pati m. sky-lord', a god (pl.) BhP.
- • the sun L.
- • N. of Indra L.
- ○patha m. sky-path', the upper part of the sky Rājat.
- ○piṇḍa m. or n. = ahar-gaṇa Sūryas.
- ○puraṃdhri f. = -yoṣit Rājat.
- ○bhakta (dyú-), mfn. distributed by heaven RV.
- ○maṇi m. 'sky-jewel', the sun Hcat.
- • N. of Siva MW.
- • calcined copper Bhpr.
- ○mát mfn. bright, light, brilliant, splendid, excellent RV. VS. BhP.
- • clear, loud, shrill RV. AV.
- • brisk, energetic, strong ib.
- • m. N. of a son of Vasishṭha BhP.
- • of Divo-dāsa (= Pratardana') ib.
- • of Manu Svārocisha ib.
- • N. of a minister of Sālva ib.
- • n. eye ib. iv, 25, 47 ind. clearly, brightly, loudly RV.
- • -sena m. N. of a prince of Śālva, father of Satyavat MBh. R.
- • ○dgārman mfn. loud-singing SV.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. light, clear
- • (ī), f. N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛi
- • and wife of the Sun L.
- ○maryāda (or -vat), mfn. having the sky as boundary (○da-tva and ○da-vattva n. Śaṃik.)
- ○mārga m. = -patha Kathās.
- ○maithuna n. cohabitation by day AV. Pariś. (cf. divā-maithunin)
- ○maurvi f. = -jīvā Gaṇit.
- ○yoṣit f. 'heavenly woman', an Apsaras Kathās.
- ○ratna n. 'sky-jewel', the sun, Kāvyapr
- ○rātra n. day and night Gaṇit.
- • -vṛtta n. diurnal circle Gol.
- ○rāśi m. = ahar-gaṇa ib.
- ○loka m. the heavenly world BṛĀrUp. (cf. dyaur-ī○)
- ○vadhū f. = -yoṣit Kathās.
- ○van m. the sun, heaven Uṇ.
- ○vanī f. heavenly grove SŚaṃkar.
- ○ṣad m. 'sitting in heavenly', a god Rājat.
- • a planet Gol.
- ○sad and m. a god L. (cf. prec.)
- ○sadman m. a god L. (cf. prec.)
- ○sambhava mfn. originating by day Var.
- ○saras n. the lake of the sky Kathās.
- ○sarit (cf. Bhartṛ.) and f. = -nadī
- ○sindhu (cf. Kathās.), f. = -nadī
- ○strī f. yoṣit Kathās.
- dyām-pāta m. (fr. dyām acc. of div, dyu + p○) N. of a man (cf. daiyāmpāti)
- dyā́vā (du. of div, dyu, 'heaven', generally connected with another du. meaning earth, but also alone) heaven and earth RV. ii, 6, 4 ; vi, i, 65, 2 &c
- • night and day, i, 113, 2.
- ○kṣame f. du. heaven and earth L.
- ○kṣā́mā (dyā́○), f. du. id. RV.
- ○prithivī (dyā́○), f. du. id. RV. AV. &c. (○vyaú, Suparṇ)
- • -vat mfn. connected with heaven and earth RV.
- • ○thiviíya mfn. relating or sacred to them (also vyá) Br.
- • n. (scil. sū7kta) a partic. hymn ŚāṅkhBr.
- ○bhūmī (dyā́○), f. du. heaven and earth RV. AV. &c
- dyumná n. splendour, glory, majesty, power, strength RV. AV. ŚrS. MBh. i, 6406
- • enthusiasm, inspiration RV. VS.
- • wealth, possession (= dhana Naigh.ī, 10) Daś.
- • food L.
- • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • m. N. of the author of RV. v, 53, of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • mṆ. of the author of RV. v, 53
- • of a son of Manu and Naḍvals BhP.
- ○vat (○mná-), mfn. inspired or clearly sounding RV. iii, 29, 15
- • strong, powerful, v, 28, 4 &c
- ○várdhana mfn. increasing strength, ix, 31, 2
- ○śravas (○mná-), mfn. producing a strong or clear sound, v, 54, 1
- ○sāti (○mná-), f. receiving inspiration or power, i, 131, 1
- ○hūti (○mná-), f. inspired invocation, i, 129, 7 &c
- dyumnā-sah (strong -sāh), mfn. bearing strength, i, 121, 8
- dyumno-dā (fr. a stem ○mnas), mfn. granting splendour, NārUp
- dyumni m. N. of a prince VP.
- dyuḍmnín mfn. majestic, strong, powerful, inspired, fierce RV.
- dyuḍmnīka m. N. of a son of Vasishṭha and author of RV. viii, 76
- dyus anye-, apare- &c
- dyo Guṇa form of dyu in comp
- ○kāra m. 'maker of brightness', builder of splendid edifices Nīlak. on MBh. xii, 1799 (v. l. jyā-.)
- ○druma m. the heavenly tree = kalpa-d○ Naish.
- ○bhūmi m. 'moving between heaven and earth', a bird L.
- • (ī), f. du. heaven and earth W.
- ○ṣad m. sitting in heaven', a deity L.
- dyau Vṛiddhi form of dyu in comp
- ○kāmi m. patr. fr. Dyu-kāma
- ○śaṃsita (dyaú-), mfn. impelled or incited by heaven AV. x, 3, 25
- ○dyaur-dā mfn. giving heaven ĀpŚr. xvii, 5'
- ○loká m. the heavenly world ŚBr. xiv 6, 1, 9
- dyuka and ○kári wṛ. for ghūka and "ṣkâri
- dyut cl. 1. Ā. dyótate AV. MBh. (also ○ti) &c. (pf. didyute, p. ○tāná RV. , didyóta AV.
- • ○dyutur. TS.
- • aor. adyutat and ádidyutat Br.
- • ádyaut RV. Br., adyotiṣṭa Pāṇ. 1-3, 91 ; iii, 1, 55, Kāś., p. P. dyutat Ā. ○tāná or dyútāna RV.
- • fut. dyotiṣyati Br.
- • ind. p. dyutitvā or dyot○ Pāṇ. 1-2, 26 Kāś.
- • -dyutya AitBr.) to shine, be bright or brilliant: Caus. dyotayati (○te, Bhsṭṭ.) to make bright, illuminate, irradiate MBh. Kāv.
- • to cause to appear, make clear or manifest, express, mean ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy. Saṃk. Sāh.: Desid. dedyutiṣati or didyot○ Pāṇ. 1-2, 26 Kāś.: Intens. dávidyot, 3. pl. ○dyutati RV. AV. Br.
- • dedyutyate Pāṇ. 7-4, 67 Kāś., to shine, glitter, be bright or brilliant
- dyút f. shining, splendour, ray of light RV. MBh. &c. (cf. danta-)
- dyúḍtat mfn. shining
- • ○tádyāman mfn. having a shining path RV.
- dyútāná mfn. shining, bright RV.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi (with the patr. Māmta or Māmti, author of RV. viii, 85) and the hymn ascribed to him
- dyuti f. splendour (as a goddess Hariv. 14035), brightness, lustre, majesty,
- dignity. Mn. MBh. Var. Kāv. &c
- • (dram.) a threatening attitude Daśar. Sāh.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi under Manu Merusāvarṇa Hariv.
- • of a son of Manu Tāmasa ib.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. producing splendour, illuminating, bright, handsome W.
- • m. the polar star or (in myth.) the divine sage Dhruva L.
- ○dhara m. N. of a Poet Cat.
- ○mat mfn. resplendent, bright Var. Rājat.
- • splendid, majestic, dignified MBh. R. &c
- • m. N. of a prince of the Madras and father-in-law of Saha-deva MBh.
- • of a prince of the Śālvasand father of Ṛicilka ib.
- • of a son of Madirâśva and father of Su-viira ib.
- • of a son of Priya-vrata and king of Krauñca-dvipa Pur.
- • of a son of Prâṇa (Pāṇḍu) VP.
- • of a Ṛishi under the first Manu Meru-slvarṇa (Hariv.) or under Manu Dākshasāvarṇi BhP.
- • of a son of Manu Svāyam-bhuva Hariv.
- • of a mountain MBh.
- • (ī), f. N. of a woman Cat.
- ○mati mfn. of brilliant understanding, clear-minded R. iii, 78, 16
- dyutita mfn. enlightened, illuminated, shining (cf. dyotita and Pāṇ. 1-2, 21 Kāś.)
- dyutlāta f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L.
- dyota m. light, brilliance (cf. kha-, cintya-, nakha-)
- • sunshine, heat W.
- • (ā), f. a squinting or a red-eyed or a red-haired woman GṛS. Comm.,
- dyoḍtaka mfn. shining, illuminating (cf. kha-)
- • (ifc.) making clear, explaining Rājat. iii, 158
- • expressing, meaning Sarvad.
- • -tva n. ib.
- dyótana or mf(ā or ī)n. shining, glittering RV.
- dyotaná mf(ā or ī)n. shining, glittering RV.
- • illuminating, enlightening (cf. kha-)
- • explaining, meaning MW.
- • m. a lamp Uṇ. ii, 78 Sch.
- • N. of a man RV. vi, 20, 8 (cf. Sāy.)
- • n. shining, being bright Saṃk. Kull.
- • illumination BhP.
- • making manifest, explaining, showing Saṃk. Sarvad.
- • seeing, sight L.
- dyoḍtanaka mf(ikā)n. making manifest, explaining
- • (ikā), f. explanation (ifc.) Cat.
- dyoḍtaní f. splendour, brightness RV.
- dyoḍtita mfn. shone upon, illustrated, bright (cf. dyut○)
- • -prabha mfn. resplendent W.
- dyoḍtin mfn. shining, brilliant Megh. 18
- • meaning, expressing (ifc.) Sarvad.
- dyotis n. light, brightness
- • a star
- • ○ir-iṅgaṇa m. a shining insect, fire-fly L.
- • ○iṣ-patha m. 'starpath', the upper part of the air Ragh. xiii, 18 (v. l. jyotiṣ.)
- dyotman su-d○
- dyotya mfn. to be expressed or explained Pāṇ. 2-3, 26 ; 27 Kāś.
- dyauta n. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- dyauḍtāna n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy.
- dyauttra n. light, splendour Uṇ. iv, 160
- • forked lightning W.
- dyut Caus. dyotayati, to break, tear open AV. iv, 23, 5 (cf. abhivi-, ā-)
- dyuttá mfn. broken, torn or rent asunder AV. iv, 12, 2 xii, 3, 22
- dyota and hrid-d○
- dyoḍtana hrid-d○
- dyuta n. N. of the 7th mansion (= ?) Var. (v. l. dyuna, or dyūna)
- dyuna prec
- dyū mfn. (fr. √2. div) playing or sporting with, delighting in (cf. akṣa-, eka-, kama-, mṛga-)
- • f. game at dice (only dyúvam and dyuvé) AV. vii, 50, 9 ; 109, 5 (cf. dīv)
- dyūtá n. (m. only MBh. ii, 2119
- • cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 31) play, gaming, gambling (esp. with dice, but also with any inanimate
- object). AV. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- • (fig.) battle or fight, contest for (comp.) MBh. iii, 3037 &c
- • the prize or booty won in battle ib. vii, 3966 ; ix, 760
- ○kara m. a gambler Mṛicch.
- • -maṇḍalī f. a gambler's circle (cf. dyūtamaṇḍala) ib. ii, 5/6
- ○kāra m. = -kara Pañc.
- • = next L.
- ○kāraka m. the keeper of a gaming-house L.
- ○kiṃkarī f. = dāsī, Pracaṇḍ. ii, 42
- ○kṛt m. a gambler L.
- ○krīḍā f. playing with dice, gambling MW.
- ○jita mfn. won at dice MBh.
- ○tā f. = -krīḍā MBh. xii, 2519
- ○dāsa m. a slave won at dice, Venis. v, 32/33
- • (ī), f. a female slave won at dice, 29
- ○dharma m. the laws concerning gambling Mn. ix, 2 20
- ○palāyita mfn. one who has run away from a game Mṛicch.
- ○purṇimī or f. the day of full moon in Kārttika (spent in games of chance in honour of LakshmI) L.
- ○paurṇimī f. the day of full moon in Kārttika (spent in games of chance in honour of LakshmI) L.
- ○pratipad f. the first day of the bright half of the month Kārttika (celebrated by gambling) L.
- ○priya mfn. fond of gambling MW.
- ○phalaka n. gambling-board Pañcad.
- ○bīja n. a cowrie (a small shell used as a coin and in playing) L.,
- ○bhūmi f. gambling-ground, playing-place, KatySr
- ○maṇḍala n. a circle or party of gamblers
- • a gambling. house Nār.xvi, 5, 6 MBh. ii, 2615
- • a circle drawn round a gambler (to make him pay) Mṛicch. ii, ll
- ○lekhaka m. or n. a gambling-bill Mṛicch. ii 16/17
- ○vartman n. method of gṭgambling-bill Daś.
- ○viśeṣa m. pl. 'different kinds of gambling-bill', N. of ch. of Vātsyāy.
- ○vṛtti m. a professional gambler
- • the keeper of a gambling-house Mn. iii, 160
- ○vaitaṃsika m. pl. men who live by gambling and bird-catching R. ii, 90, 28
- ○śālā f. (Kathls.),
- ○sadana n. (cf. BhP.),
- ○sabhā f. (cf. W.),
- ○samāja m. (cf. Daś.) a gṭgambling -house
- • an assembly of gamblers
- ○samāhvaya-prakaraṇa n. 'a treatise on the law-suits arising from gambling', N. of ch. of Viśveśvara's Su-bodblnī
dyūtâdhikārin m. the keeper of a gṭgambling-house W.
- dyūtâṣyakṣa m. superintendent of gṭgambling Daś.
- dyūtya and a-dyūtyá and 2. div
- dyūḍtvā a-dyūtyá and 2. div
- dyūna mfn. (fr. √1. and √2. div) lamenting, sorrowful Bhojapr. (cf. pári-)
- • playing, sportive W.
- dyūna (ifc. also -ka), n. the 7th sign of the zodiac reckoning from that which the sun has entered Var. (cf. dyuta and dyuna)
- dyai cl. 1. P. dyāyati (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 9), to despise, ill-treat. 2.
- dyai ind. fie! for shame! W.
- dyo dyota &c. under dyu and 1. dyut
- dyauṣ-pitṛ under 3. div
- drá m. (fr. 2. drā?) AV. xi, 7, 3 (cf. uttara-drá , kriṣṇa-, madhu-)
- drakaṭa or dragaḍa m. a kettle-drum for awakening sleepers L.
- draṅkṣaṇa n. a measure of weight (= tolaka), SarṅgS
- draṅga m. a town, city Śatr. Rājat.
- • (ā), f. id. Rājat. (cf. udr○ , ku-dr○
- • traṅga)
- draḍhaya (fr. dṛḍha), Nom. P. ○yati, to make firm, fasten, tighten, strengthen Uttarar. ii, 27
- • confirm, assert L. Sch.
- • to stop, restrain, Śārṅg. (cf. ḍriḍhaya)
- draḍhika m. N. of a man Pañc.
- draḍḍhiman m. firm place, stronghold against persecutors Sch. on Yājñ. ili, 227
- • firmness, resolution Bālar. Kathās. BhP.
- • affirmation, assertion Śaṃk.
- draḍhiṣṭha and mfn. superl. and compar. of dṛ́ḍha Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Pat.
- draḍḍhīyas mfn. superl. and compar. of dṛ́ḍha Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Pat.
- drádhas n. (for ○ḍhas?) garment TS. iii, 2, 2, 2
- drapsá m. (√2. dru?) a drop (as of Soma, rain, semen &c.) RV. ŚBr. Gṛ. and ŚrS.
- • a spark of fire RV. i, 94, 11 ; x, 11, 4
- • the moon (cf. indu), vii, 87, 6
- • flag, banner, iv, 13, 2
- • n. thin or diluted curds L.
- ○vat mfn. (○psá-) besprinkled AV.
- • containing the worddrapsa ĀpŚr.
- drapsín mfn. falling in drops RV. i, 64, 2
- • flowing thickly ŚBr. xi, 4, 1, 15
- • distilling. MW.
- drapsya n. thin or diluted curds L.
- drabuddha m. or n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- dram c1. 1. P. drámati (cf. Naigh. ii, 14) to run about, roam, wander Dhātup. xiii, 23
- • pf. dadramur Bhaṭṭ.: Intens. dandramyate id. KaṭhUp. ii, 5. [Cf. √drā and 2. dru
- • Gk. ?, ?, ?.]
- dramiṭa or ○ta m. N. of a serpentking L.
- dramiḍa m. pl. N. of a school of grammarians (opposed to the Āryas). Cat. (cf. next and draviḍa)
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra
- dramila m. N. of a country (also = draviḍa) L.
- • of a lexicographer (v. l. drim○)
- • pl. his school L. Cat.
- dramma fr. and = Gk. ? Cat. Col.
- dravá mfn. (fr. √2. dru) running (as a horse) RV. iv, 40, 2
- • flowing, fluid, dropping, dripping, trickling or overflowing with (comp.) Kāṭh. Mn. MBh. Kāv.
- • fused, liquefied, melted W.
- • m. going, quick motion, flight Hariv.
- • play, sport Jātakam.
- • distilling, trickling, fluidity Bhāshāp.
- • juice, essence, decoction
- • stream or gush of (comp.) Kāv.
- • (dram.) the flying out against one's superior Daśar. Sāh.
- • N. of one of the Viśve Devās, Hcat'
- ○ja m. treacle L.
- ○tā f. (cf. Kād. Śiś.),
- ○tva (cf. Hit.) and n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness
- ○tvaka (cf. Bhāshāp.), n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness
- ○dravya n. a fluid substance Suśr.
