{{Information |Description=2010 Budget Deficit vs. Debt increases |Source=Created by Author from Govt Data in 2010 budget & CBO historical data |Date=March...
with other Obama tax cuts in 2009 and 2010. If these tax cuts are extended and spending continued, the budget deficit is considerably higher, by 3.5% GDP...
user names refer to en.wikipedia. English U.S. Total Deficits vs. National Debt Increases 2001-2010 Armenian 2001–2016 թվականների դեֆիցիտի և պարտքի աճ...
description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia. English U.S. Total Deficits vs. National Debt Increases between 2001 and 2016...
recovered, both expense and revenue returned to approximately their historical averages as % GDP by 2014. The U.S. has run budget deficits in each year since...
Eurostat-Euro area and EU 27 government deficit and debt statistics-22 April 2013 Eurostat News Release-Euro indicators-23 April 2012 Eurostat-Selected...
may select the license of your choice. Eurostat-Euro area and EU 27 government deficit and debt statistics-22 April 2013 Eurostat News Release-Euro indicators-23...
and had an under competitive economy, hence a budget deficit crisis. Corruption in the state run businesses sector (like with major rubbish dumps and...
com/news/2010-03-24/egypt-projects-budget-deficit-of-7-9-next-year-update1-.html Bartyzel, Dorota (2010-04-22). "Polish 2009 Budget Deficit Widens, 2009...