DescriptionAncientGreekDialects (Woodard) fr.svg Français : Carte des dialectes du grec ancien en Grèce et Anatolie d'après Woodward 2008, avec les textes...
English Spanish Geographical distribution of the dialects of ancient Greek author name string: Fut.Perf. Wikimedia username: Future Perfect at Sunrise...
This file has been superseded by AncientGreekDialects (Woodard) fr.svg. It is recommended to use the other file. Please note that deleting superseded...
This file has been superseded by AncientGreekDialects (Woodard) en.svg. It is recommended to use the other file. Please note that deleting superseded...
DescriptionAncient greek dialects (-400)-fr.svg Français : Dialectes parlés en Grèce antique vers 400 av. J.-C.. Date 7 March 2014, 13:04:05 Source File:Ancient...
versions [edit] Based on: Roger D. Woodard, "Greek dialects", in The Ancient Languages of Europe, ed. Roger D. Woodard, Cambridge: Cambridge University...
especially File:AncientGreekDialects.svg (derivative work) Other versions [edit] Based on: Roger D. Woodard, "Greek dialects", in The Ancient Languages of...
5 June 2014, 16:27:29 Source Ancient greek dialects (-400)-fr.svg: Savant-fou Author Ancient greek dialects (-400)-fr.svg: Savant-fou derivative work:...