- ○prâya mfn. chiefly fluid (food) ib.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. liquid, soft Malatīm. iii, 4
- ○mūrti f. fluid condition Pāṇ. 6-1, 24
○rasā f. 'having fluid essence', lac, gum, extract L.
- ○vasu m. N. of a prince VP.
- ○sveda m. a hot bath Suśr.
- dravâdhāra m. 'fluid-holder', a small vessel or receiver L.
- dravêtara mfn. 'other than fluid', hard, solid, congealed Kir. xvii, 60
- dravôttara mfn. chiefly fluid, very fluid Suśr.
- dravaka mfn. running Vop.
- draḍvaṇa n. running TBr. Hariv.
- • melting, becoming fluid, SārṅP
- • dropping, exuding W.
- • heat W.
- drávat mfn. running, swift RV. &c
- • trickling, oozing W.
- • (antī), f. a river L.
- • Anthericum Juberosum Suśr.
- • (át), ind. quickly, speedily
- dravác-cákra mfn. having rapid wheels RV. viii, 34, 18
- dravat-pattrī f. a kind of shrub (= śimṛḍī) L.
- dravát-pāṇi mfn. swift-footed RV. viii, 5, 35
- • having swift horses, i, 3, 1
- dravád-aśva mfn. drawn by swift horses, iv, 43, 2
- dravatya Nom. P. ○yati, to become fluid L.
- dravamāṇa mfn. running, flowing, fluid, melted MBh. &c
- dravaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to run, flow RV. x, 148, 5
- dravará mfn. running quickly RV. iv, 40, 2
- dravasya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. dravas ] g. kaṇḍv-ādi), to harass one's self, toil, serve
- dráví m. a smelter, one who melts metal RV. vi, 3, 4
- draviṇa n. movable property (as opp. to house and field), substance, goods (m.pl. BhP. v, 14, 12), wealth, money RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- • essence, substantiality, strength, power RV. AV. ŚBr. R. &c
- • N. of a Sāman ArshBr.
- • m. N. of a son of Vasu Dhara (or Dhava) MBh. Hariv. VP.
- • of a son of Pṛithu BhP.
- • of a mountain ib.
- • pl. the inhabitants of a Varsha in Krauñca-dviipa ib.
- ○nāśana m., 'destroying vigour', Hyperanthera Moriaga L.
- ○rāśi m. a heap of wealth or riches Hcar.
- ○vat mfn. possessing or bestowing goods TāṇḍBr.
- • strong, powerful MBh. Hariv.
- draviṇâgama m. acquirement of property or wealth Pañc. ii, 12 (B. ○ṇôdaya)
- draviṇâdhipati m', lord of wealth', N. of Kubera R.
- dravinêśvara m= ○ṇâdhipati Pañc.
- • possessor of wealth Subh.
- draviṇôdaya ○ṇâgama
- draviṇaka m. N. of a son of Agni BhP.
- dráviṇas n. movable property, substance &c. (= dráviṇa) RV. i, i, 15, 7 &c
- • concr. bestower of wealth (said of Agni Sāy. 'moving, ever moving'), iii, 7, 10
- • m. N. of a son of Pṛithu (= draviṇa) BhP. iv, 24, 2
- dráviṇas-vat mfn. possessing or bestowing goods RV. ix, 85, 1
- draviṇasyú mfn. desiring or bestowing goods RV.
- draviṇīya Nom. P. ○yati Pāṇ. 7-4, 36 Sch.
- draviṇo in comp. for ○ṇas
- ○dá
- ○dás
- ○dā́ mfn. granting wealth or any desired good RV. AV. VS.
- ○víd mfn. id. RV. ix, 97, 25
- dravitṛ́ m. runner RV. vi, 12, 3 Sāy.
- dravitnú mfn. running, quick RV.
- dravī in comp. for drava
- ○karaṇa n. liquefaction, melting L.
- ○√kṛ to liquefy, melt L.
- ○bhāva m. melting, i.e. becoming soft or moved Sāh.
- ○√bhū to become fluid MBh. Suśr. . Mricch
- dravya n. a substance, thing, object Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- • the ingredients or materials of anything MBh. R.
- • medicinal substance or drug Suśr.
- • (phil.) elementary substance (9 in the Nyāya, viz' pṛthivii, ap, tejas, vāyu, ākāśa kāla, diś, ātman, manas ; 6 with Jainas, viz. jīva, dharma, adharma, pudgala, kāla, ākāśa)
- • (Gr.) single object or person, individual (cf. eka-)
- • fit object or person (cf. ā-.)
- • object of possession, wealth, goods, money Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • gold R. vii, 18, 34 Sch.
- • bellmetal, brass L.
- • ointment L.'
- • spirituous liquour L.
- • a stake, a wager W.
- ○kiraṇâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○kṛśa mfn. poor in goods Āp.
- ○gaṇa m. a class of similar substances Suśr.
- ○garvita mfn. proud of money Mṛicch. iii, 1
- ○guṇa m. N. of wk
- • -dīpikā f. -paryāya, -vicāra and -viveka m. -śata-ślokī, f', -saṃgraha m. ○ṇâkara, ○ṇâdarśa-nivhaṇṭu and ○ṇâdhirāja m. N. of wks
- ○jāta n. a kind of substance VP. iv, 4, 19 &c
- • all kinds of things Mālatīm. vi, 19/20
- ○tas ind. in substance, according to substance &c. MW.
- ○tva n. substantiality, substance Sarvad.
- • jāti-mānavicāra m. N. of wk
- ○dīpaka n. a kind of simile Kāvyâd. ii, 101' Sch.
- ○devatā f. the deity of a substance KātyŚr. Hcat.
- ○dvaita n. duality of sṭsubstance, instrumental cause (?) MW.
- ○nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○niścaya m. N. of ch. of Bhaṭṭôtpala's Comm. on VarBṛS.
- ○patākā f
- ○padârtha m. N. of wks
- ○parigraha m. the acquirement or possession of property or wealth R.
- ○pūjā f. N. of ch. of the PSarv'
- ○prakarṣa m. the excellence of a matter Pāṇ. 5-4, 11,
- ○prakalpana ī. procuring materials for a sacrifice ĀpŚr.
- ○prakāśikā f. N. of wk
- ○prakṛti f. the nature of a matter MW.
- • pl. the constituent elements or necessary attributes (of a king) Pañc. i, 48 Kull. vii, 155
- ○prayojana n. use or employment of any article W.
- ○bhāṣā and -ṭīkā f. N. of 2 Comms'
- ○maya mf(ī)n. material, substantial MBh. R.
- ○mātra n. only the money Pañc. (B.) iv, 11, 24 (vḷ ○tral
- ○yajña mfn. offering a material sacrifice Bhag.
- ○ratnâvali f. N. of wk
- ○lakṣaṇa n. characteristic of a thing or person, definition, Kan.
- ○vat mfn. inherent in the substance Kaṇ.
- • rich, wealthy, KāṭyŚr. Suśr. MBh. R.
- • -tva n. wealth, opulence Jaim.
- ○vardhana m. N. of an author Var.
- ○vācaka mfn. expressive of a (single) thing or person
- • m. a substantive MW.
- ○vādin mfn. = prec. (opp. to jāti-) RāmatUp.
- ○vṛddhi f. increase of wealth Mn.
- ○śabda m. = -vācaka Sāh.
- ○śuddhi f. cleansing of soiled articles Mn. Gaut.
- • N. of wk
- • -dīpikā f. of a Comm. on it
- ○śodhana-vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○saṃskāra m. consecration of articles for a sacrifice
- • purification or cleansing of soiled or defiled articles W.
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○saṃcaya m. accumulation of property or wealth W.
- ○samuddeśa m. N. of ch. of the Vākyapādiya
- ○sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○siddhi f. acquirement of wealth
- • success by wealth W.
- ○hasta mfn. holding anything in the hand Mn. v, 143
- dravyâtmaka mfn. substantial, containing a substance BhP.
- dravyâtma-kārya-siddhi f. effecting one's object by means of wealth MW.
- dravyâdarśa m. N. of wk
- dravyântara n. another thing, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- dravyârjana n. acquirement of property or wealth
- dravyâśrita mfn. inherent in a substance L.
- dravyaū7gha ī. abundance of wealth Sāh.
- dravyaka m. a carrier or taker of anything Pāṇ. 5-1, 50
- draviḍa m. N. of a people (regarded as degraded Kshatriyas and said to be' descendants of Draviḍa, sons of Vṛishabha-svāmin Śatr.) and of a district on the east coast of the Deccan Mn. Var. MBh. &c
- • collect. N. for 5 peoples, viz. the Āndhras, Karṇāṭakas, Gurjaras, Tailaṅgas, and Mahārsht3ras (cf. dāviḍa below)
- • N. of a son of Krishṇa BhP.
- • of an author Cat.
- • pl. of a school of grammarians ib.
- • (ī), f. (with strī) a Dravidian female Cat.
- • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī
- ○gauḍaka m. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- ○deśa m. the country of the Dravidians Cat.
- • ○śīya mfn. coming from or born in it ib.
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of Comm.
- ○śiśu m. 'son of Draviḍa', N. of an author Cat.
- draviḍâcārya m. N. of a teacher
- draviḍôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- • ○ṣac-chekhara m. ṣatt tātparya-ratnâvali f. ○ṣat-sāra, m. ○ṣat-sāraratnâvalī-vyākhyā f. N. of wks. relating to it
- drāviḍa mf(ī)n. Drāvidian, a Drāvida MBh. Rājat. &c
- • m. pl. the Drāvida people MBh. R. Pur.
- • also collect. N. for the above 5 peoples, and of the 5 chief Drāvida languages, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Malayālam and Tulu
- • m. sg. a patr. fr. Draviḍa Śatr.
- • N. of a Sch. on the Amara-kośa Col.
- • a partic. number L.
- • Curcunia Zedoaria or a kindred plant Bhpr.
- • (ī), f. a Dravidian woman Vcar.
- • small cardamoms Bhpr.
- ○gauḍaka m. = draviḍa-g○
- ○jāti f. N. of wk
- ○bhūtika m. Curcuma Zedoaria
- ○lipi f. the Drāvidian writing or character Lalit.
- veda-pārāyaṇa-pramāṇa n. N. of work
- drāviḍaka m. Curcuma Zedoaria L.
- • n. akind of salt L.
- dravya mfn. (fr. 4. dru) derived from or relating to a tree Pāṇ. 4-3, 161
- • tree-like or corresponding to a tree ŚāṅkhBr. x, 2
- • n. lac, gum, resin L.
- draṣṭavyá mfn. (fr. √dṛś.) to be seen, visible, apparent ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to be examined or investigated Yājñ.
- • to be regarded or considered as (nom.) MBh. R.
- draṣṭu inf.-stem of √driś in comp
- ○kāma mfn. wishing to see, desirous of seeing Mālatīm. ii,
- ○manas mfn. having a mind to see, wishing to see Vikr. ii, 7
- ○śakya mfn. able to be seen MW.
- draṣṭrí m. one who sees AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (also as 2nd sg. fut. MBh. i, 1685)
- • one who sees well R. ii, 80, 3
- • one who examines or decides in a court of law, a judge Yājñ. Mṛicch.
- ○tva n. the faculty of seeing Kap. Sāṃkhyak. BhP.
- draha m. = hrada, a deep lake L.
- drahya m. (fr. √dṛh) N. of a man (cf. drāhyāyaṇa)
- drahyát ind. firmly, strongly RV. ii, 11, 5
- drā drai
- drāṇa an-ava-, ni-, vi-
- drā cl. 2. P. drā́ti (Impv. drā́tu, drā́ntu RV. AV.
- • pf dadrur, p. Ā. dadrāṇá RV.
- • aor. adrāsīt
- • Subj. drāsat ib.), to run, make haste: Caus. drāpayati (Desid. of Caus. dídrāpayiṣati) ŚBr.
- • aor. adidrapat Siddh.: Intens. dáridrāti TS. ; 3 pl. daridrati Hit.
- • to run hither and thither
- • to be in need or poor: Desid. of Intens. didaridrāsati and didaridriṣati Pāṇ. 6-1, 14 Vārtt. 2 Pat. [Cf. √2. dru and dram
- • Gk. ?, ?.]
- drāk ind. (fr. √2. drā + añc or fr. √dṛś) quickly, speedily, shortly, soon Hariv. Pañc. &c
- ○kendra n. eccentricity, the distance of a planet from the point of its greatest velocity Gaṇit.
- ○pratimaṇḍala n. a second eccentric circle Gol.
- drāg-bhṛtaka n. water just drawn from a well L.
- drāṇa mf. run, flown Up.
- drākṣā f. vine, grape Hariv.: Suśr. Kāv. &c
- • mfn. (as, ī, am) made of grapes Kull. xi, 95
- ○ghṛta n. a partic. medicine Rasar.
- ○prastha n. N. of a city, g. mālâdi
- ○mat mfn. furnished with grapes, g. yavâdi
- ○rasa m. grapejuice, wine MW. =
- ○"ṣrāmêśvara (○kṣâr○), m. 'lord of the vineyard', N. of Śiva RTL. 446, 5
- ○riṣṭa m. (in med.) a partic. beverage
- ○latā f. vine, vine-tendril MW.
- ○vana n. vineyard Hariv.
- ○valayabhūmi f. a place furnished with vineyards Ragh.
- ○vāruṇī f
- ○"ṣsava (○kṣâs○), m. liquor made of grapes L.
- drākh cl. 1. P. drākhati, to become dry or arid
- • to be able or competent
- • to adorn
- • to prohibit or prevent Dhātup. v, 10 (cf. dhrāk)
- drāgh cl. l. Ā. drāghate, to be able: to stretch, lengthen
- • to exert one's self
- • to be tired
- • to tire, torment
- • to roam, stroll Dhātup. iv, 40: Caus. drāghayati, to lengthen (also prosod. RPrāt.), extend, stretch Rājat. Bhaṭṭ.
- • to be long or slow, tarry, delay R.
- drāghita mfn. lengthened (metrically) RPrāt.
- drāghimán m. length VS.
- • a degree of longitude L.
- • ○ma-vat mfn. long, lengthy W.
- drā́ghiṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. dīrgha, q.v.) longest RV. &c
- • m. a bear L.
- • n. a kind of fragrant grass L. ○ghīyas mfn. (compar. fr. dirgha, q.v.) longer RV. &c
- drāghmán m. = ○ghimán RV. MaitrS.
- • instr. ○ghmā́ ind. in length or along RV. x, 70, 6
- drāṅkṣ cl. 1. P. drāṅkṣati, to utter a discordant sound, croak or caw: to desire, long for, Dhltup. xvii, 19 (cf. dhrāṅkṣ)
- drāṅgavadha m. N. of a man Pravar.
- drāḍ cl. 1. Ā. drāḍate, to split, divide
- • to go to pieces Dhātup. viii, 35 (cf. dhrāḍ)
- drāpa m. (only L.) mud, mire
- • heaven, sky
- • fool, idiot
- • N. of Śiva with his hair twisted or matted
- • a small shell, Cypraea Moneta
- drāpí m. mantle, garment RV. AV.
- drāpi mfn. (Caus. of √2. drā) causing to run (said of Rudra) VS. xvi, 47 Mahīdh.
- drāmiḍī f. small cardamoms Var. BṛS. lxxviii, 1 Sch. (vḷ. drāviḍī)
- drāmila m. 'born in Dramila', N. of Cāṇakya L. (v. l. dromiṇa)
- drāva m. (fr. √2. dru) going quickly, speed, flight
- • fusing, liquefaction
- • heat L.
- ○kanda m. a kind of bulbous plant L.
- ○kara m. a kind of borax
- • a flux L.
drāvaka mfn. (fr. √2. dru, Caus
- • only L.) causing to run
- • captivating, enchanting
- • enchanting
- • m. a pursuer or chaser
- • a thief
- • a wit, clever man
- • a libertine
- • a loadstone
- • a flux to assist the fusion of metals
- • distilled mineral acids
- • a kind of Rasa or sentiment
- • (ikā), f. saliva (as flowing)
- • n. bee's wax (as melting)
- • a drug employed in diseases of spleen
- drāvaṇa mfn. causing to run, putting to flight MBh. Hariv.
- • n. the act of causing to run &c. Hariv.
- • fusing, distilling L.
- • softening, touching Anaṅgar.
- • the clearing-nut L.
- ○bāṇa mfn. whose arrow puts to flight (Kāma-deva) RTL. 200
- drāvayát-sakha mfn. (p. Caus' of √2. dru + sakhi) speeding the comrade (i.e. carrying the rider quickly away, said of a horse) RV. x, 39, 10
- drāvayāṇa mfn. putting to flight MBh. vi, 5199.
drāḍvayitnú mfn. melting RV. ix, 69, 6
- drāḍvita mfn. made to run or fly, chased BhP.
- • melted, liquefied L.
- • softened, mollified L.
- drāḍvin mfn. getting in motion (cf. laghu-)
- • dissolving, removing (cf. pitta-, mala-, māṃsa-)
- drāḍvya mfn. to be made to run or put to flight W.
- • fusible, liquefiable
- drāviḍa p. 501, col. 2
- drāvinodasá mf(ī)n. (fr. draviṇo-das) coming from or belonging to or destined for those who present gifts (i.e. the sacrificers) RV. ii, 37, 4 Vait.xx, 5
- • relating to Draviṇo-das (Agni) Nir. viii, 2
- drāvila m.= vātsyāyana Gal.
- drāh cl. 1. Ā. drāhate, to wake
- • to deposit, put down Dhātup. xvi, 45
- drāhyāyaṇa m. (fr. drahya) patr. of an author of certain Sūtras VBr. 1
- ○gṛhya n. or pl. DṭDrāhyāyaṇa's wks
- ○sūtra n. pl. DṭDrāhyāyaṇa's wks
- drāhyāyaṇaka n. the Sūtra of Drāhyāyaṇ1
- drāhyāḍyaṇi m. patr. fr. DṭDrāhyāyaṇ1
- drāhyāḍyaṇīya mfn. relating to DṭDrāhyāyaṇ1, composed by him L.
