org/wikipedia/commons/wiki/File:Akita_Prefecture_cities_and_towns.png, but doesn't include "city", "village", or "town" in place names. English author...
:八郎潟町 21:井川町 22:大潟村 23:美郷町 24:羽後町 25:東成瀬村 Orange areas show cities. Green areas show towns. Purple areas show villages. Light lines show borders of municipalities...
4:大雄村 65:稲川町 66:雄勝町 67:羽後町 68:東成瀬村 69:皆瀬村 Orange areas show cities. Green areas show towns. Purple areas show villages. Light lines show borders of municipalities...
File:Gojome_in_Akita_Prefecture_Ja.svg. This map was formed by cropping the original, taking a small portion of it, removing some border lines, and redoing the...