04:12 East718 2524×3256× (125757 bytes) The [[Blood telegram]], authored April 6, 1971 by [[Archer K. Blood]]. Converted from the copy in George Washington...
three hundred thousand Chinese civilians slaughtered, many cases (in) cold blood. Robbery, rape, including children (of) tender years, an insensate brutality...
three hundred thousand Chinese civilians slaughtered, many cases (in) cold blood. Robbery, rape, including children (of) tender years, an insensate brutality...
amend I k mostly a tept city, but hundreds of .15 2 sent the following telegram to tho recognize the federation of various Portage la Prairie, Sept. 28...
who in political and, aoclhi JljCc,. will aiao Stanley,. Machim. London. Png., t h*> UeivRs*d ,to lb* milUaJi.4. Wseni • in -RavaL Sat, in -any event...
starving men could obtain from the fevi- poor and scattc^red settlements f^j^png the way, enough of food to keep them alive, a to his corps, Warr'^i^*^^^...
Governor of Shansi A slap in the face for England and America An alarming telegram Imperial decree satisfactory as far as it went, in Sir Claude MacDonald's...
Expressed Agreement For Release of Foreign Captives Will Be Reached Soon; Telegrams to Peking Said Negotiations Might Be Broken Off> Leo Rogers, it was announced...
Hill there, had been an informal conference last night fill the prisoner» pngMetad | .urgent*. It 1* tmdy a matter for* the Canadian Par- crats for hearings...
March 26.—A heroin adlct. like the user of-jmy of ___ <« "«mtinued frvm png» 1.1______ sent the Government. Joint charge of first degree murder thé narcotic...