DescriptionAndriy Zhovanyk.jpg Українська: Андрій Євгенович Жованик («Татарин») (8 вересня 1975, Київ — 2 серпня 2022, м. Соледар Донецької обл.) — український...
DescriptionAndriy Zhovanyk memorial.jpg Українська: Біля меморіальної дошки Андрію Жованику в Києві: Олексій Обухов (бойовий побратим А. Жованика), Роман...
DescriptionKholodny yar Memorial.jpg Українська: Меморіал добровольцям, які загинули в боротьбі за Українську державу, – командирові “Карпатської Січі”...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...
the warriors was wounded. Andriy Zhovanyk tried to take him to a shelter and was fatally wounded himself. Junior Sergeant Andriy Kotsyk. As part of an assault...