{{Information |Description = CBO Historical Trends in Revenue and Outlays |Source = [http://www.cbo.gov/doc.cfm?index=12130 CBO Analysis of the President's...
DescriptionTotal Revenues and Outlays as Percent GDP 2013.png English: Total revenues and outlays as a percent of GDP, from "The Budget and Economic Outlook:...
DescriptionTotal Revenues and Outlays as Percent GDP 2016.png English: Total United States revenues and outlays as a percentage of GDP from 1966 to 2016...
DescriptionTotal Revenues and Outlays as Percent GDP 2014.png English: Total United States revenues and outlays as a percentage of GDP from 1965 to 2014...
DescriptionTotal Revenues and Outlays as Percent GDP 2023.png English: Total revenues and outlays as a percent of GDP, from "The Budget and Economic Outlook:...
DescriptionTotal Revenues and Outlays as Percent GDP 2017.png English: Total revenues and outlays as a percent of GDP, from "The Budget and Economic Outlook:...
is the present value of revenues plus the OASDI trust fund balance at the beginning of 2010, minus the present value of outlays from 2010 to 2084, minus...