- drimila dramila
- dru cl. 5. P. druṇoti, to hurt, injure Dhātup. xxvii, 33 (pf. dudrāva Bhaṭṭ.)
- • to repent
- • to go Vop. (cf. 1. drū)
- dru 1.P. (cf. Dhātup.xxii, 47
- • ep. also Ā.) drávati, ○te RV. &c. &c. (pf. dudrāva Br.
- • ○drotha, ○druma Pāṇ. 7-2, 13
- • ○druvur MBh. R. &c
- • aor. adudruvat Br.
- • ○drot Subj. dudrávat RV.
- • fut. droṣyati Br.
- • inf. -drotum Śatr.
- • ind. p. druṭvā́ and -drutya Br.) to run, hasten, flee RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to run up to (acc.), attack, assault MBh. R.
- • to become fluid, dissolve, melt Pañc. Vet. BhP.: Caus. drāváyati (ep. also ○te
- • dravayate, under dravá) to cause to run, make flow RV. viii, 4, 11
- • to make fluid, melt, vi, 4, 3
- • to drive away, put to flight MBh. (Pass. drāvyate, vii, 3515) R. MBh.: Desid' dudrūṣati Gr.: Desid. of Caus' dudrâvayiṣati or dud○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 81: Intens. dodrūyate or dodroti Gr. (dodrāva TS.).
- dru mfn. running, going (cf. mita-, raghu-, śatā.)
- • f. going, motion L.
- druta mfn. quick, speedy, swift MBh. R.
- • quickly or indistinctly spoken Gīt.
- • flown, run away or asunder Kāv. Pur.
- • dissolved, melted, fluid Kāv.
- • m. a scorpion L.
- • a tree (cf. druṇa and druma) L.
- • n. a partic. faulty pronunciation of vowels Pat.
- • (am), ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○gati mfn. going quickly, hastening Daś.
- ○caurya n. a theft rapidly committed, Deśīn
- ○tara mfn. (compar.) quicker, swifter (-gati mfn. quicker in motion Megh.)
- • (am), ind. very quickly, as quickly as possible Kāv.
- ○tva n. melting, softening, touching Sāh.
- ○pada n. a quick pace or step W.
- • a form of metre Col.
- • (am) ind. quickly MBh. Var. Śak.
- ○bodha m. quick understanding', N. of a grammar
- ○bodhikā f. N. of a modern Comm. on Ragh.
- ○madhyā f. 'quick in the middle', a kind of metre, Col'
- ○meru m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○yāna n. swift going, running Suśr.
- ○varāha-kula n. a herd of running boars Ragh.
○vāhana mfn. having swift chariots or horses R.
- ○vikrama mfn. having a quick step BhP.
- ○vilambita n. 'quick and slow motion alternately' Chandom.
- • a kind of metre (also-ka) Śrutab.
- druti f. melting (cf. garbha-)
- • being softened or touched Sāh.
- • N. of the wife of Nakta and mother of Gaya BhP.
- drú mṇ. (= 3. dāru) wood or any wooden implement (as a cup, an oar &c.) RV. TBr. Mn.
- • m. a tree or branch HPariś. (cf. indra- su-, harid-, hari-)
- ○kilima n. Pinus Deodora L.
- ○gha m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi Kāś.
- ○ghaṇá m. a wooden mace RV. AV. &c
- • axe, hatchet (also ○na) L.
- • Kaempferia Rotunda L.
- • N. of Brahmā L.
- ○ghnī f. a hatchet for cutting wood Kauś.
- ○ṇasa mfn. 'tree-nosed', i.e. large-nṭnosed L.
- ○ṇaha (or -naha W.), m. scabbard, sheath of a sword L.
- ○nakha m. 'tree-nail', thorn L.
- ○padá n. a wooden pillar, a post (to which captives are tied), any pillar or column RV. VS. AV.
- • m. N. of a king of the Pañcālas (son of Pṛishata and father of Dhṛisþa-dyumna, of Śikhaṇḍinī or Śikhaṇḍinī, and of Kṛishṇā, the wife of the Pāṇḍu princes, hence called Draupadī) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • (ā), f. (with or scil. sāvitrī or ṛc) N. of a sacred formula TBr. Vishṇ.
- • -putra m. patr. of Dhṛishṭa-dyumna Bhag.
- • ○dâtmajā f. patr. of Kṛishṇā or Draupadi (cf. above), who is sometimes identified with Umā SkandaP.
- • ○dâditya m. a form of the Sun ib.
- ○pāda mf(padī)n. large-footed, g. kumbha-pady-ādi
- • (padī), f. a splay-footed female MW.
- ○mat mfn. furnished with wood, g. yuvâdi
- ○mara m. 'treedeath', a thorn L.
- ○ṣád or mfn. sitting in or on a piece of wood or a tree RV. TS. TBr.
- ○ṣadvan mfn. sitting in or on a piece of wood or a tree RV. TS. TBr.
- ○sallaka m. Buchanania Latifolia L.
- drv-ánna mfn. one whose food is wood RV.
- druma m. a tree MBh. Kāv. &c. (sometimes also any plant
- • according to some esp. a tree of Indra's paradise = pārijāta)
- • N. of a prince of the Kim-purushas MBh. Hariv.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa and Ruhmiṇi Hariv.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river, VP'
- ○kiṃ-nara-prabha m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas
○kiṃ-nara-rāja m. Druma, prince of the Kiṃ-naras
- • -paripricchā f. 'the questioning of Druma &c.', N. of a Buddh. work
- ○kulya m. N. of a place R.
- ○khaṇḍa m. n. a group of trees Hariv. (vḷ. ṣaṇḍa)
- ○da m. N. of a man MBh.
- ○nakha m. = dru-n○ L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of wood, wooden Nir.
- ○ratna-śākhā-prabha m. N. of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras L.
- ○vat mfn. overgrown with trees, woody MBh. Ragh.
- ○vālka m. or n. the bark of a tree R.
- ○vāsin m', tree-dweller', ape R. (B.)
- ○vyādhi m. 'tree disease', lac, resin L.
- ○śīrṣa n. 'tree-head', a sort of decoration on the upper part of a building or wall L.
- ○śreṣṭha m. 'the best of trees', N. of the palm-tree (= tāla) L.
- ○ṣaṇḍa mṇ.= -khaṇḍa Hariv. R.
- ○sena m. N. of a king (identified with the Asura Gavishṭha) MBh.
- drumâgra n. treetop R.
- drumâmaya m. = ○ma-vyādhi L.
- drumâri m. 'enemy of trees', an elephant L.
- drumâlaya m. a place of shelter or dwelling in trees MW.
- drumâśraya mfn. seeking shelter in trees W.
- • m. lizard, chameleon L.
- drumêśvara m. 'trees.king', the Pārijāta Hariv.
- • the palm-tree L.
- • N. of the Moon L.
- drumôtpala m. Pierospermum Acerifolium L.
- drumara under 4. dru
- drumāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to pass for or be like a tree Hit.
- drumiṇī f. an assemblage of trees, a forest, g. khalâdi (P. iv, 2, 51)
- druḍmila m. N. of a Dānava (prince of Saubha) Hariv.
- • of a son of Ṛishabha BhP.
- • of a cowherd (husband of Kalāvati and father of Nārada) BrahmaP.
- druváya m. a wooden vessel or dish
- • the wooden part of a drum AV.
- • m. n. a wooden measure (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 162) L.
- drugdhá under √1. druh
- druḍ cl. 1. and 6. P. droḍati and druḍati, to sink, perish Dhātup. xxviii, 100 (vḷ.)
- druṇ d. 6.P. druṇati, to make crooked, bend
- • to go, move
- • to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxviii, 47 (cf. 1. dru and 1. drū)
- druṇa (only L.), m. a scorpion
- • a bee
- • a defamer
- • (ī), f. a small or female tortoise
- • watertrough (also ○ṇi
- • cf. droṇa and ○ṇi (ā), f. bow-string
- • n. bow
- • sword
- ○ha druṇaha under 4. dru
- drumbhūlī f. a kind of reed, stalk MaitrS. iii, 8, 3
- drumm cl. 1. P. drummati, to go Naigh. ii, 14
- druh cl. 4. P. drúhyati (ep. and metr' also Ā. ○te) Br. MBh. R. &c. (pf. dudrbha RV., ○hitha AV.
- • aor. adruhat, Gr', Subj. 2 sg. druhas MBh., 3 pl. druhan RV. ; 2 sg. adrukshas AitBr.
- • fut. dhrokṣyati MaitrS., drohiṣyati Pāṇ. 7-2, 45
• drogdhā, droḍhā or drohitā Gr
- • inf. drogdhavai Kāṭh.
- • ind. p. drugdhvā, drochitvā, druhitvā Gr
- • -druhya MaitrS.) to hurt, seek to harm, be hostile to (dat
- • rarely gen. , loc. or acc' )
- • absol. to bear malice or hatred MBh. Hit.
- • to be a foe or rival Kāvyâd. ii, 61: Caus. drohayati: Desid. dudrohiṣati, dudruh○ Gr
- • dudrukṣat Kāṭh. (cf. abhi- and dudhrukṣu). ; Zd. druj ; Germ. triogan, trūgen.]
- drugdhá mfn. one who has tried to harm, hurtful, malicious RV. v, 40, 7
- • n. offence, misdeed, vii, 86, 5
- • impers. harm has been done Rājat. v, 298
- drúh mfn. (nom. dhruk or dhruṭ Pāṇ. 8-2, 33
- • wrongly druk
- • cf. nídrā-.) injuring, hurtful, hostile to (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. Pur.
- • m.f. injurer, foe, fiend, demon RV. Kāṭh. ; f. injury, harm, offence RV. AV.
- druhaṃ-tara mfn. (√trī) overcoming the injurer or demon RV. i, 127, 3
- druhú m.f.= 2. drúh AV.
- druḍhya m. N. of a man
- • g. śivâdi pl. his descendants
- • g. yaskâdi (also v. l. for the next Hariv.)
- druḍhyú m. pl. N. of a people RV.
- • sg. N. of a son of Yayāti and brother of Yadu &c. MBh. (wṛ. dúhyu) Hariv. (vḷ. druhya) Pur.
- drúhvan mfn. hurting, injuring RV. AV.
- drogdhavyá mfn. to be injured ŚBr. MBh.
- drogdhṛ m. injurer, ill-wisher MBh. Rājat.
- drógha in ○ghāya vácase for drogha-vacase, using injurious or malicious words RV. vi, 62, 9
- ○mitra (drógha-), m. a mischievous friend, x, 89, 12
- ○vā́c mfn. = -vacas (above), 104, 14
- droha m. injury, mischief. harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence Mn. MBh. R. &c
- ○cintana n. injurious design L.
- ○para mfn. full of malice, Rajat
- ○buddhi mfn. maliciously-minded, malevolent MW.
- ○bhāva m. hostile disposition Mn. ix, 17
- ○vacana n. injurious language MBh.
- ○vṛtti mfn. malicious, wicked Rājat.
- drohâṭa (○hâṭa?) m. a false man
- • a hunter
- • a form of metre (cf. L.)
- drohita mfn. hostile, maliciously inclined L.
- droḍhin mfn. hurting, harming
- • perfidious against, hostile to (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- druha m. a son L.
- • a lake L. (cf. draha)
- • (ī), f. a daughter L.
- druhaṇa m. (either fr. √1. druh, or = dru-ghaṇa) N. of Brahmā L.
- druḍhiṇa m. id. Rājat.
- • N. of Śiva or Vishṇu Hariv. (wṛ. ○hina)
- drū cl. 9. P. drūṇāti, to hurl, throw MaitrS. (vḷ. druṇ○)
- • cl. 5. P. drūṇoti, to kill or to go Dhātup. xxvii, 33 (vḷ.)
- drū mfn. taking any shape at will L.
- • f. (?) gold Uṇ. ii, 57
drū-ghaṇa m.= dru-ghana L.
- drūḍ cl. 1. drūḍati (○ḻati), to go Naigh. ii, 14
- drūṇa m. a scorpion L.
- • n. a bow L. (cf. druṇa)
- drek cl. 1. Ā. drekate, to sound
- • to be in high spirits
- • to grow or increase Dhātup. iv, 4 (cf. dhrek)
- drekā f. Melia Sempervifrens Bhpr.
- drekka or drekkāṇa or dreṣkāṇa = dṛkāna L.
- dreṣkāṇâdhyāya m. N. of ch. of VarBṛS.
- dreśya mfn. (prob. fr. √dris. = dṛ) visible
- • cf. a-
- drai or drā (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 10 and xxiv, 46), cl. 1. P. Ā. drāyati, ○te (cf. ni-) or cl. 2. P. drāti (pf. -dadrau Naish.
- • aor. adrāsīt Br.
- • fut. drāsyáti ib.) to sleep. dormio]
- drogdhovyá &c. above
- dróṇa n. (fr. 4. dru) a wooden vessel, bucket, trough &c. ; a Soma vessel RV. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hcat.)
- • m. n. a measure of capacity (= 4 Āḍhakas= 16 Pushkalas = 128 Kuñcis = 1024 Mushṭis, or = 200 Palas = 3/20 Kumbha, or = 1/16 Kharī= 4 Aḍhakas, or = 2 Aḍhakas= 1/2 Śūrpa= 64 Śeras, or = 32 Śeras) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c
- • a measure for measuring fields (as much land as is sown with a Dróṇa of corn) Col.
- • n. an altar shaped like a trough Śulbas. iii, 216
- • m. a lake or large piece of water of 400 poles length L.
- • a kind of cloud (from which the rain streams forth as from a bucket) L. (cf. -megha and -vṛṣṭi below)
- • a raven or crow L. (cf. -kāka)
- • a scorpion (cf. druṇa)
- • a kind of plant (prob. Leucas Linifolia) L.
- • N. of one of the 8 Vasus (husband of Abhimati and father of Harsha, Śoka, Bhsya &c.) BhP.
- • of a Brāhman said to have been generated by Bharad-vāja in a bucket (the military preceptor of both the Kuru and Paṇḍu princes
- • afterwards king of a part of Pañcāla and general of the Kurus, the husband of Kṛipī and father of Aśvatthāman) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c
- • of one of the 4 sons of Mandapāla and Jaritā (born as birds) MBh. i, 8345' &c. (as author of RV. x, 142, 3, 4, with the patr. Sārṅga)
- • of a Brāhman Pañc.
- • of sev. other men VP.
- • of sev. mountains ib.
- • (ā), f. a kind of shrub L.
- • N. of a daughter of Śiṃha-hanu Buddh.
• (ī), f. a wooden trough or tub MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- • any vessel or implement'made of wood' L.
- • a measure of capacity (= 2 Sūrpas = 128 Śeras) L.
- • a valley, Malatim. ix, 0/1 Pur.
- • a kind of creeper Bhpr.
- • of coloquintida (= indra-círbitī) L.
- • of salt L.
- • N. of a country, of a mountain and of a river L.
- ○kalaśá m. a large wooden vessel for the Soma VS. TS. Br. &c
- ○kāka or m. a raven L. (cf. above)
- ○kākala m. a raven L. (cf. above)
- ○kṣīrā f. (a cow) yielding a DrṭDróṇa of milk L.
- ○gandhikā f. a kind of plant (= rāsnā) L.
- ○ghā f. (and corrupted from ?) dughlā L.
- ○cít mfn. arranged in a trough form ŚBr. Sulbas.
- ○cíti f. arrangement in trough form MaitrS.
- ○dugdhā or f. = -kṣīrā L.
- ○dughā f. = -kṣīrā L.
- ○padī f. 'trough-footed' L.
- ○parṇī f. 'trough-leaved', Musa Sapientum L.
- ○parvan n., Dróṇa section', N. of MBh. vii
- ○puṣpa n. flower of Leucas Linifolia L. (cf. above)
- ○puṣpī f. Phlomis Zeylanica or other plant Bhpr.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of the DṭDróṇa measure Hcat.
- • consisting only of Dróṇa MBh.
- ○mānā f. = -kṣīrā L.
- ○mukha n. the chief of 400 villages Divyāv. (○khya ib.)
- • the end of a valley (vḷ. ○NI-m○)
- ○megha m. a kind of cloud ( above) Mṛicch. x, 25
- ○m-paca mfn. 'cooking a DṭDróṇa', liberal in entertaining L.
- ○ripu m. 'Dróṇa'sfoe', N. of Dhṛishṭa-dyumna Gal.
- ○vṛṣṭi f. rain streaming forth as from a trough Mṛicch. x, 37 (cf. droṇa and -megha)
- ○śarmapada n. N. of a Tirtha MBh.
- ○sā́c mfn. clinging to the trough, united with it (Soma) RV. x, 44, 3
- ○siṃha m. N. of a prince of the Vallabhī dynasty Inscr.
- ○stūpa m. N. of a Stūpa (said to contain a Dróṇa holding relics of Gautama Buddha) Buddh.
- droṇâcārya m. Dróṇa as teacher of the Kuru and Pāṇḍu princes L.
- droṇâsa m. 'trough-mouthed', N. of a demon who causes diseases PārGṛ. i, 16 (long. nosed Sch.
- • cf' dru-ṇasa)
- dróṇâhāva mfn. having a Dróṇa for a bucket (= streaming abundantly) RV. x, 101, 7
- droṇôdana m. N. of a son of Siṃha-hanu and uncle of Buddha Lalit.
- droṇaka m. pl. 'the inhabitants of a valley.' N. of a people VP.
