English This is the flag of the Kyrgyz Republic (commonly known as ''Kyrgyzstan''), made in CGI. Hindi यह किर्गिज़ गणराज्य (आमतौर पर ''किर्गिस्तान'' के...
English This is the flag of the Russian Federation, made in CGI. Hindi यह सीजीआई में बना रूसी संघ का झंडा है। German Dies ist die Flagge der Russischen...
English This is the flag of the Luhansk People's Republic, made in CGI. German Dies ist die Flagge der Volksrepublik Luhansk, erstellt in CGI. Hindi यह सीजीआई...
English This is the flag of the Republic of Belarus (formerly called ''Byelorussia''), made in CGI. German Dies ist die Flagge der Republik Weißrussland...