December 2017 and 2017 Lunar Calendar 964 576 110 122 1880 889 July 2018 lunar eclipse on 27 July 2018 Commons calendar: Category:2018-07-27: links for moon...
<- Jump to December 2018 and the 2018 Lunar Calendar 16 21 195 153 1876 887 January 2019 38 422 101 117 1876 887 January 2019 lunar eclipse on 21 January...
Jump to January 2018 and the next -> Lunar Calendar in 2018 22 223 57 716 2180 1024 <- Jump to December 2016 and 2016 Lunar Calendar English author name...
DescriptionCalendario Lunar 2018.png Español: CALENDARIO LUNAR ANUAL 2018 . Las 4 fases lunares en todo el año 2018 y para observadores del hemisferio...
MOON. Quote: On the twenty-sixth day of the seventh month of the old lunar calendar, which falls ordinarily on some day late in August or early in September...
these months follow the old lunar calendar and are therefore some weeks later than the corresponding months of the solar calendar. All the cards are not of...