- • (ikā), f. trough, tub L.
- • the tongue bent in the form of a trough (to pronounce ṣ) AV. Prāt. i, 23
- • the indigo plant L.
- droṇi f. trough, tub L.
- • a valley Nalac.
- • N. of a country L.
- droṇī f. of droṇa, q.v
- ○ja n. = -lavaṇa L.
- ○dala m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
- ○padī f. = ○Na-p○. L.
- ○mukha ○Na-m○
- ○lavaṇa n. a kind of salt coming from Droṇī L.
- droṇyâśva mfn. having troughs (i.e. clouds) for horses RV. x, 99, 4
- droṇy-āmaya m. a kind of disease (= ariṣty-āmaya) KātyŚr. xx, 3, 16 Sch.
- droṇeya n. = ○ṇī-lavaṇa L.
- dróṇya mfn. belonging to or longing for the manger RV. x, 50, 4
- drauṇa mf(ī)n. containing a Droṇa Pāṇ. 5-1, 52 Vārtt. Pat.
- drauḍṇāyana (cf. Pāṇ. 4-s, 103),
- drauḍṇāyani (cf. MBh.), m. patr. of Aśvatthalman
- drauḍṇi m. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 103 MBh. Hariv. &c
- • N. of Vyāsa in a future Dvāpara VP.
- drauḍṇika mf(ī)n. = drauṇa g. niṣkâdi
- • (with or scil. kṣetra) a field sown with a Dvāpara of grain Pāṇ. 5-1, 45 Kāś.
- drauḍṇī (cf. MBh. v, 2119) wṛ. for droṇī
- drauḍṇeya n. a kind of salt L.
- dromiṇa m. N. of Cāṇakya L. (cf. drāmila)
- droha &c. above
- draughaṇa (cf. Bṛih.) and ○ṇaka (g. arīhaṇâdi) fr. dru-ghaṇa
- draupada mf(ī)n. belonging to or descendant from Drupada
- • (ī), f. below
- draupadâditya v. l. for drup○ q.v
- draupadāyani fr. drupada Pāṇ. 4-2, 80, g. karṇâdi.
- draupadi-ja m. pl. (for ○dī-) the sons of Draupadi, Bh. viii, 4202
- draupadī f. patr. of Kṛishṇā (wife of the Pāṇ. du. princes) MBh. Hariv. &c. (identified with Umā, Skandap.)
- ○pramātha m. = -haraṇa
- ○vastrâharaṇa n. 'the seizure of Draupadī's garments', N. of a poem
- ○svayaṃ-vara m. N. of a drama'
- ○haraṇa n. 'the forcible abduction of Draupadī', N. of ch. of MBh. iii
- draupadeya m. pl. metron. of the 5 sons of Draupadī (viz. of Prativindhya, son of Yudhi-shṭhira
- • of Suta-soma, son of Bhima
- • of Śruta-kirti or Śrutakarman, son of Arjuna
- • of Śatânīka, son of Nakula
- • and of Ś1uta-sena, son of Sahadeva) MBh. MārkP.
- drauhika mfn. fr. droha (g. chedâdi)
- drauhya (g. śivâdi) and ○hyava (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 168 Sch.) patr. fr. Druhyu
- dva original stem of dvi, q.v. (nom. acc. du. m. dvá, or dvaú fn. dvé
- • instr. dat. abl. dvā́bhyām gen. loc. dváyos) two RV. &c. &c
- • both (with api Ragh. xii, 93)
- • loc. dvayos in two genders (masc. and fem.) or in two numbers (sing. and pl.), Gr. L. [Cf. dvā and dvi ; Zd. dva
- • Gk. ?, ? and ?= ? ; Lat. duo18 and bi = dvi ; Lith. du, dvi ; Slav. ; Goth. tvai, tva &c.]
- dvaká mfn. duṭwo and two, twofold RV. x, 59, 9
- dvaṃda n. (corrupted fr. dvaṃdva) pair, couple L.
- • m. a clock or plate on which the hours are struck W.
- dvaṃdvá n. (the repeated nom. of dva) pair, couple, male and female TS. Br. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ám, e, or ena ind. by two, face to face, secretly)
- • a pair of opposites (e.g. heat and cold, joy and sorrow &c.) Up. Mn. MBh. R. &c
- • strife, quarrel, contest, fight (esp. between two persons, a duel) MBh. R. Hit.'
- • stronghold, fortress L.
- • m. (scil. samāsa
- • rarely n.) a copulative compound (or any compound in which the members if uncompounded would be in the same case and connected by the conjunction, 'and', cf. devatā-, nakṣatra-), PIṇ. ii, 2, 29 ; 4, 2
- • m. N. of sev. Ekâhas KātyŚr.
- • the sign of the zodiac Gemini Gol.
- • (in music) a kind of measure
- • a species of disease, a complication of two disorders, a compound affection of two humours L.
- ○cara (L.) and m. 'living in couples', the ruddy goose, Anas Casarca
- ○cārin (cf. Ragh.), m. 'living in couples', the ruddy goose, Anas Casarca
- ○ja mfn. proceeding from a pair or from discord or from a morbid affection of two humours W.
- ○duḥkha n. pain arising from opposite alternations (as heat and cold &c.) Śiś. iv, 64
- ○bhāva m. antagonism, discord Ṛitus.
○bhinna n. separation of the sexes W.
- ○bhūta mfn. become doubtful, irresolute, uncertain of (loc.) MBh. i, 1867 (vḷ. ○dvI-bh○)
- ○moha m. trouble excited by doubt MW.
- ○yuddha n. duel, single combat W.
- • -varṇana n. N. of 41st ch. of GaṇP. ii
- ○yodhin mfn. fighting in couples or by single combat BhP.
- ○lakṣaṇa-vāda m
- ○vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○śas ind. two by two, in couples MBh. R. &c
- ○samprahāra m.= -yuddha Uttarar.
- ○sahiṣṇu-tā f. (Vedānt.),
- ○tva n. (cf. MBh.) ability to support opposites (as happiness and misery &c.)
- dvaṃdvâtita mfn. gone beyond or freed from opposites ( above) W.
- dvaṃdvâdi-kośa m. N. of a dictionary
- dvaṃdvârāma mfn. liking to live in couples MBh.
- dvaṃdvâlāpa m. dialogue between two persons, private conversation Pañc.
- dvaṃdvin mfn. forming a couple ŚBr.
- • opposed to one another, contradictory, antagonistic Prab.
- dvaṃdvī-√bhū to become joined in couples BhP.
- • to engage in single combat MBh.
- • to hesitate or be doubtful (cf. ○dva-bhūta)
- dvayá ? n. (fr. and in comp = dvi) twofold, double, of 2 kinds or sorts RV. AV. Br. MBh. &c. (○ye m. pl. Śis. iii, 57)
- • (ī), f. couple, pair Naish. Rājat.
- • n. id'
- • two things, both (e. g. tejo-, the 2 luminaries Śak. iv, 2) Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. ā R. i, 29, 14)
- • twofold nature, falsehood RV. i, 147, 4 &c
- • the masc. and fem. gender, Gr. ; (am), ind. between Śiś. iii, 3. [Cf. Zd. dvaya
- • Gk. ?.]
- ○dvaya-samāpatti f. copulation L.
- ○bhāratī f. N. of a woman Cat.
- ○vādin mfn. double-tongued, insincere MW.
- ○sata dve-s○
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of both genders, neuter L.
- dvayâgni m. Plumbago Zeylanica.
- dvayâtiga mfn. one who has overcome the two (bad qualities, i.e. passion and ignorance) or the opposites under dvaṃdva) L.
- • m. a saint, a holy or virtuous man W.
- dvayâtmaka mfn. having a twofold nature, appearing in a twofold manner L.
- dvayôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- dvayat
- dvayas á-d○
- dvayasa mf(ī)n. (ifc.) having the length or breadth or depth of, reaching up to Kāv. Hcat.
- dvayāvin mfn. false, dishonest RV. AV.
- dvaḍyin m. comrade, fellow (cf. asad-dvayin add.)
- dvaḍyú mfn. = ○yāvin RV.
- dvará and ○rí (or ○rín), mfn. (fr. √dvṛ) obstructing RV. i, 52, 3 (cf. Sāy.)
- dvā old nom. du. of dva, substituted for dvi in comp. before other numerals &c
- ○catvāriṃśa mf(ī)n. the 42nd
- • ○śat (cf. MBh.) and ○śati (cf. Rājat.), f. 42
- ○ja m. son of two fathers BhP. ix, 20, 38 (wrong explanation of bharadvāja)
- ○triṃśá mf(ī) n. the 32nd MBh.
- • consisting of 32 Br. Lāṭy. ; 32, in ○śâra mfn. having 32 spokes RāmatUp.
- ○triṃśat (dvā́-), f. 32
- • ○śacchāla-bhañjikā. f. pl. 32 statues Siṃhâs.
- • N. of wk
- • ○śat-karma-paddhati f. N. of wk
- • ○śat-pattra mfn. having 32 petals NṛisUp.
- • ○śad-akṣara dvā́- TS.) and ○rin (cf. L.), mfn. consisting of 32 syllables
- • ○śad-aparādha-stotra n. N. of part of the VarP.
- • ○śad-ara mfn. = ○śâra
- • ○śad-upaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- • ○śad-rātra n. (sc. sattra) a sacrifice lasting 32 days, ŚrS.
- • ○śai-lakṣaṇika (cf. Siṃhâs.) and ○ṇôpéta (cf. Hit.), mfn. having 32 auspicious marks upon the body', illustrious, great
- ○triṃśati f. collection of 32 (wṛ. for ○śat in siṃhâsana-t○)
- ○triṃśatikā or f. aggregate or collection of 32
- ○triṃśaḍtkā (cf. Siṃhâs.) and f. aggregate or collection of 32
- ○triṃḍśikā (in bharaṭaka-dvātr○ Cat.), f. aggregate or collection of 32
- ○daśa and below
- ○daśan below
- ○navata mf(ī)n. the 92nd MBh.
- • ○ti f. 92 Pāṇ. 6-3, 49,
- ○pañcāśá mf(ī)n. the 52nd MBh. R. (du. the 51st and 52nd ŚāṅkhBr. xviii, 3)
- • accompanied or increased by 52 ŚBr.
- ○pañcāśat f. 52 Hariv. Rājat.
- • ○śad-akṣara mfn. consisting of 52 syllables, Nidlnas
- ○pára m. n. that die or side of a die which is marked with two spots VS. TS. Kāṭh. MBh.
- • the Die personified Nal. vi, 1
- • 'the age with the number two', N. of the 3rd of the 4 Yugas or ages of the world (comprising 2400 years
- • the Yugas itself = 2000, and each twilight = 200 years
- • it is also personified as a god)
- AitBr. Mn. MBh. &c. RTL. 111 ; 433
- • N. of a myth. being MBh. i, 2713
- • doubt, uncertainty L.
- • -cchandas n. pl. a partic. class of metre Nidānas.
- • -stoma m. pl. of Stomas ib.
- ○viṃśá mf(ī)n. the 22nd Br. Up. Mn.
- • consisting of 22 VS.
- ○viṃśati f. (dvā́-) 22 ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 22nd MBh. R.
- • -dhā́ ind. 22fold ŚBr.'
- • -rātra n. (sc. sattra) a sacrifice lasting 22 days ŚrS.
- • -śata n. 122
- • -śatama mf(ī)n. the 122nd MBh. R.
- • ○ty-akṣara mfn. consisting of 22 syllables, Nidinas
- ○ṣaṣṭá mf(ī)n. the 62nd MBh.
- • joined with 62 ŚBr.
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 62 MBh.
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 62nd R.
- ○saptata mf(ī)n. the 72nd MBh.
- ○saptati (dvā́-), f. 72
- • ○tíṣṭaka mfn. consisting of 72 bricks ŚBr.
- dvā-daśá mf(ī́)n. the twelfth VS. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (du. the eleventh and twelfth Kāṭh.)
- • ifc. (f. ā) forming 12 with (cf. aśva- add.)
- • consisting of 12, 12 fold RV. ŚBr.
- • increased by 12 KātyŚr.
- • (ī́), f. (sc. rātri or tithi) the 12th day of the half-month
- • n. a collection or aggregate of 12 ŚBr.
- dvādaśâṃsa m. the 12th part or division (esp. of a constellation) Var.
- dvā-daśaka mf(ī)n. the twelfth MBh.
- • consisting of 12 (syllables) RV. Prāt.
- • with dama (a fine) amounting to 12 (Paṇas) Mn.
- • n. the number or an aggregate of 12 Yājñ.
- dvā-daśika mfn. having the length of 12 Sulbas.
- • happening on the 12th day or on the 12th day of a half-month R.
- dvā́-daśan pl. (nom. acc. dvā́-daśa, instr dvā daśábhis, dat. abl. ○śábhyas, loc' ○śâsu gen. śā́nām, according to Pāṇ. 6-1, 179, 180 in Class. also ○śabhís, ○śabhyás, ○śasú) twelve RV. &c. [Cf. Zd. dva-daśan
- • Gk.? ; Lat. duo-decim.]
- dvā́-daśa^ for -daśan in comp
- ○kapāla mf(ī)n. distributed on 12 potsherds ŚBr.
- ○kara m. 12-handed or 12-rayed', N. of Kārttikeya L.
- • of Bṛihas-pati or the planet Jupiter L.
- ○gavá n. a team of 12 bulls TS. ŚBr.
- ○gṛhītá mfn. drawn 12 times (as water) ŚBr.
- ○gopāla-nirṇaya-bhakti f.
- ○jyotir-liṅga-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the aggregate of 12 KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○dhā́ ind. 12fold AV. &c
- ○nāma-pañjara n. N. of a Stotra
- ○nidhana n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- ○pañjarikā-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○pattra mfn. having 12 petals Ni2isUp.
- ○pattraka n. N. of a Yoga or partic. religious observance in which the 12 syllables oṃ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya are connected with the 12 signs of the zodiac and with the 12 months VāmP.
- ○pada mf(ā)n. consisting of 12 words, Mālatim. Sch.
- ○puṣkara mfn. consisting of 12 lotus flowers, TānḍyaBr
- ○bhavana n
- ○bhāva m. ○va-phala n. ○va-vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○bhuja m. having 12 arms', N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
- ○ma mf(ī)n. the 12th MBh. BhP. (cf. 1. dvādaśa)
- ○mañjarī or f. N. of wk. by Saṃkarâcārya
- ○mañjaḍrikā f. N. of wk. by Saṃkarâcārya
- ○mahā-vākya n. pl. 'the 12 great words', N. of wk. on the Vedânta
- • -nirṇaya, m', -vivaraṇa n. N. of Comms. on it
- • ○kyâvalī f. prob. = mahā-vākya
- dvādaśamahāsiddhāntanirūpaṇa3dvā́-daśa--mahā-siddhânta-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○mātra mfn. consisting of 12 metrical instants, AmṛitUp
- dvādaśamāsadeyadānaratnākara3dvā́-daśa--māsa-deya-dānaratnâkara m. N. of wk
- ○māsika mfn. consisting of 12 months Kāraṇḍ.
- ○mūla m. 'having 12 roots, N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○yātrā-tattva n. N. of wk
- ○yoga v. l. for ○śây○, q.v
- ○rātra n. a period of 12 nights (days) ĀśvGṛ.
- • mfn. lasting 12 nights (days), KstySr
- ○rāśi-phala n. N. of wk
- ○rcá (○śa + ricá), mfn. containing 12 verses ŚrS.
- ○lakṣaṇī f. = ○śâdhyāyī (q.v.)
- ○liṅga-stavana
- ○liṅga-stotra and n. N. of wks
- ○liṅgôdbhava n. N. of wks
- ○locana m. '12-eyed', N. of Skanda L.
- ○vatsarī f. a period of 12 years HPariś.
- ○varga m. an aggregate of 12 Cat.
- • ○gīyā f. pl. 12 female heretics Divyāv.
- ○vārṣika (v. l. var○), mf(ī)n. 12 years old, lasting 12 years Mn.
- • -vrata n. a vow for 12 years MW.
- ○vidha (dvā́.), mfn. 12fold ŚBr.
- • -putra-mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○śata (dvā́), n. 112
- • in comp. also 1200 (= ī f. Rājat.)
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 112th
- • -dakṣiṇa mfn. (a sacrifice) at which 1200 are given as a fee ĀpŚr.
- ○saṃskāra m. pl., 'the 12 ceremonies', N. of wk
- ○sāhasra mf(ī)n. consisting of 1200 MārkP.
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wk. on the Vedânta
- ○stotra n. pl. 'the 12 Stotras', N. of wk
- dvādaśâṃśu m. 'the 12-rayed', N. of Bṛihas-pati or the planet Jupiter L.
- dvādaśâkāra (cf. Divyâv.),
- dvā́daśâkṛti (cf. RV.), mfn. having 12 shapes
- dvādaśâkṣa mf(ī)n. 12. eyed
- • m. N. of Skanda L. (cf. ○śa-locana)
- • of one of his attendants MBh.
- • of a Buddha (cf. ○śâkhya) L.
- dvādaśâkṣara (dvā́-), mf(ā)n. containing 12 syllables VS. ŚBr.
- • -mantra m. the prayer of 12 syllables addressed to Vishṇu (cf. dvādaśa-pattraka) PadmaP.
- • -mālā (cf. Cat.) and' -vidyā (cf. BhP.), f. probably id
- dvādaśakhya m. the 12-named?' a Buddha L. (cf. ○śâkṣa)
- dvādaśâṅgī f. the collective Jaina sacred writings (consisting of 12 parts) L.
- dvādaśâṅgula mfn. having the breadth of 12 fingers L.
- • -sāriṇī f. N. of wk
- dvādaśâtman or m. 'appearing in 12 forms', the sun (in each month) MBh. L.
- dvādaśâḍtmaka m. 'appearing in 12 forms', the sun (in each month) MBh. L.
- dvādaśâditya (in comp.) the 12 Ādityas
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha SivaP.
- dvādaśâditya-stava m. N. of wk
- • ○tyâsrama m. N. of a hermitage SkandaP.
- dvādaśâdhyāyī f. N. of Jaimini's Mimāṃsā (consisting of 12 Adhyāyas)
- dvādaśânta-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- dvādaśânyika mfn. one who has made 12 mistakes in reading Pāṇ. 4-4, 64 Kāś.
- dvādaśâbda mfn. lasting 12 years VP.
- • ○bdânantarâvalokana-vidhi, ni. N. of wk
- dvādaśâyus m. 'whose life lasts 12 (years)', a dog L.
- dvādaśâyogá mfn. yoked with 12 (bulls) MaitrS. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- dvadaśâra mfn. having 12-spokes (as the wheel or cycle of the year) RV. 5 MBh.
- dvā́daśâratni mfn. 12 cubits long ŚBr.
- dvādaśârka m. N. of wk
- dvādaśârcis m. ○śâṃśu
- dvādaśâvarta m. a form of salutation involving 12 circumambulations HPariś.
- dvādaśâsra n. or a dodecagon, a dodecagonal figure Col. (written also ○śra, ○śri)
- dvādaśâḍsri f. a dodecagon, a dodecagonal figure Col. (written also ○śra, ○śri)
- dvādaśâhá mfn. lasting 12 days
- • a period or ceremony of 12 days
- AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh.
- • -prayoga m. -prayoga-pad. dhati, and -prayoga-vṛtti f. praśna, m', -mahāvrata-prayoga m. maitrāvaruṇa-prayoga m. -hantra n. ○śâhaṇḍa-bilā f. N. of wks
- dvādaśâhika (cf. KātyŚr. Sch.) and mfn. relating to a period or ceremony of 12 days
- dvādaśâḍhiya (cf. TBr. Sch.), mfn. relating to a period or ceremony of 12 days
- dvādaśôdyāma mfn. having 12 traces or strings, Kap.
- dvā-daśika above
- dvā-daśin mfn. consisting of 12, twelvefold RV. Prāt. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- dvā-daśī f. of 1 -dvā-daśa in comp
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP.
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vrata n. a partic. observance on the 12th day of a half-month BhP.
- dvā-daḍśy-udyāpana n. N. of wk
- dvāṃdvika mfn. (fr. dvamidva) proceeding from a compound affection of two humours Car.
- dvāḥ in comp. for dvār
- ○stha (cf. MBh. Kāv.) and mfn. standing at the gate or door
- ○sthita (cf. L.), mfn. standing at the gate or door
- • m. door-keeper, porter, warder (written also dvā-sth○)
- dvā́r (fr. √dvṛ?), gate, door, entrance or issue, fig. expedient, means, opportunity (instr. ○rā ifc. by means of, by)
- RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. [Cf. 1. dur, 1. dura and dvāra
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. fores ; Slav. ; Lit., dúrys ; Got, daur ; Old Sax. dor &c.]
- ○bāhu m. door-post ĀpŚr.
- ○vat mfn. having many doors
- • (ī) f. = dvāra-vatī BhP.
- dvā́ra n. door, gate, passage, entrance ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- • opening, aperture (esp. of the human body, cf. nava-) Up. Suśr. &c
- • a way, means, medium (instr. ○reṇa ifc. by means of. with regard or according to) MBh. Kāv. Pañc. &c. (the Māheśvaras hold that there are 6 Dvāras or means of obtaining religious ecstasy Sarvad.)
- • m. N. of a Gandharva R.
- • (ī), f. door, SaṅkhSr
- ○kanṭaka m. 'door-thorn', the bolt of a door L.
- • a door or gate L.
- ○kapāṭa m. or n. the leaf of a dṭdoor L.
- ○koṣṭaka m. gate-chamber Divyāv.
- ○japasū7kta n. pl. N. of partic. hymns
- ○tā f. the being the way to or the occasion of (comp.) Ragh. Kād.
- • a door, gate
- • an entrance, way, access MW.
- ○tva n. the being caused or produced by (comp.) Śaṃk.
- ○darśin m. a door-watcher, dṭdoor-keeper R.
- ○dātu and m. Tectona Grandis Bhpr.
- ○dāru m. Tectona Grandis Bhpr.
- ○nāyaka m. door-keeper, porter, warder Rājat.
- ○pa m. id. AitBr. ChUp.
- ○pakṣa (cf. ĀśvGṛ.),
- ○paḍkṣaka (cf. Kād.), m. dṭdoor-panel
- • door, gate
- ○paṭṭa m. id. Kathās.
- ○pati m. = -pa MBh.
- ○pāla m. id. MBh. Hariv. &c. (ī f. g. revaty-ādi)
- • N. of various Yakshas and of sacred places connected with them MBh.
- • -mantra m. a kind of hymn
- ○pālaka m. door-keeper
- • (○likā f. Kād.)
- ○pālika m. metron. fr. -pālī (g. revaty-ādi)
- ○piṇḍī f. the threshold of a dṭdoor L.
- ○pidhā́na n. (m. ŚBr.) dṭdoor-bolt
- • closure, end Mālav. ii, 11
- ○phalaka n. = kapāṭa ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- ○bandhâvaraṇa mfn. one who hides himself behind a bolted door Hariv.
- ○bali-bhuj m., 'eater of offering at door', Ardea nivea
- • a crow or a sparrow L.
- ○bāhu m. door-post Lāṭy. (ifc. -ka Hariv.)
- ○mahim-varṇana n. N. of ch. 127 of GaṇP. ii
- ○mukha n. door-mouth', opening Mṛicch. iv, 25/26
- ○yantra n. door-bolt L.
- ○yātrā-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○rakṣaka (cf. Kālid.) and m. dṭdoor-keeper
- ○rakṣin (cf. Kathās.), m. dṭdoor-keeper
- ○lakṣaṇa-paṭala m. or n. N. of wk
- ○vaṃśa m. the cross-beam of a dṭdoor, M1nGṛ
- ○vat mfn. 'many-gated'
- • (ī), f. N. of the capital of Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv.
- • ○tī-nirnlāṇa and ○tī-māhātmya n. N. of wks
- ○vartman n. gateway MW.
- ○vṛtta n. black pepper L.
- ○śākhā f. door-post L.
- ○śobhā f. a beautiful portal Mṛicch. iv 26/27
- ○stambha m. = -śākhā L.
- ○stha mfn. standing at the dṭdoor
- • m. door-keeper, porter MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○sthita mfn. id. Pañcad.
- ○sthūṇā f. door-post ĀpŚr.
- dvārâdhipa (cf. Rājat.) and m. = ○ra-rakṣin
- dvāḍrâdhyakṣa (cf. MBh.), m. = ○ra-rakṣin
- dvārâpidhāna (cf. Sch.) = ○ra-p○
- dvārâbhimānin mfn. assuming the character of (sacrificial) doors MW.
- dvārârari m. leaf of a door Rājat.
- dvārāvatī f. = ○ra-v○ VarP.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk. (= dvārakā-m○)
- dvāraka n. door, gate MBh.
- • ifc. occasioned or caused by Śaṃk.
- • (akā), f. 'many-gated', N. of the capital of Kṛishṇa (on the western point of Gūjarāt, supposed to have been submerged by the sea) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (ikā f. id. L. RTL. 55, 1 ; 113 ; 400, 2)
- dvārakā f. of prec
- ○dāsa m. 'slave of Dvārakā', N. of a man Cat.
- ○nātha-yajvan m. 'worshipper of the lord of Dvārakā', N. of Sch. on Sulbas.
- ○praveśa m. 'entrance into DṭDvārakā', N. of ch. 103, of BrahmaP. iv
- ○māhātmya n. 'glory of DṭDvārakā', N. of wk. (= dvāravatī-m○)
- dvārakârambha m. 'commencement of DṭDvārakā', N. of ch. 102 of BrahmavP. iv.
- dvārakêśa m. 'lord of Dvārakā', N. of Kṛishṇa L.
- dvārika m. door-keeper, warder Pañc. iii. 85
- • N. of one of the Sun's 18 attendants L. (ikā f. dvāraka)
- dvāḍrin m. door-keeper MBh. i. 4906
- dvāḍrya mfn. belonging to or being at a door GṛS. ŚrS.
- • (ā), f. (scil. sthūṇā) door-post ib.
- dvārī-√kṛ to employ as a medium or means or mediator Mudr. iv, 7/8
- dvi du. two (nom. dvau, dva)
- ○ka m. 'having 2 k's in one's name' (cf. kāka), a crow Vām. v, 15
- • Anas Casarca L.
- • -kāra m. id. L.
- ○kakud m. '2-humped', a camel L.
- ○kapāla (dví-), mfn. distributed on 2 potsherds or consisting of 2 skull-bones ŚBr.
○kara mf(ī)n. doing 2 things or making 2 of anything W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 21 Kāś.)
- ○karaṇī f. the diagonal of a square Sulbas.
- ○karmaka mfn. having 2 objects or accusatives Pāṇ. 2-3, 68 Kāś.
○karma-vāda m. N. of wk
- ○kāṇḍa mf(ī)n. consisting of 2 strings (rope)
- • (f. ā) containing 2 Kāṇḍas (kind of measure) Pāṇ. 4-1, 23 Kāś.
- ○kārṣāpaṇa and mfn. worth 2 Kārshipaṇas, v, 1, 29 Kāś.
- ○kārṣāpaḍṇika mfn. worth 2 Kārshipaṇas, v, 1, 29 Kāś.
- ○kālam ind. at 2 times ĀpŚr. Sch.
- ○kubja mfn. 2-humped L.
- ○kulija mf(ā, ī)n.,
- ○kulijika mf(ī) n. and mf(ā)n. containing 2 Kulijas ( s.v.) Pāṇ. 5-1, 55 Kāś.
- ○kulijīna mf(ā)n. containing 2 Kulijas ( s.v.) Pāṇ. 5-1, 55 Kāś.
- ○kūbara mfn. (carriage) having 2 poles BhP.
- ○koṇa mfn. '2-cornered' ĀpŚr. Sch.
- ○kauḍavika mfn. containing 2 Kuḍavas ( s.v.) Pāṇ. 7-3, 17 Sch.
- ○krama m. a Krama ( s.v.) consisting of 2 elements RV. Prāt. xi, 3, 8
- ○khaṇḍikā f. a couplet MW.
- ○khārīka mfn. worth 2 Khārīs Pāṇ. 5-1, 33 Sch.
- ○khura mfn. having 2 (i.e. cloven) hoofs TĀr. Comm.
- ○gat m. N. of a Bhārgava TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○gata mfn. ambiguous Pat.
- ○gava mfn. yoked with 2 oxen or cows Parāś.
- ○gu m. (sc. samāsa) N. of a Tatpurusha compound in which the Ist member is a numeral (being formed like dvi-gu, 'worth 2 cows') Pāṇ. 2-1, 52 &c
- ○guṇá (or dví-g○), mfn. double, twofold, of 2 kinds ŚBr. ŚrS. &c
- • doubled, i.e. folded (garment) ŚBr.
- • twice as large or as much as (abl.) Yājñ. ii, 4
- • (comp.) Mn. viii. 59
- • compar. -tara Kād.
- • -taram ind. Ratn. i, 16
- • -tā f. Var.
- • -tva n. Amar.
- • ○ṇaya, NomP. ○yati, to double, multiply by 2 Sch.
- • ○ṇita mfn. doubled Mṛicch. Ratn. Kir. ○ṇā ind., with √kṛ, to plough twice Pāṇ. 5-4, 59, Kāś'
- • ○ṇā-karṇa mfn. having an ear divided by a slit (cattle), vi, 3, 115 Kāś.
- • ○ṇāya, ○yate, to become double Kād.
• ○ṇī-√kṛ, to double, make twofold, Śis. Kād.
- • ○ṇī-√bhū, to become double, grow, increase Kād.
- ○gūḍha n. a kind of song Sāh.
- ○cakra m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. (C. -vaktra)
- • a partic. phenomenon in the sky MBh.
- ○catur-aśraka m. N. of a partic. gesture or posture Vikr. (vḷ. catur-asr○)
- ○catvāri n. pl. two or four RāmatUp.
- ○catvāriṃśa mf(ī)n. the 42nd MBh.
- ○catvāriṃśat f. 42 Pāṇ. 6-3, 49 (cf. dvā-)
- ○catvārinśika wṛ. for
- ○cātv○
- ○candra mfn. having 2 moons Viddh.
- ○caraṇa mfn. 2-legged, Śāntil
- ○cātvāriṃśika mfn. consisting of 2 L.
- ○cūḍa mfn. having 2 protuberances (brick) KātyŚr.
- ○cchinna mfn. cut into two, bisected MW.
- ○já dvijá
- ○jánman mfn. having a double birth or birth-place or nature RV.
- • a member of the first three classes (esp. a Brāhman) Mn. MBh. &c
- • a tooth (as twice grown) L.
- • any oviparous animal (as bird, snake &c.) L.,
- ○jā́ mfn. twice-born RV.
- ○jāti mfn. id
- • m. an Āryan, esp. a Brāhman Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • a bird or snake &c. L. (cf. -janman)
- • -mukhya m. 'first of the twice-born', a Brāhman Mn. iii, 286
- • -sāt ind. for or to Brāhmans
- • with -√kṛ, to make a present of (acc.) for BṭBrāhmans Rājat. v, 120
- ○jātīya mfn. relating to the twice-born, i.e. to the first 3 castes
- • of twofold nature or mixed origin, mongrel
- • m. a mule L.
- ○jā́ni mfn. having 2 wives RV.
- ○jihva (dví-), mfn. double-tongued (lit. and fig.) AV. MBh. &c. (-tā f. -tva', n. Kāv.)
- • m. a partic. disease of the tongue Suśr.
- • a snake MBh. R. &c
- • informer, thief, scoundrel, villain W.
- • N. of a Rakshas R.
- ○jyā f. the sine of an arc W.
- • -mārga m. a horizontal line ib.
- ○ṭha or m. N. of the Visarga (as having 2 points) and of Svalhās (wife of Agni) L. 1
- ○ḍha m. N. of the Visarga (as having 2 points) and of Svalhās (wife of Agni) L. 1
- ○tā f. doubleness, the number 2, duality MW.
- ○tra mfn. pl. 2 or 3 Kāv. &c
- ○trayas-triṃśat f. 2 X 33 Lāṭy.
- ○tri = -tra, esp. in comp
- • -caturam ind. twice or thrice or four times Daś.
- • -catur-bhāga m. pl. 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 VarBṛS. xxxii, 7
- • -catuṣ-pañcaka mfn. increased by 2, 3, 4 or 5
- • with śata n. 2, 3, 4 or 5 per cent. Yājñ. ii, 37
- • -divasa-nivāsa m. abode for 2 or 3 days Prab. ii, 5/6
- ○triveṇu mfn. (chariot) furnished with 2 Triveṇus (s.v.) MBh. vii, 1569
- ○tris ind. twice or three times Jātakam.
- ○tva n. = duality (phil.)
- • dual Pāṇ. 2-3, 46 Kāś.
- • reduplication, 8ch. on i, 1, 58, 59 &c
- • -tva n. the being duality or dualism Sarvad.
- ○daṇḍi (fr. daṇḍa) with 2 sticks, stick against stick, single stick, quarter staff W. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 28 Kāś.)
- ○daṇḍin m. 'carrying 2 staves', a kind of mendicant (cf. Buddh.)
- ○dat mfn. having (only) 2 teeth (as a mark of age ; Lat. bi-dens) Pāṇ. 5-4, 141 Sch.
- ○datta m. N. of a man (cf. dvaidatti)
- ○danta mfn. = -dat
- • m. elephant Gal.
- ○dala mfn. split in two, forked Hariv.
- • m. fork ib.
- • (ā), f. Bauhinia Tomentosa L.
- ○daśa mfn. pl. 20 Pāṇ. 2-2, 25 Sch.
- ○dāmnī f. (a cow) tied with 2 ropes L.
- ○diva mfn. lasting 2 days
- • m. a ceremony of that length TāṇḍBr.
- ○devata mfn. relating or belonging to 2 deities, ŚrS.
- • n. the constellation Viśākhā (presided over by Agisi and Indra
- • cf. -daivatyā) VarBṛS.
- ○devatyá mfn. = prec. mfn. Br.
- • m. (scil. graha) a ladleful for 2 deities ib.
- • -pātra n. pl. the ladles used for such libations, ApSr
- ○deha m. 2 bodied', N. of Ganêśa (s.v.) L.
- ○daivatyā f. = -devata n. L.
- ○droṇa n. sg. 2 Droṇas
- • ○ṇena, (to buy or sell) by the measure holding 2 DṭDroṇas Pāṇ. 2-3, 18 Kāś.
- ○dha mfn. divided in 2, split asunder, forked Gṛihyās.
- ○dhā (dví-), ind. in 2 ways or parts, twofold, divided RV. Mn. MBh. &c
- • -karaṇa n. the dividing into 2, making twofold, arranging in two ways L.
- • -"ṣkāra (-dhâk○), mfn. of 2 kinds, twofold Pañc.
- • -kāram ind. dividing into 2 parts Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 Kāś.
- • -√kṛ, to divide MBh. Kāv.
- • -gati m. 'going in 2 ways', a crab or crocodile L.
- • -√gam, to be divided or split, Kath1s
- • -"ṣtmaka (-dhâtm○), n. nutmeg (as being of 2 kinds?) L.
- • -bhāvam ind. being divided into 2 parts Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 Kāś.
- • -√bhū, to be divided or separated MBh. Kāv.
- • -bhūtâkṛti mfn. of a twofold shape (leech), Sulr
- • -lekhya mfn. to be written in 2 ways W.
- • m. Phoenix Paludosa' L.
- • -sthita mfn. existing double or in 2 forms Śak. vi, 1/2
- ○dhātu mfn. (musical piece) consisting of 2 parts, twofold
- • m. N. of Gaṇêśa (cf. -deha) L.
- ○dhā́ra mfn. (water) forming 2 streams RV.
- ○dhūr-vaha m. a draught-ox carrying loads in the 2nd year, Lil
- ○nagnaka m. doubly naked', a person having no prepuce L.
- ○nayanī f. the two eyes Naish.
- ○nava-kṛtvas ind. 18 times BhP.
- ○navata mf(ī)n. the 92nd MBh.
- ○navati f. 92 ib.
- • -tama mfn. the 92nd ib.
- ○nāman (dví-), mf(mnī)n. having 2 names Br.
- ○nārāśaṃsa mf(ī)n. twice furnished with the vessels called / AitBr.
- ○nidhana n. N. of a Sāman L.
- ○niṣka mf(ā)n. or worth 2 Nishkas Pāṇ. v, 1, 30
- ○naiṣkika mf(ī)n. worth 2 Nishkas Pāṇ. v, 1, 30
- ○netra mfn. 'twoeyed' Pañcad.
- • -bhedin mfn. knocking out a person's 2 eyes Yājñ.
- ○pa m. elephant (lit. drinking twice, sc. with his trunk and with his mouth)
- Mn. MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- • N. of the number 8 Gaṇit.
- • Mesua Ferrea L.
- • -dāna n. the rut-fluid of an elephant Ragh.
- • -pati m. 'prince of elephants', a large elephants Ratn.
- • -mada m. = -dāna L.
- • -"ṣpâri m. 'foe of elephants', a. lion BhP.
- • ○pâsya m. having an elephant's face', N. of Gaṇêśa L.
- • -"ṣpêndra m. = -pa-pati Ragh.
- • -"ṣpêndradāna n. the rut-fluid of a large elephants Var.
- • ○pêśvara m. = ○péudra, Malatim
- ○pakṣa (dví-), mfn. having 2 side-posts AV.
- ○pañcadvayasâṅgula mfn. having the height, depth &c. of 10 finger-breadths Hcat.
- ○pañca-mūla n. ○lī f. = daśa-mūla Suśr. Car.
- ○pañca-viṃśa n. du' 2 X 25 AitBr.
- ○pañcāśa mf(ī)n. the 52nd MBh.
- • n. 2 X 50 AitBr.
- ○pañcāśat f. 52 Pāṇ. 6-3, 49 (cf. dvā-)
- • ○śat-tama mf(ī)n. the 52nd MBh.
- ○paṇya mfn. worth 2 Paṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 34 Kāś.
- ○pattraka m. '2-leaved', a kind of bulbous plant, t
- ○patnīka m. having 2 wives Nyāyam. Sch.
- ○patha m. a place where 2 roads meet, crossway L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of metre Col.
- ○pád (or dví- Pāṇ. 6-2, 197), m. (pā́d RV.) f. (pádī ib., or pād g. kumbha-pady-ādi) n. (pā́d or pād RV.), two footed, bipedal, biped (m. man
- • n. sg. men, mankind) RV. AV. Br. MBh. &c
- • consisting of Pādas (m. a metre of that kind) RV. ŚBr.
- • (padī), f. a kind of Prākṛit metre Col.
- • a song composed in this metre Kād. (○dī-khaṇḍa Ratn. i, 12/13 ; 16/17)
- • taking 2 steps ĀśvGṛ. i, 7, 19.
- ○pada (dví-), mf(ā)n. 2-footed MBh. Kathās.
- • consisting of 2 Pādas VS. ŚBr. &c
- • containing 2 words VPrāt.
- • binomial Col.
- • m. a biped, (contemptuously) a man Kathās. vi, 63
- • a brick 2 Pādas long, Śulbas.
- • N. of partic. signs of the zodiac L.
- • (ā), f. a stanza consisting of 2 Pādas TS. ŚBr. RPrāt. n. a kind of metre Col.
- • a combination of 2 words VPrāt.
- • -pati m. 'lord of men', a king, prince BhP.
- • -rāśi m. any one of the signs Gemini, Libra Aquarius, Virgo, and half of Sagittarius
- • ○dântara or ○dâbhyāsa (with ratkaṃtara), N. of a Sāman
- ○padikā f. = dvau pādau, prob. double amount Pāṇ. 5-4, 2 Kāś. (cf. -pādya)
- • a kind of metre (= ○dī) Col.
- • a partic. manner of singing (?) Vikr. iv, + &c
- ○parāka dvai-p○ under dvai
- ○parârdhika mfn. equal to 50 of Brahmā's years (cf. parârdha) MārkP.
- ○parí ind. except 2, . ii, 1, 10 Kāś.
- ○parṇa mf(ī)n. 2-leaved, opposite leaved
- • (ī), f. wild jew's thorn L.
- ○paśu mfn. (sacrifice) at which 2 animals are killed ĀśvŚr. -tva n. ib. Comm.
- ○pāt-tā f
- ○pāt-tva n. (cf. -pad) 2-footeduess, bipartiteness W.
- ○pātra n. sg. a couple of vessels Vop.
- • mf(ī)n. containing 2 Pātras (kind of measure) Pāṇ. 5-1, 54 Sch.
- • ○trika mf(ī)n. and ○trīṇa mf(ā)n. id. ib.
- ○pād -pad
- ○pāda (dví-), mfn. 2-footed ŚBr. MBh. &c
- ○pādaka mfn. twofold
- • with puṇya-kṣetra n. N. of Buddha Divyâv.
- ○pādikā f. a kind of song (cf. -padikā) R. vii, 6, 58
- ○pādya mfn. worth double, amounting to double Pāṇ. 5-1, 34
- • n. a double penalty L.
- ○pāyin m. 'drinking twice', an elephant R. iii, 20, 26 (cf. -pa)
- ○pāyya mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 122 Kāś.
- ○pitṛ mfn. having 2 fathers or ancestors Baudh.
- • ○tṛka mfn. (a Sriddha) relating to 2 ancestors Cat.
- ○puṭa mf(ī)n. folded double L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of jasmine L.
- ○puruṣa mf(ā or ī)n. having the length of 2 men
- • (ā f.) bought with 2 men Pāṇ. 4-1, 24
- • (am), ind. through 2 generations AitBr. viii, 7
- ○pṛṣṭha m. (with Jainas) the 2nd black Vāsudeva
- ○pauruṣa mf(ī)n. having the length of 2 men Sūryapr.
- ○pratika mf(ī)n. bought &c. with 2 Kārshipaṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 29 Kāś.
- ○pratiṣṭha (dví-), mfn. 2-legged Br.
- ○pratihāra mfn. (liturg.) connected with 2 Pratihāras (s.v.), Laty
- ○pravācana mfn. having a double name, AlśvSr
- ○pravrājinī f. running after 2 men AśvGṛ.
- ○prais9ha mfn. issuing 2 invitations AitBr.
- ○bándhu m. N. of a man RV.
- ○bárha-jman mfn. (fr. barha = ○has) having a double course or path RV.
- ○bárhas mfn. (○hās also n. and ind. ) doubly close or thick or strong
- • in g. doubled (as opposed to single), mighty, large, great RV.
- ○bāṇī f. sg. 2 arrows Naish.
- ○bāhu mfn. 2-armed
- • m. man Kathās. liii, 94
- ○bāhuka m. the 2-armed one', N. of one of the attendants of Siva Hariv.
- ○bindu m. 'doubleḍot', the sign of the Viśarga Vop.
- ○bhallaka n. a kind of arrow-point, ŚarṅgP
- ○bhāga (dví-), m. double portion or share TS.
- • a partic. sin L.
- • -dhaná n. double the goods or property AV.xii, 2, 35
- ○bhāta n. twilight
- • -tva n. HPariś.
- ○bhādra mfn. having 2 months called Bhādra, Rajat
- ○bhārya m. having 2 wives Kāty. Var.
- • ○ryâgni, ni. N. of wk
- ○bhāva dvai-bhāvyā
- ○bhuja mfn. '2-armed' Hcat.
- • n. an angle W.
- • -rāma-dhyāna n. N. of wk
- ○bhūma mfn. 2 floored' Pāṇ. 5-4, 75 Vārtt.
- ○bhauma mf(ī)n. id., Hcat'
- ○mantha mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 122 Kāś.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of 2 parts of (gen.), v, 2, 47 Kāś.
- ○mātṛ́ mfn. having 2 mothers (as fire produced by 2 rubbing sticks) RV.
- • -ja mfn. born from 2 mothers or in 2 ways W. (cf. dvaimātura)
- ○mātra mfn. doubly as great MānŚr. and Gṛ
- • containing 2 syllabic instants Prāt. (also ○trika, Siksh.)
- • (ā), f. sg. 2 syllabic instants RPrāt.
- ○mārga m. (cf. Gal.) ○gī f. (cf. Bharaṭ.) cross-way
- ○māṣya mfn. weighing or worth 2 Māshas Pāṇ. 5-1, 34
- ○mīḍha m. N. of a son of Hastin (Bṛihat) and grandson of Su-hotra Hariv. Pur.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. 2-mouthed, 2-faced Hcat. m. a kind of worm Suśr.
- • of snake L.
- • (ā), f. leech L.
- • a water-jar with two mouths L.
- • ○khâhi or ○khâraga m. a kind of serpent L.
- ○muni mfn. produced by 2 sages Pāṇ. 2-1, 19 Sch. (cf. tri.)
- ○musali (written also ○ṣali), ind. with 2 clubs, club against club (in fighting), g. dvidaṇḍy-ādi
- ○mūrdha mf(ī)n. 2-headed Pāṇ. 5-4, 115
- ○mūrdhan (dví-), mfn. id., vi, 2, 197
- • m. N. of an Asura AV. MBh. Hariv.
- ○yaja mfn. twice containing (the word) yaja
- • -tva n. ĀpŚr. Sch.
- ○yajus (dví-), f. a partic. brick ŚBr.
- ○yama '2 tones', circumflex TPrāt.
- ○yamunam ind. at the confluence of the 2 Jumnās Pāṇ. 2-1, 20 Kāś.
- ○yāmī f. 2 night-watches= 6 hours HPariś.
- ○yodha m. 'fighting with 2', N. of Kṛishṇa's charioteer (v. l ○dhin)
- • (ī), f. a kind of metre Col.
- ○ra m. = -repha L.
- ○rada mfn. 2-tusked L.
- • m. an elephant MBh. Kāv. &c
- • -pati m. a large elephant BhP.
- • -karâgra n. the tip of an elephant's trunk MW.
- • -rata m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- • ○dântaka m. 'destroyer of the elephant', lion L.
- • ○dârāti m. foe of the elephant, faced N. of the fabulous animal Śarabha L.
- • ○dâśana n. 'food of the elephant', Ficus Religiosa
- • ○dâsya m. elephant faced
- • N. of Gaṇêśa Bālar.
- ○rasana mfn. double tongued
- • m. snake L.
- ○rajá n. battle between 2 kings AV.
- ○rātrá mfn. lasting 2' days
- • m. a period or festival of that length AV. ŚrS.
- ○rātrīṇa mfn. to be accomplished in 2 nights, Laṭy
- ○rūpá mfn. biform, bicolour, twofold VS. TS. ŚBr. Daś.
• spelt or written in 2 ways
- • m. a word so spelt, variety of interpretation or reading W.
- • -kośa m. a dictionary of words written in 2 ways Cat.
- • -tā f. doubleness of form or expression L.
- ○retas (dví), mfn. (a male ass) doubly impregnating( sc. mare and she-ass) Br.
- • (a mare) doubly impregnated (sc. by horse and male ass) TāṇḍyaBr.
- • a kind of hermaphrodite Car.
- ○repha m. shaped like 2 r's or having 2 r's in its name (bhramara)?', a large black bee Var. Kāv. &c
- • -gaṇa-saṃkulā f. Rosa Glanulifera L.
- • -gaṇa-sammitā f. a kind of rose MW.
- • -caya m. (cf. Caurap.), -mālā f. (cf. Kum.), vṛnda n. (cf. MW.), a flight or swarm of bees
- ○lakṣa n. a distance of 200, 000 (sc. Yojanas) Kāv.
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. twofold, of 2 kinds Mn.
- ○laya m. (in music) double time (?) Vikr. iv, 35/36
- ○vaktrá mfn. 2-faced, 2-mouthed Suparṇ.
- • m. N. of a Danava Hariv.
- ○vacana n. the dual and its endings Pāṇ. 1-4, 102 &c
- • ○nânta m. a dual-termination MW.
- ○vacas n. = -vacana RPrāt.
- ○vajraka m. a 16-angled column Var.
- ○varṇa mfn. bicolour GṛS.
- • n. doubling of a consonant TPrāt.
- • -ratha m. N. of an ancestor of Śākya-muni L.
- ○varṣa mfn. 2 years old
- • (ā), f. a 2 years old cow L.
- ○varṣaka mf(ikā)n.,
- ○varṣiṇa mf(ā)n. = prec. mfn. L.
- ○vastra mfn. clothed with 2 garments MānGṛ.
- ○vācin mfn. expressing or denoting 2 (a dual suffix) Kāt.
- ○vārṣika mf(ī)n. 2 years old Pāṇ. 7-3, 16 Kāś. (cf. ūna- add.)
- ○vāhikā f. a swing or litter, J
- ○viṃśatikīna mfn. worth 2 X 20 L.
- ○vida m. N. of a monkey (slain by Vishṇu, or an ally of Rāma and son of the Aśvins) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • ○dâri m. 'Dvi-vida's foe', N'. of Vishṇu L.
- ○vidha mfn. two fold, of 2 kinds SāṅkhŚr. Mn. Suśr. &c
- • (ā), ind. in 2 parts or ways (vibhinna) R. vii, 54
- ○vivāhin mfn. allied with 2 by matrimony
- • hitā sapiṇḍī-karaṇa n. N. of ch. of PSarv.
- ○vista mfn. worth 2 Vistas Pāṇ. 5-1, 31
- ○vṛntāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to appear to have 2 stalks Viddh.
- ○vṛṣá mfn. having 2 bulls AV.
- ○veda mfn. familiar with 2 Vedas, iv, 1, 88 Sch.
- • -gaṅga m. N. of Sch. Cat.
- ○vedin mfn. = -veda Pāṇ. 4-1, 88 Sch.
- ○vesarā f. a kind of light carriage drawn by 2 mules L.
- ○vaistika mf(ī)n. = -vista Pāṇ. 5-1, 31
- ○vyāma mfn. 2 fathoms long KātyŚr.
- ○vyāyāma mfn. id. ApŚr.
- ○vraṇīya mfn. relating to the two fold wounds Suśr.
- ○vrata (dví.), mfn. eating twice a day TS.
- ○śata mf(ī)n. consisting of 200, containing 200 Mn. viii, 257
- • the 203th MBh.
- • (ī), f. 200 Āryabh.
- • n. 200 Pāṇ. 6-3, 47 Vārtt. ; 102 Nidānas.
- • -ka mfn. worth 200, bought for 200 Pāṇ. 5-1, 24 Sch.
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 200th Hariv.
- • ○tottara-sāhasra mf(ī)n. consisting of a 1200 Cat.
- • ○tikā f. an amount of 200 Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 ; 2, Kāś.
- • ○tya mfn. = -śataka Pāṇ. 5-1, 34 Vārtt.
- ○śapha mfn. cloven-hoofed
- • m. a cloven- hoofed animal Mn. Yājñ.
○śarīra m. '2-bodied', N. of Gaṇêśa L.
- ○śavas (dví.), mfn. having or granting twofold strength RV. ix, 104, 2
- ○śas ind. 2 by 2, in pairs, KatyŚr. Suśr.
- ○śākha mfn. 2 -branched, forked Kauś.
- • ○khaka mf(ikā)n. id. Gṛihyās., Comm'
- ○śāṇa
- ○śāḍṇika (cf. SārṅgS.), or mfn. worth 2 Saṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 36
- ○śāṇya mfn. worth 2 Saṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 36
- ○śāla mfn. containing 2 rooms Var.
- • n. a 2-roomed house MatsyaP.
- ○śikha mfn. two-pointed, forked BhP.
- ○śiras (cf. Pañc.) and mfn. 2-headed
- ○śiraḍska (cf. Var.), mfn. 2-headed
- ○śīrṣa and mfn. id. L.
- ○śīrḍṣaka mfn. id. L.
- • (○ṣaka), m. N. of Agni L.
- ○śukla mfn. doubly pure (sc. on father's and mother's side) R.
- • -vat mfn. id. R. (B.), Conim'
- ○śūrpa mfn. containing 2 Śūrpas or winnowing baskets Pāṇ. 5-1, 28 Sch.
- ○śūla mfn. 2-pronged, forked ŚrS. -śṛṅga mfn. having 2 horns or points KātySrS. Sch.
- ○śṛṅgikā f. a kind of plant L.
- ○śṛṅgin m. '2-horned', a kind of fish L.
- ○śaurpika mfn. = -śūrpa, Pān v, 1 20 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○śruti mfn. (in music) comprehending 2 intervals
- ○ṣaṃhita mfn. (for -saṃh○)twice folded Br.
- ○ṣaṇḍika m. (-khaṇḍ) a garment sheltering from wind and cold L.
- ○ṣaṃdhi mfn. (cf. -saṃdhi) composed of 2 parts AitBr. admitting a twofold Sandhi RPrāt.
- ○ṣaṣ mfn. pl. 2 X 6, 12 BhP.
- ○ṣaṣṭa mf(ī)n. the 62nd, ch. of MBh.
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 62 ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 49 and dvā-)
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 62nd, ch. of MBh. and R.
- • -vākya n. N. of wk
- ○ṣāṣṭika mf(ī)n. consisting of 62, worth 62 &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 57 ; vii, 3, 15 Kāś.
- ○ṣāhasra (dví-), mf(ī) n. consisting of 2000 TS. (cf. -sāh○)
- ○ṣū7kta mfn. having 2 Sûktas, SāṅkhBr'
- ○ṣṭha mfn. staying in 2 places Sūryas. AgP. (-tā f.)
- • ambiguous (words) Pat. Introd
- ○saṃvatsarīṇa mfn. accomplished in 2 years Pāṇ. 5-1, 87 Kāś.
- ○saṃstha or mfn. standing on 2 fields AgP.
- ○saṃḍsthita mfn. standing on 2 fields AgP.
- ○sattva-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○saṃdhi mfn. = -ṣaṃdhi Pāṇ. 8-3, 106 Kāś.
- ○saṃdhya mfn. having a morning and an evening twilight Suśr.
- ○saptata mf(ī)n. the 72nd, ch. of MBh.
- ○saptati f. 72 Mn. vii, 172 (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 49 and dvā.)
- • -tama mf(ī)n. the 72nd, ch. of MBh. and R.
- ○sapta-dhā ind. in (into) 14 parts BhP.
- ○saptan mfn. pl. 2x7, 14 RāmatUp.
- • ○pta-saṃkhyāka mfn. id. Pañcad.
- ○sama mfn. consisting of 2 equal portions
- • having 2 equal sides
- • -caturaśra or -tribhuja m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, alg
- ○samīna mfn. 2 years old, v, 1, 86 Sch.
- ○sahasra mfn. worth 2000 Pāṇ. 4-3, 156 ; v, 1, 29 Kāś.
- • n. 2000, vi, 3, 47 Vārtt. Pat. (cf. -ṣāh○ and -sāh○)
- • ○srâkṣa m. 'the 2000-eyed one', N. of the serpent-king Śesha Hariv.
- ○sāṃvatsarika mf(i)n. = -saṃvatsarīṇa Pāṇ. 5-1, 87 Kāś.
- ○sāptatika mf(ī)n. worth 72 Pāṇ. 7-3, 15 Kāś.
- ○sāhasra mf(ī)n. = -sahasra, KaltyŚr
- • n. 2000 MārkP.
- ○sītya mfn. twice ploughed L.
- ○suvarṇa or mfn. worth 2 Suvarṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 29 Vārtt. Pat.
- ○sauvarṇika mfn. worth 2 Suvarṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 29 Vārtt. Pat.
- ○súrya mfn. having 2 suns Kād.
- ○stanā (dví.) and f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs, ŚBr. KātyŚr. Comm. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 164)
- ○staḍnī f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs ŚBr. KātyŚr. Comm. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 164)
- ○sthūṇa m. (sc. daṇḍa) a partic. form of military array Kām.
- ○srakti mfn. 2-cornered
- • n. a vessel so shaped for making libations to the Aśvins ĀpŚr.
- ○sva-bhāva mfn. having a double nature or character MW.
- ○svara mfn. 2-syllabled TPrāt.
- ○han m. 'striking twice, i.e. with tusks and teeth', an elephant L.
- ○halya mfn. twice ploughed L. (cf. -sītya)
- ○havis mfn. connected with 2 oblations ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○hasta mf(ā)n. 2 hands long Hcat.
- ○hāyana mf(ī)n. 2 years old Mn.xi, 134
- • (ī), f. a 2-year old cow L.
- ○hiṃkāra m. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of both genders (i.e. of the masc. and the fem.), neuter
- • n. the neuter gender L.
- ○hūta-vat mfn. containing an invocation of 2 gods AitBr.
- ○hṛdayā f. 'double-hearted', pregnant Suśr.
- ○hotṛ (dví.), m. a double Hotṛi (Agni) TĀr.
- dvī7ḍa n. N. of a Sāman Kāṭh.
- dvindriya n. 2 organs of sense (-grāhya mfn. perceptible by 2 senses, sc. sight and touch Bhāshāp.)
- • mfn. having 2 senses (touch and taste) L.
- dvīpá &c., s.v
- dvirāvatīka mfn. (place) possessing 2 Irāvatīs Pat.
- dvy-aṃśa &c., p. 507. col. 3
- dviḥ in comp., under dvis, p. 507, col. 3
- dvika mfn. consisting of two, 2-fold, Lāṭy Suśr.
- • two VarBṛS. xiii, 3
- • happening the 2nd time Pāṇ. 5-2, 77 Kāś.
- • increased by 2 (e.g. ○kaṃ śatam 102, i.e. 2 per cent.) Mn. viii, 141
- ○pṛṣṭha m. the 2-humped camel L.
- dvi-já mfn. twice-born
- • m. a man of any one of the first 3 classes, any Āryan, (esp.) a Brāhman (re-born through investiture with the sacred thread cf. upa-nayana) AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- • a bird or any oviparous animal (appearing first as an egg) Mn. MBh. &c
- • a tooth (as growing twice)
- Suśr. Bhartṛ. Var. (n. BhP. ii, 1, 31)
- • coriander seed or Xantboxylum Alatum L.
- • (ā), f. Piper Aurantiacum Bhpr.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- • pālaṅkī L. (cf. -jā́ and -jati)
- ○kalpa-latā f. N. of wk
- ○kutsita m. 'despised by Brāhmans', Cordia Latifolia and Myxa L.
- ○ketu m. a kind of citron L.
- ○cchattra n. N. of a place Cat.
- ○jetṛ m. N. of a Brāhman ib.
- ○tva n. 'the being twice-born'
- • the condition or rank of a Brāhman or of any one of the first 3 classes Vishṇ. BhP. Rājat.
- ○dāsa m. 'slave of the twice-born', a Sūdra L.
- ○deva m. 'god among the twice-born', a Brāhman, a sage, Bhp
- • -deva m. 'god among Brāhman', a very pious or excellent Brāhman MW.
- ○nayana n. N. of wk
- ○niṣevita mfn. inhabited by birds MW.
- ○pati m. 'chief of twice-born', the moon (as produced first from Atri's eye and again from the ocean of milk) Hariv. 12491
- ○prapā f. 'watering-place for birds', a basin for water round the foot of a tree (-ālavāla) L.
- ○priya mfn. dear to a Brāhman (Aryan)
- • m. a kind of Khadira L.
- • (ā), the Somaplant L.
- ○bandhu m. 'a mere twice-born', a Brāhman &c. -only by name L. (cf. kṣatra-)
- ○bruva m. called or calling one's self (but not being) a Brāhman L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of BṭBrāhman, Cān,
- ○malla m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○mukhya m. 'first among the twice-born', a Brāhman MBh.
- ○rāja m.= -pati. Hcat.
- • the moon
- • N. of a Brāhman, Śrikaṇṭh
- • N. nf Garuḍa (king of birds) L.
- • of Ananta (serpent-king) L.
- • camphor L.
- • ○jódaya m. N. of wk
- ○ropaṇī f. a kind of pill Rasêndrac.
- ○rṣabha (○ja + ṛṣ○), m. 'bull (i. e. best) among the twice-born', a Brāhman MBh.
- ○rṣi (○ja + ṛṣī), m. a priestly sage (= brahma-rṣi) VP.
- ○liṅgin mfn. wearing the insignia of a Brāhman Mn. ix, 224
- • a Kshatriya L.
- • an impostor, a pretended Brāhman W.
- ○vara m. = -mukhya MBh.
- ○varya m. an excellent or superior Brāhman W.
- ○vāhana m. having a bird (Garuḍa) as vehicle', N. of Kṛishṇa Hariv.
- ○vraṇa m. gum-boil L.
- ○śapta m. 'cursed by Brāhmans', prohibited (on certain occasions), Dolichos Catjang L.
- ○śreṣṭha and m. = -mukhya MBh.
- ○sattama m. = -mukhya MBh.
- ○sevaka m. = -dāsa L.
- ○sevā f. service of the twice-born (by Śūdras) W.
- ○sneha m. 'favourite of Brāhmans', Butea Frondosa L.
- dvijâgrya m. = ○ja-mukhya Mn. iii, 35 &c
- • a chief or respectable Brāhman W.
- dvijâṅgikā or f. a kind of medicinal plant (= kaṭukā) L.
- dvijâḍṅgī f. a kind of medicinal plant (= kaṭukā) L.
- dvijâmbā f. N. of a princess L.
- dvijâlaya m. 'the residence of birds', the hollow trunk of a tree, l
- • the residence of Brāhmans W.
- dvijêndra m. = ○ja-mukhya MBh.
- • = ja-pati Inscr.
- • N. of Garuḍa Suparṇ.
- dvijênḍdvijêndraka m. = -jaketu L.
- dvijêśa m= ○ja-pati L.
dvijêśvara m. 'chief of twice-born', a Brāhman
- • the moon Kāvyâd. ii, 175
- • N. of Śiva L.
- dvijôttama m. = ○ja-mukhya Mn. Yājñ. MBh.
- dvijôpāsaka m. = ○ja-dāsa L.
- dvijāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or be born again as a Brāhman Hcat.
- dvijāyanī f. the thread worn over the shoulder and marking the first 3 or twice-born classes L.
- dvijī-√bhū to make one's self a Brāhman Vīrac.
- dvitá m. 'second', N. of an Āptya (s.v
- • cf. tritá) RV. VS. ŚBr.
- • (according to some he is the author of RV. ix, 103
- • to others, son of Atri and author of v, 18 Anukr.)
- ○vana m. N. of a man (cf. dvaitavana)
dvitaya mfn. consisting of two, twofold, double BhP. Pāṇ. 5-2, 42
- • pl. (e or ās, i, 1, 33 Kāś.) two, both (each thought of as a plurality, e.g. mountains and trees) Ragh.viii, 89
- • n. a pair or couple Yājñ. Kāv. Pur.
- dvitā́ ind. (cf. Nir. v, 3) doubly so, i.e. just so, by all means, indeed, certainly, especially (often in relat. clauses and connected with adha or aha) RV.
- dvitī́ya mf(ā)n. (fr. dvi Pāṇ. 5-2, 54
- • decl' i, 1, 36 Vārtt. 3 Pat., vii,. 3, 115) second RV. &c. &c
- • (am), ind. for the second time KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- • m. companion, fellow (friend or foe) ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • ifc. doubled or accompanied by, furnished with (cf. a-, chāyā-, dhanur- &c.)
- • the 2nd in a family (i.e. a son L.
- • cf. AitBr. vii, 29)
- • the 2nd letter of a Varga, i.e. the surd aspirate Prāt. Pāṇ. &c
- • (ā), f. female companion or friend Kāṭh. xcviii, 33
- • wife (a second self) L.
- • (sc. vibhakti) the 2nd case, the accusative or its terminations Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 &c
- • (sc. tithi) the 2nd day of a half-month Rātn. iv, 2/3
- • (dvítīya), mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 49) forming the 2nd part or half of anything, with bhāga m. half of (gen.) Mn. iv, 1 &c
- • n. the half (at the beginning or end of a comp.) Pāṇ. ib., ii, 2, 3 Kāś.
- ○kula-dhāraka m. a son (cf. above) Gal.
- ○cakravarti-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○dīdhiti-tīkā f. -prakāśa m. -rahasya n. ○ṇânugama m. N. of wks
- ○tantra n. N. of wk
- ○tā f. state of being second MW.
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○triphalā f. the 2nd set of 3 fruits (viz grape, date, and the fruit of Gnielina Arborea) L.
- ○tvá n. = -tā MaitrS.
- ○pragalbha-lakṣaṇa n. -ṇânugama m. N. of wks
- ○miśralakṣaṇa n. -prakāśa m. -vivecana n. ○ṇânugama m. N. of wks
- ○vat (○tī́ya-v○), mfn. having a second or companion, accompanied by (instr. ) ŚBr. MBh.
- ○vayas mfn. having arrived at the 2nd period of life L.
- ○svara n. N. of a Sāman
- ○svalakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- • -ṭīkā and -dīdhitiṭīkā f. -rahasya n. ○ṇânugama and ○nâloka m. N. of wks
- dvitīyâdi-vyutpatti-vāda m. N. of wk
- dvitīyâbhā f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza L.
- dvitīyaka mfn. second, the second AgP.
- • (dvít○) happening the 2nd time Pāṇ. 5-2, 77 Kāś.
- • recurring every other day (fever), 2, 81 Kāś.
- dvitīyā f. of ○tīya
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○candra m. the moon of the 2nd day of the halfmonth, the young moon Ratn. iv, 2/3
- ○tantra n. N. of wk
- ○"ṣrcana-kalpa-latā and f. N. of wks
- ○"ṣrcanacandrikā (yârc○), f. N. of wks
- dvitīyā ind
- ○√kṛ to plough the second time Pāṇ. 5-4, 58 Kāś.
- dvitīyika mfn. Pāṇ. 5-1, 48',
- dvitīḍyin mfn. standing in the 2nd place or rank ĀśvŚr.
- • receiving the half as portion or share Nyāyam. Comm.
- dvitīḍyūka mfn. second W.
- dvir in comp. for dvis below
- ○aṃsaka mfn. 2-shouldered L.
- ○anugāna n. N. of a Sāman, Ārsh Br.
- ○abhyasta mfn. twice repeated L.
- ○abhyāsâkūpara n. N. of a Sāman L.
- ○aśana n. eating twice a day L.
- ○āgamana n. twice coming', the ceremony of the second entrance of the bride into her husband', house after a visit to that of her father L.
- • -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○āpa m. '(?) drinking twice' (sc. with trunk and mouth), elephant L. (cf. dvi-pa)
- ○āmuṣyāyaṇa mfn. = dvy-ām○ Nār.
- ○āṣāḍha in.an intercalary Āshāḍha month Jyot.
- ○iḍa mfn. containing the word iḍā twice
- • (with pada-stobha, m.) N. of a Saman, TaṇḍyaBr
- ○ukta mfn. twice said, repeated, doubled, reduplicated VPrāt.
- • said or told in 2 ways W.
- • n. repetition Siddh.
- ○ukti f. repetition, tautology, telling anything in two or various ways W.
- • (Gr.) repetition of a syllable
- • twofold way of expression or of spelling a word
- • -kośa, N. of a dictionary
- • -prakriyā f. N. of ch. of the Madhya-siddhanta-kaumudī
- ○uccārita n. the repetition of a piece of music Mṛicch. iii, 5
- ○udātta mfn. doubly accented VPrāt.
- ○ūḍhā f. (a woman) twice married L.
- ○oṣṭhya mfn. containing 2 labials
- • -tva n. VPrāt. Comm.
- ○nagna mfn. doubly naked or defective (i.e. whose ancestors on both sides have during 3 generations omitted all Veda-study and kindling of the sacred fire) Gobh.
- ○bhāva m. doubling, reduplication Vop.
- • double-dealing, deceit Pañc. (B.) iii, 65
- ○vacana n. repetition, reduplication, Acf. Prāt. Pāṇ. &c
- ○vyūha mfn. appearing twofold MBh. 13603
- dviṣ in comp. for dvis below
- ○ṭamām and ind. (superl. and comp.) Pāṇ. 8-2, 27 Sch.
- ○ṭarām ind. (superl. and comp.) Pāṇ. 8-2, 27 Sch.
- dviṣ-pakva mfn. twice cooked, warmed up Gobh.
- dvís ind. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 18
- • viii,. 3, 43) twice RV. &c. dvir ahnaḥ, ahnā, or ahni, twice a day Pāṇ. 2-3, 64 Kāś. [Cf. Zd. bis
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. bis.]
- dviḥ-sama mfn. twice as large, Yājñ.
- dví-svara mfn. doubly accented Prāt.
- dvistāvā f. (fr. tāvat) twice as large (a Vedi) Pāṇ. 5-4, 84
- dviṣ cl. 2. P. Ā. dvéṣṭi, dviṣṭe (ep. also dviṣati, ○te ; Subj. dvéṣat AV. ; impf. advet, 3. pl. adviṣur- and "ṣṣan Pāṇ. 3-4, 112 ; pf. didveṣa ŚBr. ; aor. dvikṣat, ○ṣata (3. sg.) AV. ; fut. dvekṣyati, dveṣā Siddh. Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 ; inf. dveṣṭum MBh.
- • dvéṣṭos ŚBr.) to hate, show hatred against (acc. ; rarely dat. or gen.), be hostile or unfriendly RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to be a rival or a match for Kāvyâd. ii, 61: Pass. dviṣyate ; aor. adveṣi Gr.: Caus. dveṣayati Kāv.: Desid' didvikṣati, ○te Gr. ; Intens. dedviṣyate, dedveṣṭi or dedviṣīti Gr.
- dviṭ in comp. for 3. dviṣ
- ○sevā f. service of a foe, treachery W.
- ○sevin mfn. serving an enemy, traitor Mn. ix, 232
- dvíṣ (nom. dvíṭ), hostility, hatred, dislike
- • (also m.) foe, enemy RV. AV. &c
- • mfn. hostile, hating, disliking (ifc.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- dviṣa mfn. (ifc.) hostile, hating (cf. -tā and -tva)
- • hateful or unpleasant to Hariv.
- • m. foe, enemy L.
- ○tā f. (cf. MW.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Var.) hostility, hatred ( above)
- ○ṃ-tapa mfn. vexing an enemy, revenging, retaliating Pāṇ. 3-2, 39 ; vi, 3, 67 ; 4, 94
- dviṣát mfn. (p. Pres. of √1. dviṣ) hating or detesting, hostile, unfriendly, foe, enemy (with acc. or gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Vārtt. 5 Pat.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- dviṣáḍtī-tāpa mfn. harassing female foes L.
- dviṣṭa mfn. hated, disliked, odious, hostile Yājñ. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○tva n. odiousness Naish.
- dvéṣa m. hatred, dislike, repugnance, enmity to (comp.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (○ṣaṃ-√kṛ, to show enmity against (dat.) Pañc. iii, 160)
- ○parimuktā f. 'free from hatred', N. of a Gandharva maid Kāraṇḍ.
- ○parimocana m. a partic. Samādhi ib.
- ○stha mfn. betraying dislike or aversion Gīt.
- dveṣaṇa mfn. hating, disliking
- • foe, enemy MBh.
- • n. dislike or hatred against (gen. or comp.) Suśr. MBh.
- dveṣaṇīya mfn. = ○ṣya
- dvéṣas n. aversion, dislike, hostility
- • foe, enemy RV. AV. VS.
- dveṣo-yávana (cf. MaitrS.) and mfn. removing hostility
- dveṣo-yút (cf. RV.), mfn. removing hostility
- dveṣin mfn. hating, disliking, hostile, malignant against (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv. Suśr. Kāv. &c
- • m. foe, enemy, Śalrṅgp
- dveṣṭum and √2. dviṣ
- dveṣḍṭos √2. dviṣ
- dveṣṭṛ mfn. one who hates or dislikes (comp.), enemy, foe MBh. Hariv. Suśr.
- dvéṣya mfn. to be hated or disliked, odious, detestable
- • foe, enemy AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • n. nutmeg Gal.
- ○tā f. (cf. Pañc.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Bhpr.) odiousness, disfavour
- ○pāpaka mfn. detesting sin MBh. xii, 3168
- dviṣaṇḍika under dvi
- dviṣadā f. Polianthes Tuberosa L.
- dviṣā f. cardamoms L.
- dviṣṭa n. (for dvy-aṣṭa) copper L.
- dvīpá m. n. (fr. dvi + ap Pāṇ. 5-4, 74 ; vi, 3, 97) an island, peninsula, sandbank RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • a division of the terrestrial world (either 7 or 4 or 13 or 18 ; they are situated round the mountain Meru, and separated from each other by distinct concentric circumambient oceans
- • ayaṃ dviipaḥ = jambu-dv○ BhP. v, 16, 5 or = bhārata-dv○ VP. ii, 3, 7)
- • m. place of refuge, shelter, protection or protector MBh. Kāraṇḍ.
- • a tiger's skin L.
- • cubebs L. (cf. -sambhava)
- ○karpūraka or m. camphor from China L.
- ○karpūra-ja m. camphor from China L.
- ○kalpa f. peninsula L.
- ○kumāra m. (with Jainas) N. of a class of deities L.
- ○kharjurī f. a kind of date L.
- ○cchandira m. or n. N. of a place Cat.
- ○ja n. = -kharjurī L.
- ○rāja m. N. of a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- ○vat mfn. abounding in islands MBh.
- • m. the ocean L.
- • a river L.
- • (ī), f. a river Dharmaś.
- • the earth L.
○vyavasthā f. N. of wk
- ○śatru m. Asparagus Racemosus Car. (cf. ○pis○)
- ○śreṣṭha m. the best of islands MW.
- ○sambhava m. the largest sort of raisin, cubebs L.
- • Vernonia Anthelminthica L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of date L.
- dvīpântara-vacā f. Smilax China Bhpr.
- dvīpêśa m. lord of an island, viceroy, Pracaṇḍ
- dvīpi in comp. = ○pin
- ○karṇi m. 'tiger-eared', N. of a prince Kathās.
- ○nakha m. Unguis odoratus L.
- ○śatru m. Asparagus Racemosus (cf. dviipikā and next)
- dvīpikā f. Asparagos Racemosus Car. (cf. dviipaśatru and dviipya)
- dvīpin mfn. having islands or spots like islands L.
- • (ín), m. tiger, ounce or panther, leopard AV. Hariv. MBh. &c
- • (nī), f. the sea or a river Bālar. iii, 48
- • a kind of plant L.
- dvī́pya mfn. living on an island VS.
- • m. cubebs (cf. dviipa-sambhava) L.
- • a sort of crow L.
- • N. of Vyāsa (cf. dvaipāyana) L.
- • (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus (cf. dviipikā and dvilpi-śatru) L.
- dvṛ cl. 1.P. dvarati (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 36) to obstruct
- • to cover
- • to disregard
- • to appropriate
- dve-dhā́ ind. (fr. dvaya
- • cf. tre-dhā) in two parts or ways, twice Br. MBh. &c
- ○kāram ind. changing into two ĀśvŚr.
- ○kṛta mfn. broken in two Bālar. iv, 53
- ○kriyā f. breaking or splitting in two Mcar. ii, 33
- dve-dhī ind. in two, asunder
- • -kṛta AV.Pariś
- dve-sata mfn. 'in two places equal', having the same length above and below the navel (v. l. dvaya-. sṭsame) Lāṭy. i, 1, 7
- dveṣa &c. above
- dvai Vṛiddhi form for dvi in comp
- ○kulijika mf(ī) n. containing 2 Kulijas (kind of measure) L.
- ○gata mfn. (fr. dvi-gat) N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○guṇika mf(ī)n. (fr. dviguṇa) one who requires the double or cent per cent interest
- • m. usurer L.
- ○guṇya n. doubling or the double Mn. MBh. &c
- • duality W.
- • the possession of 2 out of the 3 qualities W.
- ○jāta mfn. (fr. dvi-jāti) belonging to the twice-born, consisting of them Mn. viii, 374
- ○ta dvaitá
- ○datti m. patr. fr. dvi-datta Pāṇ. 4-1, 88 Sch. (wṛ. daivadatti)
- ○dha dvaidha
- ○pakṣa and n. 2 factions or parties MBh.
- ○pakḍṣya n. 2 factions or parties MBh.
- ○pada m. a combination or compound of 2 words RPrāt. (-śas ind. ib. Sch.) ; 2 Pādas Vait.
- • mfn. relating to a stanza consisting of 2 Pādas SāṅkhBr.
- ○padika mf(ī)n. familiar with the Dvi-padā, g. uktlsâdi
- ○parāka m. (fr. dvi-p○) N. of a Tri-rātra SāṅkhŚr.
- ○pārāyaṇika mf(ī)n. one who performs the Pārāyaṇa twice Pāṇ. 5-1, 20 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○bhāvya n. double nature
- • division or separation into two, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- ○matya m. patron. (also pl.) Prav.
- ○mātura mf(ī)n. (fr. dvi-mātṛ Pāṇ. 4-1, 115) having 2 mothers (with bhrātṛ m. step-brother) Kathās. Rājat.
- • m. N. of Gaṇêśa L.
- • of Tarasaṃdha L.
- ○mātṛka mf(ī)n. nourished by (2 mothers, i.e. by) rain and rivers (as a country, cf. deva-ṃ○ and nadī-m○) L.
- ○māsya mfn. (fr. dvi-nāsa) lasting 2 months Gaut. -mitri mfn. (fr. dvi-mitra) born of 2 friends L.
- ○yogya n. (fr. dvi-yoga) a combination or connection with two Pāṇ. 5-1, 30 Vārtt. 1
- ○ratha n. (yuddha) 'chariotduel', a single combat in chariots, any single combat MBh. Hariv. R.
- • mf(ī)n. relating to any single combat in chariots, ch. of R.
- • m. an adversary MBh. BhP.
- ○rājya n. a dominion divided between 2 princes Mālav. v, 12/13 Rājat.
- • the boundaries of 2 states, a frontier Naish. viii, 59
- ○rātrika mf(ī)n. of or belonging to a period of 2 nights Pāṇ. 5-1, 87 Kāś.
- ○rūpya n. duplicity of form, double appearance or nature BhP.
- ○liṅgya n. duplicity of sex Sch.
- ○vacana mf(ī)n. relating to the dual ĀśvŚr.
- ○varṣika mf(ī)n. biennial, happening after 2 years W. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 16)
- ○vidhya n. twofold state or nature or character, duplicity, variance MBh. Suśr. &c
- ○śāṇa mf(ī)n. worth 2 Sāṇas
- ○saṃdhya n. morning and evening twilight Kāv.
- ○samika mf(ī)n. 2 years old Pāṇ. 7-3, 15 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- ○hāyana n. a period or the age of 2 years L.
- dvaitá n. (fr. 1. dvi-tā) duality, duplicity, dualism (cf. -vāda), doubt
- ŚBr. Kap. Prab. BhP. &c
- ○nirṇaya m. (-ṭīhā and phakkikā f. -śivapūjā-saṃgraha and -siddhânta-saṃgraha, m.),
- ○páriśiṣṭa and n. N. of philos. wks
- ○bhūṣaṇa n. N. of philos. wks
- ○bhṛta m. pl. N. of a philos. school Cat.
- ○vāda m. dualism Cat.
- ○vādin m. 'dualist', assertor of dualism (a philosopher who asserts the 2 principles or the existence of the human soul as separate from the Supreme Being) L. (cf. a-dv○)
- ○viveka m. N. of wk
- ○vaitathyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upan
- ○siddhânta-saṃgraha m
- ○siddhi f. N. of wks
- dvaitâdvaitamārga m. the path of dualism and non-dualism
- • -paribhraṣṭa mfn. having missed it Prab. ii, 5/6
- dvaítavaná m. (fr. dvita-vana) patr. of the king Dhvasan ŚBr.
- • (dvait○), mfn. belonging or relating to Dhvasan Dvaitavana ŚBr. MBh.
- • n. (with or sc. vana) N. of a forest MBh. iii, 453 &c. Kir. i, 1
- dvaitin m.= dvaita-vādin Saṃk.
- dvaitīyaka mf(ī)n. recurring every second day (fever
- • cf. dvitīyaka) L.
- dvaiḍtīyīka mf(ī) n. the second (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 7 Vārtt. -1 Pat.)
- • -tā f. Naish. ii, 110
- dvaidha mf(ī)n. (fr. dvi-dhā́) twofold, double Pāṇ. 5-3, 45 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (cf. a-)
- • n. a twofold form or state, duality, duplicity, division, separation into two parts, contest, dispute, doubt, uncertainty Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. &c.
- • double resource, secondary array or reserve Mn. vii, 161, 167
- • (am), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 45) into two portions, in two parts or ways, doubly AitBr. KātyŚr. Hariv.
- ○ṃ-kāram ind. = dvidhā-k○ Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 Sch.
- ○sūtra n. N. of ch. xxii-xxv of Baudh.
- dvaidhī in comp. for ○dha
- ○karaṇa n. making into two, separating Dhātup. W.
- ○kṛta mfn. separated, made twofold W.
- • brought into a dilemma MW.
- ○bhāva m. duality, double nature MBh.
- • dilemma, doubt, uncertainty ib.
- • double-dealing, falsehood, deceit Yājñ. Pañc. Kām.
- • separation (esp. of an army, one of the six kinds of royal policy) Mn. vii, 160
- • exciting dissension or causing the separation of allies W.
- ○√bhū to become separated or divided into two parts, to be disunited MBh. Hariv. Kāv.
- • -bhūta mfn. separated, disunited MBh.
- dvaidhya n. duplicity, falsehood Kām.
- • diversity, variance, discrepancy MW.
- dvaipa mf(ī)n. (fr. dviipá) being or living or happening on an island, an islander Śiś. Sch.
- • g. kacchâdi
- • (fr. dviipin) belonging to a tiger or panther Suśr.
- • m. (with or scil. ratha) a car covered with a tiger's skin Pāṇ. 4-2, 12 L.
- dvaipaka mf(ī)n. living on an island, an islander Pāṇ. 4-2, 127 ; 133 &c
- dvaipāyana m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 99) 'island-born', N. of Vyāsa (author or compiler of the Vedas and Purāṇas, the place of his nativity being a small island in the Ganges) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • mf(ī)n. relating to Dvaipāyana MBh.
- dvaipya mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 10
- • 1, 16 Pat.) of or belonging to an island, islander Śiś. iii, 76
- ○bhaimāyana m. pl. N. of a tribe belonging to the Andhaka-Vṛishṇis Pāṇ. 6-2, 34 Sch.
- dvaiyahakālya n. abstr. fr. dvyaha-kāla Jaim.
- dvaíyahnika mf(ī)n. (fr. dvyahan) of or belonging to 2 days Pāṇ. 5-1, 87 Kāś.
- dvaiyāhāvaka mf(ī)n. fr. dvy-āhāva L.
- dvaiṣaṇīyā f. a sort of betel pepper L. (cf. dneṣaṇīya, dveṣya)
- dvy in comp. before vowels for dvi p. 504
- ○aṃśa m. sg. 2 shares Mn.
- • (ī), f. id. Gaut.
- • mfn. having 2 shares or parts Jyot.
- ○akṣa mf(ī)n. 2-eyed MBh.
- • m. pt. N. of a people ib.
- ○âkṣara n. sg. 2 syllables TS.
- • mf(ā)n. 2-syllabled ŚBr. (akṣará TS.)
- • n. a 2-syllabled word ib. &c
- • N. of a Śāman
- • nāma-mālā f. N. of a dictionary
- ○agni mfn. twice containing the word agni AitBr.
- ○agra mf(ā)n. 2-pointed, ending in 2 extremities MW.
- ○aṅga wṛ. for try-aṅga MBh. ix, 1388 (B. vyaṅga)
- ○aṅgulá n. 2 fingers' breadth ŚBr. (○laukarṣam, ○lenâtk○, or ○lâtk○, in such intervals Pāṇ. 7-4, 51 Kāś.)
- • mfn. 2 fingers broad
- • -śṛṅga mfn. having horns of 2 fingers' breadth (said to denote the age of a horned animal) Pāṇ. 6-2, 115 Kāś.
- ○añjala n. 2 handfuls Pāṇ. 5-4, 102
- ○aṇuka n. a combination of 2 atoms (the first step in the formation of substances when they become perceptible) Śaṃk.
- • ○kīya Nom. P. ○yati, to become twice as thin Alaṃkāraś.
- • ○kôdara mf(ī)n. having a very thin body Naish. iv, 3
- ○adhika mf(ā)n. 2 more Mn. Gaut.
- ○anīká mf(ā́)n. forming 2 rows TS.
- ○antara mf(ā) n. separated by 2 intermediate links Gaut.
- ○anya mf(ā)n. accompanied &c. by 2 others
- • n. the 2 others collectively W.
- ○abhiyoga m. a twofold accusation Nār.
- ○artha mf(ā)n. having 2 senses, ambiguous, equivocal Sāh.
- • having 2 objects W.
- • n. double meaning, double entendre W.
- • -kośa m. N. of a dictionary of ambiguous words
- ○ardha mfn. 1 1/2 Sūryap.
- ○aśīta mf(ī)n. the 82nd (chs. of MBh.)
- ○aśīti f. 82 Pāṇ. 6-3, 47
- • -tama mfn. the 82nd (chs. of MBh.)
- ○aṣṭa n. (fr. aṣṭan?) copper L. (cf. 2. dviṣṭa)
- ○aṣṭa-sahasra or n. 16000 BhP.
- ○sāhasra n. 16000 BhP.
- ○ahá m. a period of 2 days ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- • (am), ind. during 2 days Gaut.
- • (e and āt), ind. after 2 days Suśr. Pāṇ. 2-3, 7 Kāś.
- • mfn. lasting 2 days
- • m. such a festival or ceremony ŚBr. ŚrS.
- • -kāla m. (ā)n. falling on 2 days Jaim. Comm.
- • -vritta mfn. happened 2 days ago. Pāṇ. 3-2, 115 Pat.
- • -tarṣaṃ or ○haṃ t○ ind. having caused any one to be thirsty for 2 days, 4, 57 Kāś.
- • ○hâtyāsam or ○ham atyāsam n. ind. always overleaping 2 days, every 3rd day ib.
- ○ahan (only loc. ○hni), 2 days Vop.
- ○ahīna mfn. to be accomplished in 2 days
- • -tva n. Lāṭy.
- ○ākṣāyaṇa m. g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- ○ācita mf(ā) n
- ○āciḍtika mf(ī)n., ○tīna mf(ī)n. containing 2 waggon-loads Pāṇ. 5-1, 54 Sch.
- ○āḍhaka mf(ā)n.,
- ○āḍhaḍkika mf(ī)n., ○kīna mf(ā)n. containing 2 Āḍhaka-measures ib.
- ○ātmaka mfn. 'double-natured'
- • m. pl. the signs of the zodiac Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces Jyot.
- ○ādhāna n. the placing or kindling of the sacred fire by 2 persons Jaim.
- ○āmuṣyāyaṇa
- ○āmuṣyāyaḍṇaka m. descended from 2 persons, being the Āmushyāyaṇa (s.v.) to 2 people Nār. MārkP.
- • a boy who remains heir to his father though adopted by another W.
- ○āmnāta mfn. twice mentioned Jaim.
- ○āyuṣa n. a double life, 2 lives Pāṇ. 5-4, 77
- ○ārṣeya mfn. having 2 holy ancestors L.
- ○āśraya-kośa-vṛtti f. N. of wk
- ○āsyá mfn. two-mouthed AV.
- ○āhāva mfn. having 2 watering-places, g. dhūmâdi
- ○āhika mf(ī)n. recurring every other day (fever) AgP.
- ○uktha mfn. reciting 2 Ukthas (s.v.) AitBr.
- ○udātta mfn. doubly accented
- • n. a doubly accented word L.
- ○udāsa mfn. having 2 elevations of sound or accent TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○úraṇa mf(ā)n. having 2 lambs ŚBr.
- ○ṛca m. a strophe consisting of 2 verses RPrāt. ĀśvŚr.
- ○ekântara mfn. separated by two or by one (degree) Mn. x, 7
- ○oga (for dvi-yoga), mfn. (carriage) drawn by 2 pairs TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○opaśa mf(ā)n. having 2 appendages ib.